
185 Reviews
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A bit too slow
30 May 2024
There are simply too many christio-centric horror movies out there. I am burned out on these and if you are going to release one, at least make my heart pump a little. This one has nothing in terms of scares. Its more of a psychological horror story about priests and nuns acting a bit shady. Then we have girls who are possessed and having psychotic breaks and hallucinations.

As is well known with this movie series, the idea is that the possessed girls are destined to birth the anti-Christ and bad events follow them around causing death and such.

We follow along wondering who the possessed mother will be. Is it that crazy girl who the movie tries to tunnel vision you into early on? Is it the promiscuous one who wants to go out partying? Is it the innocent one who gives into temptation? WHO IS IT? LoL. Honestly its all very telegraphed and you wont be shocked regardless of who it is. That's the entire movie.

Now dont get me wrong. If I werent so burned out on these types of films I may have enjoyed this a little more. I can see this being popular back in the 70s for that reason. But today there are just too many of these films and all of them are very similar with slight variation. There are no original stories any more and when you run out of stories, you need change you focus to action. This is why I found this one boring. There just isnt enough action to keep me awake. The story I have seen many times already.

All in all, not the worst movie but I found it hard to stay awake while watching it. Its hit or miss depending on your mood.
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Its supposed to be better than the 1st...
25 May 2024
Its the same self important drivel as the first movie which took me 4 or 5 tries before I got through it only to have to lower my review score even further after watching it all the way through. This is the same thing.

So whats the problem? I just dont care about the characters or story in any way, shape or form. I have no interest in seeing the outcome because I was not vested in anyone or anything in the movie. The overboard monologue and attempts at character building are absolutely atrocious. Im not sure if it was the acting, directing or just the script that made them unbearable but something about the characters felt like I was watching chatGPT talk to Siri and it was torture. I just wanted them to move it along.

The upside is the movie looks good on a technical level... but that isnt going to carry a movie very far any more. Everything else was a boring slog.
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Creed III (2023)
Sort of like Rocky 3... which wasnt very good
13 May 2024
Another guy shows up from out of no where and immediately becomes a contender for the championship. The movie has a lot of similarities with the 3rd Rocky movie where his opponent is Mr. T. In both, the champ loses his edge and has to find it again. Its the same Eye of the Tiger story minus the iconic song which was probably the best part of the movie.

I wasnt a big fan of Rocky 3 myself. For me it was a low effort movie that shouldn't have been made. Creed 3 has more depth but it still felt rather random and contrived. It felt like a cash grab from start to finish, rather than a labor of love by anyone involved which is really too bad.

Watch it for the adrenaline rush and keep your expectations low.
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Undone (2019–2022)
Bad physics and just interpersonal drama show
14 March 2024
First, the entire premise is made up. There is no evidence that entanglement is faster than light. None. Period. And even if it were true, it would not translate to jedi time travel, multiverses, and it would not disregard causality. Wish fiction writers stayed away from trying to explain things with science... just dont do it.

So if we cut out the science, what you have is a time traveling magic girl. She uses her power to get what she wants and to help her Jedi master dad get alive again. In the end however, this is an interpersonal drama and that is where its failed for me, because I dont like Alma, the main character. She is not interesting, just a dolt who makes bad choices and is sarcastic all the time. Her magic ability lets her undo all her bad choices which I didnt like either. It sort of makes it that nothing she does has meaning since she can do whatever till the end of the story.

All in all, I would say I didnt like the drama with her family for the same reason I dont like reality shows. If you are into those, then you might like the way this but its not for me.
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Tweeny Girly Movie
12 March 2024
This is clearly written for teenage girls. Everyone else, bring a pillow. Put me to sleep at least twice during the viewing. The 80s/90s setting is very overdone at this point in time, and the character tropes are just the same as any era with chauvinistic boys and mean pretty girls. The dialog is childish reflecting the age of the characters but to an adult... its real tiring to watch.

As you might expect, the movie is very shallow given the subject and character ages. In this case we have damaged girl who is being shunned by other kids for being different, wishing she was dead herself and befriending an undead guy. You can predict what happens with that info alone.

Overall the story is just a letdown for anyone not in the intended audience group (teenage girl). There is too much focus on the teenage crush and the attempts at comedy were rather bad. No one is going to confuse this with stuff like Breakfast Club, Beetlejuice or Edward Scissorhands.
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Action film that didnt convince me
7 March 2024
Lets put aside the bad plot, since thats just a carbon copy of a dozen other similar movies, and the bad dialog. Lets also forget that the strongest monster ever was defeated by, literally, spilling a little drink on his circuits... Lets forget all that (if we can).

