
14 Reviews
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Late Night (2019)
Has potential, but too cliches
12 November 2019
Definitely full of heart, as expected and predicted, which is the problem. It's predictable and again too cliches. Emma Thompson was superb. The guy who's in charged of the monologue was great. The rest of the casts are forgettable. The biggest problem, unfortunately, is Mindy Kaling. I like her in her other roles. However, this role, I think, should be cast on a much younger, less experienced but has potential actress to be believable. I feel like she just didn't leave her regular persona, and completely off in this role especially with full make up, botox and perfect hair (and she's supposedly worked at a factory before?). Sorry.
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A downward spiral in season 2
27 April 2019
I enjoyed season 1 so much n was excited to see season 1. I guess, there were some hint of the mental instability of Gemma in season 1 that I ignored, that might explain the strange crazy Gemma in season 2. dr foster in season 2 has turned into a vindictive, mean, vile and strange character. I finished watching the whole season, felt appalled n in just couple of weeks completely forgot about the story in season 2. Unremarkable. Watch season 1, then if you haven't, do not watch season 2. It's that bad....
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Acrimony (2018)
Simple, cliche, with over the board acting
30 March 2019
Not impressed. Nothing new... it's like watching something that is so impossible to happen unless of course you are not smart... yet, it is made into a movie? No redeeming moment or quality. Tara ji P Hanson acting was over the board. Super dramatic. Not realistic at all... I don't know, it's like watching a middle school drama to me...
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The Killing (2011–2014)
What happened?
17 March 2019
Warning: Spoilers
This is for season 3. Season 1-2 are ok in general although can still be improved writing wise. Season 3 on the other hand made you wonder if you were watching the same Holder/Linden. I'm on episode 4 and still do not see the intriguing plot that's showed in the first 2 seasons. Almost half of the scene is about the life of this guy in prison. I'm assuming it will be relevant for the story later on, but I really don't see the point of watching a ... I don't know, crazy(?), has megalomania issue killer or whatever, and at the same time has no power to do things... who cares? completely unnecessary to check up on him or the wardens (which again I'm assuming it will be significant later on too) every 10 min...

Linden/Holder combo do not deliver either.. there were too many distraction this season. Unfortunately the distractions do not have redeeming quality. In first two seasons, at least the Larsens are good people and have direct story to the crime solving and so do the two mayor candidates have important role in other people's lives, which make you rather care to watch. I do care of homeless/ drug addict teens, but I really don't care to watch their day to day lives the whole time in a supposedly a movie about crime solving... the pace of the movie is slowed down with things that are not good enough for me and possibly others to care to watch.... might stop watching completely...
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The Killing (2011–2014)
Emotional Roller Coaster
16 March 2019
I like crime TV movie especially British or European one. Americans are good in adapting stories from the other side of the continent, dramatize everything. I haven't watched the original Danish version of the movie, so I have nothing to compare too. I tried watching this couple of years ago, and stopped after just first episode when I noticed that the first season doesn't end with finding the killer yet. That's when I know that this US version will lengthen things, dramatize things, which I know can just leave you exhausted after watching. So I stopped. Started again in 2019 because I was waiting for the 3rd season of Unforgotten from UK, so I thought I will give this a try. I was correct, there s so much emotional exhaustion in this movie, that there was no satisfaction at all eve after you found out who the killer is at the end of 2nd season. This movie made you wonder if the politics are as terrible as it is, of policemen are that incapable and corrupt, and of the kindness of human being. Everyone in this movie are so psychologically damaged, which made you wonder what's the point? Maybe it's the writing... the casts are all good. That's the redeeming quality. A lot of people who can handle some emotional roller coaster movie will rate this high since it is still an interesting crime... I just wish that there is more humanity in it (like laugh, joke, a bit of happiness, kindness, care...)
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The Tunnel: Episode #3.4 (2018)
Season 3, Episode 4
Watch it. Start with season 2 if you have watched the Swedish version The Bron. You'll like it better that way I think...
9 March 2019
If you have watched the Bron / the bridge Swedish version, then go straight to season 2 since season 1 story is really similar to the Swedish version season 1. Season is completely different between the 2 movies and can be watched stand alone (not related to season 1). The story in season 2 mostly believable. I just don't like sometimes how the writer made the police do stupid things just to create a longer story or to fit the story into an 8episode-season. (good example of this is the movie 'the missing'). This movie has some moments like that but still forgivable and therefore believable. Overall, it is a movie that will pump up your adrenaline, and heartbeat a bit. It also has hearts just like a typical British crime movie. I thought both main characters did well in this version. A lot of the reviewers stated that they like Saga Norén character better. I watched the Swedish version almost a year ago. Elise character immediately warmed up to me in this version as did Roebuck's. Elise is definitely much younger in this version that probably created an I'm alanced perception with some viewers.
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The Tunnel (2013–2018)
Enjoyed it very much
5 March 2019
I watched the Bron (Swedish version) almost a year ago. Although I was disappointed because the story line for the first season is really the same. I still like this English/France version. Season 2 is different so it's a plus. If you haven't watched the other version, and you like crime tv series, you will like this,
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The Missing (2014–2016)
Feel much better with the season 2 ending
23 February 2019
There are flaws in the writing. Things just don't make sense, and the psychological part of the characters are off. But if you like crime movie, especially British crime movie, then you will enjoy this.

