
4 Reviews
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Cracker (1993–1996)
Robbie does it
30 October 2013
Well, how could there be anything but 10 out of 10 for the great Robbie Coltrane. He would even shine adapting the Black Square by Malevich.

Cracker, however, is so good by itself, it could've had a chance of making it even without Robbie. Which becomes, of course, unthinkable, once you meet the Fitz. He fills up the entire screen, no pan, every single time he appears and then you just want more of him.

The stories are often so difficult to figure out: up until the very end. Together with such an unique lead it results in one of the most attractive and unusual crime series ever made.

This is one of the very few movies you just need to watch for a couple of minutes to fall in love with.

I do so envy you guys who haven't seen it yet.
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Pacific Rim (2013)
Junk she wrote
2 October 2013
What a terrible piece of junk!

Cartoon characters vs evil CG creatures. Somehow, this reminded me of Anaconda, the snake that roars.

Fortunately, I had this one downloaded as opposed to wasting whatever little money they charge nowadays in theaters.

What's really disturbing is a bunch of approvals this garbage acquired on IMDb. One should not promote this, whether paid for or not. It's just THAT bad.

Come to think of it, it's even insulting: just how dumb they think the viewers are...

Del Toro must've been abducted and replaced by some brain dead amateur. No way it's been done by the same person who made Labyrinth.

So, rephrasing Sophie: horrible, horrible movie.
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La Femme Nikita (1997–2001)
25 September 2013
It's a pity I watched this after 24, Alias, Covert Affairs and likes.

Along with most recent Nikita with Maggie Q, all of the above appear somewhat simplistic - if not amateurish - with compare to LFN.

So many story finds, characters etc. got copied by the later shows from LFN - it deprived me of enjoying the indisputable LFN novelty.

Yet, now, in 2013, the show is extremely addictive, rarely predictable, with jaw-wtf???-dropping twists and numerous cliffhangers.

I was googling for the "best spy TV show" lists and came across LFN. After watching 3 seasons I'm wondering how come it's not on top of every single list I found. Even my skeptical wife is into it, and coming from her, it means a lot. In fact, my own list would consist of LFN only (well, maybe 24, as a very distant 2nd).

Granted, most characters are over the top. Nikita, as Section's personified conscience. Michael, the coolest operative in existence, he never ever misses - respect! The devilish Siamese twins, Operations and Madeline. But that's how it always is with long running TV series and only adds to LFN's power.

Soundtracks are cool. Cheesy moments are so few - not worth mentioning.

Peta Wilson grows on you, and soon it's hard to imagine someone else in her place. What is it with Aussie girls in spy shows? They're the best...

Show starts a bit shaky - or so it seems, possibly, because it repeats well-known first turns of Nikita's fate, but then, before long, it takes on its own, grim and often unforeseeable road, you will never regret following.

Very stylish, very unusual fun & fireworks. 10 out of 10.
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Chuck (2007–2012)
Good first seasons, then...
10 September 2013
I wish they did 3 seasons only. To me, it was a steep downhill afterward.

Chuck himself used to be OK - up until he's got his mainstream haircut and a double chin.

Dalton was good, as always, despite the ridiculous script. But then again, he shines everywhere.

My condolences to the German guy who picks those two Buy More schmucks for his label - and takes them away. He should have done that after the very 1st season though.

The Aussie girl as Sarah, on the other hand, never lets you down. Besides looking, well, awesome, with her acting she can handle a lot more than Chuck & Dexter.

Not to diminish the others, she carries the entire series and it's never enough of her.
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