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Review: A bit long, but please read - You'll find it useful!
11 July 2007
Warning: Spoilers
For starters, this movie blew me away because it was unlike any other Harry Potter film ever created. It was taken to a completely new (and impressive) level of darkness, drama, suspense, and even the acting didn't seem so "rehearsed" but indeed had a smooth flow throughout the entire script. And there's another point, the film was not based on dialogue, but more so on flashy camera angles which range from pictures and waves coming from Harry's mind and also used to narrate the story without using words. (Which cuts what I thought would be a potential extra HOUR of film) The epic saga of Harry Potter picks up right where it left off at Goblet of Fire, immediately following Cedric Diggory's death, and the return of Lord Voldemort. Miserable at Privet Drive, Harry (Daniel Radcliffe) finds himself in a tight spot when he misuses underage magic privileges in front of evil cousin Dudley in their muggle hometown against of a pair of rogue dementors. He then finds himself facing an inquiry at the hands of Minister of Magic, Fudge whose main issue with Harry and his so-called "act of self-defense" is more rooted to the fact that he refuses to believe that Lord Voldemort is back. He puts his power as Minister to good use to have the "Daily Prophet" publish stories that DENY DENY DENY the return of Lord Voldemort and of course make Harry and Dumbledore (Michael Gambon) out to be crack-pots.

A secret society, The Order of the Phoenix including main characters like Sirius Black (Gary Oldman), Arthur Weasley, Aurors: Mad-Eye Moody, Tonks, Kingsley, and many others have started to conduct meetings once again to come up with a plan of action against Voldemort's uprise. Although not seen or mentioned much in the film, it can be assumed that the Order's meetings continue and it is also assumed that morale is low.

Back at Hogwarts, the morale here is also less than satisfactory. Many of Harry's classmates are readers of The Daily Prophet and begin to believe the lies it beholds. Harry finds himself, even with best friends Ron and Hermione (played by Rupert Grint and Emma Watson, respectively) beside him, completely alone. He's changing and he doesn't know why, or has completely understood his connection with Voldemort.

Dolores Umbridge (played masterfully by Imelda Staunton) is sent by the Ministry to keep an eye on Hogwarts, and ends up being quite the nightmare. As she first names herself High Inquisitor she begins to issue rules that even Dumbledore cannot override, and eventually takes over the school. The performance given by Staunton is superb and truly grasps that deliciously evil disciplinary figure masked by a too-perky, too-pink nightmare.

The film introduces some new characters and revives older ones that we deemed "unimportant" up until now. Examples include Neville Longbottom (Matthew Lewis), that we now find is someone with a purpose and a past that even Harry can relate to. Also, Ginny Weasley (Bonnie Wright) steps up to the plate as a powerful witch who I would not want to get in a fist fight with. New to the long list of Hogwarts students is Luna Lovegood (perfectly captured by the real-life eccentric Evanna Lynch) who proves herself to be a good friend to Harry because of their similarities. She is of course, spacey, airy, and keeps on losing her shoes to forces not even I can explain, but is useful and provides Harry with SOMEONE he can actually relate to. Together along with the Weasley twins, and other students, they form whats called: Dumbledore's Army where Harry teaches his fellow students important spells that can defend them against dark forces, to Umbridge's utmost dismay.

And whilst all this is going on, Harry still manages to squeeze in his very first kiss! - not the most exciting moment of the film in my opinion. As an avid reader, I could see how this movie was a good "sum-up" of the fifth book. However, it did seem to jump around and while desperately trying to keep its traditional fluffy and fun moments of magic and excitement, I wondered why they were even there in the first place when the feel of this installment is the opposite: dark and gloomy. Impressive performances combined with dramatic lighting and music really does make a good film in this case. There is a fine line between the first four "kid-films" and this new adult drama that is sweeping over the silver screen. David Yates's vision for in my own terms: "a real movie" has clearly been defined with this film. Let the magic continue as the 6th installment begins production of September this year. I enjoyed this, but go ahead, get on your broomstick and fly your way over to your nearest theatre, sit in on a meeting with the Order of the Phoenix, and decide for yourself!
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The Notebook (2004)
I loved this movie
18 June 2005
Warning: Spoilers
I predicted every portion of this movie before I saw it. except for the whole Alzheimer's situation, that is. But i figured that there was some sort of reason that "Allie" didn't realize the story was about them. I thought the cast was great. Rachel McAdams and Ryan Gosling had amazing chemistry. I cried so hard during the film, and more so afterwards for a good half hour. This is a pretty typical movie. The previews give the whole movie away, but it is worth a watch. I really think that it was a great love story. If you're sensitive, or even if you're not, you should see this film. I'm not really sensitive, nor do I cry during movies, but this one was a tearjerker!
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29 May 2005
Warning: Spoilers
Wow, I really liked this film! I mean, it was a good one. It was so educational, and historical. Don't worry, it wasn't like a documentary, but it was extremely interesting. I was in awe when I saw how each clue led to another clue. Who would have thought that all of the information found in the sequence that the team did in the movie actually led to an almighty treasure? I really liked this film, and I think that if you want an action-packed, but not a typical, stupid, action-packed film, and an interesting, educational, mind-boggling film, this one is it! I am very happy I saw this film. And also, I haven't seen a good film with Nicholas Cage in it for a long time, ever since Face-Off in fact. Another good one, by the way.
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I love this show.
16 May 2005
I absolutely love this show. It's so real, and so easy to relate to, it's a great show for teens. The acting is sometimes less than impressive, but the story compensates for it. It's a great show, and I haven't missed one episode yet. Yes, they do deal with frank discussions of rape and school shootings, but this happens sometimes. It's important to be informed in an entertaining way. It also gets your minds off of those other typical shows out there. Like the O.C. for example, is such a typical show. Degrassi gives you what you expect in a realistic way.This is truly a great show, and everyone should get the chance to watch it sometime. I only wish I was around when the original Degrassi's were being made, because I'm sure I would have loved them as well.
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Thirteen (2003)
Very Good
13 May 2005
I saw this movie and was somewhat shocked and somewhat expecting everything I got. It was a very nice portrayal of teens gone bad, and it really does show what life is like out there. I'm a teen myself and I see stuff like this happen all the time, and I liked that they took a chance and incorporated all of the sex/drugs/drinking/violence that they did, it really made it a great film. And no, I don't think it gives people the wrong idea, because this is just a portrayal of a few teens gone wrong, and not everyone is like that, but for what it was, it can show you that teenage life is brutal, and how teenagers cope with that, and the risks they take to do so.
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17 April 2005
Although the acting and plot line of this remake of the original were good, it lacked any true facts to the original Amityville Horror House and its story. The only aspect that was correct was the name of the families: Defeo and Lutz, and what happened to the Defeos. Unfortunately, I'm sure the producers and director thought that tweaking the story to make it more gory and stupid was a great idea. Other than my disappointment of them not sticking to the true story, it had its moments of fright and I, myself, jumped out of my seat. Other than that, the plot line (for a different story, that is) was good and kept your attention. A little confusing at times, but you might as well see it for a good scare.
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