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High School Musical 2 (2007 TV Movie)
Needed more abortions.
2 December 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This sequel to Kenny Ortega's 1987 film Dirty Dancing, while competent, lacked the substance, and ambition of the original.

While it's true that the choreography is still competent, it's not even remotely in the same ballpark as Dirty Dancing's in quality.

Speaking of ballpark's this movie's saving grace is the very flirtatious baseball dance number between Chad and Ryan, that ends with both male leads swapping into each other's clothes afterwards. The Scandal!

Will you enjoy Dirty Dancing 2: Disney Channel Edition?

You just might. But you shouldn't expect it to live up to Kenny Ortega's first entry in this series.
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Witchcraft is just a way of concentrating energy. It can only work with what's already there.
1 October 2020
This movie does the one thing that it does; lovingly recrate a 60's aesthetic with modern feminist sensibilities, absolutely perfectly.

If you are into a movie that has just the right amount of camp, stunning costume/set designs, true creative vision, and intentionally has it's actors throw a "good" bad movie punch, than this is the movie for you.

As noted in other reviews, the pacing is slow, but to be frank I think that's part of the low-budget 60's sexploitation genre imitation. Your experience with this movie will largely depend on your knowledge, (and appreciation) of the kinds of movies that it so masterfully emulates.

could this movie even serve as "passable" for general audiences? Not so much. Is it absolutely a perfect film for the narrow, trope savvy, visually hungry audience it was hoping to capture with it's spell? Yes.

"Witchcraft is just a way of concentrating energy. It can only work with what's already there."
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Paint by Numbers is too good for this film. More like Crayons
20 December 2018
Aside from having utterly insipid writing that is ridden with every terrible x-mas movie trope possible, on every appreciable technical level this movie fails. From an early shot of a shiny shopping bag drawing the eye away from the characters, to multiple conversations that makes one wonder whether or not the characters "talking" to each other were even on the same set, this movie is a nightmare. Not a single one of the actors knew the basics of dramatic timing, none of them were likable, and calling the plot progression "flat" is the understatement of the century.

If you hope to gain any form of enjoyment, or holiday cheer from this film, I advise you to do it the same way my Fiance and i did. With a bottle of spiked eggnog (30 proof) and a strong sense of irony.
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The Silent Scream (1984 Video)
Your standard pro-life scare tactic film.
17 February 2018
This short film, is everything wrong with extreme pro-life propaganda. It puts forth standard scare tactics and misapplies scientific fact (and often enough mis-interprets if not outright lies about scientific fact) all in the name of "protecting the unborn"

I could spend a lot of time talking about the medical inaccuracies, or the deliberate falsehoods or the misleading editing in this film, but it would probably be simpler to advise people who wish to watch this film to look it up themselves, it's not hard to find technical criticisms of this film in a quick google search.

This is a film that likely is only popular with very poorly educated Pro-life extremists, as it is not factually accurate, nuanced, or even honest about the message it portrays.

Which is a problem, because the current body of research on the opinions of US citizens in regards to abortion, indicates that most of us have nuanced opinions on the matter of abortion, and are entirely willing to see the complexities and "shades of grey" on this very serious, very heart-rending issue.

If you are looking for a film that advances the discussion on abortion in a helpful manner, look elsewhere
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Sarah's Choice (2009 Video)
A cringe-worthy film, full of all of the classic Pure Flix stereotypes.
16 February 2018
This movie has all of the one-sided pro-life Christian arguments that one would expect it to have from it's title; and likewise only has the standard stereotypical strawman arguments representing pro-choice positions. (and guilt. so much guilt for sex outside of marriage, and for women who chose to have an abortion)

It also has not a speck of understanding of the concept that most Americans find abortion to be a very complicated issue, full of shades of grey and difficult, challenging, life altering decisions.

Rather than having an honest discussion of the pros-vs-cons of abortion in a realistic manner, cliche, after cliche about how "Trusting in God will make everything work out" is thrown at the audience.

Which if you are this movies target audience (such as the folk who wrote the more positive reviews of this film) will likely be all you want from this movie.

If for whatever reason you seek to watch this movie for other reasons....

(my GF and I watched it with a glass of wine, hoping for a good laugh)

Be prepared to be disappointed.

It's boring, poorly paced, and not even cringy in the "So bad it's good" kind of way.

More the kind of movie that anyone outside of the target audience will have any real reason to value it, or the arguments within.

Some enjoyment of the movie can be made if one has a sufficiently large amount of alcohol, and a few friends, but other than making a drinking game about christian fundamentalist pro-life arguments (take a sip every time they remind you that FETUS is a BABY)

Not much to be had here.

Honestly, it's not the worst drinking game movie I've watched, but it's only "meh" on that account as well.
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