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Happy to relive this nice memory
16 March 2024
I saw this with my father, one cousin a little older than me & an older cousin, who talked Daddy into coming along, him being a guitar player & music lover. But... My father like most people his age, liked Elvis, Jerry Lee Lewis, Chuck Berry etc most Rock & Rockabilly singers, but he liked everything Country & Western, Hillbilly & Bluegrass. The only black singers he liked were Nat King Cole, The Platters, The Ink Spots, etc, & growing up in the rural South, he learned to play the guitar from a old black man who played Blues. He wasn't familiar with much Soul.

My main memories of this show were Lesley Gore, who us young boys loves, Rolling Stones & James Brown. My older cousin pointed out that Bill Wyman looked like his mom. He really did, & kept saying, "Just like Momma, huh?! Just like Momma!" When James Brown sang/acted out "Prisoner of Love", that's when things really got funny, with my father's reaction to him dropping to the floor & being escorted by the band, only to throw-off the cape they put around him, & return to the microphone. I guess it was after the 3rd time, Daddy was losing his patience. And said, "If he does that one more time, I'm leaving!" But he made it the rest to see our aunt's lookalike playing guitar.
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Deserves the creation of Award for Most Annoying Dialogue
8 November 2022
Were Justin Long's lines written? It seemed to me that the director told him to just improvise in response to Kate Bosworth's lines for about what felt like 30 minutes! I must agree with another reviewer that this would have worked better as a short. But I disagree that Long's acting as Hap, the womanizing lying nerd was the only good acting. The most annoying acting, is more like it. I've never been a fan of Long, as his characters or characterisations always are difficult to like. He does manage to make one hate Hap, who couldn't be sincere if his life depended on it. Since the writers had no more of the story line to fill in that long (Long) drawn-out dialogue, a 25 minute short would have gotten a 7/10 from me, if it only contained 10 minutes of the beginning & the last 15 minutes. My suggestion is to watch as much of the beginning as you can stomach, then skip to the last 20 or 15. The is a spooky sequence somewhere prior to the satisfying ending, whcich made the pain of watching the whole thing sort of worth it.
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Paper Girls (2022)
Could've, should've been so fun, didn't, wasn't due to poor acting and unbelievable and unlikable main characters
21 August 2022
I was pulling for this, but bad acting, unbelievable characters, plus waste of a good actor given a ridiculous character ruined it for me. Even trying to like the unlikable characters didn't work, as they were written thinking they would come across impressive, and maybe some of the youngest members of the target audience were impressed or "inspired"(?).

The very likable young Erin deserved an older self that at least could act! Ali Wong was terribly disappointing. Tiffany's older self was likable, unlike young know-it-all smart as(s) any scientist Tiffany.

Mac became more likable in the last episodes, when she actually acted her age, instead of oh-so-exaggerated streetwise white trash loner, which was totally unbelievable. JK was my favorite character played by the best of these young actresses Fina Strazza. Looking forward to see what other projects she'll take on. But sadly, her future self was made the designated LGBQT etc character. Larry's character is mostly believable, and one of the likable ones. Having never read the comic book, I have no idea what the Grand Father.was supposed to be like, so I don't know if Jason Mantzoukas plays him accurately or not. Whatever the case, I was disappointed seeing such a good actor in such a ridiculous role.

Yeah, the cliffhanger season end didn't work on me. This is another series I won't be following. Someone compared Paper Girls to Stranger Things and Yellow Jackets. Too bad PG didn't have the some directors, writers and casting directors.
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Monterey Pop (1968)
Great, but I felt short-changed
17 August 2022
I was expecting better coverage of the performances. It is a documentary, so we only see a small sample. I think there should have been at least 2 songs by each band. We get a couple by the Mamas and the Papa and Jefferson Airplane, but only one by the rest. At least Ravi Shankar's was a long piece, and I loved seeing how the audience gradually gets into his music. I first saw him in Concerts for Bangladesh. Seeing this audience reminded me of myself, not sure I could get in to the sound, only to find I wasn't ready for him to finish, when he did.

