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Silo (2023– )
Nicely filmed but...
5 May 2023
Maybe I'm jaded, I love post apocalyptic films and no I've never read the books this series is based on but by the end of episode 2 I thought, nothing new here. A smattering of conspiracy, the man keeping others down blah blah. Great feeling of claustrophobia with the way it's filmed but I'd have to ask even in a world as down trodden and in dire straits as this one is, it isn't impossible to add colour, the idea that a civilisation could survive underground and feed itself but couldn't find any way to brighten the bloody place up to me is writers trying to portray the difficulty of life poorly, as life was a dammed site harder in the 15th century, more than the odd person now and then died but STILL they managed to paint, sing, write, draw, dance.... Hopefully it'll pick up but it's like I've seen it all before.
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Comedy by Numbers
30 January 2023
After 25 minutes of this rubbish when the pirates appeared I was 100% on their side. 35 minutes in I hated then as they hadn't killed all the guests. Special mention to Jennifer Coolidge who is in this as dreadful plastic, literally and awful as ever, no idea how she steals a living from TV & movies but I feel it's probably connected with the general drop in IQ in the last 30 years. It's difficult to even find enough to write about this film except I a, pretty certain my average IQ in Now a below average, IQ and my brain feels like it has been abused. Good points, Jennifer Lopez in T-shirt & knickers, bad points the rest of the film.
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2000 Mules (2022)
Good Ol' USA
8 November 2022
Ridiculous film made by ridiculous people. It will sit well in history as the world watches the United States of America slowly shows it's true colours. No evidence, made up facts, a whole documentary of lies. For that fact I kinda wanted to give it a 3, for the acting was amazing. It is worth watching for the jaw dropping nonsense. It is difficult to get to the 600 characters needed about this documentary, maybe it helps saying 'this is as much a documentary as Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory' To believe this rubbish you need to be 3 things.

1. A Trump Supporter 2. A right wing Republican 3. Dumb Admittedly 3 is the same as 2 and 1 but I needed more characters.
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Star Trek: Picard (2020–2023)
Laziness wins through
25 March 2022
Warning: Spoilers
It's a shame the first series was interesting not perfect by any imagination, but interesting and I enjoyed it. The second series fell upon the prey of the laziness of Star Trek the next generation where they brought in queue so they don't have to worry about any storyline just need to worry about making things exciting but in the process that made everything boringBecause what is the point he is an omnipotent being he can do whatever he wants therefore the series is dead, well done morons.
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Dune (2021)
Long, slow, longer
2 March 2022
I thought the oridinal film was good but a little slow, what they have done here is again made a film that is good but is even slower! It feels like I've opened a bottle of beer had a little tiny sip and then it was empty.
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Invasion (2021–2024)
Stop with the 1's idiots
26 February 2022
Okay, this is slow, there are very few things slower than this. I have no idea how producers and directors and general people who saw this series prior to its release didn't think oh my God this is so slow. 10 episodes that could quite frankly be turned into one one hour program. There is such things as building characters so you can care about the characters when they are in peril but the characters predominantly bored me so much I was hoping someone would kill them. Back to the point of people giving this one star.

To the people giving one stars to average programs don't be morons, no it's not great but it really isn't one star if you truly believe it is watch zombies lake that is one Star.
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Armageddon (1998)
Suspension of disbelief
13 April 2020
This film is unashamedly corny. Unrealistic with a cheesy end but it's entertaining. And when the people giving this 2's, 3's & 4's should politely remove their heads from their asses if their problem was lack of realism. It's pure cheesy entertainment so just enjoy it and don't over think it.
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The Witcher (2019– )
Ridiculous scores both ways
27 December 2019
Is this show great? No. Is it passable? Yes If you like the genre, if not it's probably a 3-4 max. The story is a little backwards and forewords with no warning which is annoying some of the characters are also annoying through the writing (I will give anything to be mage!!! Oh look I have lost (insert what was lost if you watched the programme) as I was told I would and chose but it's their fault') but as I write this I think I will stop using. Why? People, that's why. How can you give this 10/10 that's ludicrous have some common sense if you like it by all means go a 6-7 but have the decency to say it's not perfect but I thoroughly enjoyed it. On the other extreme is the fools giving it 1/10 because they hate that other fools have given it 10/10. To put it simply it's a "I can't believe people are stupid enough to give this 10/10 so in response I to will also be stupid and give it 1/10.
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Nevada Smith (1966)
Just cos I like westerns
9 December 2019
To be honest it should be a 5 for entertainment value as it's watchable as soon as you get over the middle aged man playing a boy. Problems magnified as he tries to act like a teenage boy would which just makes it look like he's educationally challenged. Also have to add on the ridiculous casting of age and the obvious fact that Steve McQueen looks and is, as half India as I am half cucumber. So apart from poor acting, shocking casting, whitewashing & and so ridiculously western style western soundtrack it's average!
