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Cop Car Workshop (2018– )
Less entertaining than U.S. sasquatch and ghost hunting tv.
5 June 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Looking for a different British television show with some entertainment value? This is not it. That Britain is using a Mercedes Sprinter based off of the Mercedes/Dodge Sprinter as a riot van is laughable. That this shows what these silly blokes put into this vehicle to make it riot compliant, is even more laughable. That they are using Peugeot 308s as common police vehicles (beat cars) is a disgrace. Luckily, like England's food being tame and bland, much of their crime is tame and bland as well. The narrator states the facility runs like a F1 garage. Please. They are also mataining six police bicycles and undercover bycicles, like these bicycles are like they are James Bond vehicles. The narrator states they have vehicles that can keep up with the fastest supercars. Even their fastest BMW suvs and cars are stock and not beefed up mechanically to even come close. I wouldn't mind the cockney accent of the narrator using the Elton John pronunciation of garage as "GAIR EDGE", but she takes every chance she gets to slaughter the word. This whole show is childish and amatuerish. It shows a few training procedures and a few actual exercises that are tame at best as well. How is this the country that ruled an empire the sun never sat on? These vehicles and police officers, along with this toy car garage would never make it a day in the U. S. Even the 1200R motorcycles are not tuned for doing a motorcycle job in the U. S. I know England, particularly Cheshire, is small and has narrow and twisted lanes, but come on. This is no more entertaining than U. S. staged "reality" sasquatch and ghost hunter shows. We won't discuss how some of the people working in this division take paperwork home to work on. Go to any trucking fleet main garage in the U. S. and sit back and watch, and you'll find more entertainment. Sure, this is for British people first, but it should have been for British people only. It almost makes you want to sing Roger Miller's whimsical "England Swings" with the lyrics, "Bobbies on bicycles 2 by 2." There for sure is no police brutality and high speed chases in Britain like there is in the U. S.
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Ice (1998 TV Movie)
Before The Day After Tomorrow, there was ICE
23 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I did not know this existed but wish I had seen it so much sooner. While the special effects hadn't quite made it to the CGI level of The Day After Tomorrow nor did it have the budget, as this was a made for cable movie, it did make a good impression. I truly liked how Udo Kier's character went from the I'm right, you're wrong scientist who tried to get the other higher ups to listen to a hateful elitist trying to save himself. Other than the U. S. president (a Canadian actor) being a true patriot wanting to listen and being the last to abandon ship, the rest of the higher ups do just what they do in real life, tuck tale and save themselves. It shows a little of what is happening around the world but tries to focus on a small group so the film doesn't feel watered down with too many stories. It's nice that this disaster movie doesn't revolve around NYC for once. We also see more of a realistic societal breakdown. You don't get the sweeping views of mass destruction, but the story gives you enough to make it believable. The premise of a major sunspot created by a rogue planet burning up on its surface causing a mass cooling is no less plausible than any of the other Hollywood theories. The television actors made a go of it better than big movie stars do. If this had received big Hollywood blockbuster treatment, we probably would have had a better visual movie, but I dought Hollywood A listers would have done a better job. They tend to overact these parts. Maybe if Hollywood would spend more money on made for cable or made for TV movies like this and less on over budgeted CGI overacted the masses could be entertained more often with less money. That's how studios made a large chunk of their revenue through advertising and cable subscriptions a few decades ago, so why not do it again? Recap on one aspect, the story focuses more on realities of real people and not on a sweeping far away look. It gives you the ideas of people left in prisons, stranded in airports or bus stations, feudal fighting for necessities, power grids shutting down, pipes frozen and so on. This one makes you think in the end instead of having some sappy get together ending.
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Alaska Monsters (2014– )
Since when has a reality show ever been anything but bad actors.
22 May 2024
It's not just who thinks up these show, it's who thinks up these channels. It used to be that the only things close to modern reality shows were fishing shows, this old house, and regional wrestling. As the U. S. became more self entitled, media brought us MTV without music videos. National Geographic and Discovery started producing the fantastical. Outdoor shows, cooking shows, dancing, singing, talent, ghosthunters, monster hunters, runway, house remodeling, ceyptid, cgi'd, foody and the list goes on and on into mind numbing infinity; all fake, all unbelievable, all contrived, all bon reproducible in any real life situation, all the time. It's nonstop mental coercion, manipulative conditioning. As for this little rube of media excrement, Snookie, RuPaul, and Gordon Ramsay could have shown up on this set and fit right in with the bumbling fools, not from Alaska. Most all the other reviews and comments have picked apart the absurdities. The finer details haven't been touched. What's funny is that it shows them, at that age, mostly toothless with falsies in, up and vibrant at midnight and then just as chipper in broad daylight. Even the younger guys. No one is that chipper being up 20 to 22 hours of the day. What are they eating? They aren't out hunting and trapping real food. What is wrong with all their gadgetry? It never collects any real specimen. It's much like the three stooges with far too many stooges and a whole lot less talent. The writers, set builders, oh the set builders, the unrealistic back yard middle America "extreme" settings, all show just how base the general audience of America is. What street in NYC or LA did you pick these homeless rubes from? It's like a casting call for Christmas elves where you know it is a very specific individual who will show up, except the ethnicity barrier will make it even more narrow. The Alaska Triangle? Even so, that big an area in the middle of Alaske would take years for these guys to transverse, with what I would believe at least one mortality the very first day these guys got away from the comfort of the set. The noise, the firearm safety, the camera looking like a blacked out kaleidoscope when they are hooting and screaming feels like the worst attempts at 1-2 year olds' cartoon education. Dora seems like rocket science to shows like this. I know this is meant as comedy, but SNL and late night talk shows have the market cornered on unfunny. If you just want random noise and sporadic flashing lights running in the background while you sleep or cook, this show is for you. If you are a foreigner unfamiliar with the "reality" entertainment community of the U. S. and want to learn, this is for you. If you are on your death bad, and you want your last memories to be more painful and lifeless than your last remaining moments, watch this. Travel America has traveled down from the commode to the sewer with this Saquatch scat. The 1950s test screen after the National Anthem is more entertaining and more mentally fulfilling. And no, I gave no spoilers because this was spoiled before it even made it to the gate.
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A sad Terminator Rip Off
13 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I wish I could just leave the review title, but no, I have to fill in 500 characters. And then some.

Gregory Hines should have ran or at least tap danced his way from this movie. Too many things wrong.