This also made me appreciate Janis Joplin. Like another commenter, I not only didn't like her singing, I couldn't stand it, and usually turned her off back then. Watching this--finally letting myself take her in--I was kind of like Cass Elliot at the end, and was hoping for another number. Overall, I enjoyed most of what was their, but would love to see more.
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How our world has changed since 1993! Mostly for the bad.
10 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
When Jurassic Park came out, most people who saw it, saw it on the big screen at a cinema, and had to wait months for it to be released on VHS and DVD. People went to movies to be entertained, then bought the movies they had seen to experience the same entertainment at home. If you cared to get the opinion of a movie critic (mere imperfect mortal with his/her, but mostly his personal opinions that matched his taste in films), you could find them on TV.

Now, in the age of streaming, too many people seem to watch movies, not to be entertained, but to be arm chair critics, like football has its arm chair quarterbacks. We can usually find something we don't like about every movie, but these people seem to only watch movies to look for things to critique. Like most paid movie critics, most could never direct anything but flops.

I watched JWD this week, and found myself feeling like I did when I saw Jurassic Park, even though seeing the magnificent dinosaurs isn't as amazing as it was in '93, I was entertained for over 2 hours. And that's why I watched it. It used to be called movie magic, and movie houses use announce the movies are your best entertainment. Not, movies are your best art for amateurs to critique.
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Paper Girls: Growing Pains (2022)
Season 1, Episode 1
1988 12 year olds acting like mid-teens, but...
5 August 2022
My daughter was 13 in 1988, and didn't act like a 16 year old. That common flaw in film is a problem we're stuck with. But once the action began, it got interesting. My wife and I are big fans of Stranger Things and Yellowjackets, as well as other sci-fi/horror series and movies, so I'll stick with this with hoping the plot over shadows the flaw(s). Maybe the characters will grow on us, but 2 came off unrealistic, and not likeable.
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If you enjoyed The Man in the Hat, you'll enjoy this
14 July 2022
Of course, these are totally different movies. What they have in common is a unique simple sweetness and cuteness that is so rare. Add to that the absolute absurdity of its sci-fi fantasy premise. Funny feel good gem! I watched the 2017 short just before the movie, and am happy the story was extended into a full-length movie. I'm always looking for kid-friendly movies, so it was nice to see this could be shown on prime time TV with no editing.
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Just not for me
12 July 2022
I remember when Blazing Saddles came out, one critic condensing his review to saying it was some well-liked stars using vulgar language. Wow, the f-word was only mouthed, just once. I didn't like that they joked about rape, which seemed to be a thing in '70s comedy.

Here we are in 2022 (the series began last year). I had only seen the first 2 episodes when it began, and got sidetracked. This weekend, I decided to catch-up, after learning the 2nd season had begun. But seeing stars I once thought highly of, along with unknown middleaged & senior actors reduced to speaking like poorly educated street trash (what Trump era gave us), I just couldn't stomach it. Glad I didn't buy the DVD or BluRay set!

Years ago, I learned and still believe that people who resort to using gutter language, are too poorly educated to think of any other words to express their feelings. More precise would be they are too morally poor. And as demonstrated by the applause when late night host use the f-word, although censored on TV, they use that language to appeal to the segment of society that thinks it cool for their fav celebs to talk dirty.
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Obi-Wan Kenobi: Part I (2022)
Season 1, Episode 1
I almost stopped watching when Third Sister/Reeva appeared!
5 July 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Reeva aka Third Sister is to Obi-Won Kenobi what Kwan was to Halo, obnoxious, annoying, unnecessary characters added for political reasons, to meet a quota, sacrificing quality, resulting in turning off viewers, & in the case Star Wars fans.

As for little Leia, I was rooting for her when she told off her obnoxious cousin. She's adorable, as anyone would imagine Princess Leia as a child. I do feel she seems younger than 10. Now, the main scene many viewers are complaining about: Leia's chase scene by 3 kidnappers. I believe they had no doubt they'd catch her, but they needed to be careful not to damage the goods. Grabbing her roughly, would've probably caused her scratches & bruises. And what if she had fallen & hit her head? Dead little princess not much use for bargaining.

