
85 Reviews
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A Tepid Waste of Time
26 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
You've seen everything that's come before. It's all so much better.

The film tries to make the house a plot device, and Bacon serves to be a protagonist that is strong-willed and able to resist the forces of evil until..... The writing takes a big fat greasy dump.

This film tries to be part "THE SHINING" and part "WHAT LIES BENEATH" and fails miserably. The plot holes in supporting character exposition are pure cringe, and the motives behind Bacon's character are non-existent.

This is a total failure and the only thing that makes this worth existing is Bacon's performance.

Kevin Bacon is a tremendous actor, but the writing is so awful, that nothing could ever salvage this insulting dumpster fire.
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The Monster (2016)
A Laborious Slog
25 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Some of the visuals are groundbreaking, and the moments that are carefully planned to invoke terror are effective.

The characters are not likable or believable. The themes are, but the snotty little brat coming to terms with adulthood because of her incompetent parents is a painful experience that offers a very contrite payoff highlighted in gory details.

The monster is showcased with brilliant elements and that carries the entire film until the ending scenes that are honestly quite laughable.

There are great acting moments that shine, but also cringeworthy moments by the same actors that make you wish you hadn't tried.

A five is quite generous, and it's very clear the filmmakers were attempting to make a return on investment with the low budget film locations.

The elephant in the room is the street lamps. To presume such a scenario could be possible on a desolate road with no traffic at all, at the edge of the wilderness, would mean no street lamps. And it feels so incredibly 'off' throughout this film which invokes feeling to quit about halfway through, and by the end, you're likely to be quite angry you hadn't.
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Tesla (I) (2020)
Bad enough to be from Disney
19 November 2023
This is the best movie of all time... For wanting to go to sleep.

The direction is probably the worst of the worst of the worst, and the story is just about as bad.

Ethan Hawk has a long history of giving memorable performances, but this is worse than watching paint dry.

The documentary type storytelling is so far off the mark, it feels like it could turn itself into a parody at any moment - but that might make this disaster worth watching.

Instead, Tesla is the most boring and tortuous experience I have ever endured. At least Disney movies today are entertaining for cringe value, but Tesla is a boresome calamity that will leave you begging to be put on the electric chair.

Anything to make the suffering end. Yes. It is that bad.
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Trevor Noah: Full of himself no talent
30 September 2022
I was at a party and the person hosting it was politically insane. That should have been warning enough.

Trevor Noah is every bit as awful as Rachel Maddow except he thinks he's clever and funny.

He's neither. And the margin separating him from such a claim is as wide as it is deep.

He possesses no charm at all, so it would be unfair to compare him to anyone aside from perhaps Rachel Maddow, but he's worse.

Instigative political jokes are only funny to the brainwashed political insane and if you haven't noticed, propaganda wars are really not good for anyone.

The factor of discrimination it actually took to put this clown in front of an audience should be reviled by all.

He is an absolute disgrace as a comedian and as a man. He never would have gone anywhere without playing a race card every single day of his life.

So Trevor if you're reading this, you reap what you sow. Try losing your bitterness, and stop your disgusting victim parading. If anyone is entitled, it's you, and you should count your blessings for once and stop being such a venemous jerk stoking tribalist virtue signaling to demonize anyone not in your cult of fanaticism.
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The Movie Hillary Clinton Would Never Watch
25 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
The American dream is under siege.

13 Hours is about the goodwill of those who love freedom and liberty. Even in the face of certain annihilation, a good man is compelled to give his adversaries the chance to choose peace over fanatical tyranny.

When the people who declare their friendship are the ones with the sharpest knives aimed at your back, the honorable will fall.

There is a belief that at humanities' darkest hour we cling to hope in our better selves. It is the human element that shines our brightest light in the universe ~ yet.

We allow the most corrupt of us all to rule. We take life's pettiest comforts to heart so that we can avoid the responsibility of our species to what is right and what is just.

All that is left is a legacy when we choose to sell away the quality of our dignity.

Some noble men died for their hubris in their belief in the good in us all.

Some people in our country decided to abandon the best of America in front of the entire world.
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Primal: Echoes of Eternity (2022)
Season 2, Episode 10
Spear gets the perfect man death
17 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I'm not sure if I'm upset that the series jumped the shark or not because the human elements have always been right there.

When this all first started, it all seemed rather plausible in an established reality of planet Earth a million years ago and such. It totally gave up a couple episodes into a season one and I almost did too because I'm a bit too much of a writing snob to get invested into the Transformers, or a Sonic the Hedgehog.

This series does ask you to suspend your disbelief, but not for the sake of low-brow fairy tales. Yes, there are some cringe worthy nuances, but the soul of the story is never self-flatulating.

