
31 Reviews
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A Laughter-Fueled Journey where Yoon Sang-Hyun Steals the Spotlight
3 March 2024
Shopaholic Louis whisked me away into a world of laughter and heart, and the unsung hero of this K-Drama extravaganza was none other than Yoon Sang-Hyun. In a masterful stroke of genius, Yoon Sang-Hyun managed to turn his supporting role into a show-stealing spectacle. His impeccable comedic timing and infectious charm injected a dose of hilarity into every scene he graced, leaving me in stitches and eagerly anticipating his next appearance.

While Nam Ji-Hyun led the cast with her captivating portrayal as the lead actress, it's impossible to overlook the magnetic presence of Yoon Sang-Hyun. He elevated the entire show, transforming what could have been a mere side role into a captivating performance that stole the spotlight. It's a testament to his talent that his character became a fan favorite, leaving an indelible mark on the overall enjoyment of Shopaholic Louis.

Nam Ji-Hyun deserves applause for her fantastic performance as the lead, bringing depth and charm to her character. Her chemistry with Yoon Sang-Hyun added an extra layer of delight to the series, creating a dynamic duo that kept me invested throughout. Together, they formed an unforgettable partnership, making Shopaholic Louis a must-watch for anyone seeking a perfect blend of humor and heart in the world of K-Dramas. Rest of the cast were good as well.

In the grand tapestry of this delightful series, it's the unexpected star power of Yoon Sang-Hyun that truly shines. His ability to turn moments of levity into memorable highlights cements Shopaholic Louis as a standout in the K-Drama landscape. So, if you're in the mood for laughter, heartwarming moments, and a brilliant supporting performance that steals the show, look no further than Shopaholic Louis.
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12th Fail (2023)
Beyond Vikrant: Priyanshu, Anant Vijay, Anshuman and Medha
5 January 2024
12th Fail stuns you with its portrayal of dreams defying impossibilities, but let's be honest, we already knew Vikrant Massey would be phenomenal. This review shines a spotlight on the unsung heroes who made his path shine even brighter: the supporting cast.

Priyanshu Chatterjee breathes life into DSP Dushant, the inspector who inspire Manoj. He's the backbone of the film, the quiet anchor who diverts Manoj's ambition. Chatterjee delivers a masterclass in understated emotion, his eyes speaking volumes even when words fail. His performance deserves every bit of recognition it can get. I am so happy to see Priyanshu in the movie!

Anant Vijay Joshi as Manoj's friend Pritam Pandey is pure sunshine personified. He's the cheerleader, the voice of reason, and the narrator rolled into one. Pushkar infuses Pritam with such infectious negativity and positivity that you find yourself rooting for him just as much as Manoj.

Anshuman Pushkar as the coaching institute teacher and friend is a revelation. He's tough as nails, demanding excellence, but his gruff exterior hides a genuine concern for his students. Joshi navigates the fine line between mentor and disciplinarian flawlessly and guides Manjo to achieve success.

And then there's Medha Shankar as Shraddha Joshi, Manoj's girlfriend. Shankar's portrayal is a masterclass in resilience. Her unwavering support forms the emotional bedrock of the film.

Vidhu Vinod Chopra deserves a standing ovation for his deft direction. He weaves a tapestry of grit, humor, and heartwarming moments, capturing the essence of struggle and triumph without resorting to melodrama. The editing mirrors the protagonist's journey, starting choppy and unfocused, gradually finding its rhythm, and finally soaring with confidence.

12th Fail is a 9/10 must-watch, not just for Vikrant Massey's brilliance, but for the phenomenal supporting cast that elevates the film to another level. Go for the story, stay for the characters, and leave with a renewed belief in the power of second chances. You won't regret it.
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The Archies (2023)
Yawn Fest at Riverdale: A Review of 'The Archies' Movie
10 December 2023
In an unexpected twist of fate, "The Archies" movie has managed to do the unthinkable - transform the vibrant and vivacious world of Riverdale into a snooze fest. The beloved comic series, known for its fun, romantic, and flirty escapades, seems to have been left in the inkwell, as the film adaptation takes a nosedive into the doldrums of dullness.

Watching "The Archies" was akin to observing paint dry on the walls of Pop's Chock'lit Shoppe - a task that even Jughead's insatiable appetite couldn't salvage. The film's pacing moved at the speed of molasses on a cold day, making one yearn for the sweet release of a commercial break or, dare I say, an intermission.