I just finished Part I. Hopefully, Third Sister won't cause me to give up.
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Great, important, informative documentary
19 June 2022
Now that I've seen the background of the event(s) and time, I'm ready to see the full--or more of--performances, since they were all filmed, to get the full effect of being there, like we can watching the Woodstock film.
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Remember Me (I) (2022)
Mostly an ok suspence thriller, not a horror
11 June 2022
This was not a horror film, nor a horrible film, although the final 10 minutes had horror elements, and some of the acting became weak. I mostly enjoyed it as a fun, quirky suspence thriller, but with better direction & maybe editing, it could've been more enjoyable. The mother was funny scary at times, but sometimes over-the-top, & until the last minutes the fiance was ok. There's also a totally unnecessary scene of "Mother" dancing with the "fiance", that seemed to only be there to showcase the theme song, which I doubt any music fans will be searching for. They also could have done without Rose's father, who gave the weakest performance. Good start, stayed interesting until it messed up just before the not-so-bad ending.
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The Rifleman: Seven (1960)
Season 3, Episode 3
Another episode that ignores the full potential of the rifle
29 May 2022
Mostly good episode, with the usual fine acting, but one of many plot lines directors still fall back on, the "mano a mano" choice by the bad guy. In other episodes Lucas has been able to pick-off an outlow from a mountain. So, he could have easily hit the tall Dorf from across the street with a shot at least a foot clear of the much shorter Sweeney. But we had to have the fist fight scene including the horse trough.

I enjoyed the talk between Mark & Lucas at the end, though because Lucas' answer still applies today. When Mark asks if a gang of outlaws could take a town, he answers that they might take a place, but it isn't the place that makes a town, but the people. Adding, "...a time a town or even a country is really lost is when the people who live in it get careless and stop paying attention to how it's being run..." Boy if someone would've made that statement 12 or 13 years before to Chinese people, maybe they wouldn't have lost their country first to the KMT, then to the even worst outlaws, Mao and his Communists. But here in the US, we have another kind of outlaw trying to take away our country, with as large percentage of citizens mostly blind with racism, willing to become slaves.
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Night Sky (2022)
Refreshing series, after struggling through From
25 May 2022
Besides proving (as if any classic movie fan needs it) that you can have good dialogue without the f-word in every sentence, Night Sky also didn't have characters so obnoxous that I was hoping every episode to see them shredded. JK Simmons' character is certainly bull-headed & jealous of anyone getting his wife's attention, but you know it's because of his deep love. But it isn't short on annoying characters and antagonists. Sissy Spacek is so lovable as the retired teacher, everyone would wish they had in school. The characters and the story kept me interested throughout, and I hope I'll get to be with Franklin and Irene for another season, and the other great characters I've come to care about.
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From (2022– )
You can't depend on most comments, high or extra low
21 May 2022
I watched all 10 episodes, but many comments are by people who didn't, or they were watching it while playing on their phones, because contrary to some, each episode had suspenseful moments.

I found out about From after seeing Catalina Sandino. Moreno in the disappointing Barbarians, in which she gave the strongest performance, Her profile is very impressive,having been the first actress nominated for an Oscar for her first movie.

As for From, the blame for some of the worst acting, annoying characters and completely unnecessary filler plotlines are the writers, directors & ultimately the executive producers, all the same people taking on those jobs in various episodes.

On behalf of the "kid" that some commenters said was the most annoying: Simon Webster did an excellent job of playing his part naturally. The only whining he did was totally correct for his injury in the 1st episode. So the people saying that are either other child actors who tried out for the part, or just plain liars.

While too many of the characters, main and supporting had annoying moments, THE MOST annoying and obnoxious were DONNA & Jade. For some reason, I began watching From thinking it was a one season mini-series. So when 10 ended, my first thought was, "OH NO! I will not make myself struggle through another season of that foul-mouth, bossy fake. I guess the writers' intent was for her to be the Earth mother cool tough-love adored-by-all mother hen type. Instead she comes off as the worst influence a angry teen could live with. I would only watch another season if they have a Thanksgiving special with the monsters feasting on her, and Jade for the side dish.

Word to the script writers & the rest who approved the script. The F word doesn't make anyone sound cool. Only late-blooming teens think that. So requiring 95% of the cast to use it, is so nauseating. So far, Ethan, Victor, Mrs. Liu, Sara & Nathan--can't remember if Fatima did--didn't use it. Oh, nor the monsters.

