9 Reviews
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SuperHigh (2017– )
Not Very High Comedy
16 February 2019
This show is about what I expected, a bunch of bad pot jokes that have been done a million times before with added super hero stuff that is pretty poorly done too. Not the worst thing I've ever seen but not very good either.
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Don't Hang Up (2016)
30 July 2017
This is a typical ho-hum revenge slasher thriller movie. The opening scene sets it up as something that seems like it might be an interesting movie but as soon as they cut to the frat boys on the other end of the phone line the story immediately becomes stupid and the acting is ridiculously bad.

A lot of the smaller characters in this do a fine job it is just the leads who are just really awful. I don't understand the casting in this movie. They look the part and it is a relief for once to not see 40 year old men playing high school kids but they just don't seem believable with their dialogue and the way they act. When they laugh at their jokes it seems fake. When they get mad at their prank caller they don't seem real either. They don't seem real when they are worried, or missing their girlfriend, or anything. Just bad acting.

The script is also very bad. It's a collection of jump scares and plot "twists" that have been done a billion times before, and better, so nothing is original or scary or even that interesting. Every single scene you can guess what is going to happen before it actually does. It's also pretty obvious as soon as these prank callers start getting called back who is probably doing it and why. The flashback scene is really awful too.

The other actors are OK, the soundtrack is good, the CGI is better than in most movies in the low budget range. But the awful script and lead characters/actors means this movie is hopeless. At least it is mercifully short at only like 70 minutes plus credits.
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The 67th Annual Academy Awards (1995 TV Special)
Best Oscars Of The Era
29 July 2017
I remember a lot of critics and reviews were incredibly harsh after this awards show with a lot of attention focused on a joke host David Letterman did that kind of fell flat where he just kept going between Oprah Winfrey and Uma Thurman and saying "Oprah... Uma. Uma... Oprah." And yes that joke was kind of dumb but it was also so dumb it was kind of funny. I mean think about it, to this day people still talk about it and laugh at least because it was so dumb.

Also the show was what like three hours long and the rest of it was great! David Letterman was very comfortable and funny with some great jokes, perhaps the Hollywood stiffs just didn't like some of the ones which were aimed at themselves.

Also the short videos he did were the best I've ever seen on any Oscars, with fake auditions for a tiny part he played in Cabin Boy (not exactly an Oscar nominated movie) and taxi cabs. All of that was amazing! I honestly don't know why some people act like Letterman was terrible or that this was a bad Oscars broadcast.

Honestly if you thought this was anywhere near as bad as any of the years hosted by Whoopi Goldberg, Ellen Degeneres, Billy Crystal (especially the later years), high James Franco (dumpster fire) or many many others, I question your sense of humor and I.Q.

The Oscars needs more fun years like this one!
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The 83rd Annual Academy Awards (2011 TV Special)
Perhaps the Worst Oscars Ever
29 July 2017
I shouldn't say this is the worst Oscars telecast ever simply because I have not seen them all, but I can definitely say beyond the shadow of a doubt that this is probably the single worst Oscars telecast that I have watched.

The main problem was co-host James Franco. His co-host was left to try to clean up after him and make the best of an awful show without any help from his whatsoever. The opening number was kind of okay but after that it seemed like he was a bored and incredibly boring, drunk and-or high idiot who didn't have a clue what he was doing and didn't care how bad he did or how bad the show got.

I hope they never have him back. I think he was easily worse than the worst Whoopi Goldberg hosting job and I would have thought that would be impossible.
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Sea Dream (1979)
A Bad Poem Well Animated But Poorly Narrated
29 July 2017
I would have to agree with the other reviewer here that this short is definitely one of the weakest if not the worst over all of the National Film Board of Canada animation shorts that I have seen in my life. I've seen a lot of them and the NFB is well known and deservedly show for making some great animated shorts over the years, and especially back in this era, but there are a few weak ones and this one always did stick out to me as particularly poor.

I would also agree that the animation in this is well done. I didn't think it was great but it was definitely acceptably well done and definitely the best part of this short. The real weak parts were the narration which I did not think was as terrible as the other reviewer but which definitely a poor choice and of poor quality, and the truly awful and uninspired poem they chose to use. I wonder if maybe the reason for the childish narration is that this is possibly a poem written by a child? If so that is very unclear and that's another problem with this piece, it's just kind of presented to us without making complete sense.

Anyway avoid this one because it takes away from the other NFB shorts which are fantastic and not every one of their shorts could hit the target!

Good animation, bad narration and terrible poem (or terribly presented if written by a child).
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Haters Back Off! (2016–2017)
On Episode 6... Can't Finish
24 July 2017
Meant to wait longer before writing this review but I just had to do it right now instead. I had planned to watch the entire first season (I hear there will be a second and I can't can't can't can't can't believe it) first, but I couldn't possibly sit through one more single minute of this show.