Season 1 ending is upsetting to me. A bunch of unnecessary detour in the scenes, even going to Russia, which was so unnecessary. The ending also very anti climax. The crime seemed so simple yet it grew so big because the characters were just made so unintelligent by the writers. The fact that this involved people who are supposedly an expert, a leader and smart professional people made the story skewed. How could you do that? Many questions like that in my mind as I watch the movie... What's the purpose of the story of season 1? A journey of finding one self maybe? But toward the end, the main character is lost even more, and nothing changed with the crime itself made season 1 felt pointless. I mean common, the main reason why we know Graham Bell is because he invented phone. Not because he failed... A crime is worth made into a movie because it is solved, because there is triumphant moment...

I was hesitant to watch season 2, afraid that I will feel robbed the way I feel after watching season 1 that I postponed watching season 2 for awhile. Finally watching it this week, still the same thing overall with the writing. The visit to middle east to find Reed is so unnecessary. Sophie character was made so brainwashed which does not make sense since in the video before she's abducted, she was already around 8-10 yrs old. Pretty much a little girl who already knows things that she shouldn't be so blindly followed her kidnapper that she would go back to him after being released. The roller coaster story is just so out of character... how could that happened? 3 teenagers with a kidnapper out n about at a carnival???

Still, the ending has improved compared to season 1. At least there were closures, and feels that there is a point of watching all this investigating. So I bumped up my rating to 9...
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The Missing (2014–2016)
22 February 2019
Warning: Spoilers
A good movie the first 3-4 episodes. But the story dragged that made you wonder ifvthenpolicemen in Europe are really not that smart. A lot of unnnecessary scene/fillers just to make it an 8 episode season. Last episode in season 1, the Russian scene was so unnecessary.

In season 2, I almost stopped watching entirely after episode 5. But hubby wanted to finish it. Season 2 turns into a cruel and sadistic movie. I have no feeling toward it at all. It is so hard to empathize with the characters because they keep on doing stupid things. I thought anyone who is intelligent and expert in their field, like a police, a famous detective, a military man, a sergeant, should do better. Join conveniently went to the killer's house without informing anyone. I lost it at the scene when the little child saw a murdering scene. I started to wonder if I actually watch a horror movie. The Middle East scene is totally unnecessary. Psychologically, things don't make sense with the characters. And this makes some viewers a lot less care...
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Bird Box (2018)
Missing the most important aspect
9 February 2019
What are they running away from? So we tried to make sense of things, but still nope... once you missed that part, the whole movie feels just like a joke. Another great example of big ad for mediocre movie....
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The Missing (2014–2016)
Tight plot, great casts, but annoying
5 February 2019
Just finished season 1. Engrossing from the beginning. Actors are good. You feel their pain and frustration. However, seems like the producer or writer did everything they can intentionally so that the loose ends can happened and therefore supports the seemingly sad ending. Super annoying. I gave 10 stars up to ep. 7. But episode 8 the last part ruined it for me. The Russian scene is so unnecessary and unsatisfactory. We already learned abou the bad news, why punishing more with sad ending? That itself made me scared to watch season 2...
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Marcella (2016–2021)
10 July 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Maybe the writer thinks that Marcella has the huge likeable factor that we will forget the biggest flaw she has as a police woman. But no... It makes the whole police force look dumb and super unreliable. Yes, she is crazy and should not be in the dept, because she can endanger others...

A lot of the characterizations do not add up or psychologically contradict each other. Rav is the most clueless head dept just because the writer has to redeem Marcella's flaw so much that it discredits the others. And no, don't get me started with season 2. Marcella got crazier and yet the dept still wants her... that is the scariest thing ever and makes it so hard to relate and like the main character...

The story is entertaining but it left you feeling sorry for everyone's in the movie... feeling sorry because they have to do it that way
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Grenseland (2017)
Almost predictable
10 July 2018
Warning: Spoilers
I like European's crime TV show because it goes deep into the character's feeling while the Americans' usually focus more on the action.

The most corrupted police force ever on this one though that it just doesn't settle in right. Lots of loop holes, needs better editing on the script. From the middle episodes you kind of know where this is going to, but some of the details do not match up like (spoiler), Tommy Hogan's wife should know better on the night where his husband got killed... but it's never explored since the plot is built toward the father's role on this whole thing. Yet Linda Hagan is the closest person to him...

All and all, well acted, and that s the one thing that made me stay till the end... although afterward I kinda regret it.
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Healer (2014–2015)
One of the Best. A must see!
6 September 2015
I watched city hunter, My Love from Another A Star, and a couple more Korean Drama based on ratings that I see. Healer to me, is the best of all the ones I've seen so far. Again, Because Korean drama is so long, I do not want to waste time watching so so one. So I always read reviews and ratings first before I watch the drama.

Healer has everything. Great casts, great story line, with funny, romantic and action scenes combined equally. If you are looking for a good Korean drama and haven't watch this movie, watch this. You won't be disappointed. When I watched City Hunter, I literally got bored with some of Lee Min Ho's scenes that I fast forwarded a bunch of episodes. This movie kept me hooked and wanted more. It is No cliché, very down to earth.

Ji Chang Wook and Park Min Young are meant for each other. I will watch another movie if they are both paired again in it. You just want to cheer them and be happy for them.
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