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True Blood (2008–2014)
A middle-aged woman's fantasy
5 July 2023
This is exactly as the title states, some middle-aged woman's fantasy. The shallow one dimensional stereotypical characters get old very fast, especially Sookie. It's a soap opera with fangs.

The first couple seasons weren't horrible but they quickly went downhill. It became quiet preposterous, even for a show about vampires. I hate not finishing stories I've started so I tried to make it through all the seasons but by the last season I just couldn't force myself to keep going. Looking at the episode ratings it isn't hard to see why.

The constant racial junk gets old as well. This was definitely written by a yankee who knows nothing of the south.
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The Blacklist (2013–2023)
Started great, died hard
28 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
The Blacklist started out great. The first few seasons were compelling, addictive, and even somewhat realistic. Unfortunately it went drastically downhill.

They have gone full woke to an incredibly annoying and unrealistic degree. Like an abortion episode where the blacklister is a woman who was raped but for some reason didn't get an abortion until she was so late term that it was against the law. She killed the baby anyway and went to prison. As revenge she then starts abducting men and surgically implanting them with a uterus and impregnating them with a baby. What the **** were they thinking? Could they get any more ridiculous?

In one episode Elizabeth comments that her daughter likes to play with princess dolls and how "it isn't very woke." My goodness, a little girl can't even play with dolls without invoking the woke condemnation.

The writing, acting, and dialogue, just get worse as the show goes on. It gets utterly painful to watch. Elizabeth starts dressing like some biker chick and leaves behind any FBI professionalism that she started with. She destroys everyone in her life in her search for secrets that she has no business knowing and no reason to know them. She gets her husband killed, her mother killed, her grandfather killed, yet she won't accept responsibility and continues her mindless crusade.

Any semblance of realism is gone, the show is completely off the rails. They've lost the spark that made it a great show and instead are scraping the bottom of the barrel with ideas they must have sourced from grade school children.
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Ink (I) (2009)
Not for overly grounded people or those without an imagination.
27 January 2023
As the title states, this movie is not for overly grounded people or those without an imagination. This movie blurs the established lines of reality and time, and not everyone can handle that. It isn't a big budget movie but that doesn't detract from the value, they used their money artistically in a great way.

I find those who call the movie pretentious immensely humorous just because they can't wrap their little brains around it. This is a thinking person's movie, not some overdone spoon fed Michael Bay explosion filled junk. Ink is what cinema is really about.

This also has one of my favorite soundtracks that compliments the movie very well.
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MythBusters (2003– )
They aren't actually scientists.
14 January 2023
Let me preface this review by stating I have seen every MythBusters episode ever made multiple times. This review is not based on initial impressions but instead is a thorough look into the whole show.

Let's be real here, the MythBusters are not scientists, they worked in special effects before the show. Trying to pass themselves off as expert scientists annoys me and discredits real scientists. They use science buzzwords and really hammer them into the ground. You could make a drinking game out of how often they say words like "data point" or "result" and be drunk as a skunk before the episode is even halfway done.

They get plenty of things right but they also get a ton of stuff wrong, or they don't pursue it far enough and just declare it busted because they couldn't easily accomplish it. To state your opinion as fact and the case is closed is completely against scientific principles. We all know Discovery Channel has become infamous for faking reality shows and while MythBusters is supposed to be legitimate the fact is it is first and foremost an entertainment show produced on a timeline. That should immediately make everyone take the outcomes with a grain of skepticism. The hosts even regularly complained that people would contact them/Discovery about how they got things wrong.

Every time one of the MythBusters picks up a gun you know it's going to be a mess. Especially when they were doing a quick draw myth and ended up firing bullets into the ground a few feet in front them because they didn't know how to safely and quickly draw a firearm and fire it accurately at a target. They even repeatedly point guns at the cameraman in clear violation of basic firearm safety. It doesn't matter whether the gun is supposedly unloaded or not, you DO NOT point it at anything you don't want to shoot. Again showing how they are Hollywood prop people, not professionals.