The characters, once the epitome of teenage charm and wit, were as flat as the paper they originated from. The chemistry between them fizzled out faster than Reggie's latest scheme, leaving audiences wondering if they accidentally walked into a seminar on the history of watching grass grow.

In conclusion, "The Archies" movie is a cinematic conundrum that begs the question: how can something so rooted in joy and jest turn out to be a masterclass in monotony? It's a film best enjoyed with a pillow, a blanket, and no expectations. Viewer discretion is advised - for the risk of falling asleep is all too real.

Next up - Will still root for Suhana and Khushi for their next projects. Hope they pick good scripts, directors and producers.
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Brahmastra: Love Struck or Astra-later? - A Cosmic Romp with More Heartbeats than Fireworks!
26 November 2023
Welcome to 'Brahmastra: The Love Saga with a Dash of Astras'-a movie where love's in the air, but sadly, so are misplaced priorities! Cupid, put those arrows away; we need more Astra action! The love story felt more misplaced than your keys when you're running late.

Speaking of astras, where were they hiding? We needed a cosmic buffet of astras; sadly, we got more lovey-dovey than mystical powers. Note to self: next time, less smooches, more 'astras' please!

The story's flow? Let's just say it needed a GPS more than my uncle on a road trip. But hey, visual effects were great! It's like they splurged on CGI but forgot the roadmap for the plot.

Ranbir Kapoor and Mouni Roy-applause-worthy performances! If only they had a script to match their talent. Ayan Mukerji, kudos for aiming high! However, directing this magical mammoth needed a bit more, well, magic. But hey, everyone's gotta start somewhere, right?

Part 2, I've got my eye on you! Ayan, take those lessons from part 1, sprinkle some astras, tighten that storytelling, and voila! I'm rooting for you like a fan at a cricket match. Fingers crossed, part 2 becomes the 'Brahmastra' we've been waiting for!

Rating? 5 out of 10-because love's great, but astras make things 'out-of-this-world' amazing!
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Should have been a 12 episode series, not 16.
8 November 2023
Weightlifting Fairy Kim Bok Joo is a rollercoaster of hilarity and heartstrings, but watching it feels like lifting weights - thrilling, yet exhausting! This Korean drama had me laughing, crying, and questioning my life choices, all while wondering if the characters were secretly training for a marathon with the way the story kept dragging on!

From the get-go, the series hooks you with its endearing characters and witty humor. Kim Bok Joo, our weightlifting heroine, is not your typical K-drama leading lady, and that's what makes her so lovable. She's strong, determined, and as relatable as that extra piece of pizza you know you shouldn't eat but do anyway. Her antics and awkward moments had me chuckling, making it impossible not to root for her.

However, as much as I enjoyed the fun, the series seemed to take inspiration from a snail's pace. Oh, the endless dragging! I found myself wondering if the writers were secretly experimenting with a new form of tortoise-inspired storytelling. Some scenes felt like they were added just for the sake of it, as if the writers decided, "Why not throw in a few more episodes for good measure?" I swear, they could have easily trimmed down four full episodes and saved us all from a prolonged K-drama workout.

Despite the unnecessary stretching of the storyline, the chemistry between the characters was undeniable. Bok Joo and Joon Hyung's relationship had me squealing like a teenage girl at a boy band concert. Their love story was sweet, albeit a bit too slow-burning for my liking. I mean, come on, guys, the viewers need some romance, not a marathon training program in patience!

The supporting cast added the perfect blend of spice to the series. From Bok Joo's weightlifting squad to Joon Hyung's quirky friends, each character brought something unique to the table. The friendships and camaraderie depicted in the drama were heartwarming, making me wish I had a squad as tight-knit as theirs (minus the endless cardio, of course).

Now, don't get me wrong, Weightlifting Fairy Kim Bok Joo had its shining moments. The humor was on point, and the emotional scenes tugged at my heartstrings like a weightlifter attempting a personal best. The series was undeniably fun to watch, but oh god, the unnecessary dragging made it feel like I was participating in a never-ending marathon. I couldn't help but imagine the show's editor nodding off at their desk, accidentally extending the drama's runtime with each accidental keystroke.