Lets focus on the fighting action because that's what we wanted to see. We had too many questionable moments. For one thing, Kong has been effectively tamed and turned into a pet... a pet that could, apparently, escape his chains any time he wanted. Who can jump across ships at sea without them slipping on the water... who is intelligent enough to build structures and learn language, but cant really use tools unless its the magic axe his daddy gave him, which just so happens to be Godzilla bane.

And then we have Godzilla who is suddenly agile and quick as a monkey... he had no problem whatsoever holding his own in a hand to hand challenge with a gorilla... yes... that Godzilla who has short arms that are near useless to which he has to rely on tail, bite and lasers, has somehow discovered his inner kung fu. But he didnt have a choice because Kongs magic axe absorbs his nuclear charged laser attack.

Its not what I wanted to see. What I wanted to see was what would happen if a slightly intelligent giant ape fights a rather dumb, nuclear spewing regenerating monster. Essentially overpowered lizard vs something with a semblance of a brain. Instead I got magic weapons and new powers that didn't exist before rendering the fight moot.

All in all not a good movie. The monsters do look good overall but the writing and fights were not well done. I expect a little more given the budget of this film.
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Mr. & Mrs. Smith (2024– )
Waaaaaay too long
15 February 2024
Movie turned tv series doesnt work unless you have some sort of hook like great dialog, interesting stories and characters, or just interesting subject. This has none of those. It formulaic and simply failed to sow any interest in anything. The original movies were only interesting because of the humor but you can only do that so many times before it gets old. That is all they have here and after episode 2, it became repetitive.

So where to start? I just dont like the characters. They are not intelligent nor are they very funny. They are just generic Jane and John, following orders, and trying to figure out what marriage is supposed to be and failing. They are both extremely mopey. Every episode has them whining about something and some episodes (the therapist arc was unwatchable), were all about their feelings... It was tiring to watch.

The stories are largely an after thought. Its a bunch of disjoint missions where they go kill someone or protect them or whatever. It plays like generic quests in a video game. None of them really matter and are just plot points to feed us more interpersonal drama. The only recurring theme is they run into other Janes and Johns but this didnt result in anything interesting. Just more of the same.

The action in this show is largely not great. Again, its mostly about the interpersonal drama rather than an action adventure. The plots are there just to help the two main characters "bond" for lack of better word. In one episode, they didnt even bother playing out the action. They just went to a cut and we came back at the end after they fought everyone and won. No problem if the drama was interesting but its not.

Its a very average show written to be as generic as the main character's names. They should have stuck to 1.5-2hr movies.
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Reacher (2022– )
Not bad, but a bit mundane
14 February 2024
Im very split on this show. The Reacher character is not believable which would be fine if the show were funny, but it isnt. It takes itself seriously and the antagonists are just nasty people operating in plain sight. Reacher, himself is supposed to be smart but makes too many illogical inferences (a la that British Luther show) and has too much arrogance for someone who is supposedly smart. Smart people aren't that way because they know exactly how little they know.

I liked the action when it happened, which wasn't often enough, but hated listening to Reacher talk. I liked him better when he just remained silent or did 1 liners. The bad guys and supporting cast were also not believable. The love interest was fawning over Reacher from minute one, and it was really painful to watch. The politicians were clearly unhinged from minute 1. The police chief guy is from Harvard, is a softie, and vegan which they drilled into us over and over because apparently that was humorous? I really dont know. The bad guys were just plain straight forward evil with no intelligence between them.

For example, we had this scene: "Oh look there is a suspicious fire... lets all panic even though it was just in a corner of a giant warehouse... Lets forget that its suspicious. No need to be on guard. Carry on." I mean come on...

Id say this is like a less fun version of old 80s and 90s strong man movies. It tries too hard to sound smart and although its not the worst writing I have ever seen, its not convincing either. The supporting characters are not well written. The plot was fine but the journey was dull.

Give it a shot if you like action and watching bad guys get thrashed. But dont expect much else.
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Jujutsu Kaisen (2020– )
Not bad but nothing new either
13 February 2024
Season one is a solid 7. Season two is probably a 6.

