
5 Reviews
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Seven Pounds (2008)
Good. But could have been great.
11 July 2009
It's a pretty good movie. It's not great but it't certainly not bad.

It didn't need all the exposition at the end, and even during the film there was too much explained. Would have been great if the filmmakers would have had a little more confidence in the intelligence of their audience and let us fill in the blanks instead of laying it all out for us.

Could have been around 15min shorter.

Sidenote : The music too at one point has a piano and one single note is played sour - I thought this at first a nice touch, considering the theme of the film, but after a while it was very distracting, because the theme just repeated over and over again.
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Darkwatch: Curse of the West (2005 Video Game)
Darkwatch : A Vampiric Cowboy Adventure
29 May 2006
OK, this game HAS to be a movie. It caught my attention first at the Games Convention 2005 in Leipzig Germany. There was a wicked preview for about 2 min. Afterwards my head was filled with a wonderfully rich gunslinging-zombified world...vampire horses with red eyes and girls wrapped in extremely tight leather, wielding over-sized steampunk style sawed-off shotguns....

So the graphics aren't super rad (btw. I'm playing the XBOX-version) - but the gameplay is - and it keeps you playing with lovely little cutscenes and interesting story lines. I don't know if you could REALLY enjoy playing the game again - but the multiplayer options should give you some more FUN for your money.

Jericho should be played by Vincent Cassel and Tala could be played by Monica Bellucci. Though the voice acting is good and rich, dang, just talking about this game makes me want to play it again!
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Cinderella Man is classic!
6 April 2006
Hollywoods infatuation with the sport of boxing is easy explained : the rules are the sport are simple, its physical and yet can be like ballet and is always a good tool to depict determination.

Ron Howards movie is just that...taking us from the golden glitter of the roaring 20s to the Great Depression, plus its a great comeback story, probably the best since the 1st Rocky movie. The fight scenes are intense and brutal - and quick! There are interesting additions including cool "x-ray" cut scenes where you can see the hits do inner damage. Plus, its a story with heart with a different type of "boxing wife" played by Renée Zellweger, Imagine : A BEAUTIFUL MIND meets ROCKY. Depite, really good reviews, it did really bad at the box-office. I heard the DVD is really great as well.

Crowe once again shows his acting is worth an Oscar any day, and Ron Howard showers everything is the perfect light, creating a timepiece epic-sport classic.
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2046 (2004)
Visually Stunning - Intellectually Confusing - Emotionally Disappointing
5 August 2005
Movies, due to dubbing, are usually late in Germany. While the rest of the world is enjoying, or has finished enjoying their movies, we are still waiting here. Except when it comes to many of the new Asian movies.

2046 was the same. Already released on DVD me and my girlfriend were quite interested in seeing it. Having already seen "In the Mood for Love" we were looking forward to something much the same, except hopefully a little faster in pace and emotionally-heated. I thought I was going to be the Hero – renting a romance (which I don't normally go for) but it turned out to be a disappointment.

Perhaps it is not so much the fault of the movie, but of the trailers that lead you to believe that the movie is something that it isn't.

The movie is, like many other films from Kar Wai Wong, a visual masterpiece in my opinion. I was riveted to the images – he is truly a modern painter. This is not to be underestimated. This is enough to get you through the whole movie, despite its crawling pace. Simply for the images I can understand that many viewers would love this movie.

But it takes more then that to make the "ultimate love movie" (as it was advertised here in Germany). I found many parts in the movie confusing and mixed up, I got the impression towards the end that the movie might not be in chronological order. If it isn't, then there is much more to investigate for me, if it is, then I have to say that the movie isn't that clear, and that the characters motives and feelings are not always properly portrayed.

If this was a book, I would love to read it. Simply to get into the heads of the characters and find out what they were thinking, what was driving them, and how they were feeling. Perhaps that is what is left out, perhaps that is why we find it so odd here in the West. We are used to romances being opened and voiced, and usually simple. We are not used to people feeling emotions but hiding their motives behind those emotions, which might be more understood in a conservative society such as China.

This is a movie I would love to own, and watch over and over again, just to try to understand if there is any magic hidden that cannot be seen at the first watching. I would not be surprised if that is how it is, but the long dragging scenes might hinder me from sitting though it more then 2 more times, because it drags. Perhaps next time Kar Wai Wong should hire a brutal editor and good writer to get his ideas out, because this movie had greater potential then what it became. Still, for me it gets 7/10 : its far from BAD.
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Equilibrium (2002)
Matrix for Intellects.
7 December 2004
it was like that at the beginning. matrix promised much - but delivered little, the sequels proved that the vagueness that gave the original matrix its edge was actually not an intelligent ruse but was actually produced by a lack of real intelligence.

then, enter : Equilibrium.

i rented this movie because the cover was flashy. it looked good for a Friday night. I'm a fan of BALE and when i recognized that guy (whose name i always forget) from The Way Of The Gun, then i was sold - the fact that SEAN BEAN was there was a bonus. double bonus.

anyways, again this movie proves what other movies have declared before: money does not make movies. desperado was the same, action movies take a lot of money, but with little money, the right director, original ideas and a wicked crisp script you can put together a movie that will rise above the other special-effect orgies out there.

this movie, bringing together some bits of religion, fascist history, communism and materialism -as well as- the emotional relationships that we are continually losing with our fellow humans, and what we are willing to sacrifice to feel "safe" and then you wonder if the utopia you've created is a utopia at all.

the coolness of the movie (action and overall look) will keep people interested that cant keep up with all the references and subtle hints that the movie is wrapped around. the strong and serious criticism towards our way of life and the parts of history that could easily be repeated are kept hidden from the people that simply want to watch it as an action flick - with parts that are reminiscent of 1984 and other works of Orwell and various dystopia sci-fi movies this movie is in the tops.

i have yet to meet a man who does not like this movie, but whats even more special is that mostly every woman that has seen it, has watched it to the end with interest.

a movie for everyone boys & girls...
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