In conclusion, if you're ready for a workout in patience and laughter, Weightlifting Fairy Kim Bok Joo is the drama for you. Just be prepared for some unnecessary detours in the storyline that might leave you wondering if the characters are training for an ultra-marathon. Despite the dragging, the humor, lovable characters, and heartwarming moments make it a binge-worthy watch - as long as you're prepared to endure a few extra episodes on the treadmill of K-drama. Happy watching, and may your patience be as strong as Kim Bok Joo's biceps!
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Adipurush (2023)
Adipurush: The Animated Facepalm!
4 October 2023
So, I bravely ventured into the world of "Adipurush" on Netflix, expecting a cinematic masterpiece, but oh boy, what I got was a rollercoaster of questionable animation choices! Prabhas's face? More like a poorly crafted mask from a discount store! I mean, his expressions were as absent as my motivation on a Monday morning. And who's the guy playing Sheesh? Emotionless and action skills MIA, he left me wondering if he accidentally wandered onto the set from a nearby park bench!

And let's talk about Kirti Sanon as Sita - or should I say, a cardboard cutout with less emotion? I've seen more convincing performances from my pet rock. As for Raavan, someone must have hit the resize button, because he looked like he had a growth spurt and ended up in a cartoonish nightmare.

Now, Hanuman - usually the symbol of strength and seriousness - was transformed into a punchline. I was half expecting him to pull out a whoopee cushion during the battle scenes!

The only thing this movie confirmed was that my decision to watch it was a colossal waste of time. I mean, even my cat could have made a better animated film using a smartphone app. "Adipurush" might as well be called "Adi-poorly-executed." Save your precious hours, folks, and steer clear of this animated facepalm disaster!
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What a drag, should have been a shorter series!
27 August 2023
I like the overall concept but this series was so long with unnecessary episodes. It kept dragging like they had to fill a gap in the episodes. Overall, the series could have been much better with just 8 to 10 episodes.

All characters were sweet and the background music was nice.

Good for a one time watch while you press the fast forward button and skip the episodes. You won't be missing much with the story.

Do watch the last episode. It's not ground breaking but a good end to the 20 hours you will spend watching this series, or maybe less if you skip the episodes as recommended.

Overall a 6 out of 10.
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My Name (2021)
Absolutely stunning!
7 May 2023
What a thrilling show! Absolutely mind blowing performance by the trio - Han So-Hee, Ann Bo-Hyun and Hee-soon Park!!

The star of the show is no doubt Han So-Hee! She has played her part really well, especially the action scenes. Hats off to the stunt director and the series director for show casing Han's strengths! I can easily see this series adapted into Hollywood as a remake.

The story is to the point, short and fast. Her-soon has an excellent role.

The supporting cast is as great and so is the background music and the overall OST.

This is one of the very few shows where I wanted to continue or have more episodes. It will be amazing to see a season 2 as there are character stories that can be unpacked in the series.

A must watch.
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Real review
10 October 2022
Watched Laal Singh on Netflix yesterday and here are my thoughts -

The younger Laal is cute and the mother played by Mona Singh is brilliant.

I liked how they started and developed the story including the part where Laal is shown helping various people that went on to becoming successful people.

My immediate reaction to as soon as Aamir comes on board was - why is he using the extra 'mmm' when talking. The whole concept of him being a sardarji, trying to talk Punjabi and hints of his previous characters from 3 Idiots and PK was a complete turn off. Actually it was irritating. If he would have just being himself, no sardarji, with maybe autistic background, he would have been prefect. Just like the real Gump!

Kareem Kapoor couldn't do justice to the original role at all. I found her uncomfortable to watch.

I enjoyed the idea of undergarment industry, however the scenes of 'chaddi- banyan' were too much. They keep saying the same word again and again. It was not funny at all.

Lastly, I think the whole movie missed a creative flow or if I am trying to explain myself - the scene just felt dumped. The director, writers watched Forrest Gump and tried to make a remake and added Indian events or connected it to Indian history and while doing that, lost continuity of the whole story.

A straight remake of the movie Gump would have worked well for everyone.

I can imagine the crew and actors have worked hard on the project and I appreciate that by watching the whole movie. As a movie lover, I wouldn't give it more than a 5 rating out of 10.
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Beautiful but rushed ending
19 June 2022
Just finished watching Something in the rain.