This Dutch main character was in real life, far too young in to have so many letters in front and behind her name, more than the general has ribbons as said by Gregory Hinds about her titles and PhDs, yet she tried to play a much older woman with a hot body. Apparently, in the 80s, she was supposed to be a Dutch sex symbol. Hardly. In her youth she was a gymnast. Here, she just looked like a cheap 70s porn star, and acted much like one, cheap and fake.

The fact that ye olde U. S. government wouldn't have put a nuclear device loose in a test weapon makes this movie stalled from the pits. That it was being tested on human soil in civilian settings with said weapon is even more stupidly plotted.

Then there was only one Caucasion fenale model. At first, there was a Caucasian male model who was canceled. This makes no sense in a real world situation. Sure, you can speculate their could have been more models, but there couldn't have been because the model made was a clone of the woman who was in charge of her creation and also had her memories, flawed memories at that, which also wouldn't fly in any weapon in any nation's arsenal.

I guess we're supposed to also believe that when an android gets damaged, it's supposed to take memories into context, but it didn't. It got hormonal. Also, why would the clone cyborg have memories to steal an uzi, go steal a red mustang, obtain only 250 9mm rounds, go to a sleazy motel/bar, get in a sexual situation with a rural cowboy/lumberjack/truck driver, and then remove his privates with her mouth? Or would the clone intentionally try to kill random people? These were mostly hormonal actions. The rest would be actions done by the clone of a female street walker. None of these would have been in the memory of the Dutch doctor the memories came from. Just an all around mess.

Let's get to the rest of the mess. Cops facing a known armed and dangerous fugitive, the flight to New York, the mustang beamer wreck, Gregory Hines supposing to be a sharpshooter, but shows up with probably one of the worst firearm setups possible, the inability for anyone to be able to shoot this android, cyborg, whatever you want to call her, through the eye, it's unfathomable.

One of the biggest bloopers in the movie was the air bag deployment in the BMW. While the 1987 Mustang used in the movie didn't have air bags (that was only standard equipment from 1990 on), people in the bloopers state so many things about the BMW air bag being deployed from the color to deploying from a rear end collision. There surely wouldn't have been an air bag deployment, not because of the collision point, but because, just like the Mustang, BMW 325i didn't have airbags until 1990. This was a 1984 BMW 325i in the scene. Air bags have been around since the 1920s, but the first one in real use was in a 1973 Oldsmobile. They weren't standard equipment in pretty much any vehicle until the 1990s. So, for the producers of the movie to use this as a minor plot device to show how psycho and hormonal a cyborg was, is totally unbelievable. This mindset persists on throughout the movie. Let's make things up that are totally unnecessary to the plot and purely garbage for the movie to plod on.

Then, you have poor old Gregory Hines in a roll that no one could play. While he has played cops and military personnel or arms dealers in the past, he never did it well. For him to play the best choice the U. S. had to take on the world's most top secret weapon is the biggest laugh of this movie. Let's ask Gomer Pile to take on Vladimir Putin. That would have been more realistic.

Then the only person who can kill the cyborg is the creator herself by shoving the blunt barrel of Hine's horrible weapon choice into the cyborgs supposedly armored forehead. Come on. This is Nickelodeon cartoon writing.

The creators of the Terminator films were probably laughing at this sad attempt of a copycat. Who knows? It bombed so bad, it probably flew below their radars.

Best thing is to avoid this poorly written, badly cast, and horribly directed hodgepodge.
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Butter (2022)
Has spoilers, so read before watching.
30 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Yes, there are spoilers, but I have to speak about the subject matter. I watched this with my wife and two daughters. I wish my 20 year old son could have been home to watch this with the family. He and my almost 19 year old daughter had a friend in school who committed suicide due to bullying from her legal guardian, her aunt (father's sister), who was a special education teacher at their school. Her mother had died when she was young, and her father didn't want her around. A straight A student, she was shy at school, but she had her friends in theater and choir, the only place where she could come out of her shell. This needless loss of life was not committed on social media as the attempt was shown here, but the reaction and aftermath of an attempted or actual suicide in a school setting like this has a much more devastating emotional reaction than the one in this movie. This is my reason for only a 6. It just did not show the stark realism, maybe because the actors couldn't pull off that level of realism or because the producers wanted to keep it pg13.

As for bullying and abuse as children: for those that say they have never seen it, like one reviewer stated here, you either were home schooled or are lying. Then, growing up, children are either the victims of bullying, the bully, or the one who stands up for the bully and gets the bullying stopped. The ones that stand by are just as bad as the bullies. Children have mouths. They can at least report bullying. No, they are not snitches. Suicide is the ultimate death. It can be prevented.

This subject, I'll not go deeper into, but between my wife and I, we are qualified in the storyline. This was less traumatic than our childhoods growing up in a very hostile and religious setting. And my two oldest, at least, championed at their school for antibullying. They obviously couldn't prevent it all on their own, but they did their best. My youngest hasn't gotten to that age yet.

So, as you can tell, this is about bullying, self doubt, and the consequences, to the point of attempting to or actually commiting suicide.

Alex Kersting plays the main character "Butter". He is an obese teen with an overprotective and overindulging mom at home and an indifferent dad. He is a not totally unpopular kid at school. He has friends in his group.

Alex is the main reason I only gave this a 6 instead of a 10. He just doesn't have the ability to act the part he's given. He may have personal issues with weight in real life, but I doubt he has ever been the victim of any real bullying. When he is supposed to cry, his attempts are laughable and as fake as his attempts to play that saxophone he's supposed to be so good at. My son and I both play the saxophone. My son was in a jazz band. This was a main part of this movie as well, so I have to review it. Fingers didn't even come close and his embouchure was too far off. If Alex were to be able to play that saxophone that well in real life, he wouldn't be in movies, he would be a professional musician because his character's supposed level of expertise is far better than his acting ability. Also, as he stated, he wanted to stay in good enough shape, so that he didn't get out of breath because playing the saxophone was all that mattered. Another mess. You can't blow that hard and that long and even remotely think of getting out of breath. Totally unconvincing.

The other reason for the 6 is that in the end, the reactions and consequences are a bit underplayed.

I figure it has to stay pg13 and end on a good note, no pun intended. If it had been closer to real, my wife and oldest daughter would have been bawling instead of having dry eyes at the end.

As for the 6 stars. This movie did a decent job in showing bullying, self image, overindulgence, self confidence, and suicide. It shows the newest form of bullying, at that; cyberbullying.