The most intelligent person on the show was hands down Grant. May he rest in peace. Kari was only there as a token and window dressing, plus she was Jamie's pet intern. Her and Tory had zero scientific aptitude but Kari had looks and Tori was a skilled fabricator. If you pay attention you'll notice Kari nearly always avoided having to do anything even remotely uncomfortable or physical and instead Grant and Tory were always made to do it. At which she took much delight in torturing them. If we're all about representing equality for women then she should have been in there right beside "the boys", as she called them, getting her hands dirty instead of acting like a dainty princess.

Jamie has the personality of a turnip and while he tried to present himself as a big badass manly man he constantly wussed out. It always fell to Adam to complete the task because Jamie was too scared or didn't like any type of pain being inflicted. Jamie is also arguably the least scientific person on the show. Adam was there as the host with an actual personality since there was no way Jamie could carry it himself. But even Adam was just a model marker for movies.

At the end of the day MythBusters was an entertainment show, not a scientific one, and should be viewed as such. It has been one of Discovery's biggest hits and being on the Discovery channel people sadly took the show as gospel. As far as reality shows go you could watch a lot worse, but just like all reality shows don't believe everything they tell you.
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I grew up reading the Bernstein Bears
13 January 2023
I grew up reading the Bernstein Bears and remember the books very clearly. Way later as an adult I was talking to someone about the books and they said the Berenstain Bears, which spawned an argument about what their name actually was. Come to find out there are a bunch more examples of this effect.

The movie does a great job in presenting several of the Mandela Effect issues and their basis in real science. Quantum physics, the multiverse theory (the real one not that Marvel crap), the holographic universe, all these point to much bigger things than we can currently understand.

I get why people can't connect to this movie, they can't wrap their head around the idea that what they consider reality may not actually be. That leads into meaning of life questions, concepts of God, and all sorts of existential reality crises. The average person can't handle that, so they freak out and refuse to think about it. Those of us who do question reality find the subjects very stimulating.

I think they did a good job wrapping up the movie. There were really only a couple plausible options for an ending and they choose the happy version. I can dig it.
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A very poor follow-up to the originals
12 January 2023
After the 2016 Ghostbusters absolute crap-fest they couldn't do any worse. Afterlife is better than that mess but it isn't anything great, or even good.

The original was a solid funny movie that adults and kids could enjoy but Afterlife was clearly made for children. As an adult I just don't find watching a movie centered around a check-the-box cast of kid stereotypes to be particularly entertaining.

It also just doesn't make sense. These kids suddenly have magical knowledge about how stuff works, like fixing a derelict vehicle vehicle in no time at all with no experience. And of course the adults just give up and have to be saved by the plucky little children. It's all just so disappointing and cliched. Where has good writing gone?
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Sadly disappointing
12 January 2023
I watched the Rescue Rangers as a kid and loved it. Fast forward well into adulthood and I have all the seasons and I still enjoy watching them when I decide to have a cartoon day. When I saw they were making a movie I was hesitantly optimistic.

But ultimately the movie didn't do anything for me. It just felt like a nostalgia cash grab. The only part I found mildly entertaining, and kept me watching, was seeing how many cameos I could spot in the background. But that doesn't make a good movie, it just made it feel even more like a cash grab with no substance.

But hey, at least it was better than the stuff Disney has been putting out lately. Not that the bar is very high...
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Everybody Loves Raymond (1996–2005)
The worst people
5 January 2023
The show starts out with a few laughs and funny situations. But the longer you watch the more realize these people are the absolute worst. Not a single character has any redeeming qualities.

Raymond is a pathological liar. He cannot tell the truth and when caught in a lie he just keeps adding more lies on top. He's also a completely spineless wimp of a "man" who can't stand up to his abusive wife and instead apologizes for her abuse. His passive aggressiveness knows no bounds.

Debra quickly becomes an absolute psycho. As the seasons go on she just gets crazier and crazier, a complete screaming screechy nut job. At one point she is screaming at Ray to hug her and when he does she shoves him into a bookcase. Apparently physical spousal abuse is supposed to be funny.

