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Avatar 2: Na'vi-tional Geographic
17 December 2022
The VFX was amazing! Full marks for the VFX team!

But where the heck is the story?! This crap is the best what James Cameron could come up with?!

I'm not sure if I just watched the sequel of the highest grossing movie of all-time or a National Geographic documentary on Pandora's ocean life!

Every single person from the first movie who died: Stephen Lang to Sigourney Weaver, still resides in the Avatarverse in one form or the other.

And, clones?! Seriously... there's no better person on the entire Earth who could bring down Jake Sully other than the clone of the guy who failed to do so in the first place?! Man, R. I. P logic!

Watch it for the VFX, if you want. But, that's pretty much it.
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Superman & Lois (2021– )
Teaches you a valuable life lesson.
26 January 2022
Which is: don't get married and have kids, or your life will be ruined!

Heck, if Superman can't handle his nagging wife and annoying kid (note the singular noun), then what chance do the rest of us mortals have.

The pitch must have gone something like this:-

Writer: "Imagine Superman, but with a family: a wife and two kids."

Producer: "Hmm, interesting. But, he's Superman, that's not much of a challenge for him."

Writer: "But... what if we made the wife and one kid so damn unbearable that even Superman couldn't handle them."

Producer: "Okay, now we're getting warmer..."

Writer: "How about a jerk father-in-law as well."

Producer: "Good, good, keep going... We could make a great family drama with this one."

Writer: "Heck yeah!"
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Stargate SG-1: 1969 (1999)
Season 2, Episode 21
My first Stargate SG-1 episode
21 January 2021
This was the very first Stargate SG-1 episode I ever saw; it was an early morning rerun. Needless to say, I was instantly hooked, and went on to binge watch the entire series. It remains to this day one of my favorite TV shows of all-time.

A very memorable episode.

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Black Panther (2018)
Goodbye, King.
29 August 2020
Thanks for a wonderful performance even while battling cancer. Few people could've done what you did and even fewer could've done it with such panache.

This movie doesn't deserve a 10 star rating, I agree, but it doesn't deserve all those 1's and 2's from the haters either. It remains to this day, one of the best standalone Marvel movies ever made.

You'll be sorely missed.

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The Rookie: The Hunt (2020)
Season 2, Episode 20
Phone > Open Recorder app > End of story
12 May 2020
There's this thing called a mobile phone which conveniently has a recording app that can be used to record conversations. Most phones has the option to automatically record phone calls; which a cop would've enabled. Heck, I've enabled it.

The corrupt cop framing the good cop AFTER confessing to the whole thing probably would've worked before the 90's when a recorder would've been bulky; but not anymore.

This was a good show, and there were a lot of potential threats that a police officer would've had to tackle if the idea was to go for a cliffhanger and season renewal.

That's it. Just like the episode, I won't be bothering to write a strong conclusion for my review. Or make it sound more legit. It is what it is.
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Westworld: Crisis Theory (2020)
Season 3, Episode 8
Goodbye, Westworld.
7 May 2020
This will be the last episode of Westworld I'll ever watch. Season 1 was amazing! Season 2 wasn't that bad either. But Season 3... was utter trash. I really hoped that they'd at least make the finale good; but they didn't. So, this is it for me.

Goodbye, Westworld. Thanks for all the great stuff you gave us in Season 1.
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Westworld: Genre (2020)
Season 3, Episode 5
From the director of Underworld: Blood wars, comes the worst episode in the history of Westworld.
21 April 2020
This was by far, the worst episode of this show. Pacing was off, dialogues were cringeworthy, action was bad, the script was horrible. I couldn't wait for it to end. An excellent lesson for film school students on how a poor script coupled with bad directorial choices could turn event the best of shows into the worst.
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Disney Wrecks the Franchise!
4 March 2019
The title of this movie should've been "Disney Breaks the Wreck-it Ralph Franchise"! There was no plot, absolutely no plot! Some kid breaks the steering wheel of Vanellope's "Sugar Rush" game and Ralph & Vanellope sets out on a journey into the internet to buy a new steering wheel from E-bay.

At best, this could've been a 10 minute short, at worst, well, at worst, this movie IS the result. All that happens from the moment they go on the internet, is Ads. Lots and lots of Ads ranging from the different brands that probably paid Disney a fortune to be animated, to showcasing the characters that Disney owns, ranging from Star Wars, Marvel, Disney Princesses; you name it, they've got it all. And for some reason, we're supposed to enjoy watching all the characters in a single movie?

Since this is all they had done for the first and second acts, they needed some sort of conflict and resolution in the third, so they just make Ralph do something stupid and cause a conflict which is later resolved in the dumbest possible manner with Ralph wearing a princess dress. I have no idea if they really hired writers to come up with this lame-o-rama! It could just as easily have been written by an 8-year-old kid.

