
3 Reviews
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Slow boring and aggravating
27 December 2023
I'm not sure who gave this film more than 3 stars but I have a nagging suspicion it's the cast & crew. This is a slow, boring and aggravating film that says from the outset that it's based on fact but builds it's entire narrative on wild speculation about President Obama having conversations with dead people and aliens.

The film's narrative revolves around the death of a high ranking military general who has inside information about the government's involvement with UFOs and his grown son who runs a left-leaning "truth" blog who gains access to this information after his father's passing.

Along the way, we learn that the son is good friends with President Obama who is painted here with the type of reverence typically reserved for saints. The film gushes over Obama, making sure we know that he's a Valliant warrior against the deep state and that he's trying desperately to crack open the vault of secret info so the common man can learn the truth about alien visitors.

How does Obama have access to this info? Well, you see he listens to new age music which puts him in a trance where he speaks with dead president's and dead aliens who tell him what he needs to know.

There's a painful scene where we learn that the aliens have evolved into the Oneness consciousness and that it's imperative that we move humanity away from our destructive tendencies so that we'll be worthy of the aliens be stowing their advanced techno is. Barf.

Theres no mystery here. No real drama. Not even any really truth or attempt to share truth. Just a slow, plodding story with wooden acting, weak cinematography and really bad CGI. Seriously. The CGI from Unsolved Mysteries in the 90s was better.

Its really hard to find redeeming quality to this film. I suppose if you worship Obama and have fantasies that he is the savior of the world, then you might like this? I don't know. Maybe if you think people bad aliens good you might like this? Hard to say.

In summary, if you like UFO lore and are looking for an interesting film, this is not it. If you have an unhealthy obsession with Obama, don't watch this film. Seek help and then go watch something better than this garbage.
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One of the most underrated 80's teen comedies. A true gem.
8 April 2023
My Science Project is a true gem and one of the most underrated sci-fi comedies of the 80s.

The story revolves around Mike, the motor-head hero who identifies more with cars than people. Mike is set to graduate high school, but needs to pass science class. To appease his teacher, played by an over the top Dennis Hopper, Mike and his soon to be love interest Ellie, break into a government junkyard and recover the power source to a UFO that was shot down in the 1950s. Once power is restored to the device, it rips open a rift in space/time and the local high school becomes ground zero for gladiators, post apocalyptic mutants, and even dinosaurs.

Fisher Stevens plays the stereotypical grease-ball side kick "Vinnie" who fires off one-liners with reckless abandon. Some fall flat, but the sheer volume of them means that he lands several truly funny and memorable moments throughout the film.

What the storyline lacks in depth it more than makes up for in imagination. And the visual effects are surprisingly good. It's 2023, nearly 40 years since the film's release, and the effects still hold up well.

There's no nudity and the implied sex is tame by modern standards. I wouldn't hesitate to show this to my 15 year old son, and possibly even my 11 year old daughter. By and large, it's just good clean fun.

If you like The Goonies, Ghostbusters, Big Trouble in Little China or other classic adventures of the 80's, and you haven't seen My Science Project, dive in and enjoy the nostalgia. It's a great film, highly underrated, and well worth your time.
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The Aerialist (2020)
Enjoyable like a fine wine
4 March 2022
My wife and I watched this last night and thoroughly enjoyed it. We almost didn't, given the negative reviews here on IMDB. I'm glad we took a chance. This is a wonderful film from beginning to end. The best comparison I can make is to Robert Altman's "The Company." I think "The Company" is one of the best films about ballet and the life of a dancer that you'll ever see. And I think The Aerialist comes in as a close second.

We went into this film with zero expectations. Neither my wife or I have seen The Gymnast, so we have no point of comparison. My wife is a former ballet dancer, so the life of the characters shown here immediately resonated with her.

We read the reviews saying that this film is overly dramatic. Neither my wife or I felt that assessment was accurate. Having been around theatrical arts for some time, I felt it was spot on.

Some people said the acting was bad. I simply don't agree. I fully bought into the characters and their plight. While the ending felt a little too "perfect" it did not detract from the overall enjoyment of the story.

If you're in your 40s, 50s or 60s and love dance, this is a film that you should watch. It's not a shot of Tequila. It's not a six pack of beer. It's a fine bottle of wine that you open and appreciate for all its subtle qualities.
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