Robert is another pathetic excuse for a "man" who lives with his parents and can't survive on his own. But somehow he managed to become a cop. His jealousy of Ray is unending and constantly affects his life.

Marie and Frank are deplorable people. The only people they don't terrorize are their grandchildren. They treat their children and their spouses with borderline contempt, acting like they're gods walking along mere mortals.

I managed to watch all seasons and episodes because my wife used to like the show when it originally aired.

When we watched it to completion recently even she was tired of their crap by the end of the series.
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My favorite Spider-Man ever.
19 December 2022
This show was my first introduction to Spider-Man and it has been the standard I've used to measure all subsequent iterations against. To this day it remains my favorite Spider-Man version, over all other series and movies.

The 90s was the heyday of superhero cartoons. Batman: The Animated Series, X-Men: The Animated Series, and of course Spider-Man: The Animated Series, to name a few, are all highly rated and with good reason.

It starts out with the normal Spider-Man characters and storyline but quickly delves into fantastic stories with intricate plots. By the series end you'll get to see all your favorite villains and heroes. One of the great things being the show gets a proper wrap-up, they don't just leave you stuck with a cliffhanger and then cancel the show.

Even as an adult I still sit down and watch the full series every so often. I can't wait until my son is old enough that we can watch it together. Hopefully he enjoys it as much as I do.
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Andor (2022– )
The least Star Wars like show.
18 December 2022
I'm conflicted when it comes to this. It is arguably the least Star Wars like show to date. There are no Jedi, no Sith, nothing traditionally Star Wars like except bureaucratic Empire stooges. That doesn't mean it isn't without merit though.

It is well written, well made, and well acted. The story is compelling and, in my case at least, kept me well enough entertained to watch all the episodes. Am I uncontrollably itching for season 2? No, not really. But I'll watch it when it comes out.

I suppose though, this is probably the most realistic Star Wars show so far in regards to being relatable. Let's face it, if we were all transported to the Star Wars universe very few of us would be Jedi, or really anyone special. Are you a super elite warrior athlete in this life? Then why would you expect to be a Jedi Master in another universe? But, that's what dreaming is all about.

This show is definitely more grounded and less fanciful than the other Star Wars shows. We may not all be able to be elite samurai or bounty hunters but any regular person can choose to stand up to an overbearing over authoritative government. Perhaps that's where the show gets its appeal. Let's face it, people in China, Russia, and countries all over the world, could use a dose of empowerment to get rid of their current oppressive government.
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Avenue 5 (2020–2022)
S01 = 8, S02 = 6
11 December 2022
As a big sci-fi and Hugh Laurie fan I was excited to see the two combined. I wasn't disappointed. Season one was a funny science fiction show demonstrating what a space cruise would be like with the average social media user and then things go horribly wrong. It was clever and the characters amusing. A solid 8 in my book. I eagerly awaited season two.

Season two took a loooong time to finally come out, and when it did I was unfortunately disappointed. The feel of the show had changed significantly. I haven't looked at the credits but given how much it changed I can only assume so did the writers and other staff. I made it through season two but would only give it a 6.

So between an 8 for season one and a 6 for season two it averages out to a 7. Given the ratings and time between the first two seasons it wouldn't surprise me if the show didn't continue. Truth be told, if they keep with the season two feel I wouldn't be terribly disappointed in it getting cancelled.
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Beast Wars: Transformers (1996–1999)
A cartoon for the ages
2 December 2022
This was my first introduction to the Transformers, having not been old enough when the original came out. As a kid I caught episodes here and there but never got to see them all in order. When I was an adult and found all the episodes on YouTube I couldn't wait to watch the series in whole, and I wasn't disappointed!

This is a fantastic sci-fi show fit for kids and those young at heart. The characters are diverse and with a steady flow of new Maximals and Predacons things don't get stagnant. I loved it every time they got an upgrade.

The story lines are well written and contain a great tie-in to the Autobots and Decepticons. They even introduce a different lineage of bots as well. How they connect the show to Earth's history is pretty compelling and a nice treat. This show is where I first learned about the golden disks of the Voyager missions, which prompted me to learn more about space.