The story, the directing, and much of the acting are spot on. You know who the main bully is. No matter what happens, he will always be a bully for the rest of his life. That's just who he is. Then, there's the victim. He will most always remain the victim. Even when he tries to abandon that position, if there's a bully, he'll always be the victim. Those in school that are bullied and make it aren't victims. They abide their time and ultimately overcome their oppressors in the long run.

Then there's the stand by and enabler groups. They see it and just stand by and do nothing or advance the problem to the breaking point. These were all played fairly well.

I believe this movie could have been every bit of a 10 if only they could have found a real actor to play the main character, one who could convey emotion and realism, one who could draw you into every aspect of his life.

And then there were the less than real emotions and underwhelming consequences at the end. This could have still been pg13 and shown the stark realism of attemped or actual suicide and bullying. It could have shown the gut wrenching emotion and the harsh consequences of both. The children watching that video, no matter how old, how supposedly jaded, no matter how tough, even the bully, would have been freaking out and bawling. There would have been more noise, reaction, something. Come on, they are watching a suicide attempt of someone they know. This isn't a police brutality video, where the people are standing around with their cellphones trying to video the injustice. Those people are just as bad as the cops. They are void of anything moral. If they really cared, they would have saved the person getting murdered by the police. These are supposedly kids that still have moral value.

Butter, you aren't a poor kid in a hospital bed being fed by your mommy who can't let you feed yourself with a plastic fork and knife because of your suicide attempt. You'll more than likely be in a lock down facility or handcuffed to a bariatric bed, due to your size. Maybe even strapped down for a few days, because you wouldn't be receiving food orally. You would be receiving fluids and nutrients through an IV while you were in the coma. You would still be using that as a source of sustenance after you wake up, and since it would be in your arm, you would have to be strapped down due to your suicide attempt so that you don't try to rip out the IV. ALL SUICIDE ATTEMPTS ARE TREATED THE SAME pertaining to an IV. Also, with your size, you could still harm yourself, medical personnel or police or emergency personnel. Then you would be a 5150 until you have finished evaluation and mental treatment.

So much wrong with the ending. But, I digress. It had to fit in a certain time frame, and it had to hold the audience without scaring them away from the true nature of bullying and suicide. That's also why I didn't give it a lower rating for delving into unbelievably happy endings.

Watch this for the story that tries, I say tries, to be honest, the rest of the cast that are somewhat more believable than the main character, and enjoy that it had a better happy ending than what is reality.
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Paradise (II) (2024)
Very anachronistic underbelly
23 March 2024
If there ever was a movie that you want to give a 10 to but cannot, this is the one.

In the description, it stated anachronistic underbelly. That it was. When I first heard island odd the mainland, before I saw the license plates, I figured this was some outdated island somewhere off the U. S. Gulf Coast in the dirty south. That would have given this movie a ten. All the way around, this movie felt like a middle point for drug running cartels between Central America and mainland U. S. A. But, when I found out it was one of the islands of Hawai'i, I watched it less seriously. I've been in and seen the underbelly of the drug trade of Southern California and the Island of Oahu. No matter how anachronistic this movie did get, it was too much off to take it as a serious contender.

From the very start to the very end, this movie was a 10 star movie. It was well played out in the western genre it was stated to be in. There were interesting characters. There was an interesting plot. There was even a open door at the end left wide open for a nice little sequel.

There was a slight issue I had with the anachronistic props, because they were glaringly used wrong throughout the movie.

The main and eye blinding problem I had was that the location was just too far off. You could have changed the setting to prehistoric anywhere in Russia and had a better feeling anachronistic setting than any Island of Hawai'i. That was just too unbelievable.
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Don't listen to critics
22 March 2024
On the Review Aggregator Rotten Tomatoes, the score is 60%. Don't listen to these supposed professional journalists. Professional critics are no longer driven by the entertaining values of movies. They are driven by niche elements that are mostly political, prejudicial, immoral, etc., that have nothing to do with theater at all.

As such, the movie only gets reviewed by the niche critics. This movie should have been left on the cutting room floor as bad as it was severely chopped up and pieced together.

I suggest for a movie to have a rating on Rotten Tomatoes, it needs to be reviewed by a panel of generally selected journalists from accredited sources. It needs at least 100 of said critics to review said movie. Then you wouldn't get 60% for a movie this bad. It only takes 1 review from any rag to get a Rotten Tomatoes rating, meaning a fan boy comicon rag can give a movie like this a very biased good review and get a movie a 100% rating.

Now, sorry that Bruce Willis is not in good health, but that's also not a good reason to give sympathy votes either.

What started off as a vehicle with a good premise turned out to be a bag of goo with holes all in it, slowly leaking ooze in all directions.

Willis' parts were shot in less than 2 days, probably because of his illness, and it shows. He looked like he was barely capable of spoken language.

Poor Michael Rooker, I just can't see how he was roped into this quandary of a mess.

Corrective Measures is a complex story with so many different pieces of a puzzle that either could fit together or have pieces from another puzzle brought in, but no matter, all the pieces just don't match up.

Like I stated, it started good, even with the bad graphics. The story was compelling enough. Then the story jumped in a different direction. Then it jumped in a different direction. And this happened nonstop for the whole movie. Even Willis' part could have fit in if there had been a true story plot. There are so many good characters in this movie. There are so many good stories in this movie. The problem is that none of them matched. The prison setting was the only constant. The breaks in the movie where the news updates were thrown in, much like a dark Batman animated show, should have been done with better lines, better directing, and better actors. You know that had to be thrown in to fit the graphic novel this movie is based on, but it just didn't jive with the feel of the movie.

I've never heard of the adult comic (graphic novel) this movie is based on, and I probably won't ever look into finding it or reading it, mainly because I have a feeling that the movie didn't stray from the comic.

You can create an apocalyptic world. You can create awesome characters, you can add whatever niche you want into it, you can have awesome sets, but if you don't know what to do with them or you throw too many story lines in, you end up with something like a food dish where you have a whole lot of good ingredients, good recipes, great cookware and the lot, you end up with everything thrown all in together and end up with a terrible dish. In the case of this one, it is a nasty dish that drags on and on. You hope that if you keep eating it, you'll get a taste for it in the long run, but it just never happens.

As the ending is left wide open for a few sequels, I believe with good direction and a script that fits everything together without leaving out pieces, and a better cast of the minor characters, you could have a 10 instead of a 1.

In the end, I wanted to like this movie. I believed everything could have been tied together for a spectacular ending, and I could have rated it as high as a ten. The characters deserved so much more. It almost physically hurt to see these characters get this treatment. I can not unsee this either. If done right, it would have been a blockbuster other lines of Hellboy, but instead, I'm watched it, hoping it to be a gem, late at night on Tubi, the free streaming service.
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Ape Canyon (2019)
How do you get trash like this financed?
27 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
There's no need to use words that a big city rag critic would use here. This is a pure junker of movie.