This is an epic saga exploring the driving force behind a man's primitive machismo. He is always an island to himself, but even the toughest and most noblest specimens of testosterone fueled manhood have a common weakness.

A strong man willing to lay his conviction on the line will ALWAYS fight to the death and beyond for his beloved doggo.
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The Hangover (2009)
It must be a hip thing for conversation
22 August 2022
There are a few chuckles to take in for this mostly watchable film, but delivers little of the hype.

The characters are colorful and well fleshed out, but the plot is far more of a contrivance than organically circumstantial.

Several scenes jump the shark so badly that it ruins the comedy element.

It's a low brow comedy that has somehow passed itself off as something unique and different, but there's very little originality.

Mike Tyson was fantastic however.
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Prey (I) (2022)
Half Attempts at Fan Service
19 August 2022
This franchise is dead. It died several movies ago.

Prey wants to be a superhero monster movie with Mortal Kombat fatalities. In fact, it is.

Some of the CGI is so bad that it is jarring to watch.

The plot is nonsensical and only exists to push a female empowerment narrative like AVP did 20 years ago.

The Predator is completely ruined. A few scenes are done well and the actors have good film presence but there is nothing here worth entertainment.

Dakota's character seems to be the best until you realize he's just a rip-off Legolas from LotR made into an American Indian.

The world as it is portrayed in this time period doesn't make sense at all either.

The perspective shots of the Predator are extremely disappointing and his body and face look so bad you wonder if they didn't get the full rites to depict the franchise's most infamous antagonist as he should be.

This one stinks, and you will regret wasting your time on it.
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Tongue-in-cheek Masterpiece
10 August 2022
For those of you too good for low-brow humor in Leslie Niesen style just move along. You just don't get it, and that's fine.

But the way that low-brow humor is delivered is so important to making it work. Sometimes the butt of the joke is the audience. Like the cigarette joke:

Man: "Cigarette?"

Woman looks at a cigarette the man is offering to her.

Woman: (confused) "Yes, it is."

It's such a dumb joke that it's hilarious, and you have to laugh that they even sold their lines deadpan.

Some of the gags are classic rehashed slapstick, but the creative versatility selling Stephen Hawking gags among many others was genius.

This is a rewatchable laugh fest worthy of cult status now that the superhero craze is finally dying down.

There are a couple of silly moments I can't defend, but the quality of the rest outshines any cringe.
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Extremely Different. Get 'in' on the joke.
3 July 2022
Excellent watchable and educational.

Historians narrate events in American History as factually as you've ever thought you already knew.

Dramatizations are either SNL type parodies of an actual dramatization, or someone deliberately made them cheesy enough to see where the line is with subtle comedy.
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Project Makeover (2020 Video Game)
Harmless cellphone game???
25 June 2022
The latest ads feature men dressing up as women with ridiculous clown makeup and related imagery.

Drag queens are not the norm. Do what you want, but keep your propaganda out of mine and everyone else's face.
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Stranger Things (2016–2025)
Lost the plot
20 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Sure it's nostalgic to offer authentic 80's paraphernalia and reminisce, but what on Eart is the point of anything anymore.

The whole precipice of the franchise is that "The Upside Down" is trying to break into our realm and it was a very creative idea.

Now it's nothing but unrelated subplot with scenes that go no where. The only highlights to watch are when the writers are ripping off Freddy Kruger and Carrie.

They want you to keep watching, so they're desperately throwing anything and everything at you, but it doesn't work anymore. It's a dead franchise.
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A Timeless Treasure of Raunch
10 June 2022
When Always Sunny first came out, I didn't quite "get it". It felt like improvisational sketch comedy where the performers were always trying to one-up each other and maybe that's what it is?

This dysfunctional sitcom rarely hits without maximum impact and it's character performers have a chemistry that is a real gift to behold.

Danny Devito relishes in experimenting with new and bizarrely wonderful shock comedy. The Gang is always reaching new levels of horrible behavior and it's perfect. This show is so far ahead of everything else that I wonder if anyone can ever top it.

It's the funniest show ever made. And it's completely brilliant.
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Brilliant research, poor friendship
22 May 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This man captured so much beauty, but he sat there doing nothing while she was attacked twice.

Friends don't do that.