I've tried watching the original Transformers several times but just can't get into it. Sacrilege I know, but compared to Beast Wars I just don't find it interesting. Once every year or two I sit down and watch all the Beast Wars episodes. I can't wait to introduce Beast Wars to my son once he's a bit older. Hopefully he'll enjoy it as much as me!
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Wednesday (2022– )
Luis Guzmán = Worst Gomez Ever
2 December 2022
I've been working my way though The Addams Family (1964) before I knew Wednesday was getting a show and I must say, I'm utterly disappointed in Wednesday.

Luis Guzmán made a completely unbelievable Gomez. There was no relation between the real Gomez and this mess. There is absolutely zero chemistry between Gomez and Morticia, which was their major defining characteristic. How do you remove a major component of something and expect it to work? It's like taking 3 wheels off a car and expecting it to still drive.

I believe Catherine Zeta-Jones could have been a great Morticia but just like Guzman it didn't feel like there was any relation between the real Morticia and this version. When she kissed Gomez it looked like she was thinking "I'm not getting paid enough for this crap."

Pugsley is a sniveling little wus. I can only assume they made him that way to try and boost Wednesday's girl power image. Whatever the reason it's pretty sad.

Wednesday herself seems to track reasonably well with how an angry angsty teenage girl acts, though being played by a 20 year old is stretching it.

About the only original characters not a major disappointment are Lurch and Thing.

The secondary characters are shallow and predictable stereotypes. I'm not sure if they wrote them with the intention of making them as annoying as possible or it just came organically but they could have done much better.

I made it through 2 episodes before I couldn't take anymore. There's no hook to the show. They try to position several mysteries but none are compelling. Just a yawn fest.

Overall, the show is just trading on The Addams Family name with no real connection to the original.
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The Pretender (1996–2000)
Great Show!
31 October 2022
I watched this show in the 90s but never got to catch every episode, much less in order. As such I always had more questions than answers and I hate not finishing a story. Queue up to the 2020s and just about everything can be found online. I finally got to watch it in order in all its glory.

This was, and is, a great show that was cancelled too soon. Why was it cancelled when it was still rating well? Some jackass at NBC decided to can it in favor of the XFL. The XFL folded after 1 season and NBC lost 35 million dollars. Ha! Should have kept The Pretender... At least TNT gave us a couple follow-up movies. There have even been some Pretender books.

One thing I'll never forget from watching this as a kid was how much it inspired me to learn. I wanted to be like Jarod which meant learning everything I could. I got a library card and would ride to the library on my bicycle, stuffing my backpack with books until I could barely zip it shut. Then I'd come back a week or two later and do the same thing again.
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Junior Bake Off (2011– )
Solid GBBO Spin-off
23 October 2022
Living in America where I couldn't watch the first several seasons I had to wait for it to show up on Netflix starting with season 6. I'm a huge GBBO fan and this follows nearly the same formula. It definitely has a more kid vibe to it and as such I have a harder time getting invested in the show. I still find it quite enjoyable and like how they focus a little more on educating instead of just judging.

They have a pretty wide age range competing against each other, from ages 9 to 15 years old. That's a big spread. Nevertheless, some of those younger kids can really hold their own. It's hilarious to hear them reference things like "When I was younger...". You'd think the show would put some step stools by the fridges so the kids wouldn't spill trying to put stuff in the freezer. But kids are firm believers in the 5 to 10 second rules, so it doesn't slow them down.

All the reviewers hating on Harry Hill must be Americans as well. I'm guessing they don't realize Mr. Hill is an established British comedian. Americans are quick to judge and slow to educate themselves. They don't even realize the big collars are part of his schtick and instead just say he must have an Elvis complex. It's sad. He does well entertaining and interacting with the kids. When they're stressed out he can usually get them to laugh and relax a little. There's no creepiness whatsoever. Some of his jokes go over the kid's heads but so do lots of jokes in Pixar films, it isn't just kids watching the show after all.