Why is this even listed as a comedy? This is listed as a comedy but shows only people entitling other people's psychosis. Why is this listed as TV14, when the language turns reprehensible for anything less than an R or MA rating?

At first glance, the cinematography isn't bad, the actors are not looking like cardboard cutouts reading lines, like most other independent micro budget films. But, then... It drags and drags and drags.

And then you realize that this is not a comical bigfoot movie. The whole main cast is drugged and robbed by a scammer. The main protagonist is mentally unstable after his mother's death, his wife and either pets or children have left him, he steals his sister's credit card number to buy flight tickets, and he has this weird obsession of seeing bigfoot. His older sister has a teaching doctorate at an early age, which makes no sense how she is so unintelligent to allow her brother's obsession and psychosis. Then after they are robbed and drugged, they are rescued and are being put on a plane for home loke the rest of the simpletons that were robbed, but the sick brother, decides to steal a car to try to go back to look for bigfoot. His sister jumps in and unconvincingly tries to get him to stop but continues on with him. They are arrested and jailed. Still no ID on them to get proof of who they are. The man that originally scammed them, somehow gets caught by these same rural police because he wanted to pull more scams in the same location. Wow. Who wrote this? He is put in the same empty cell as the brother and sister. Has this cell ever held any living creature? Well, the criminal puts a piece of paper on the cell door lock before the officer can close the door so he can make his immediate escape. It was so blatant that a real cop with the IQ of Barney Fife could have seen it. When the door was shut, the sound and the feel was different. It was beyond cartoon level stupidity. And then the sister and brother engage the scammer in monolog before the sister hits him, and the he walks nonchalantly out. The two didn't yell or scream to let the officer know the scammer was about to or did escape.

Now the sister, with this title of doctor, she just follows her brother out the same way the scammer went. More depressing cartoon logic. The sister and brother almost make it to the Ape Canyon while they go back and forth with the hows and whys of his messed up childhood psychosis that has clearly become full blown. The rangers close in with their handguns drawn to re-arrest both of them. He runs, falls, runs again with her in tow. They stop and breath in a fake emotional and physically drained manner. He tells the police it was all his fault. He then is shown by himself, breathing in the mountain air, and he hears the howls of what we're supposed to believe is a bigfoot. Fade to credits.

Last statement about the cast. The sister's husband look like his family could have been inbred Vermont maple suckers. She has a doctorate at this young an age, first she would not have had time for a marriage type relationship, and secondly a marriage to what looked like a gas station attendant about to o.d. On meth.

I can't say there are any plot holes. There has to be a plot in order to have holes. I could easily say this is the worst movie I've ever watched because I've seen quite a few stinkers as of late. But, this movie is so bad, it makes you forget how horrible other movies could be. It seems as if this movie is a black hole of bad that sucks your memories of other bad movies away.

There are no bogfoots in this movie. There is no actual footage of them actually making it into Ape Canyon. There is no comedy. There is no action. It's just a sad piece someone with this psychosis would produce.
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Red Rover (2018)
When you go in expecting something good...
22 February 2024
Just happened to pass this up. It stated it was a comedy. It stated is was PG13. The description was vaguely like the movie. So, I looked it up for any information. None worth mentioning like a plot that you see for a major movie on Wikipedia. All I really noticed was that the cast was Canadian. I figured from all this, it would be a fun quirky and like hearted film. There was nothing in this that remotely fit this. First, it needs to be rated R for the language and overt sexual instances. Second, there is no comedy in this, whatsoever. Third, I didn't know people in Canada could act this bad or this foul. You would make me embarrassed to be Canadian if I was Canadian. When I think of comedy in Canada, I think of Little Mosque on The Prairie or Corner Gas funny. I believe that Canadian cinema has been infected with the dull and vulgar drama that makes U. S. cinema reek when I see this mess. It started slow. The main character is a whining adult male child. You hate to see these types get cartoon level bullied in cartoons, but it's just fake and humorless in live action. No one in real life is that blatant in accepting bullying, and there are no bullies as blatant as the rest of the cast throughout the rest of the movie. This movie makes you want to punch someone, even if you are the most nonviolent person in the world. Then, there's the main characters moment to give his enlightening speech. Wow, you gave a U. S. government sounding save the world type of speech. It sounded so unbelievably fake coming from this actor (that's a word that least describes him). I don't know the indigenous woman that played his fantasy, but she... there's no words to describe the psycobable attitude she had. People like that are in padded rooms in real life or under conservatory supervision. And she's supposed to be a big name in Montreal? Then, the riding off into the sunset moment was another blah moment that just ended the movie, like the silly kung-fu movies of the 70s where the hero kick that kills the bad guy is the final shot of the movie. You blink, and your streaming service has already put you into the next movie. I really went into this movie wanting to enjoy it. Sugith Varughese was credited in this movie. He was another reason I wanted to see this. Now, I'm not Indian Canadian. I'm from the Midwest. So, why did he interest me. To those who watch Canadian TV and film, he was the main draw for this movie for me. He's the only one in the whole cast with any kind of real talent. You know, you click on an independent movie that is questionable you will watch. You look for names that are recognizable. If you don't see one, you're less likely to watch the movie. He is the recognizable person in this movie for me. If you watch Kim's Convenience, you know who he is. It's not like, I know this person from something. I knew he was in Kim's Convenience. Anyway, he can play some truly funny and somewhat aloof characters. Not here. His involvement was minimal. When he was shown, he was missable. I hope never to see another movie like this for the rest of my life. This put a chink into the body of Canadian film that has usually kept up standards. Truly slow, unappealing and too much language and vulgarity for the rating.
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A comfort food of a comedy/horror.
12 February 2024
You're sitting at home. You've seen all the big blockbusters. The action, the comedy, the horror, you name it. They've all become cliché and rather droll. It's like the film industry has been on a big budget cocaine like high for so long, it needs to come down sometime. This is one of the movies that is so low budget and independent, that it brings filmmaking back down to earth.

These people have enough acting skills (not like they are struggling to remember lines at every turn) to pull this little funny film off. There is no unbelievable special effects like an Asylum film.

Jared Show, the director and one of the main characters in the movie, rounded up just enough of his North Western Pennsylvania friends to give us a delightful little horror/comedy without getting into the rated R/mature zone, staying just on the TV-14 side.

