
17 Reviews
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Almost good
26 February 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This is a frustrating film. I want to highlight that I am a fan of the games, but am not a mega-fan and know all the intricacies of the lore.

I thought the film opened really well, it starts off very eerie and introduces us to a few characters that we see throughout the film. It begins with this really spooky atmosphere, very similar to the games, not just in the opening scene, but for about the first hour or so. I really liked the scene which showed us Chris' next door neighbours, they were really unsettling in appearance and acted strangely. When the film picks up and works it's way into the two key areas, the Spencer Mansion and the RPD, the cracks begin to show a bit. I think for the most part, both environments look really good, in particular the spencer mansion, which features rooms pulled straight from the game, same for the RPD, though it is a bit more CGI compared to the mansion. There is a really well shot fight in the Spencer Mansion involving Chris and some pretty decent action. I think for the most part I actually liked the casting, Chris, Jill and Claire were all well casted, Leon too, though that character has some major issues.

I think the problems people have with the casting this film more so reflects the appalling writing. Dialogue feels unnatural, and cringeworthy throughout the whole film. In particularly with Leon, who is almost reduced to an attempt at a comedy relief character. He is depicted as a drunk, oblivious rookie cop who has no idea what to do. The interactions between him, the chief of police and other members of the RPD are cringe inducing and cliched. This dialogue issue is not just an issue for this character, but is front and centre throughout the entire movie.

Lisa Trevor's design was really cool, and see was very unsettling when on screen, but overall played no real part in a very poorly paced, poorly executed, bloated story. William Burken is the main antagonist of the film, who is cast well again, but ultimately destroyed through writing. The climax of the film basically involves Burken injecting himself with the G-virus, not dissimilar to the second game. He begins to mutate and go after the main cast, but the CGI for the Burken monster is so poor it is impossible to feel scared of him. It's a similar case with the main zombies too, as stated earlier, the scene with Chris' neighbours is genuinely creepy, they have a very uncanny appearance which I thought would lead to a really cool zombie makeup in the later parts of the film, but I was completely wrong. The zombie makeup is poor and often looks like it was done at a cheap costume shop.

The final fight is extremely underwhelming, as I said, most the environments throughout the film look and feel really good, but when the cast get down to the "lab" and the train, the environments just become a dark grey tunnel. I really thought it would follow the rest of the film, and stay true to the games in terms of environment. Instead of a bright, white laboratory stained with the horrors of umbrella, the film boils down to some dimly lit, dirty corridors underground. After beating Burken for the first time, he returns ripping off the roof of the train to attack the team again. Again, the CGI somehow gets even worse, there's a very short fight between the monster and chris, before Leon pulls out a rocket launcher to kill it. Yep, not big team fight, literally Leon just shooting the monster with a rocket launcher. When the film realises it needs to explain where he got the launcher from, all he says is he got it in first class. For me, this was so incredibly underwhelming, the action of the movie had been decent up until this point, so for the final "big" scene to boil down to this it's extremely disappointing.

Though this film is severely flawed, it's not unwatchable. I was very bored one night, and fancied sticking on a film, and if you're in the mood for a bit of a mindless, B-movie type adventure, this may be up your street. If you've never played the games, you may enjoy it a bit more, though if you're a big fan or even just have some knowledge of the series.... Prepared to be disappointed........again.
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Werewolf by Night (2022 TV Movie)
What Marvel Needed
7 October 2022
This special feature was a breathe of fresh air for the MCU. It's unclear how connected this will be to the main MCU as of yet, but I hope they carry forward the darker side of the marvel universe, and when needed, the darker tone.

The film is a great tribute both it's source material, as well as to the classic creature feature of the '50s. The story is straight forward and easy to follow, with decent acting. However the style and cinematography of this is what gives it such a high writing in my opinion. The black and white, vintage style really suits the mood and tone of the film, and makes it stand out.

All I can do is recommend this film, not just to Marvel fans wanting something new from the MCU, but also to any enjoyers of vintage horror.
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Fantastic Four (I) (2005)
Poorly written and rushed film with a good core character set
22 February 2022
The pacing in this film is possibly the biggest flaw to me. Within the first 10 minutes, the film has blasted through the team gaining their powers, which has no time for you to gain a good understanding of each for it to have any effect.

The story is a bland, with a very safe plot, which hasn't stood the test of time unfortunately.

Doctor Doom isn't very well written.

CGI is mostly okay considering the time it was made and that this was an earlier superhero movie.