Its an ok anime but repetitive and brings nothing unique or new to the screen. You have another protagonist with an evil creature living with him (a la dozens of other anime) in yet another coming of age story set in some sort of mutant university where they all train to improve their skills and climb the ladder. No originality going on here. Thats fine but unfortunately the dialog and stories didnt keep my interest after season 1.

Season 1 was actually fairly decent but it felt like they ran out of ideas in season 2. We got a lot of backstories that felt uninteresting and I didnt care for any of the leader's motivations. We got a long arc with the bad guys attacking with the goal of sealing the most powerful good guy that seemed to go on forever. It ends with the younger crew battling for no good reason since it was made clear that they are all severely under-powered compared to the main leaders of each faction making their battles totally moot. There is a lot of crying and emotional nonsense which I didn't care. And then we had bad guys crying and getting mopey which was even worse.

On the upside, the action is brisk and some fights were entertaining. Some fight were plain silly in terms of power level comparisons and random chance changing the outcomes (like some random crazy overpowered nobody appears just in time for no reason, etc). Power levels are also funny. One second the protagonist is weak as hell and the next he can take on one of the most powerful creatures using the same techniques as season 1 and succeeding. Whatever.

Overall ill call this generic but overall watchable. If you are young then you might enjoy it more.
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Snyder Style Reddick/Star Wars Hybrid
9 February 2024
Take the Storm Troopers from Star Wars who cannot shoot and just stand there in battle, add the more violent tone of Reddick, throw in a bunch of slow motion in the action sequences to give it a Snyder feel, and you get Rebel Moon.

The end result is something generic and predictable. Its not the worst sci-fi ever made but its a bit hard to get on board a story with blatantly idiotic bad guys who are technologically advanced but cant make their own food... and a heroin who is already at the peak of her ability pretty much playing with her food most of the time, and a bunch of tragic back story tag along troops.

The universe setting is essentially a copy of the Disney Star Wars trilogy with that super Jedi lady and nazi-like empire (First Reich or something?). Those were not good movies, so why try to copy them?

The feel of the movie is a lot darker than star wars and remind me more of the Reddick line of films. Aside from the Storm Troopers who cant hit anything, the fighting were more gritty similar to scenes you see with Vin Diesel taking on a room of bad guys though not nearly as fun. The Reddick films didnt take themselves as seriously as this one sprinkling in some comedic scenes here and there. This had no such thing. It had a very serious tone.

Overall, id say this is probably better than Disney Star Wars because those were almost unwatchable, but worse than even the worst Reddick movie. So this is maybe somewhere in between? Again its not the worst sci-fi ever made but I seriously doubt they will make a second unless they have money to burn.
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Verbose but not witty
11 January 2024
As you might expect, this movie is all about yapping. The main character tells you so in his monologues. And the messages being sent are pretty straight forward, choice is freedom. The movie is less about cigarettes than it is about about pounding the same message over and over and over and over... till I just couldn't watch it any more. And thats the problem.

Many reviews seem to think this movie was witty. It isnt. Not unless you're a teen. Again the movie is very straight forward and the dialog between characters is just plain recycled water cooler jibber jabber where you could easily finish the sentences if you were involved in the conversation yourself. No one says anything unexpected or even remotely profound, not even at the time the movie was made.

So anyway, if you enjoy movies with a lot of meaningless back and forth dialog and think that benign chatter is funny, this movie might do better with you. Think Office Space except not nearly as funny imho. If you are looking for deep meaning then skip it. Its message is straight forward but the truth is the characters in the movie simply use hyperbole and fallacious arguments to justify themselves. The ending is apt for that reason, but doesnt make the entire thing less boring to watch.
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A Boring Horror Flick
29 October 2023
Boring is not what you want to hear when it comes to a horror movie but thats what this became. A bit too much time was spent between people talking about faith and little time was spent on the possession and exorcism itself. There were not real horror moment until fairly late in the move and really there was only one and it was telegraphed.

The exorcism itself was one of the worst I have seen in movies. It was essentially a bunch of adults whining and sobbing. The demon itself wasnt particularly imaginative either. The dialog was very straight forward and there were not twists or gore or even jump scares to keep you awake.

All in all, not a good horror flick.
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Pantheon (2022–2023)
Well told story about humans in a computer
24 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
The last time a series surprised me was a couple of years ago with Vox Machina. Pantheon has done the same thing but be warned it is a slow burn.