I normally skip over newer low budget movies where the director is in the movie or has obvious family members in the cast. I was surprised. There are no slow spots. It rolls along somewhat smoothly. The bigfoot isn't some overblown or never seen abomination. If a bigfootdid exist, this is what I would suspect. The funny doesn't take itself seriously. The horror doesn't either, but I wouldn't want to run into this bigfoot unarmed.

What's nice is that there is no B movie celebrity to draw in the viewers. The script is actually fresh and funny.

This is the kind of comedy one would expect of western Pennsylvania rednecks without dumbing down. They play stupid, but there is smartness in it that makes you smile.

All in all, it's a real movie for real people. I wish Jared Show would come out with more of these breezy movies.
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Death Kiss (2018)
Charles Bronson would appreciate the cheese.
5 February 2024
Clearly a spoof of Death Wish, but what a doozy it is. Robert Bronzi is clearly a Charles Bronson impersonator, not just his face but his physical mannerism as well. So, when you see this, you know it looks like he spent the better part of his life to mirror Bronson.

For such a low budget film that had a pretty loose script and random action scenes, it all came together fairly well.

Daniel Baldwin, the least known Baldwin brother, is randomly thrown in as a right wing zealot radio dj who has lost hope in the American justice system and advocates vigilante justice and is sort of the mouthpiece and confidant for and of the somewhat man of few words Bronzi character.

Then you have the great bad guy character actor Richard Tyson playing the somewhat kingpin in charge of the crime scene.

I don't want to give away any of the movie. You'll just have to watch it and see.

If you like a not so good vigilante cleaning up the riff raff to help clear his conscience and also for a good cause, give this a whirl.

I will say one last thing. Rene Perez... I don't know much about him, but he wrote, directed and was the cinematographer for this movie. Obviously, he had to take on quite a few roles for thus movie to work with such a tight budget. I believe he managed to fill all the roles above and beyond for this independent shoot em up movie. Yeah, I said shoot em up. This brought me back to the great shoot em ups of the 70s. I am looking forward to seeing more of his work. If he can make a movie like this on the budget he worked with, imagine what he could do with a real budget.
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Hunting Emma (2017)
Drags a little, but good for SA
5 February 2024
The only thing I hate about this movie, and this goes for most action movies, is that there are some monologing and dropping firearms to do hand to hand. But, if people would just shoot in these movies, the movies would end early due to the dispatching of either the protagonist or the antagonist.

Now, I'll watch a South African actioneer any day over any new American actioneer, especially if it takes place in a remote outdoor setting, which like this one, was in the Kadoo desert. Of course, that goes for any actioneer outside the U. S. Every modern U. S. actioneer has poor acting, over packed with aging action stars or absolute no name actors with no acting skills, bad script, tired old rewritten plots, bad effects and/or bad cinematography.

This story was a little predictable, but it was freshly presented in a way that you wanted to keep watching. The main protagonist was played well enough. The antagonist and his cronies acted well enough as well playing amateurish thugs.

What I really liked about this movie was the good use of the Kadoo desert and the few outcroppings and structures. It made you feel like you could just jump in and be a part of it like a good 1950s to 1970s western movie.

Wake up America. Go back to the drawing board and find what you lost years ago. Hollywood could take some tips from South African films like this.
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Heavy Trip (2018)
2nd try's a hoot. 1st, learn a little Scandinavian life.
1 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Let's put this into context. 1st, due to a freak accident, I'm recently disabled and under severe pain throughout the whole night and day. This means I get very little to no sleep. This also means I have limited mobility and end up being stuck reading or being entertained by a television screen which I never have really done before. I don't watch sports, and I don't have cable. So, after scouring through a couple paid streaming services and several free streaming services over a two month period, the pickins were getting pretty slim. I had just reached the bottom of the barrel by looking through ROKU and PLEX.

I found this on PLEX and became interested because it was a Finnish movie. To date, my two favorite foreign films are Rare Exports and Big Game. I started really studying Finnish culture after watching Rare Exports so that I could get some of the context of rural Finnish life on the Russian border.

So, here I am early in the morning, while everyone else is asleep, scanning FLEX for something that would even be midly entertaining. I see this one, I briefly turn it on to see if it is something that would be so entertaining that I would stay up. Unfortunately, it wasn't or I couldn't. But, it had been watched long enough that it stayed in my continue watching list. So, I sat during the day and put it on.

This is a quirky movie with a look into rural life Finland. Also know that death metal is big in Scandanavia. The sound originates there. Then, you have to understand the reliance on reindeer farming and reindeer blood being a main food source in the arctic region. So, when you do see that blood, it's not just there as a plot device. I do wonder the reason the individual was there to purchase it. Was he there to purchase it for his own personal food source, or was he there to purchase it for a food source or as part of the special effects at the upcoming metal festival across the border in Norway? We'll never know, since it accidentally got dumped on him.

There are a few far fetched scenes that I can only see being put in for the lampoon effect. This one was pointed out by another review. The drummer, that has legally been declared dead in the past, passes out while choking on food that he seems to have at all time, but he is still managing to keep a beat on the bass drum. Further on, he finally is killed in a van accident that would seem hardly likely to kill him. Then, the rest of the band jumps off a cliff, after his coffin falls off the cliff. They all land on the rock below, but are not killed. In between, the band, with the new and black drummer from the local sanatorium, are crossing the boarder at the same time another group of young men are coming through. Their is a local skirmish, at the crossing led by a very comedic slapstick female colonel, against the other van. The other van's occupants are coming back from q party they dressed as Jesus and the last supper, but are mistaken for the "terrorists" (Arabic looking) that the colonel has been told to be looking for. After they've arrived at the bottom, they take a viking reenactment cosplay boat to the port where, guess what, the festival is being held But, knowing it is supposed to be lampooned is totally hilarious.

