
11 Reviews
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Mandy (I) (2018)
Strange Trip
2 November 2019
This is definitely not for everyone. It was a great revenge film though. Visually, it was quite remarkable. I loved the coloring and although I've never taken hallucinogens, I imagine that's about how it would look.

At points I was unsure if a few of the dark "things" were even human, but otherwise not bad.
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V/H/S/2 (2013)
30 October 2019
I watched this based on user reviews and I gave it a chance until more than halfway through and I just stopped it. I fail to see the horror or scare in it at all. There is only the erratic motion of the "hand-held" camera POV and the blatant grossness. Just skip it and watch something else.
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Hold the Dark (2018)
Beautiful and Stark!
29 October 2019
This was one of those movies I had never heard of, and until I came across an underrated horror movie list (Thank you "Cracked"!), I wouldn't have likely ever found it.

There are so many subtleties within the ongoing story that I don't know if calling it a typical (if there is such a thing) horror or 'slasher' film does it justice. It is such a horrible, visceral, yet incredibly beautiful movie. There is plenty of bloodshed and horrifying events, with some supernatural/folkloric parts as well. The bottom line is it holds your attention, tensely, all the way through, and by the end will make you appreciate your personal comforts.
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Wish Upon (2017)
27 October 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Warning: A few spoilers Not only was this film disappointing from the "ooooh all other cultures aside from American are dangerous and creepy" angle, but also because of the fact that it is the same old trope with the high school dynamics. I can watch some of them, but would it kill the writers to mix it up a bit once in a while?

My second, perhaps bigger problem with it is that they had to go and mess with the pet! I cannot stand that! Babies/small children and pets should never be the victims in horror unless we know about it going in (e.g. Cujo) Just skip this one.
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Cabin 28 (2017)
18 October 2019
This movie had potential since they were basing it on a real event, but they went terribly wrong. The horror in this movie is the acting and ridiculous dialog. I am like some of the other horror fan reviewers in that I try to find the positive in these movies, especially B movies. I gave it an extra star for that reason. There are two decent actors in the whole movie.

The other problem is the horrendous accents!! What are they going for? They go back and forth between bad southern and bad...I'm not sure.. British maybe? Even the first stranger/creeper had a bad accent!

This is probably a good one to skip. Or maybe a good background movie while doing something else.
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Excellent movie
18 October 2019
This is a very steadily building thriller that has some great twists in it. Plus, to be honest, it's nice to not watch a movie like this set in an empty insane asylum or a cabin in the woods!

Anyway, I found myself definitely rooting for the "good" people and against the "bad". It is a worthwhile story!
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These are worth a watch
16 October 2019
Some of these are very interesting and worth watching. Obviously the stories are brief, but they get their point across.
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The Hatred (2017)
This is a must skip!
16 October 2019
I had high hopes for this movie in the beginning, with the hidden Nazi war criminal story, but as soon as it flashes to present day, the acting takes a quick plummet to the bottom of the toilet. Honestly, it's painful. The little girl is the best actress in the group. The only reason I ended up watching the whole thing is because I had gotten so far that I wanted to see how it would end.
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28 May 2016
I adore this film, but I don't know why... Maybe because I didn't see it until many years after it came out and I was older and could appreciate it. Or, maybe because I just love John and Billy so much. I even like Steel and Rhodes in their nastiness. The one character I do hate is Miguel! I don't know if they intended to make Miguel such a loathsome character or not, but geesh! It isn't because he is mentally falling apart from stress, as Sarah so aptly points out in the beginning, but not only is there little character development for him, but what we do learn is that he does nothing to stand up for himself or his girlfriend, and doesn't speak up at all when he screws up, whether it's his fault or not. I just completely resent his character. Dr. Logan, aka Frankenstein, is even likable in his insanity. I was surprised to read that this installment of the dead by George Romero was the least popular of the three in theaters.
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Banshee!!! (2008)
Completely Awful
1 May 2015
Warning: Spoilers
This movie came on TV one evening when there really wasn't anything else on, and being a horror fan, I thought I would give it a chance. It was astounding how terrible it was! I think I watched it through to the end in order to see if it would improve. It did not. SOME SPOILERS.. The basic premise is that there is a banshee, (a large, winged creature) killing and tearing local people apart and it does this by emitting high-pitched screaming and/or ripping people apart with its teeth and claws. Strangers get stuck together after some teenagers get attacked at their campsite and some of them get killed. The survivors run until they find some houses and are allowed in by two men. In addition to being huge, fast and winged, the banshee can cause hallucinations which it uses to clone people, which then allows it to get close to its victims. This hallucination ability is loosely explained suddenly by a zoology student who states that the low frequencies the banshee emits are too low for humans to hear and it becomes a hallucination if it gets too close to human eyes.

I am not sure if the writers or the actors were bigger offenders here. Not only were the lines boring and not ever what they intended to be (cool, tough or funny), the actors were not able to convey much either. If you watch this movie, watch it with the intent to laugh AT it and you will derive much more entertainment from it. As a horror movie, which it is billed, it fails miserably.
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Eden Lake (2008)
So very frustrating and disappointing!
23 April 2015
Warning: Spoilers
I watched this because it was in the Horror/Suspense category. I usually read IMDb reviews by users before I decide to hop on a 90 to 120 minute horror ride. I was halfway into Eden Lake before I read a few reviews.

*SPOILERS* I started out being very aggravated by the boyfriend, Steve, not getting over his ego and as if NOT leaving after his first encounter with the disrespectful, rage-filled brats, but stopping by the house and going INTO it was out of line and unrealistic. I did feel emotion all through this and even after I read reviews, I stuck it out for the ending. My hopes were dashed not once but twice when Jenny had hope of escaping and getting SOME satisfaction or a dose of revenge. The ending was horrible and left me angry because she already went through too much. Since she clearly didn't have the weaponry or strength to confront the kids and overcome (after we saw the Beatdown Brett put on his remorseful friend), I was angry the film ended that way. It seems like they just did it to be different from the rest of the horror endings. I also hated the burning of the other kid when they burned Steve. I could overlook the other problems if the ending went differently. I do have to admit that the actor playing Brett was good because I hated him immediately and all the way through.
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