
6 Reviews
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In Bruges (2008)
freaking hilarious
22 September 2023
This is an old movie so probably no one is gonna read this review, but writing Imdb reviews has been a hobby of mine for a while now. If you are not put off by gore, dark subject matters (suicide among others) and fat jokes, and if you like dark comedy, then congratulations, you have hit the jackpot! This movie is perfect for you. Even if you are put off by the aforementioned things, then you have also hit the jackpot cuz this movie freaking rocks. It really does. Has the tightest script I've ever seen, and so fugging funny that you might want to pause the movie for a moment just to laugh. If you are looking for a good comedy, you have come to the right place.
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Okja (2017)
Goddamn it's good. Almost turned me vegan
22 September 2023
Bong Joon Ho is slowly becoming my favorite director. His movies sometimes get criticism for being too on the nose or in your face about its message, but that's what activism is all about, right? What's the point of making a movie about hard-pressed issues if people take way too long to even figure out what the message is, or don't even get it at all? But I digress. This guy is a visual genius. I watched Parasite before Okja, and yet I was even more impressed with the visuals in this movie. Can't go into details, but there are scenes in this movie that are so visceral and gut wrenchingly beautiful that I can't forget. But still, there are parts that are weaker than others; especially the English speaking scenes. But the humor, the visuals, the story and the characters just make up for it.
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The Big Short (2015)
A masterpiece in editing and scripting
17 September 2023
It's a masterpiece. That's it and that's all. There is nothing more I can say, but since there is a character requirement, I guess I will heave praises at this movie (not like that it's something hard to do). Every cast member did a superb job. Every single one of them. Each character has so much personality that it's nothing short of electrifying to see how these eccentric characters interact with each other. To be honest, I actually think Christian Bale's Michael Burry is the least interesting of the bunch, and that's really saying something about the other protagonists in this movie. Perfect balance between humor and drama; the shift tone never feels out of place, and the humor is actually needed for such a heavy subject matter. This movie is truly lightning in a bottle because McKay's next movie Vice didn't successfully capture that balance.
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Better than the other two
17 September 2023
I might be saying this because knowing the endings to the other two movies kinda ruined the fun, but this adaptation really stands out from the other two for me. Its Gothic visuals are gorgeous. The atmosphere feels like an Edgar Allan Poe story. Kenneth Braunaugh's portrayal of Hercules Poirot is excellent. However, the movie is not without problems. The pacing in the middle part of the movie kinda slogs down a little bit. The reveal scene comes a bit abrupt, and the killing method is a little bit lame for my taste (except for one part). But overall, I had a good time watching it and discussing it with my friends afterwards.
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Steel Rain (2017)
Holy hell how does this get a 7.1?
19 June 2020
People, this movie is way too underrated. It's a tad overlong, but the politic issues it tackles is extremely interesting and handled with nuance. Anyone who is interested in the politics surrounding the Korean peninsula will find this movie a satisfying watching experience. And the action, holy cow! It has one of the most impressive shooting scene I've ever seen! Pardon me, but John Wick doesn't hold a candle to the the action scenes in this movie
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Dunkirk (2017)
Don't get all the hate
23 July 2017
I was extremely excited for this movie, but after seeing some of the negative reviews on IMDb, I kinda grew skeptical. And boy oh boy, did it blow me away! I will try to rebuke common criticisms towards this movie as best as possible. Sorry English is not my first language. 1. Lack of character development/background story makes it difficult to empathize with the characters: This is somewhat true. When the movie starts, it gets right into the action without introducing the main characters. Frankly, I got irritated at first when I had to follow these characters whom i knew nothing about. But as the film progressed, their personalities started to manifest through their actions, and I naturally grew to care for them. I know some moviegoers prefer/demand to know more about their background stories, for example: do they have loved ones at home? did they commit crimes before?, etc. Personally, I think that has been in every other Hollywood war movies, and Nolan isn't known for beating a dead horse, but for inventing/pioneering new, unconventional ways in telling a story. I think it's refreshing to see the characters being characterized through the little actions that they take. Generally, people who bash this movie tend to compare it to Hacksaw Ridge, saying that they care more about Desmond Doss than any other character in this movie. To be honest, I just don't care about him at all. He is just the typical heroic type we have seen in other movies, so it just seems unlikely that such character will die. There is absolutely no stake at all in that movie. On the contrary, in Dunkirk, non of the character fits the heroic type; they all strive for survival. Such a realistic take on war makes it more likely that at least one of the main character will die. 2. Non-linear story telling makes the movie confusing: Personally, I didn't find any problem following this movie, simply because Nolan is so masterful in creating a flow that connects one scene to another. Despite being unchronological, three different stories in this movie are beautifully interwoven: they all complement each other in painting the Dunkirk battle in the audience's mind, and ultimately *minor spoiler* become one in the most beautiful way. I'd posit that this technique Nolan employs does not hinder but makes the movie more interesting and unique
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