
8 Reviews
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The Omen (2006)
a waste of time
11 November 2006
This movie was a disappointment. My wife and I had seen the original when it was released and enjoyed it very much - great atmosphere and very well acted. This remake was pale and uninspired. The actors were simply unconvincing in their roles. When you come to realize that you're raising Satan's son, you're likely to be horrified and terrified but the actors playing the parents didn't convey this convincingly. The child playing Damien wasn't particularly scary although he did a lot of glaring and scowling. Mia Farrow was quite good but we didn't see enough of her. Save your money and rent the original with Gregory Peck and Lee Remick - you won't be sorry.
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The Odyssey (1997)
A faithful adaptation of Homer's Odyssey
9 August 2005
This film, which I recently viewed on DVD, is a top notch retelling of Homer's story. Unlike so many others who have made films based on the Greek myths, such as 2004's "Troy", the director resisted, for the most part, the temptation to change the story line. Why change a story that has been popular for almost 3000 years? That's really standing the test of time! Yes, there were some omissions, as others here have noted, such as the episode with the sirens, but the basic story runs true to the original. The casting was excellent. Armand Assante is a very convincing Odysseus and Greta Scacchi portrays the long-suffering Penelope as well as anyone could. Care was taken in the sets and costumes, which are both great. The special effects are better than average, even though this is not a big budget production. This film shows that the myths can be successfully made into movies. I think the lack of a lot of "big names" in the cast can be a help. I give this one a strong recommendation for those who love the Greek myths or those who love great adventure stories.
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Not true to Poe's story
22 May 2005
but, nonetheless, this is a great horror film. I liked everything about it - the acting, script, sets and photography. Vincent Price is terrific as the tortured Don Nicholas Medina who morphs into the character of his insane father, a notorious member of the Inquisition. The rest of the cast are convincing in their roles. The mood of the film, with good pacing and suitably eerie music, got to me long before the climactic ending arrived. Even the opening credits were creepy! To top it all off, it has Barbara Steele, although her screen time is regrettably short. It's the best of the Corman films based, very loosely, on the stories of Edgar Allan Poe and is probably my all-time favorite horror film. I highly recommend it.
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Gorgo (1961)
This is a very good "giant monster" flick
8 March 2005
Warning: Spoilers
which is, in many ways, superior to the Godzilla films. The production values are certainly way ahead of Toho's efforts. I thought the monsters, both mother and son, looked reasonably realistic. The real military vehicles, as compared to the wind-up tin ones in the Godzilla films, added a nice touch of realism.

I particularly liked the scenes showing Gorgo's first visit ashore; his mother coming ashore on the same island, in the midst of a thunderstorm, to search for him; his mother overturning the British destroyer; mother wrecking London Bridge and Big Ben; and the final reunion of parent and offspring. The ending was very unusual for this type of movie.

Not perfect but, all in all, a good monster flick, well worth watching.
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One of my favourites
6 March 2005
and, I think, Ray Harryhausen's best work. I liked "Clash of the Titans" very much but loved this one. I agree with the others who have commented on the film's deviation from the Greek myths but that is to be expected of Hollywood, regrettably. However, it doesn't ruin this movie. The acting isn't perfect but is better than in the "Sinbad" movies, which I also liked. The pace of the film is good, with one adventure/near crisis after another as Jason and his crew search for the Golden Fleece. I particularly liked the scenes involving the bronze giant, Talos, and also the fight with the "children of the hydra", the climax of the movie. This is a great adventure film, suitable for the entire family. I strongly recommend it.
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One of my favourite TV shows
5 March 2005
along with "Long John Silver". This was one my sisters and I never missed when I was a kid. Robin was brave and dashing and Maid Marion was beautiful. The evil Sheriff of Nottingham was a real meany and was well played. I also have a good memory of Friar Tuck and Little John. Kevin Costner's portrayal of Robin in "Robin Hood Prince of Thieves" pales in comparison to Richard Greene's. The theme song is still firmly fixed in my memory, complete with those French horns. Lots of sword fights and daring escapes from the Sheriff's clutches made this a family favourite. I haven't seen any of the episodes since the early 60's but would dearly love to see them again.
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This one really frightened me
5 March 2005
when I saw it on TV, back in the mid-sixties, when I was about 14 years old. I was then, and continue to be, a lover of horror films. For some reason, this one really got to me, more than just about any other in this genre, except maybe "The Pit and the Pendulum". I don't recall now just what the beast looked like but I recall that it was suitably realistic for its time. It took a while for the story to get moving but was well worth the wait. I recall that I was truly horrified as the beast fed on its living victims. I had some nasty dreams for several weeks after seeing it. I haven't viewed this movie since then but would definitely jump at the chance. I recommend it.
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Helen of Troy (1956)
a very good film but not Homeric
10 December 2004
I saw this one back in the late 50's and again, recently, on DVD. I enjoyed it back then and was pleased to find that it's held up very well over the years. But be warned - this is Hollywood's version of the story and is not faithful to the story in Homer or the other ancient sources that form the Trojan Cycle in Greek Mythology. The film focuses on the love between the Trojan prince, Paris and the Spartan queen, Helen. That's not inconsistent with the mythological version. But the film portrays Paris as a hero whereas Homer portrayed him as a womanizing coward, disliked by his own countrymen and mocked by the enemy Greeks. In spite of this, the film is well worth watching. The battle scenes are well staged, particularly the climactic duel between Achilles and Hector. The fall of Troy is also a highlight. The actors playing Helen and Paris are adequate. Stanley Baker as Achilles and Nial MacGinnis as Menelaus steal the show.
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