Rav makes a great judge, though I admit I'd rather have Paul and Prue. I don't understand how or why Liam is a judge though. He didn't even make it to the final in the GBBO season where he competed. Maybe those who can't do teach?

Bottom line, it's a good show and it's great to see kids who are competing with each other so willing to lend their fellow competitor a hand.
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Teenage bravado
17 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I thought Far From Home was bad, this is worse. It was painful to sit through. Peter, a know-it-all teenager, decides he's going to do whatever he wants with no mind to the consequences. Which I suppose is typical of teenagers these days. Forget listening to people with decades of experience when you have ignorant teenage bravado.

MJ continues to be an absolute idiot, like mouthing off at Dr. Strange for Peter's ridiculous actions. Throwing bread at alternate Spider-Man who "respects" her for being so distrusting? How incredibly stupid, but hey, let's empower stupidity. It's the thing to do in this day and age.

Now Ned with no training can all of the sudden effortlessly do magic? Oh and then let's add in multiple group shares about feelings and throw in a good cry with all the Spideys. Who green lit this junk?

Once again we see the writers have absolutely no idea how a multiverse works. Could someone please talk to a scientist just once to get some reference?
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My latest Christmas tradition!
9 October 2022
I'm not into horror movies in the slightest, so I'm not even sure how I stumbled onto this a few years ago, but I'm so glad I watched it. It has become my latest Christmas tradition to watch it every year. Maybe I'm such a fan because it's so atypical and plays as a Christmas antitheses. After you've watched A Christmas Story or The Santa Clause and the kids are in bed, bust out the popcorn and pop this on the telly!

I like the anthology style, it keeps things fresh and entertaining. Plus, it's one of the rare movies where I didn't see the ending coming and I truly appreciate that! If I were to ever be caught dead saying something like "Oh, snap!" it would have been at the ending reveal.
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Puberty hit that boy like a bus!
9 October 2022
I've really enjoyed the show thus far but when I saw and heard Sheldon I had a hard time getting past it. Puberty has officially started and that voice dropped hard. It's a bit tough to reconcile last season Sheldon with this season. I'm confident I can get used to it as long as they don't try to keep presenting him as a little kid. He's a young man now and hopefully they adapt the show appropriately. Otherwise it just won't be believable. Sure, adult Sheldon is immature but the current formula just won't work going forward.

Anyone taking issue with how the church has reacted in giving Mary and her family the cold shoulder has no idea what they're talking about. A conservative Texas church will absolutely show you the door and plant a boot print on your ass in that situation.
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Good Eats (1999–2012)
The Best Educational Cooking Show Out
7 October 2022
Alton Brown is an incredibly talented cook with a unique personality. Now don't get your undies in a knot because I didn't call him a chef, he himself says he's a cook. See the About section of his website.

This is the best educational cooking show I've ever watched. It's about much more than just cooking. Take steak for example, he just doesn't tell you how to cook it but where it came from on the steer and the science behind cooking it. When it comes time to teach my son cooking this is where we'll start.

Alton is one of, if not the, most educated cooking instructor on TV. Even on a non-instructional show like Cutthroat Kitchen he still imparts a ton of knowledge about the subject at hand. He's forgotten more about cooking than most people will ever know.
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Cutthroat Kitchen (2013– )
The naysayers have no imagination!
7 October 2022
This is a fantastic show I love watching over and over. I was so disappointed when it ended.

Chopped is your high class hoity toity cooking competition where everyone is in the same equal footing and the only challenge are the ingredients and the time restrictions. It gets boring after a while.

Cutthroat Kitchen requires a whole different level of creativity, ingenuity, and intelligence! Not only are the ingredient and time challenges present but they throw in some real curve balls. All of the challenges can be beaten and Alton often comments to the camera on how they can be overcome. But are the chefs and cooks smart enough to figure them out? I've learned a lot more about cooking from Cutthroat than from Chopped.

