
8 Reviews
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1917 (2019)
Great cinematography, weak plot
12 January 2020
Underwhelming. The "single shot" might be technically brilliant but it's distracting and didn't really work for me. The plot and characters are weak - barely believable at times. It's an "ok" film but don't believe the hype.
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Denzel does rain man
31 December 2019
An ok hangover film. You could fall asleep for an hour and not miss much. No explosions or gunfights and Denzel does a decent job (although the plot is slow and unbelievable). A film to have on in the background whilst you doze on the sofa or scroll through your phone.
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Joker (I) (2019)
Surprisingly good
4 October 2019
I'm a massive Nolan/Heath/Bale fan and was in two minds about going to see this (especially after the suicide squad version of the joker). But I was pleasantly surprised. I went in wanting to hate it, but by the end credits I was almost punching the air. If your after an emotional response - you'll find it here. Pacing does lag a little in the middle, but picks up nicely towards the end. Didn't spoil my enjoyment. Critics seem to be split - but I think the negative reviewers are getting caught up in the "noise" around this film. Judge it as a film - not a social commentary.
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Chernobyl (2019)
Reality check
31 May 2019
Felt compelled to write a review after seeing all the fuss about it being the "highest rated tv show". First point - the source material. It's not original so cannot be compared to original works like breaking bad, soprano's, the wire etc. It's a retelling of historical events. Hardly a creative masterpiece. Think about it people. Second point - it's five episodes. Sustain it for 5 seasons and we'll talk about "best tv show ever". Third - Yes, the accents. Seriously? And people rave about it being authentic. Fourth - being 5 episodes, character development takes a hit. Can't say I was emotionally attached to any character. I should have been (given the severity of what was going on) but yet I wasn't. Biggest "feels" were for the old lady in the barn when her cow got shot.

As a mini-series, it's fine. A good watch, nicely shot if a little slow-paced. But don't fall for the hype. For the people rating it 10/10 - have a word with yourselves please.
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Dead to Me (2019–2022)
Dark comedy
5 May 2019
Even though you know where the plot is going, it doesn't really matter. Well written, fantastically dark and with characters you actually invest in. Really enjoyed it.
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The Punisher (2017–2019)
Season 2 - Disappointing
20 January 2019
Season 1 was truly great. And I was literally counting down the days to season 2. Season 2 just doesn't work. Too many "feelings" and not enough testosterone. Amy could have been a worthwhile addition but was under-utilised. Billy Russo is just awful now. Crying, head-scratching, face rubbing schtick. Based only on series 2 I would have given it 3 stars.
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Truly awful
5 January 2019
I don't mind a "slow burn", but this is just tedious. Could have been done so much better given the decent source material.

Painfully slow. Not a single character that I was remotely interested in or cared about. It's actually rare to find a film or series that you actually dislike every single character. But not in a good way (as in feeling some emotional response). Just more of a "please **** off" kind of reaction.

No suspense or tension.

A complete and utter waste of time. Avoid like the plague.
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24 March 2014
I came into this movie with low expectations. I'm a massive fan of the F&F franchise and have no issues with nonsense dialogue and thin plot - as long as it's entertaining i'm easy to please.

But boy, this is another level.

Characters - I could not care less about any of them if I tried. The English woman was just awful. Truly, awful. Kid Cudi was just painfully unfunny. Lead character (Aaron Paul) wasn't any better. Definitely not leading man material. Should stick to "geeky best friend" roles.

Script - Just unfunny and so cheesy. Switched constantly from "emotional" scenes (that just don't work) to action scenes (that are all a bit stale and have been done before). Kid Cudi randomly managing to get hold of all manner of air transport as if picking up a newspaper is just lame. Having to refuel "on the go" as they were pushed for time - but then spending the next 10 minutes drifting round a small town to scare the English girl, makes no sense.

And the killer for me - the cars. Being a car movie, you expect the cars to steal the show but we are treated to some American muscle that has been seen before. The Shelby mustang just came over as a massive ad for Ford motor co. And the sound of them was just terrible. I expected turbo whistle, the crackle of anti-lag, screaming engines and the throb of V8's. Didn't get it. All the cars sounded fake. Not once did anything rev over 5k. Plenty of tire squeal though if that's your thing.

Left me cold.

Any of the F&F movies does this so much better. Even the bad ones ;)
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