I don't love or hate the YouTube videos but the idea of taking those short clips of a really annoying character and stretching it out to a half hour series is just brain numbingly awful. Who had that bright idea?

The sister is a decent actor and the uncle causes a couple laughs as does Angela from The Office fame (who is Miranda's mom).

The writing is painfully awful to sit through with the jokes incredibly unfunny and predictable. Anyone who does not see these jokes coming from a mile away must be blind and never experienced a single sitcom before. Boring, boring, boring.

The worst part of the show though is the lead character of Miranda. The people around her are all unbelievable (except the sister) and stupid but she is the worst one of all. The whiny voice and complete lack of singing talent are of course planned but just because you write something to be intentionally bad does not somehow make it good... it's still awful to sit through!

This is so bad I can't even tell for sure if this is supposed to be a comedy or a drama or a statement about modern YouTube "stars"... it is very sad that this person is making a lot of money by being a terrible actress who pretends to sing badly, standing out as the worst person in a cast of unlikable, uninteresting characters.

Netflix doesn't make too many bad mistakes but this is one of them. No season two please. Make something else instead.
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Girlboss (2017)
24 July 2017
This is an awful show about an awful character who does awful things that were written awfully.

No offense to the actors here, but none of them are likable, especially the lead. And I think that the lead did a good job playing her part, it's just that she is supposed to be terrible. The problem is as an audience we are supposed to either like or at least "care" about someone in the show to keep us invested in the show and watching. Not only is she awful but none of these characters are believable at all. Again, bad writing.

If this is indeed supposed to be some kind of "empowering female character" that makes no sense at all. She's not just a selfish jerk, she's also stupid and acts in ways that are completely illogical. She's also emotionally immature and breaks down crying after losing her job early in episode one, wow that is so empowering thank you Netflix.

This show just left me with lots of questions. Why does she suddenly learn how to buy expensive clothes cheap then sell them for a profit literally the minute she loses her job? Why does the carpet store guy watch her steal a rug and yell at her but let her just walk away with it? Why does the owner of the vintage store let her continue to shop there when she rips him off then yells at and insults him constantly? Why does the security guy panic and let her run away just because she shows him her groin? Why was RuPaul directed to amp up the flaming gay-ness of his character like 10,000%? Because they thought that gay equals comedy for some reason?

Avoid this show at all costs. I'm so glad it was canceled but it's still on Netflix.
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The Simpsons (1989– )
Difficult to Rate
13 July 2017
I surprisingly had a very difficult time rating this show, but I did and a 5 out of 10 is in my opinion a fair rating when you consider the series as a whole.

The reason it is so hard for me to rate this show is the simple fact that it has been on so very, very long. 621 episodes and growing, according to the numbers here on IMDb. And when a season lasts that long, it obviously will have stretches of good quality and stretches of bad quality. The Simpsons is no different.

Although the series does still make me chuckle here and there, the quality has completely fallen off in the show's later years. It suffered a sudden and terrible decline and I still feel very disappointed watching it, remember and "missing" the fantastic episodes of old.

Because that's the other extreme. When The Simpsons first went on the air, and for at least 8 seasons (to me, at least), it was one of the very best comedy shows ever produced. The characters were great, the writing was slick, it seemed like every single joke hit its mark and I laughed out loud all the time. It was one of the few "can't miss" shows I remember in my life, where Sundays at 8pm I just had to be home to watch it. Everyone talked about it, and regardless of how many seasons you think it lasted everyone considers those early years the "golden age" of the Simpsons.

I'm not sure if the problem is people leaving, or naturally running out of ideas after being on the air so long, or simple laziness, or the writers and staff getting old, but clearly at a point this show just went from the creative tops to something almost awful.

I'm basically averaging it out (6 years of awesomeness, 6 years of being OK, and since then being just bloody awful) to give this show a 5 out of 10.

I know I'll be bashed by haters who find my rating too high, and Simpson-heads who can't believe anyone would go lower than 10, but this is the grade I think is fair for this show.
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Steaming Cow Flop
30 October 2013
I give this movie a 2 out of 10 instead of just 1 because it is at least unintentionally interesting and entertaining because you will end up laughing at how stupid it is. The effects are laughable, very very bad, even by standards of like 2001 these effects are cheap and unreal looking. The acting is also terrible and I won't even mention the writing but then again what do you expect when you pick up a discount bargain bin movie called "dragon crusaders" at a grocery store for 2.99? This movie is very bad but if you are a fan of laughing at super horribly done and acted movies then you can do a lot worse than this one, you'll end up laughing at it a few times at least.
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