I thoroughly enjoyed the series. It was slow paced and nice. I have few things that stood out for me -

  • great character building
  • Son Ye Jin is amazing. He is such a natural actor. Beautiful!

  • Jung Hae In was simply superb! He had a great chemistry with Son Yeh Jin.

  • The whole office issue just randomly ended without much clarification which I was not cool about.

  • The time jumps were not clear as well.

  • Supporting cast is good, specially - actress's mom and dad, border. Actor's sister and dad.

  • The last episode felt so rushed it just felt weird. The whole thing changes when there was just 2 mins left for the series to end.

  • I wish they built the ending atleast from the second last episode and end it with a proper pace.

Overall, I enjoyed the series and would recommend if you are after a romantic drama.
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Heart warming but OMG they dragged it for so long!
20 February 2022
To be honest this series could have been easily compressed to be a 10-12 episode series instead of 16. Total waste of time towards the end to be honest.

No doubt the cast was nicely done, the story is simple and heart warming. The star of the show is the lead couple, especially Kim Seon-Ho. I also liked the title track 'Sunday'. Nice.

While watching the series I got so bored that I watched two other series and finished it and one Hollywood movie. I somehow managed to finish the show in the end.

There is no way this series deserves a rating of 8+. A 6 is appropriate.

Also even after watching this series I don't understand what the title means - Hometown Cha Cha Cha. What does this even mean?!
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Chocolate (I) (2019–2020)
Good lord, what a drag and that last episode!
22 September 2021
Chocolate is a good drama but an extremely slow one. The series introduces new characters randomly within the middle of the show and I have no idea why.

Cast wise, Ha Ji-Won is sweet and the amazing Seung-Jo Jang is fantastic! Yoong Kyesang has done a good job too.

Overall I feel the series could have easily finished within 12 episodes instead it goes on until 16 episodes and the last one has some random things happening.

I'll still suggest you to watch it at least once.
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1360's period drama with 2020 hard rock music
24 August 2021
Korean dramas are a sight to watch!

My Country - The new age is a nice period drama. Shot beautifully and enjoyed the characters a lot especially Jang Hyuk. He was just pure bliss to watch. The role totally suit his personality. This is first time I have ever come across Jang Hyuk and he is totally impressive.

Both the lead actors are great including the actress. They are supported by great supporting cast who at times are funny.

I rate this drama a 7 due to the fact that the period drama didn't mix up well with modern background music. That's just my thoughts. No doubt some of the music is great but that hard rock guitar style music was a big no!

Also I would have expected a bit of reality when it comes to fights, wounds and the recovery period. There is no such thing here.

Still, great one time watch. I recommend!
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Legend of the Blue Sea (2016–2017)
So creative!
23 June 2021
I had this series saved on my Netflix list for a very long time and finally decided to watch it and damn I was so impressed!

This is the first time I have watched and got introduced to Lee Min-Ho and Jun Ji-Hyun. They were fantastic in their respective role. I literally fell in love with both of them.

The supporting cast did an amazing job to, especially Lee Hee-Joon, Shin Woo Ho and Hye-Sun Shin!

Hee-Joon and Sun Shin were hilarious in their characters!

Overall it is a very well paced series, especially the concept and how the characters are connected to each other. The series is also shot beautifully!

Give it an 8 out of 10!

Love it!
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Away (2020)
A slow drag but love the space bit
9 September 2020
I had to write a review. This show could have finalised the season 1 with maybe 6 episodes instead of 10.

The concept is great and would appeal to sci-fi lovers but the drama is way too much.

Hilary Swank is nice but keeps crying all the time. The daughter is scared as hell throughout the show. The Astronauts do all sorts of drama. Not sure if this kind of drama happens in a space program? I understand the show has tried to show the human element apart from the space travel but I guess it went way beyond. The special fx are fine but not extraordinary.

Loved the last 15mins of episode 10 though.

Lots of potential in the show for season 2. It'll be interesting to see if Netflix will renew for season 2.

Overall, a 6 out of 10.
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Disappointing on many levels
29 March 2019
I was very excited to watch Manikarnika as I Kangana was part of it.