In the beginning, we see a group of young men that fit the death metal genre. They are treated like degenerates by the locals. The guitarist lives with his parents who run the local reindeer slaughter house. The band practices in his parents basement. The lead singer is secretly in love with the local flower shop owner, who happens to be in the radar of the local music talent as his sexual conquest. She also just so happens to be the daughter of the local police chief, who also despises the lead singer and the rest of the group. The bass player is one step away from being Einstein. This sets for one actually funny and warm hearted comedy. The main twist comes out of a sheer accident when the guitarist storms upstairs because he can't come up with an original riff (The band no longer wants to play covers but wants to make original music). He finds the sound they adopt by getting the carcus of a reindeer stuck, with his knife, in one of the industrial meat grinders. While there is not a whole lot of death metal played in the film, this is the main theme for it. You can tell it takes death metal seriously from the Finnish locale's point of view. Like I stated, this genre of music originates in Scandanavia not anywhere else, which includes the U. S. So, if you are American, you must see it from a Scandinavian context and not one of American entitlement. Their are also two separate scenes where the lead singer projectile vomits before he starts singing in front of a crowd, duevyo stage fright. Why is it done twice? The first time it shows that this ends in failure and the band wasn't actually invited to the music festival, which reverts the locals back to disliking the band. The second time, the band does get ro play at the festival due to their very recent notoriety, and the lead singer pukes onto to front row attendees. But, he immediately goes into the beginning growls of the song, so the ones that did get vomited on cheer the band on harder, probably since it is a death metal festival and the crowd expects these kinds of sick displays and antics. Somewhere in there, they dig up the coffin of the dead original drummer (to honor him and take his body to the festival), they steal the van of the cad that sought the conquest of the florist, and they also liberated the drugged mad man that became their second drummer. Even this lunatic drummer's t shirt, in the end, has a rather humorous saying on it.

I wouldn't say this is a movie for younger teens because of the mild gore and one overly sexual scene that doesn't show skin, but it feels more like a fun adventure that can be watched by teens with adult supervision. I would say that this movie is good enough to actually be watched more than once. I believe this will turn into a cult classic on a lesser level like the Blues Brothers (this movie is most definitely in that vein) has in the U. S.
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Stand on It! (2020)
Oh John, you shouldn't have done it.
24 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I am a huge fan of the Dukes of Hazzard. I am a huge fan of the Smokey and the Bandit franchise. I am also a big fan of the muscle car movies and cross country race movies that dominated the era.

This movie, people believe to be a tribute to all that, is far from that. John Schneider should be horse whipped for this.

From the start, you can tell this was overdone with lips to rear of The Dukes of Hazzard first and the to the Smokey and the bandit.

There is a mockery of the General Lee with doors that open. There is a real disgusting mockery of the Bandits car with a poorly cut up t top Dodge speed brick SLOPAR SMELLCAT (you can really see the bad chop job that was done) that plays Dixie car horn like the original General Lee. It is black with a white eagle on the hood that looks like a kindergartener painted on.

There are stunts that poorly mirror both TV series and movie. There is the creek jump, There are badly choreographed chase scenes.

This badly mirrored Bandit and Dukes movie use the same name of main characters from both. Schneider doesn't go by Bo, but is conveniently named Duke and he references Luke. Minus the overt Dukes references, they are trying to say they can do in real life in 24 hours what a movie in the 70s did in 28 hours.

I feel this could be good B-Movie fodder for some fan boys and girls. For true fans though, it just seems like a slap in the face.

These actors stink so bad as well. John was cool back in the day as Bo. But, he should have left it there. There's a reason Tom Wopat (Luke Duke) wasn't involved in John's grown up fantasies.

Everyone in this movie portraying the Bandit side of it made my eyes and ears hurt so bad... there's just no words I could ethically use here.

This movie is like the independent studios like Asylum that make clear ripoffs of blockbuster movies with slight changes in the name to con unsuspecting consumers or for the people that try to make them into cult hits.

Then there were clear horridvreferences to other movies and music in that era. Then, there was horrible modern country music constantly playing in the background.

It also has bad effects including horrid green screen, bad cinematography, very grainy wide shots overlaid on the green screen. It wasn't even filmed well for a bad b movie. It was a far cry in filming from the classic movies and TV shows it is trying to copy. From green screen to home movie day at the races quality, this just further stinks.

I accidentally found this on a free streaming site, and as I am currently bedridden, I have all kinds of time, so I wasted the time to watch this all the way through, so you could read this and save your time.

I truly wanted to like this. I really did. Even if a group of film students from some southern redneck college had made this, I probably would have enjoyed this more, but that John Schneider made this and acted in it, well that just sank it even further for me. You could watch tellatubbies and a sharknado-esque movie at the same time and had something more entertaining and less gut wrenching annoyingly bad than this movie.
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MEAD (2022)
I hate giving this a 10, but I have to.
18 January 2024
There are several reasons why this movie should get 0 to 1 star, but I have to give it a 10.

I will get the cons out of the way first.

The pace was far too slow. The action scenes were far too slow and somewhat moody feeling. It was almost exhausting watching fight scenes with nothing happening for far too long.

The main stars felt unconvincing at times. It wasn't like they were reading cue cards or spitting out lines from memory. They just lacked conviction at some points.

While the CGI was expected for this low budget of a movie, there were some scenes where the spacial parameters were far off.

I wanted this to have a more comedic tone, especially since the movie was approached with comic direction, effects, and talent.

Now for the pros.

I am happy Warburton got a bit in this movie, but he could have had more. He had a very minor role that could have been bigger across the board, but what he did have, it made quite a difference.

Picardo was the perfect Villain. He's played some ineffectual parts in the past and some substantial good background characters in the past. I feel he played this one a little too esque, but it fit. He had somewhat of an evil dictator vibe that I wouldn't have expected.

Now, we got to MEAD. Patton did a heartfelt job that I wish the rest f the no name actors and actresses failed to pull off. I could actually see him being a more human voice and soul to a spacecraft. It's like how he played Remi in Ratatouille. Now, this isn't Ratatouille by any means, but you knew he gave his all.

For what I've listed so far, the movie shouldn't be more than a five. If I hadn't watched it all the way through, that's the score I would have given it. But, the final twists made it.

See, the story from the beginning was a perfect story. For that, I would have given it a ten plus two for extra credit. With a proper budget and proper staff, this could have been a blockbuster. I won't give spoilers, but with the right touch, you could see the real drama, the real self torture to do right and stick to your guns, you could see a hatred and desire for evil and corrupted revenge, you could see real and varied love and what could have been arcs, and there was enough time to give the action a sense of accomplishment. The comedic aspect could have been ramped up a little more. These all could have made this story shine as a great sci-fi adventure.

But, back to the story. Your main character and MEAD needed each other. You'll see why. It was a beautiful reason that they were more than friends. They weren't lovers, because that would have been gross. But let's leave it as they could never be separated until death. The fact that they would not try to harm their enemies especially without the use of advanced weaponry made it more interesting. MEAD's design was also rather cute but understandable. Actually, minus the clear CGI aspect, every ship had great design features. They just looked a bit too much like video game play. As this movie eluded to a continuation, if a big studio were to give this proper treatment, you really could get a blockbuster sequel. Love, redemption, new or rejuvenated bad guys, rescues, and new missions, could all be written in a matter of days that could pull in the sci-fi fans or people just looking for a good adventure that's not rated R or G.