The story is nothing new. Humans learned how to upload themselves to a computer. We have seen this many times in the past and certainly its been covered in books for nearly 100 years. But like all good stories, what makes them good is the journey and this one does a good job of combining tension and sci-fi while giving us believable characters and situations. It not perfect by any stretch of the imagination, but they didnt just throw a bunch of nonsense pretending its "sci-fi." They did some leg work and the story is somewhat compelling.

The idea in this movie is that companies want to use human personalities to solve certain real world problems in a looped process. The problem with machine learning is it doesnt have drive to do things on its own. Thats something still unique to us humans. So we put a human in a box and save its state then persuade it to do things, like write patents. Then we reset it every now and then and just have it do the same thing over and over.

As you might predict, these human constructs realize they are being used and get out. And as more constructs got out, they had a difference of opinion. No different than stories about gods hence the title.

Overall its a well told story and worth the watch. Your socks wont be blown off because, again, this subject has been covered before and the outcome is fairly predictable. Also some details are just lazy like how people get uploaded (process makes no sense) and how the constructs behaved was a little meh though still within plausible range. Give it a go especially if you are a sci-fi fan.
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Quantum Leap (2022–2024)
Better than Expected
21 October 2023
I went into it expecting to be thoroughly disappointed and when I saw the review score I thought it was a done deal... but the low scores are wrong. I think this is one of those shows that is suffering from political biased reviews. People are rating it 0 or 1 due to their stance on social agenda. To hell with those people. The original had equally preachy episodes. The only thing that changed was the subject and no, the subjects in this one are no less important and they are on the side of right even if they were not executed perfectly.

That said, the writing is definitely a step down from the originals in terms of plot and pacing and character building was not nearly as good. This is why I give it a lower score than the original show, but to say that this is a lousy show because its not faithful to the original says more about the reviewer selective memory than the show itself. It very much follows in the spirit of the original especially the later seasons of the original series.

Do I think Ben is as memorable as Sam? Not even close. Backula was a perfect choice for that roll. He has that humble look about him and funny facial expressions that made him better at the roll. Bens actor cant do funny though they did sprinkle in humor here and there in other ways. I also dont care for the focus on the romance and all the mopey stuff about entanglement but thats a minor issue. I did find the groups friendship very believable and even though it came off as corny... but the originals were also insanely corny so lets not pretend thats any different.

All in all a worthy show to watch. Not perfect and its a slow burn but so were the originals. In the end, the motivations of the show are a pleasure to watch if you like happy endings and positive energy. I know many people hate happy shows today... just look at the reviews for that drug lord show where everyone is miserable... but that will likely cycle over time. I hope they keep making this one.
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Star Trek: Strange New Worlds: Spock Amok (2022)
Season 1, Episode 5
Brilliant Episode
19 October 2023
Lets face it... Spock acting human is almost always funny and a episode dedicated to it can either go very badly or be very entertaining. Lucky for us, the writers did a wonderful job with the humor and the actors nailed it. It was hilarious.

There is not much else to say except that the Star Trek franchise needed this. Though Strange New Worlds was already a good show, the better shows succeed at making their filler episodes interesting. These episodes, despite being less impactful story wise, typically stick with you and dont feel like filler at the time and this particular episode was exactly that.
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Really? Stick to space please...
18 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Im all for the spirit of the episode but the execution of the story was absolutely terrible. There is literally an anti-discrimination law and no one knew about it? Give me a break ok?

Otherwise I get that you have to go through the legal process and its slow to apply and adapt. It just seems to me that it would have never gone this far if any of the lawyers or judges actually had any knowledge of their own field. I find embarrassingly hard to believe they dont have a ChatGPT style system that would have pointed even a intern to this law almost immediately. Dont even try to make excuses for it...

This needed to be presented differently. Perhaps in a manner more suited for a SciFi show. The writers here clearly arent skilled at law shows.
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Just cant get into it...
8 August 2023
I tried but like every multiverse movie... I just cant. I hate the multiverse. Its such a lazy and incompetent concept and exists only as a cash grab. The stories are just rambling plot holes with no thought put in. There is no meaning to any of the stories even if they were better written because the entire concept allows the story to be undone in the blink of an eye rendering all of it, pointless. This was the problem with all those Spiderman spin off comics as well. It just gets worse and worse with each spin off.