Wreck-it Ralph is an all-time favorite animated movie of mine; it had sugar, spice and everything nice in just the right proportions. This movie had great visuals, but it can't hold a candle to the original and is without a doubt, one of the worst Disney movies I've ever seen.
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Did I just watch a light-hearted buddy comedy?
4 March 2019
For a movie in the "Biography, Crime, Drama" genre that is based on real events, this was a major dud. Sure, they said it was loosely based on real events, but if that were the case, why not make it more interesting instead of the overlong, pointless snoozefest this really was. It was just crammed with hipster Blacks and racist Whites. And to top it off, it also won an Oscar for the Best Adapted Screenplay? What the hell were the Academy members smoking while they voted for this movie?

Don't you get it, making a movie on Black power or White power is not going to help ease the divide that exists in our society today. The answer to a White Trump is not a Black Trump!

It felt like this whole movie was made just to show those clips from 2017 at the end to emphasize that Blacks are still being subjugated to gross mistreatment and that there are some Whites who die for the Blacks now. *sigh* There are offenders on both sides of the wall, Mr. Spike Lee. Please stop trying to add fuel to a fire that doesn't really exist; you're only making it worse.

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Wasted potential
3 March 2019
This movie truly had the potential to be something more than just a bunch of braindead sequences of the protagonist beating up tens of hundreds of people at the same time with his bare hands, some even armed with guns.

I mean, come on, seriously? The only intelligent confrontation scene was when the leading lady challenges Rocky, our hero, to touch her while she was encircled by her Gangster Daddy's bodyguard thugs. I half expected all the goons to lower their guns when Rocky stared at them or the guns to melt somehow. But thankfully, Rocky backs off, rides in a tanker with an inflammable liquid and then spills it all over the floor, thereby neutralizing the threat of ammunition being fired.

You see, that was brains over brawn intelligent thinking. If only Rocky had used his brains more often than relying on his questionable source of strength with a seemingly endless reserve to get things done.

The negative aspect of having an overpowered protagonist is that there isn't a moment that you're scared for his life. What if there's an army of bad guys coming at our hero? No problem, we've seen him kill or incapacitate hundreds of goons with his bare hands before, how hard could this new challenge possibly be? If you want a reference on how to get that balance right, please watch Marvel's Punisher on Netflix. Frank Castle kills numerous people at the same time too, but he takes a good thrashing himself in the process which makes him a believable character.

The sets were good and the story really had potential. But, unfortunately, the Writer, Director, and Producers had already decided that this will be a no-brains, hero-worship flick with stylized explosions in the background while the protagonist walks in slow-motion with bad guys flying left and right and sometimes even spinning in the air after being struck as if they were cricket balls being hit out of the park. *sigh*

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Joseph (II) (2018)
A realistic, dark thriller
3 March 2019
"Joseph", played too convincingly by Joju George is yet another gem from the Malayalam movie industry.

The protagonist is a retired police officer who's often called to the crime scenes by his former superiors due to his uncanny ability to spot even the faintest of clues. In a way, he's the local Sherlock Holmes, and he doesn't miss much; evident from the fact that he solves the crime within a few hours after he was called to the scene.

We also see that he's a lonely man who smokes, drinks and keeps a company of 4-5 other people who are all from the law-enforcement agency.

As the story unfolds, we learn more about Joseph's past: that he had a family once, his joy on becoming a parent, the love he had for his wife and daughter, and the reason why everything fell apart. These revelations come as a flashback after Joseph learns about his ex-wife's accident. And it doesn't take long for him to figure out that the so-called "accident" was, in fact, a premeditated murder. The investigation that follows, conducted by Joseph and his friends forms the crux of the story as it finally leads to a memorable climax.

Joseph is one of those movies that is grounded in reality and doesn't overpower its protagonist to beat up over a hundred people at a time with the bad guys flying left and right after a single punch.

Kudos to the entire team for a tight script topped off with excellent direction and brilliant acting by the lead.

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Shaolin (2011)
Mustn't be missed for the low 6.8 rating...!!..
19 September 2011
I almost skipped this flick when I saw the low 6.8 rating on IMDb. And to be honest, that would've been really unfortunate! Remember the kind of movies that leave something behind in your hearts long after they've finished running? Well, this is most certainly one of those. The background score and soundtrack will linger in your head, I guarantee you that. But most importantly, just when you THINK you've figured it all out and stamped it 'just another Kung Fu flick'; all ready to be discarded and disregarded, wait for the kicker...!

A simple yet significant moral, getting to know the Buddhist way, beautiful locations, and commendable direction to top it off; This movie truly had the potential to be an epic. Almost...!

I thought I'd go with an 8 at first...but finally decided on a full 10; forgiving its small flaws to make way for the bigger message this movie delivers..!
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