Make your own judgements. You may call me an idiot or a fool for my rating, and for this, I wouldn't blame you. But this story is a really good one that could have been the best independent sci-fi movie that beat all the big studios regurgitated and predictable money pits for the year.

The sacrifices and twists in the end is what made this movie a ten and not a one star.
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Slotherhouse (2023)
From the beginning, SO BAD... IT'S GOOD.
26 October 2023
From the beginning, you know it's going to be bad. The sloth clearly looks like an animatronic Jim Henson reject. Once you get past that, let the silliness commence. I am absolutely tired of rated R comedy horrors that are neither comedy or horror. They are just filled with foul language and soft porn, and offer little else. It's nice to see a PG-13 movie of this genre come out swinging with a fresh and absurd perspective. You will find yourself wondering what this little sloth will be capable of next. You will wonder what way this little sloth will murder its next victim. Just remember that you have to take off your serious hat and enjoy a silly horror movie.
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Nothing comedic, not SciFi, and less acting that the worst soap opera.
10 September 2023
I saw this on Tubi rated pg-13, comedy, sci-fi, and drama. Well, it got one barely right. It was drama on the lowest end of what can be considered drama. You have a gay man acting like he's a ladies man and a straight man acting like a closeted gay man. Is this why critics praised it so much that it received a 68% on Rotten Tomatoes. Critics need a new sight. Call it Rotted Tomatoes; for all the critics that think they have a clue what is entertaining. This movie is garbage. Liv Tyler stopped having sex appeal long ago. She never had personal appeal. O'Connell was good in Stand By Me, but has slowly diminished his career to this slop. If I had have know Matt B. Was in it, I probably would never have turned it on. That individual has less acting abilities than Liv Tyler. There is no comedic presence in this movie. There is a sci-fi setting but no sci-fi. It was supposed to a 70s spoof but looked like it was an attempt at covering up the fact that there was no budget for real sci-fi and ended up with a set that a high school production could have pulled off with a couple geeks on a 1980s computer. Having a Playboy playmate doing full frontal scenes throughout the movie with the real gay man acting straight was an ironic twist that was not funny in the least. It was moronic and vulgar. The writer and director should be drawn and quartered, and the producers should be blacklisted.
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Gargoyles (1972 TV Movie)
51 years and it's still a fun movie.
28 July 2023
This movie came out the year I was born. My brother's friend was over watching this with my whole family. He hid under my parent's bed. Several years later, my sister was telling her friends about this movie on a church youth trip, and when she got to the part about the gargoyle landed on the station wagon, the bus blew a tire. Several teenagers peed their pants. I have watched this several times and it never gets old, even 51 years later. Yes, it's a made for tv movie. I believe if it has received the full Hollywood studio treatment and made for theaters, this would have been a blockbuster. Even still, this lands in my top 5 b horror movies. Pooh on Rotten Tomatoes and theretro reviews of 33%. I wouldn't give it 100% because the production value was so low, but I would give it at least 75%, because the storyline, suspense music, and acting it there. I also would not have let it end the way it did without giving it a continuation. This story should be updated to a full Hollywood production. People need a good demon horror movie in the desert.
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A good 70s bigfoot movie
28 April 2023
Stories of large, mysterious creatures were plentiful in the 70s all over the rural south in the swamplands. It seemed every family had one. The Legend of Boggy Creek, another Fauke Monster story was big, and was an instant cult classic. This one had a better story line, but it didn't try to scare you as bad, like the Boggy Creek movie did with the stroge suspense/horror music and quirky sounds that made Boggy Creek more cult classic material. I gave this one a ten because it was fun to watch. It wasn't narrative laden, like Boggy Creek did trying to be a documentary. Dub Taylor, Jack Elam, and Dennis Fimple all did a pretty impressive job making the source material seem not so campy. It is good because the local authority tries to keep the story hush hush so as not to bring unwanted attention to his town and also to not bring up bad memories to those who had the unfortunate luck of encountering the creature. It is good because the students from Chicago aren't easily pushed off, yet all their approaches are as nice as possible and not confrontational. The one crazy town folk is somewhat spot on. The camera work is actually clear and crisp. I also never tire of seeing wetlands full of Cyprus trees with Spanish moss (kudzu)in the branches. The only downfall to this movie, which could have been easily corrected for little extra cost, was they hired someone too short to play bigfoot, and the costumer did the work of a kindergartener making the bigfoot suit. There were enough out of work basketball players in the 70s that could have done a better on more convincing job, and even a homemade gilly.suit would have looked more bigfoot than the 5 and dime Halloween costume they put on the poor schmuck that played the part. Overall, a good hidden treasure from HOWCO.
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Home Invasion (2021– )
Clean humor and action that harks back to earlier tv.
26 March 2023
I maybe biased because I like the comedic works of Johan Glans, but he is truly a comedian that deserves a bigger audience. Then you have Morena Baccarin. She can make any sci-fi comedy actioneer fun. Next we have a surprisingly good supporting cast. This 1st season should be all watched together. Many reviews state ripoffs of earlier movies and television, but it actually built on earlier sci-fi and gave it a new twist without being dirty or crude like much of modern television and cinema. You used to be able to turn on the television and watch adult comedies or sci-fi that was clean yet still had amazing drawing power; the building blocks that entertained and continue entertaining millions, if not billions. This 6 episode season has that. It toes the line but stays on the clean side yet can still entertain adults as well as children. It shows that you can keep the mature audience mature without indecency.

To another review; no this could never be a Nickelodeon production in this day and age because it doesn't become immature, politically correct, brainless and bubblegum nonsense. Disney couldn't tough it for the same reason either.

This comedy has so no brainier slap stick and intelligent sarcasm mixed in to the pot with some good adventurous sci-fi to boot. The visuals and cinematography is not your basic cut rate mess either.