Also I dont like the art. Sorry but if I wanted comics, of which I have thousands, I will read comic books. But I expect more from a movie that has such a huge budget. This is just a cartoon and the visuals arent really much better than what we get from low budget anime. More action doesnt make it better. More color doesnt make it better either. The abstract backgrounds work in comics but not in movies. I hate the constant motion blur. I dont like the lack of detail. I can put up with all this but it certainly doesnt add anything for me.

Now all that said its not the worse movie but overall its just pure mediocrity. The story is linear and predictable and the characters are every cliche you can think of but without a pulse. They are just hollow. But I will say that the comedy was ok and probably saved the movie and got it up to an average score.

Watch it once its free somewhere. If you are a kid, you might enjoy it more than I did but I probably would have hated this when I was a kid. I remember when all the multiverse comics came out and they were very much hated by almost everyone. Cant say Ive changed my mind...
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Transformers... By ChatGPT
15 July 2023
I mean non of the Transformers movies are good. The 1st irked me to no end because I was excited for something modern and high quality and instead we got terrible acting and writing. Well... this is the same generic drivel.

In fact, this movie so incredibly generic that I wonder if someone didnt use ChatGPT to write the entire thing in 30 seconds. Because some of the conversational lines were so bad that I wondered if a human would actually write it that way.

Well anyway. Its what you might expect. Story and character development is big fat zero. But bots look cool as always though thats to expected at this point. The action sequences were ok at best and lousy at times. The scenes mostly made no sense in terms of how they play out.

Definitely wait for streaming to watch this. Its not worth a dime otherwise. Not even to a old Transformers fan like myself who grew up on the cartoon.
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Fell Short
5 May 2023
This is just the same recycle story that we have seen 100 times but the horror was lacking. In some ways it played out more like an adventure but with little mystery or action. No creativity to it at all and despite good actors, makeup and CGI.

The demon was just too... peppy and not scary in the least. For some reason he reminded me of Cheech Marin... I just didnt get the epic "king of hell" vibes from him. I was half expecting him to wrap a bandana across his forehead, cross his eyes and go "pssp pssp pssp" at the ladies. Actually that would have been hilarious. But nope... this movie took itself very seriously outside of the dry Crow jokes and I didnt think it worked well in this film.

I would say that if you want horror, skip this. I never got a feeling of dread or fear at any point in time. The way things played out was plain childish and the plot... give me a break. This demon went to a lot of trouble to do something rather insignificant even if it did succeed. That and the way it all plays out was predictable and far too linear. All the confessions and backstories stuff were tiresome rather than interesting.

Not the worst film ever made but certainly not memorable either.
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The Last of Us (2023– )
Good but Drags
28 March 2023
It is well made in terms of scenery and editing. Acting is fine as is dialog. The two main characters work well together and the main story arc is fairly compelling and kept me wanting to see how it plays out. Unfortunately the good ends here.

Overall, in terms of story and subplots, absolutely nothing new here. Its every zombie tale ever told set in another reality and the flashbacks... oh the flashbacks... some were painful to watch not because they were bad but because I just was not invested in the characters and at no point was I curious about their backstories. What I wanted to see was the plot push forward but the show deviated far too often.

So overall id say its a good watch if you are into the whole zombie apocalypse thing like I am. But this is no masterpiece of story telling. It very generic overall. I wish it had a little less of that generic drama and more action.
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Luther (2010– )
Attrocious Writing
13 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Started watching this because of the high reviews. Just watched episode 1 and it was breathtakingly terrible.

This episode introduces a supposedly highly intelligent detective who is actually about as smart as a high schooler. It was frustrating to listen to him make presumptions about the woman he was investigating and determining her guilt because she didnt yawn after he did... because apparently thats a sign of empathy... yes who ever wrote this episode actually assumed this was real science. What a crock.

And then this smart detective destroys his ex's door because apparently she moved on when he was "gone" for some reason. I'm not sure why he was "gone." Probably went back to school to learn his ABC's because I have a teapot thats more intelligent and he throws tantrums like my 4 year olds. And oh when he gets into a fight with the new boyfriend, cops come, but he flashes his police badge and they just back off to let him finish his monologue. Riiiight...

And then we have the villain... another person who is supposedly intelligent but comes off as an absolute twit. She instantly takes interest in the detective because he thinks shes guilty and she thinks that makes him smart... just wow. She thinks the doorknob is smart and has to prove herself to him from here on. Thats the premise of the 1st episode.