The other requirement is a lesbian subplot, so we get. Kristi, the EMT who's engaged to a girl back home, Fatima and some other Colony commune chick have a passionate kiss, then Julie, the teen wishing she could swap spit with Fatima. How did any of that add to the story. Oh, that's right. I satisfied a certain segment of viewers, the ones who made that episode above 8 stars.

The other annoyances came from various characters going into a rage, in some cases completely out of character. I'm sure people in such a situation, would be on edge, but Ms. Donna so anti-radio tower but willing to take an ax to the floor, was really hard to watch. Jim had his, & of course his teen daughter. Ellis being angry at his father was neither realistic, nor, in view of what happened, justified. A real full-grown adult son would've understood.

So if you take out the unnecessary scenes, we could've had a pretty good and unique horror series.

Maybe the production people were on whatever weed Jade was on.
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Room 203 (2022)
Don't believe the low scores from the reality TV crowd
9 May 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I totally agree with the people who complained about it being too dark to see a lot (yeah, "a lot", 2 words) so much of it. Otherwise, I enjoyed this indie horror. The story kept me interested even though I had to squint through those dark scenes. There were only a few moments where the acting was weak. But even big-budget films about girls, think there has to be a scene of them dancing around acting silly--a waste of time & usually annoying. The weakest acting is from the landlord guy, but it didn't take much away from my overall enjoyment. The down-to-earth Ian character added Kim's need for a stabilizing influence. I'll watch it again with friends.
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Madelines (2022)
Plat holes aside, poor casting finished it
9 May 2022
Brea Grant played her part well, but Parry Shen was out of place as both husband & co-inventer. He was mostly annoying, & ruined any chance of just rolling with the plot holes & silliness of this sci-fi comedy turned slasher project. I'd like to see Grant in a better production. Shen is more suited for run-of-the-mill corny sit-coms.
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The Rifleman: Woman from Hog Ridge (1960)
Season 3, Episode 2
Good acting as usual, but very unsatisfying
1 May 2022
After Lucas kills a member of a mountain clan, who had shot at him while stealing a horse in the dark of night, the rest of the clan, a lawless gang of trouble-making hicks, led by Ma Boyle, seaking to hang the killer of her son. Before Mark saves the day (unknowingly using psychiatry on the old psychotic bat), some of the clan harrass the shopkeeper & a young lady, while others break bottle in the bar. After Mark's talk works on the old bat, she has the gang pack-up & head back to the hllls. No one was charged with anything, not even "holding an officer of the law at gunpoint, nor made to pay for any damages! Maybe we're supposed to believe that following some kind of code of the hills, they settled their debt with Sweeney by sending him the blueberries they told him they'd pay with. The episode really showed how vulnerable North Folk actually is, only having one lawman & a gunfighter that lives outside of town.
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For fans of the classic B horror moves & people who aren't wannabe movie critics
12 April 2022
I notice more movies being low-rated here than years ago. Watching movies & listening to music are my favortie forms of entertainment. But it seems like most people commenting on movies here these days, actually don't like movies. They seem to expect every movie to be on the level of Marvel or DC, unless Nicolas Cage stars. Then it can be as idiotic as the WWE and reality TV. Is it those 4 years of Trump, or these years with the CCP virus that infected so many people's ability to enjoy anything. One ridiculous comment about this movie mentions the bland landscape, apparently so out of touch with the world that they forgot that life happens in ugly places as well as the beautiful vistas of New Zealand.