The biggest redeeming factor would be the fantastic four themselves. The four are very well casted and well written. Especially the thing.
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Eternals (2021)
Not as bad as some say, not as good as some say
2 February 2022

  • End battle sequence is brilliant
  • CGI is for the most part fantastic
  • The main few characters are very strong and their powers are very different to anything else in the MCU
  • The locations are diverse, and refreshing in contrast to the MCU which is set mostly in cities
  • Welcome introductions of post credits characters
  • Great to see the celestials and deviants on screen


  • Way too long, a lot of unnecessary scenes and narrative
  • A lot of the eternals are write offs and aren't built upon at all
  • the humour is awful
  • Some character arcs are all over the place
  • not enough background to characters for any connection
  • messy plot
  • The structure of the film becomes repetitive during the second act.
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Taxi Driver (1976)
An older style of cinema.
30 May 2021
A much older, slow burn style movie leading to a peak and focusing on character development. I can see how it doesn't appeal to other younger people with how fast paced modern cinema is. But I think it is important to watch this film as it perfectly captures a very different and grimy New York, as well as displaying one mans downward spiral in such a disturbing way.
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The Inbetweeners (2008–2010)
One of the best British comedies.
26 May 2021
Absolutely one of the best British comedy series ever made. Absolutely captures teenage life and is funny and relatable in an exaggerated way. One of my favourites along with Peep Show and Toast of London.
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Cyberpunk 2077 (2020 Video Game)
Don't listen to the hate
12 December 2020
Sure this game is a bit buggy, but 6 months down the line this won't be the case. I'm not huge on RPGs and weirdly didn't find the Witcher 3 too amazing, but Cyberpunk really immerses the player and offers a fantastic and unique experience.
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The Predator (2018)
No way near as bad as people say
26 November 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I wanna say that the film is not amazing by any stretch of the imagination. This does not mean it is bad, it's an alright film that has its positives and it's negatives. The concept of the film is cool, especially the upgrade predator and the idea that they are hunting to evolve. But the film does has some short comings, some of the jokes don't land all the time and some characters make some questionable decisions. But overall the film has some good action and is a decent watch for people just to turn their brain off too.
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25 November 2020
It's so dull, I actually enjoy AVP 1, but requiem only steps back in every way possible. The human plot is convoluted and cluttered. There is no alien or predator lore unlike one. It relies way too much on shock. I am currently watching every film in the alien and predator universe, I can safely say this one you can skip as it adds nothing to any story.
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Twin Peaks: Part 1 (2017)
Season 1, Episode 1
Stick with it
4 June 2020
The pilot seemed completely disjointed and felt like it was jumping from one place to another too quickly and was starting to out bizarre itself. That's until the last 10 minutes, when the pieces fall into place and the story begins to fully shape, like a lot twin peaks, you have to keep your attention and follow it properly, it's one very strange ride.
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Old school action
2 February 2020
A proper old school action movie, plots strong and probably the best out of all rambo films except first blood. Not as over the top as R4 but doesn't hold back but this time it's a bit more justified unlike 4
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Watchmen: An Almost Religious Awe (2019)
Season 1, Episode 7
Feel sorry for the people that left on the first episode
2 December 2019
Unbelievable episode, unbelievable story can't believe how they have tied all these points together and how captivating and well thought the episodes and plots are. The execution is fantastic too with some fantastic scenes that might well become iconic in the future.
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Tarantino's Fairytail
16 August 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Everyone of Tarantino's films are masterpieces and this is no exception. Despite its long run time the film is filled with different sub plots that fit together perfectly and bring many laughs throughout. During the climax, tensions at an all time high leaving me at the edge of my seat, until the ending, which was such a huge twist to anyone who knows the true story. All fairytails have a happy ending, and this ones is just violent and funny at the same time.
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The Walking Dead: The Storm (2019)
Season 9, Episode 16
Glad things are back on track.
1 April 2019
Been a couple of bad seasons and a love hate relationship with the show but season 9 has bought the show back to its roots and cemented it's self back with a solid story. The episode it's self was good but it wasn't a massive finale, I'm giving it ten just because the season was good!
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Didn't expect much
18 March 2019
Really had little hope for the film from the trailer, saw it and it turned out to be an action packed funny and original marvel movie.
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Bumblebee (I) (2018)
3 January 2019
Hadn't heard or seen much about the film prior to seeing it and was sceptical about the PG rating, however this stripped back and more water down rating allowed for a larger focus on the story which felt genuine and heart felt at times. Incredible film.
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30 December 2018
Really good concept with a great story, the choices fit so well with the plot and really makes you question your morales.
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