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Ideas good programme is poor
27 November 2019
I think 4 is a fair reflection of the series. I like the concept but I must say whoever did the casting has managed to do what a lot of shows cannot, they filled the show with poor actors. Not one or two mi d but every character I have seen on there has been awkward, stilted with the acting ability of a first year drama class. That said it's not unwatchable but you need to really want to know what happens and so far I really don't care.
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Another Life (2019–2021)
A new high in dreadful writing
29 July 2019
This is truly dreadful. I can't find the words on how truly dreadful this is but let's just say Battlefield Earth is a masterpiece in comparison. At least with Battlefield Earth there was some entertaining awfulness to it, this is just awful to it's very core. I tried But after the first 30 minutes I was astounded it'd just been 30 minutes it felt more like two hours. The characters bring a new level of dumb to what is supposed to be a crack crew it's more like a room full of pre pubescent teenagers at a sleepover than a crew of scientists on a first contact mission. All in all Netflix should just blacklist all writers involved and 80% of the actors, I use this term loosely. Anyone that says don't believe the bad reviews should be sued as they clearly have a vested interest in this dreadful piece of tv.
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Bird Box (2018)
What is everybody's problem
22 December 2018
I have to say the internet has caused, I believe a problem with film reviews. I get the feeling 'professional' reviewers in big publications feel the need to be extra in depth stating weather the "inner feel of a film truly shows things in a light as seen by modern society" and such crap. Bird Box was an enjoyable film with some good acting, some nice tension no real heart in your mouth moments but enough to enjoy the 2 hours running time. I have given it 1 more star than probably deserved to counteract the people who've slithered up their own backsides trying to be deep & look like a film buff in their reviews. To me it didn't really feel like 2 hours which I think is a good sign. All in all cut the pseudo crap, not every film must have multi layered characters who make you feel a true connection with them on a personal level. Sometimes it's ok to just like or dislike a character so enjoy the film. To me it was enjoyable & entertaining and after all isn't that what films are supposed to be?
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Journey's End (I) (2017)
Not an action film
11 December 2018
Personally I liked this film a lot as I wasn't expecting a blood and guts war film but a film about the effects of war on men. This it does very well the Claustrophobia, fear, tension, waiting and nerve shredding feeling that any day could be your last is portrayed well here. Want blood & guys this isn't for you want a realistic look at the effects of war then give it a try.
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Scorpion (2014–2018)
13 October 2018
Not a bad premise for a tv series 'based' very loosely from what I've read on a real person. Biggest problem for me personally I just cannot stand the main character. Just wholly unlikable admittedly he's supposed to be emotionally closed off blah blah blah but he comes across as a obnoxious' pig headed and an emotional bully. But as I said that's a personal view the stories in the first series were good second series not so good third daft so I stopped watching.
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22 July (2018)
Missing feeling
13 October 2018
This is a well executed film first half or so was pretty fast paced but the whole film didn't really seem to portray the horror or give you the feeling of,the fear or confusion. Almost felt like a 'film by numbers'
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Lost in Space (2018–2021)
Just plain irritating
12 October 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Well if this family are supposed to be the best & brightest then I suggest they would have been better of saving the money for the spacecraft & instead thrown a HUGE 'human kind is doomed' party. The decision making is ridiculous the kids are irritating & the thought of episode after episode of Dr Smith being a nut job & pretty much being bullet proof in terms of she won't be killed in a horrendous way which would be superb is just something I can't bear. Unlike some who bailed out after 2-3 episodes & then gave poor scores I stuck til the very end of season one with a modicum of hope it'd get better but it did not, it just got worse. 4 stars for effects very good movie quality so everyone else should thank the effects department as otherwise the score would have been -2.
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Disappointing & Pointless
11 October 2018
Warning: Spoilers
I've read some reviews stating 'you either get this or you don't' as if the are one of the few intellectual enough to understand. Well I understand that this is self promotional rubbish that has very little purpose. It takes a bit of time to twig this is fake because it is reasonably well filmed and the actors are awkward enough to be non actors then slowly it dawns as it's all too good to be true & a find this astounding would have just maybe been mentioned in the news. My wife who has no interest in archeology in any way saw the last 40 minutes & all she took from this was I quote "it's made up? What's the point that's just disappointing & pointless" well said I thought.
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Santa Clarita Diet (2017–2019)
Shouldn't work
9 May 2018
This I thought would be an over the top cashing in of the zombie genre. Instead it is truly very funny, not the best writing in the world but comic timing of the cast is spot on.
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Fear the Walking Dead (2015–2023)
Prefer the dead
9 May 2018
If you want to build tension you need at least two things menace & a care for the menaced. Put simply not one character in this programme is likeable enough for you to care if they live or die, in fact with many characters you find yourself hoping they die. It's so lazyly written. I'm starting on season 3 as I type & soldiers appear, you know they'll be bad and deranged because that's what happens during an apocalypse no one with power doesn't go batshit crazy. All in all a waste & the writers should be ashamed of themselves.