The Nameless Days has flaws, but none that would take away a normal horror movie fan's enjoyment. To us, it wasn't a waste. Fans of low-budget horror movies of the past, that TCM recognizes as horror classics should be able to appreciate this fun little supernatural horror. For the wannabe Roger Eberts, no this, your idol was a wannabe director who flopped at movie-making, so like so many UK musicians who failed became the harshest music critics, Rog became a movie critic, critiquing what he couldn't accomplish. I always preferred Gene Siskel, & watched mainly to see extra scenes from movies not shown in the trailers.
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Okja (2017)
Vulgar language made it not family-friendly
10 April 2022
Despite seeming to be a wholesome movie for the family (it could've been) the "f" word throughout the whole film rendered it unfit. I tend to rate movies higher than most IMDB members, based on how much I enjoy it, rather than posing as an arm chair director. If not for the profanity, I might've given this a 10. It's a shame many families will fooled by the trailer & show it to their younger children.
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Hunting Souls (2022)
Rough draft or schizo couple
5 April 2022
I watched this on a streaming platform nearly a week ago. Very eerie as horror movies should be. The acting was good enough by aal but the lady from social services. But it seemed to be pre-edit copy, meant to be viewed by the producers for editing suggestions. The couple, although played very well by these well-seasoned actors, seemed to had multi-personalities. And, like so many horror, sci-fi & thriller movies, the couple doesn't communicate, but these people took that to extreme, not sharing with each other even after witnessing the spookiest experiences & sightings, things that real people would evacuate the premises, at least for the night for. I feel sorry for the little girls who play Sophie, this being the debut for one of them, who performed their scenes as their role demanded. I sincerely hope the copy I saw was a rough draft, & the final story was evened out.
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Belongs in the list of best westerns
31 March 2022
This is on my list along with Shane, High Noon, Clint Eastwood's Sergio Leone "Man With No Name" Trilogy, Red River, Hondo, The Man Who Shot Liberty Valence, Hang Em High, Pale Rider, etc. I can't include Power of the Dog in that list, although it was good--not one I'll care to watch again.

I saw Ride Beyond Vengeance with my parents when I was a young wannabe buckaroo playing cowboys with the neighborhood kids. Despite being the most violent my parents & I had seen, my mother also liked it. Having it told by bartender Arthur O'Connell to census taker James MacArthur (2 of her favorites), made all the more enjoyable.

Many viewers here have given inaccurate descriptions of it, making Jonas (Chuck Connors) out to be some crazed sociopath out for vengeance, slaughtering people. He was the victim of psychopaths, & a complicit thieving banker. Johnsy Boy was so afraid of what Jonas was pretending to do, that he carried out the deed on himself. I realized that fact when I was 11.
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Belfast (2021)
I went through so many emotions!
18 March 2022
Kenneth Branagh made sure the viewer felt what he felt about his beloved Ireland. I knew half-way through, I'd be coming back to this movie regularly. I happened to catch his interview on MSNBC by Lawrence O" Donnell, and was eager to see Belfast.

I haven't seen all of the Academy nominees yet, but out of the ones I've seen, this & Branagh deserve to win, along with many of his cast. The love he put into this shows throughout, like a love letter. He should've signed "Love, Kenneth" at the end. It had me wishing it would've been a mini-series.
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The Rifleman: The Jailbird (1960)
Season 2, Episode 33
Antother excellent episode, plus odd TV theme
17 March 2022
I began rewatching The Rifleman on YouTube right after Johnny Crawford's death. I've also been watching a series I never saw much of when I was around 8 or 9, Yancy Derringer. So I was surprised when during the opening scene of this episode, the Yancy Derringer theme was played! I'd love to know if it was due to a mix-up, or there was some special reason.

As for the episode, it's the kind Rifleman fans want.
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The Rifleman: The Prodigal (1960)
Season 2, Episode 31
One of the top episodes
13 March 2022
Good story & acting, plus appearances of Lee Van Cleef & Warren Oates in their outlaw role days, but not very much on screen time. Mark's transformation from the beginning of the main situation being totally against the idea, & quickly gladly adapting & even finding comfort is what stood out for me. In this kind of situation, with such a lovable lady, most of us would go through the same emotional changes.
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The Rifleman: Sins of the Father (1960)
Season 2, Episode 30
Familiar plot nicely acted except for casting error
4 March 2022
Good acting, from most of the guest stars, but poor casting of the Coleman brothers, especially the older 2, who look better fit for weasely roles, than tough bullying hombres. I found them laughable as soon as they made their entrance. I recognized (his eyes) Edward Martin aka Mazzola (Bobby Moon) from one of Audey Murphy's fine moves, & found he was also Pharoah's (Yul Brynner) son in The 10 Commandments.
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