The movie started slow with songs that were not needed. Kanagna looks great as Manikarnika and has acted well but the biggest issue with the movie is the overall story telling, direction and editing. The movie looked like it was directed by someone inexperienced and edited quickly to release it as soon as possible. The visual Fx was low quality as well, especially with the fight scenes.

Ankita's role is around 10 mins in total and I have no idea why she would choose this script for her launch. Good luck with getting future projects.

Everything else was boring. For some reason I just didn't enjoy it at all.

No matter what, one thing is for sure, Rani Laxmi bai is a legend!
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7 June 2018
I was born in the eighties in Mumbai so my teenage years were in the 90s. Back then we heard a lot about Osho's Poona ashram but had no clue what actually went in there.

Watched Wild Wild country and got interested right from the first episode! The series is so well made that it will keep you interest. In fact you may end up falling in love with the cult.

The the concept of interviews from actually characters and integrating real footage makes this series one of the best I have ever watched!

I am sure one you are done watching it, you will be keen on doing some search on all the main characters to see what they are doing these days! That's what I did!
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Prison Break (2005–2017)
Watched the series in 2016 and I am blown away!
27 November 2016
The most interesting aspect of this review is that I watched this series in the year 2016 (current year) and finished watching in Oct-Nov straight on Netflix. Interestingly i enjoyed and loved the series so much that i started googling Wentworth Miller are other characters and realized there is a new Prison Break sequel being shot this year!

Even though i knew what the end would be as I read the synopsis of Season 5, i literally felt a part of me ended after finishing the first 4 seasons!

By the way, I watched the episode 23 and the final break (episode 24) today and i am totally devastated! I am so going to miss Prison Break that I cant wait for the new season to start!!

This is also my first full American Series that I have watched from start to end and I am so proud of that!

Every episode kept me at the edge of the couch and i enjoyed every bit of it. Great acting by all the characters!

I highly recommend it to anyone who has not watched Prison Break. This is one series not to be missed!

Bring it on Season 5!
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Mohenjo Daro (2016)
A total disaster. Not worth watching at the movies.
23 August 2016
I am a huge fan of Ashutosh Gowariker and I love Hrithik Roshan but for a lot of reasons this movie was utter crap.

Firstly, the story (plot) is not strong enough. It tries to tell a lot about everything and just fails to impress the audience (in this case, me).

Secondly, Pooja Hegde looks great but needs to learn acting. Hrithik and other actors are good.

Third and the most important part that ruins the movie watching experience - The Computer effects and animation is low grade and looks funny!

I was so disappointed watching this movie! Not sure how the final cut was approved to be released.

My suggestion - If the movie was literally based on Mohenjo Daro (the historical site) with good CG, it would have been awesome! There was no need for a love story/ fights huge guys etc.
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Dabangg 2 (2012)
Salman needs to grow up
8 March 2013
Why did I watch this movie?

I thought after the so called success of the stupid movie Dabangg, this will be well made by Arbaaz Khan. Thought Salman's ideas would be interesting. but alas!

Watched this movie and the first few minutes in the movie I got confused if I was watching the part 1!! There was no creativity just silly fights and senseless comedy.

Its time for Salman to grow up and keep his attitude low and focus on better scripts. If his movies do 100+ crores, it doesn't mean the movie is good. Its just some crazy blind fan followers going and watching the movie and over all benefiting the producers.

The item song Fevicol is cheap. Arbaaz has used a lot of slow motion to show that his direction is good. now thats a joke! Sonakshi Sinha should retire after this movie. She hardly has any role in the movie and the acting is overacting. Its a shame to see Sonakshi getting the attention for nothing.

People should stop watching such movie...and not encourage such foolish scripts and acting.
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Raaz 3 (2012)
Very dumb movie
17 November 2012
This is movie is a dumb effort to continue the RAAZ legacy.

one of the most stupid movies of all times.

The story is okay. Direction is cheap. Cast has acted dumb - all three of them. The extras are funny!

The music is bad and so is the background music.

If you watch the movie you will understand what I am talking about. I will not recommend this movie at all.

I also want Vikram Bhatt to stop making horror movies for the sake of making one.

If u really want to watch RAAZ, watch RAAZ 1.
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Bittoo Boss (2012)
Such a waste of time!
24 April 2012
Thank God I did not watch this in the theatre!! In fact, i should have not watched this at all. The only reason i wanted to watch this movie was because of the trailer. It looked promising. But when I actually started watching the movie, it was a torture!