America and the rest of the world need sitcoms like this. No more ignorant foul mouthed, mindless and degrading sludge.
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Hot Rod Pin-ups (2008 Video)
Horrid depiction of 50s type pinup
31 December 2022
Tubi states this is a sumptuous sampler of classic 1950s style pin-up girls, featuring hotties working in the garage, hanging at the drag strip and cruisin' country roads. Sadly, these girls look nothing like 1950s pin-up girls. They look like trailer park trash. None of them are working in a garage. They are play acting like 5 year olds would with toy tools, and doing it rather unsafely. They act nothing like pin-up girls of the 1950s as well. Back then, they looked like they could actually be doing the work. Seriously, no one, and I mean no one, uses a cut off wheel to grind. Then, there was the horrid music. It's like this David Perry was playing on Tyler Perry titles, had a little money to hire local prostitutes or strip club personnel, got a local punk band for cheap and smashed them all together around old cars and car parts and told the hookers to play. No style and no class. This is even low for Tubi to pick up. The hair, the make up, the tattoos, the clothes, the music... It's just all wrong. Dadid Perry needs to find a different job.
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AGT Extreme (2022)
What were they thinking?
19 July 2022
I thought this was going to be fun, but ended up being a total waste. Let's get professional stunt carnis to come on the show. Let's get worse acts than other acts in the same strain and move them to the top, let's show repeat content... Over and over, let's have more ad time than actual show. You didn''t show us more performances by the acts that moved on. You did waste a whole episode using "stupor fans" to judge. You did show a poor schlub try twice in the one of only two finale performances, yet still made us cringe at home. You did show us the professional stunt carnis do a finale performance that reminded me of a pretty lame show I saw 40 years ago. The rest was filler and flip. All were eligible for the darwin awards. Only a couple acts should have been able to pass, and it sure wasn't the ones chosen. Come on, the big stunts made nice filler in the regular AGT show a few years ago. Now for the kicker. If you are going to be judges on an extreme AGT, you better either own the show, like Simon, actually be a stunt performer like the creator of Nitro Circus, or have a great personality like T. C. Simon, please stop hiring bimbos as the female judge. It's like on the regular show. Heidi never had talent, and she just wastes space. And Howie is a bimbo as well, who acts more moody and disingenuous than any female than any talentless bimbo that has ever been on the show. Howie was once funny, but has turned into an arrogant gint that lets his phobias judge an act before common sense. Wl, there is now one bimbo to rule them all. This WWE tasteless trash been around the block bimbo, has never done anything extreme, wouldn't know what extreme was if it hit her in her hawkbilled nose, and couldn't act her way out of wet toilet tissue. A piece of stale moldy cardboard has more personality. I hope their is a 100% improvement before a next season, or better yet, don't make another season. Oh, and for the regular show. Next time Howie phobias someone, make him read his contract and get him off the show. Hasn't been funny since his cocaine days. Heidi, you were a stick figure model. A manequin in a Goodwill could replace you, and everyone would be happier. Please Simon, fans from the beginning. Real fans in our household. Not "stupor fans". Get the AGT shows back on track. This is a dismal year in the making.
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Alpha Rift (2021)
Rotten Tomatoes needs to go away.
25 May 2022
Tubi featured this, so I looked it up. I saw Lance Henriksen was the sole draw and should have stayed away from it. Seriously, the only thing he was ever good in was Aliens as a souless android. Anyway, Rotten Tomatoes gave this 79%, the same Rotten Tomatoes that didn't exist when the 13th Warrior came out, but still gave it only 39%. I mention that movie because it is a Michael Chrichton movie based off his book, Eaters of the Dead, and had just watched it for the umpteenth time. That story had ups, downs, goods and bads, and the cast were well trained actors that weren't stiff in any of the rolls. Oh, and it was original. Back to this mess.

This story was very unoriginal, stealing its whole story from Lord of the Rings, Star Wars, and King Arthur, just to mention a few. Every actor, including Lance Henriksen, was wooden. A poorly prepared elementary school play has better acting. The story line never gets up and goes. Ten minutes left in the movie, and I was still waiting for something to happen. It just muddled along from one plot hole to the next. The story was also very disjointed. This was very much like 1 episode of a 2 episode kids show in a 30 minute time slot that was drawn out to an hour and 22 minutes. My 17 year old daughter, who started watching this and expected it to go somewhere, said the same, that this all could have fit into a 15 minute slot with long advertisements thrown in.

More could be said about this mess, but no more time should be spent writing about a disaster than the disaster should have been allowed on the screen.
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Not well marketed.
22 May 2022
The problems with movies like these is that there is no marketing and distribution.

I can fault this movie for only having two protagonists going for the gold. If there was such a holy grail of a record out there, two virtual unknowns would not be the ones chasing after it. But then, I can fault every single big budget action movie for the same reason of exclusiveness. You see every single big budget actioneer has only one or two people capable of saving the world, galaxy or whatever, and usually only someone from the U. S. or England, when in fact, there are millions that could have filled the bill. So, we'll excuse that fault as movie making ruts.

The other fault of the movie is that both protagonists don't show age, with the exception of one losing a cheesy activator wig.

Even with those two faults, this movie deserves a ten.

From the beginning, you want to believe that this individual back in 1938 was based off of a real person. His is a compelling story that I wish they could have delved into more, but that probably would have made the movie overly long.

John Lovitz is really well known as a cheese actor, so seeing him play somewhat of a believable sleazy character makes the beginning and the end somewhat better.

For record collectors, true record collectors, ghost records are holy grails that only a few can afford and truly appreciate. Turntable needle snobs need not apply. I've read about ghost records for years and the real stories behind them, so seeing a good fictitious tail about one, makes for a good Sunday afternoon matinee.

Although not as big budgeted as "The Legend of 1900", there is definitely a fun little somewhat mystical Americana in here. Too bad there was no proper marketing or distribution.
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You go into it wanting to like it, but sadly it's a mess.
5 February 2022
Tubi is a free app that is heavily commercialized to keep it free, so I didn't expect much, but then you find The Asylum is involved, so you know the production is probably on life support. With the headliners though, you expect a little more. I went into this optimistically, but found no redeeming qualities in this movie. It definitely wasn't even on par with an afternoon special. The premise is fully unbelievable. The children are fully wooden. The adults are treated like they all have sub 90 IQ. The main character's father is imbecilic. The security guard could have been played a little smarter, but was kept below idiotic. The teacher was an inept fool. The board president body guards were abismally inept and stupid. Although the principal was hardly seen, he was the only redeeming quality of this movie. And for those fans of old school 70s tv, you should pick up quick on who the principal is. Finally, the president of the board. Lord knows his acting past has been mostly subpar, even when he was on SNL, but come on, you're supposed to be better than this. You were mildly humorous at one time, playing sniveling little side pieces, but come on, you are now just an eyesore. Asylum is absolutely the worst at everything it touches, and this supposed family comedy is further proof it should just go away. This movie is an insult to families, to children, and to anyone who falls prey to the catchy name and poor references to any good Robin Hood production. A stoned person high on valium may enjoy this right before a crash.
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