Those leaving grumpy reviews after watching one episode have completely missed the boat. When you watch a contestant get all the challenges in a round and then still come out to beat everyone it's a real treat to see them overcome everything thrown at them.

The naysayers have no imagination and are probably the same people who complain that life isn't fair. No one ever said life is fair. Cutthroat Kitchen mirrors life and the crazy challenges it can throw at you. Will you rise to the challenge and win, or just complain it's unfair that it happened to you?
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Got me into baking!
7 October 2022
I was never interested in baking until watching this show. I enjoyed cooking and liked watching cooking competition shows like Cutthroat Kitchen, Chopped, and the like. I decided to give this series a whirl several years ago and have been in love with it ever since.

This show took a lot of the mystery out of baking and inspired me to give it a shot. I found it to be great fun, especially since I can now make better tasting treats than what can be purchased at the market. I've also picked up Paul's '100 Great Breads' recipe book and "Wow!" it does indeed have some great breads.

To those grumpy reviewers throwing a hissy fit that Mary, Sue, and Mel aren't on the show anymore; they CHOSE to leave! They weren't fired, they quit after the show moved from the BBC to Channel 4. So unknot your undies, it isn't GBBO's fault they decided to leave. I preferred them over Noel, Matt, and Prue but I'm not going to blame the show. Would you rather the show have been cancelled because the original hosts wouldn't stay? Think about it.
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Eternals (2021)
Marvel goes woke and flops hard!
4 October 2022
This is by far the worst Marvel movie yet. A check-the-box cast that tries to be something to everybody and ends up being nothing. So many of the main characters are insanely annoying and such bad actors. They're just shallow stereotypes.

The premise is so contrived and senseless. By far the weakest storyline of any Marvel movie thus far. I was utterly bored through the movie and only kept watching so I could mark it off list but I wish I had just skipped it. At two and a half hours it is way too long to maintain interest with such bad writing. The only thing that kept me entertained was playing on my phone.

It's another Marvel movie that doesn't feel like it has anything at all to do with the Marvel universe. It's all about girl power overcoming evil man...again... Yawn. Someone let me know when the woke fest is over and we can get back to some actual good stories instead of just pandering.
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Not bad, not great
4 October 2022
As a standalone it isn't a bad movie but it certainly didn't feel like there was any Marvel tie-in beyond the cameo of Wong and Trevor. Which felt forced and only there so they could call it a Marvel movie.

I get the feeling it wasn't made for American audiences, which isn't surprising considering China is a huge market that everyone wants a piece of. But it doesn't detract from the movie.

Overall, I'm not disappointed I watched it but I don't feel the need to ever see it again. Most Marvel movies from Endgame and before, minus Iron Man 3, I've happy watched several times so it doesn't stand up to those but it's okay.
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3 October 2022
What a disappointing follow-up to Endgame. I had a feeling things would get bad after Endgame, which is why I'm several years behind on Marvel movies. But I finally got bored enough to give the next few movies a shot, and wow was I right.

First off, the story and characters are weak. A bunch of annoying teenagers after having adult themed movies is not a winner. Maybe I'm getting old but I just can't get invested in some weak teenage love story. Or it could be all the horrible acting. Either way it's a dud.

The CGI is exceptionally bad is several places. Did they run out of money somewhere along the line?

Such a childish mess...
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Star Trek: Lower Decks (2020–2024)
A Star Trek Comedy
28 September 2022
It's best to think of this show as more of a parody than actual Star Trek. As someone who loves the 90s Treks and hates the new stuff I can really get down on this show. There are a lot of callbacks to The Next Generation which are pretty funny. We even get a glimpse of Armus in season 2!

They keep it light-hearted and funny while calling out some of the more ridiculous parts of Star Trek canon. It's nice to see a show that doesn't take itself too seriously.

Thus far they've avoided all the woke nonsense that have made the new series like Discovery such an incredible drag and a black spot on the Star Trek name. Lower Decks doesn't try to be anything it isn't. It doesn't beat you over the head with any fake idealism, it's just about the humor. This is the only new Star Trek that I look forward to them making more episodes.
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