Octopus are beautiful and imaginative creatures.
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Bridgerton (2020– )
Identity politics everywhere
10 April 2022
Looks like the world just wants to hate Anglo-Saxons. Not even allowed to be an ethnicity anymore. I'm sick and tired of it. There is nothing redeemable about color washing white history out of spite.
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Awkward moments
27 March 2022
Warning: Spoilers
There is some magic left in the chemistry, but much is missing. The new faces play so much to the camera it's pathetic. Diversity is now always present as a priority and creative direction is almost gone. They pretty much do the same stunts and gags, but with a lot less shame and forced laughter. It's still a fun time for about 40 minutes.
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Ripping off a dozen classics and getting by with snarky dialogue
20 March 2022
Warning: Spoilers
The paradox of time travel was completely ignored by this writer who has obviously seen "Flight of the Navigator" too many times.

The emotional conversations are palpable though mostly contrived and mushy.

This film delivers oddity in its plot, characters, and believability. The Tomorrow War did a much better job of making itself work sensibly, but this stinker is awful. Once you realize it's almost completely shot on green screen, it gets even worse.
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Respectfully jumping the shark
8 March 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Absolutely no complaints about the writing, but the execution was a bit of a shlocking. Unnecessary fluff with the muncher, marshmallows, and plot contrivances, but solid tie in nevertheless. Ernie Hudson was the only one who felt genuine in reprisal, Ackroyd and Murray seemed uncomfortable and their performances were forced. I was hoping that it would be grounded in reality a little better than it was. Character interaction was improbable and they went a bit overboard on Ramis's Egon character getting his final catharsis triple certified. Despite all of its shortfalls, this is truly a cinematic work that honored its franchise history in a way many don't anymore. It is a worthy sequel, whereas the 2016 is simply a nasty mockery for the sake of identity politics.
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1883: Racing Clouds (2022)
Season 1, Episode 9
Jumping the shark
28 February 2022
Absolute crap. Kinda like a dry tornado. This project is dead. It died in shame. Strangely the acting was half decent, but the plot is getting flushed without a plunger anywhere nearby and it stinks. It's awful.
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Limitless (I) (2011)
Perhaps the last great cinematic achievement before wokeness destroyed movies.
18 January 2022
After reading some of the ego driven hair splitting reviews here, I had to shine a light on many of the the most pompous and overly picky and meaningless whines regarding a cinematic achievement such as this one. The acting is extraordinary. Go ahead, find one instance of sub-par acting in the film, I'll wait. The cinematography is excellent. Of course, there are no sweeping fake cgi panoramic shots for the mouth breathing imbeciles to drool over. And now let's talk about the dialogue. This was no simple feat of reading lines and going through the motions. Limitless has some of the most complex and well rounded dialogue in movie history. Considering the subject manner, it should! What a tremendous feat of achievement. Just because you want to insert your crappy little indifferences of story opinion doesn't take away from the pure quality at work. If you weren't entertained, then the movie deserves an 8 - for you! For all other intents and purposes, the only suitable ratings left are a 9 or a 10. This must have been a very difficult project that was handled by dedicated professionals. Now go watch your trash and stop trying to deconstruct things that are above your station, idiots that rated less than 7.
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Somewhat entertaining contrivance
15 January 2022
Someone actually tried to make this good, and bonus points for redesigning Sonic. The diversity thing is desperate but works (barely). Some of the jokes are funny, most are not. The gags are terrible, but I never thought this movie could work. It's not intelligent or even remotely grounded in a believable reality. Jim Carrey is both fantastic AND awful. This film gets a mediocre pass for an effort to make an impossible movie adaptation workable.
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Wyatt Earp (1994)
Egocentric Vanity
22 December 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Portions of the extended Wyatt Earp story are the only redeeming aspects of this film. It doesn't help that Val Kilmer completely destroyed the role of Doc but Dennis Quaid's portrayal is poor at best. The cinematic score is contrived and comical. Wyatt Earp offers nothing memorable as Kevin Costner absorbs the entirety of the film's focus. And after several dedicated crusades of historical research, this film offers little value beyond Wyatt's first wife story. Tombstone is vastly superior.
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Midway (2019)
Cartoonishly Disrespectful
22 December 2021
The acting is extremely insulting, and the dialogue is offensive to anyone who has served. The godawful CGI is slap in the face to every servicemen. This movie is trying to deliver a Transformers experience and that is unforgivable. If you want to experience the overpowering drama of the Pearl Harbor to Midway timeline; open a history book. Preferably a book written before the wokeness of identity politics.
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The Wheel of Time (2021– )
Randomly Absurd
4 December 2021
The makeup is horrible, the writing is horrible, the acting is horrible, and the plot is completely lost as well as boring. It's like this show is a 4th wall break of a show that's aware of it being a show within a documentary of the making of a show.

Complete nonsensical mania. What in the hell is going on here.
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From start to finish
25 November 2021
This is perhaps the greatest cinematic ride ever put to film. Nothing more be said.... Absolutely entertainment from start to finish! Jackie at his best. If only time could sit still.
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