
2 Reviews
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The End (2012)
Very entertaining sci-fi flick that leaves you thinking.
3 December 2013
I really enjoyed this movie. The directing was exceptional and the acting was excellent. Also, the cinematography was extremely visually satisfying and the film quality was good. Some of the scenery in the movie was beautiful. The movie does not have the "B" movie feel at all. I was gripped from the beginning and intrigued until the end. The movie is interpretive so expect that the answers to the most important questions are woven into the story line. If you're left with a question at the end of the movie, ask if the answer is important to the ultimate message delivered by the story. The point is, this movie is enjoyable to watch, highly entertaining, and eloquently conveys the sci-fi theme. Kudos to the writers and director and all the crew.
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Hamlet (II) (2000 TV Movie)
Enjoyed it Immensely
23 May 2005
I have seen a few Shakespeare plays and read some of his comedies in high school, but shamefully never have actually read Hamlet. I had this version of the movie with Campbell Scott and had started to watch it several times and fell asleep. Finally one afternoon when I was more awake, I put the movie in again, with the subtitles on, and quickly found myself completely absorbed in the story, but mainly in Campbell Scott's performance, the screen play, and editing of the film. I felt the screen play itself conveyed the movie clearly, especially considering I really knew nothing of the story, but the the flow of the play, the camera view points and scene content made it very easy to understand. I attribute this to the editing as well, with the segues and general lack of lag on any character or scene making the story interesting and quick moving. Above and beyond all of this though, I thought the actors, using such proper inflection, truly conveyed the meaning of the dialogue. I felt that Campbell Scott's performance was particularly compelling and I hung on each word, delighting in the inflection on each word or phrase, which in itself often drove the humor to fruition in those lines meant to be humorous. After having watched the film, twice, I was then inspired to read the play. I think now I will read more of the plays and seek out the films as well. I hope everyone enjoys this version of Hamlet as much as I did. Thank you.
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