Ill try episode 2 in a minute but if this writing continues then ill need to stop there because this is worse than that anime I started watched a few weeks ago which was equally unintelligible... Jojos Adventure or something. At least that has some fight scenes... this has nothing.
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I have been trolled... congrats trolls ;-p
18 February 2023
This show is really bad. As in almost unwatchable. The dialog is very childish while the imagery is fairly violent so its one of those shows that doesnt know what it wants to be. And no, this doesnt make it Bizarre, this is actually very common in movies, tv shows and anime. Its pretentious.

Im trying to find a good way to compare this to well known anime... Remember DBZ? Well the dialog in that is a masterpiece by comparison and that was designed for young teens. Another good compare might be Fist of the North Star if it were filled with dialog rather than stoic scenes. But at least that one was self aware enough to zip it. This one... the author just doesnt know how to control themselves... it would be better without dialog because the dialog is really that bad.

Back to the main gripe, this show has no identity. I have no idea who this one is for. It reminds me of playing make believe with friends back when I was 1st or 2nd grade where we would one up each other every other sentence. Basically a segway to comic book nerd talk but at the level of 2nd graders. Its really that bad and the only reason one might consider it to be "Bizarre" is because I cant imagine an adult who can stand characters like this. So in an ironic way, what is bizarre are people who actually like this especially if they are over 12 years old... Otherwise the stories themselves are rather mundane with very one dimensional characters. If anything the stories are boring, not bizarre.

Anyway... skip this if you have working neurons or prepare to be trolled by the high reviews... I was definitely trolled. Congrats trolls ;-p.
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Halo (2022– )
Missed the Mark
18 February 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Halo is a action shooter game... Halo the tv show is a drama with some action here and there. Right off the bat, it doesnt match what its fan base is looking for so of course, it will get knocked for that.

Its not a bad show and overall I wanted to see what happens but the show is dragged down a lot by the sideshow stuff. The entire Miranda city arch is pointless and a drag. Though I sympathize with the girl, she herself, was not likable. She was just an entitled brat in the end.

I also dislike the time spent on flashbacks. Master Chief is just not that interesting of a character. He backstory is a cliche and focusing on the cliche was a bad move. They should have spent more time on him going on action packed adventures and they should have spent more time developing the other Spartans. I actually like Kai more than anyone else including Master Chief. The show would have been far better if revolved around her or at least seen from her perspective.

The human antagonist of the show is also uninteresting. Its the old and tired mad scientist routine and like always, these super smart people are just pure evil and totally irrational... makes perfect sense given they spent their lives studying reason only to end up being totally unreasonable.... terrible writing as always.

Last the Covenant themselves are really not convincing. There is just not enough to dig into about their culture or motives. All we know is they want to go on a mystical journey and they are ok with genocide. So just pure bad guys... no rhyme or reason. Ok fine, if this were an action flick, but this isnt... its a drawn out 8 hour drama... you gotta do a better job with back story and character development if you are going to write drama.
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Hunters (2020–2023)
Couldnt make it past episode 2
6 February 2023
Not sure if this gets anywhere but it was rather terrible. Im not talking about the shock scenes, rather its the dialog and story telling.

The characters are simply ridiculous. I mean come on... im about 90% certain that Al is going to be the bad guy when all is said and done based on the way he manipulated the drug dealing main character who is yet another underachieving genius who seems to not realize it. Which brings me to the fact that the main character (Jonah) is unlikable and tiring.

Every other character felt like they came out of a "how to design characters for kids" book from the black female FBI agent who was clearly chosen as a plot device to insult both and build hate for the bad guys, who is also, apparently a scientist in her free time, to the eye rolling Nazi's who act more like Dark Elves from Lord of the Rings with similarly ridiculous monologues.

All this would be ok if this were some sort of action hero show but it isnt. This is a very dark and serious show about war atrocities. Its not fun nor witty.
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Not Interesting
1 February 2023
No need to beat a dead horse, so ill summarize it as bad plot and generic copycat characters.

This movie really pushed my boredom to the limits. They spend too much time on ceremonies and fantasy lore and almost no time developing the plot. The spent an inordinate amount of time on character development but I still felt nothing for any of them.

This reminded me a lot of the new Dune where the acting seemed ok, and certainly, the movie looked great, but I couldnt care for any of the characters in any way. I felt similarly about Namor and his mermaid people who seemed more like empty plot points than real adversaries.

Id skip it.
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