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Spoilers? You should be so lucky
31 December 2017
I've watched some nonsense in my time but this takes the gold medal. At one point the baseless theories are called staggering, its staggering that someone's made this. Quite simply it says we are too dim to know what the message is, this film can point out things but can't tell you what it means because it's only possible to explain to you when you understand without it explaining it to you. Terrific. Thanks for your made up nonsense. At the bottom of the review window it asks me if my review contains spoilers and I can tell you it doesn't because the programme itself contains no spoilers or answers or facts or anything apart from waffling.
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Fear the Walking Dead (2015–2023)
You just don't care
20 July 2017
I have yet to find a programme that is as good as this for ensuring you dislike every character. Suspense can't be built if your not in fact on the side of the single character or characters running helplessly through a town/building/forest but instead you're rooting for the zombie horde to dispose of the dis-likable character in question. In fact I can honestly say the only episodes I've truly enjoyed in any way are the ones where a 'main character' is killed, preferably slowly! (There are nowhere near enough of these) Make up, effects, scenery, cinematography, special effects are all very good because if they weren't I'd have given this title a maximum of 2 out of ten. If any of the writers by a million to one chance happen to read this all I can say is "need more brains" preferably the main characters!
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The Mummy (2017)
Not terrible
18 July 2017
I feel the fanfare star name & promise of a new exciting 'Dark Universe' series of films make this film feel like a massive let down. But what it is is just a pretty good monster movie. Up their own backside film snobs complain there isn't enough depth, feeling or directorial panache in this film. Why? Because it's 'The Mummy' what I found was likable characters good effects and yes a bit of a disappointing ending but all in all taken as a stand alone monster movie entertaining fun. So put down your 'how to be a film critic' books and watch films as they were meant to be watched, for entertainment!
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Arrival (II) (2016)
15 November 2016
Well the film study students have dusted off their reviewers vocabulary dictionary's and dived straight in to this beautifully filmed bit of cinema. It's a hard film to describe simply without adding spoilers which I do not like to do. This is a character led, emotional film with some great cinematography and you find yourself absorbed and your muscles tense and you don't even notice. You get to a point where you feel the film is dragging then you realize it's not dragging after 20 minutes which you feel you've watched but in fact you e been sitting there fixated for well over an hour and just as that creeps in it lifts the tension level and your absorbed again. I'll say no more as it's a better film the less you know. If you want Independence Day shoot em ups don't come and watch this but if you want a truly great alien sci-fi that makes you think jump right in.
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Gladiator (2000)
15 November 2016
Warning: Spoilers
I love the Roman period in history and have watched many series and films based in this moment in time. I recently re-watched this film and although I like it for some reason it doesn't hit the spot with me. It could be the conclusion or the unrealistic idea that a man that far progressed in the roman army and in Roman life to be consider almost a son by the emperor has no real passion for war or political progression and is hamstrung by having the cunning and guile of a rock. Some good fight scenes a ridiculous Zulu chant by Europeans but a good battle scene after (even if I was expecting to see Michael Caine appear in a red uniform. Good but not great.
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Not tragic but not great
15 November 2016
We've all seen and read the 'battle of the sexes' stupidity on here and other review sites. All this has proved is that men and women are now truly equal in how puerile and pathetic both sexes can be with idiots A giving 10/10 and idiots B giving 1/10. Well done your all 10/10 idiots. Now to the film. I must admit I was never a big fan of the original but then I find Dan Akroyd as overrated as caviar, less of an acquired taste, more of a lying to yourself because your supposed to like it/him. So Ghostbusters 2016, we have an over excited wacky main character a brainy not to happy to be there character a weird technical genius character a wise cracking cool character and top it off with the pretty but not too bright secretary (although this version has gone for the pretty but utter moron character). So far so Ghostbusterish. Next step throw in $144,000,000....... I'm assuming they threw about $120,000,000 into a numbered Swiss bank account as it couldn't have been spent on the terrible CGI in this film and the cast surely couldn't have cost that much you'd get Clint Eastwood, Brad Pitt, Angelina Jolie (not at the same time) Scarlett Johansson the whole cast of the walking dead and Waldorf & Statler for $120,000,000. So we have standard Ghostbusters characters overplayed ala Akroyd (excluding Kate McKinnon who just seemed to be on some kind of hallucinogenic mushrooms throughout) poor effects, painful script and forced 'whackiness'. As I said it's not terrible but it seems such a waste. Waste of talent as there are some good comedic actors in this (excluding Kate McKinnon and her mushroom grin) waste of the possibilities for special effects in the 21st century as they were on par with the original 30 years ago so tragically poor and a waste of a chance to shut up boring original Ghostbusters fanboys from pretending the original is a masterpiece that cannot be beaten. I've plumped for 4/10 as opposed to 5/10 as it's passable minus and extra one due to Kate McKinnons awful acting.
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