The main lead has acted OK. the 'Sesky' is used a lot and sounded pretty stupid. His dance is good. But hey, acting is just not dancing. The the other cast of this movie are 'just OK'.

The story is the worst! It is not interesting at all. Its stupid. It starts somewhere and goes in a very different direction.

You should watch this movie - if you are unable to sleep.
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Don 2 (2011)
Very Stylish - No one could have played Don better than SRK!!
27 December 2011
I would officially rate this movie 8 out of 10. But the only reason i am giving it an extra 2 is because Farhan Akhtar finally made this movie!!

Shahrukh plays the role mind blowingly. He looks great and has acted well.

The direction is sharp and editing is crisp.

Priyanka Chopra has a good small part where as Lara Dutta is there just for the sake of being there.

Om Puri's acting was not appealing. i found it fake. I don't know why.

Both the villains are good.

Thank God, there are not much songs!

Finally, a great movie to watch, coming from Indian directors other than typical crazy love story movies!

SRK has proved that he is the ONLY DON.

Also, its much - much better than RA.ONE! :P
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Ra.One (2011)
Ra.One - a giant leap for Hindi movies. SRK is back! now stay quiet Salman!
26 October 2011
Warning: Spoilers
I watched this movie first day first show in Melbourne, Australia. Watched it in 2D. It would be good if I can just go directly into what worked well and what not and why?

What went wrong? - SRK's tamil accent. Didn't sound good and real. It would have been better if he played a role of a simple nerd gaming engineer. - SRK's fake curly hair! I just have a question - Why??! - Too many songs!! - Some loopholes in the script. - Kareena's abusive dialogues. (some people may find this funny) - Arjun Rampal's entry to late. (while watching the movie, I felt actor Tom Wu is the real Ra.One and Arjun would only come in the end) - Predictable ending (would have been awesome if the movie was left 'open ended' and let viewers think what the end was? what happens next? - Some of the scenes are inspired by Hollywood movies. - Movie length is a bit long. - Side characters such as: Sahana, Tahil - such a waste!

What went well? really well!! - This is India's first gaming based sci fi movie. No one in the Hindi film industry ever dared to make a movie on such a large scale on this genre. - Excellent editing. Very crisp and fast based. - Excellent Visual effects for a movie which is made of only $150 crores (in comparison to Hollywood budget). - I like the the scenes where both G.One and pump the cars up! super cool and new stuff! it's a treat to watch Indian superheroes/supervillans releasing the electric balls on each other! - Great songs! (yeah, i like the songs, but don't want to watch them while watching an action movie! But I can understand this was catered for the Indian audience. - The Kid, Lucifer played his part well. - Rajinikanth's entry is awesome! I am sure people will clap and whistle on this entry just like we all did here, in Melbourne! (I wish Rakjini's robo dress was a bit well fitted!!) - Arjun Rampal looks great as a Bad guy. - Good typical emotional scenes between G.One and Son. - Some funny one liners. - SRK flying! (a bit more of this would have been appreciated)

Overall, its a super treat to watch this movie as I would say that it will create a bench mark in the Indian films for VFS based movies. This movie will be a sure shot hit with the kids! (thanks to SRK's marketing ideas) It is also a tight slap on movies such as Dabaang, Drona, Bodyguard.

Lot of people are saying this movie is a copy of various Hollywood movies. My answer to them is - don't watch it!

Some say the poster is copied as well! My answer to them is, most Hollywood superhero movie posters are quiet similar. is a great introduction to a huge superhero character called!

I only hope SRK's team refine's the G.One Character and come up with a mind blasting Part 2!
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shame for Indian film industry
19 January 2011
I can understand why most of the people have rated AWFUL for this movie. i guess Farah Khan has totally lost it. She is better at choreographing shila ki jawani or other songs. All the stupid jokes were disgusting. Akshay Kumar needs to take a break and look for some better roles. and what can i say about Katrina Kaif? I heard once that you were looking for roles like the one in 'no one killed jessica'!! How will you get such a movie if you keep on doing roles like the one you have done in Tees Maar Khan! The only dialogue that Katrina says is, "I will apply more make up on the face". I hope none of my friends watch this movie as its a disgrace to the Indian Film Industry.
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