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Robot World (2015)
A decent story for a twilight zone episode, not for a full length movie.
10 January 2017
Don't expect rock-em sock-em action from this robot movie. This is not the worst sci-fi flick I've ever seen. The premise is great, it just isn't enough to fill 82 minutes. This would have made a great Outer Limits, or Twilight Zone episode. Though the budget was obviously pretty low, they did a fairly good job with what they had. The space scenes looked pretty good. The CGI robots were pretty bad, but again, I've seen worse. Aside from a home movie reel of people having a barbecue, the only person you see throughout the entire movie, is the protagonist. Well, him and a dream baby, for no apparent reason. Ian Rowe's performance was pretty good, but he didn't have many lines to deliver either. Maybe four or five total throughout the whole movie. Overall, the movie is a bit boring. There were some robot fight scenes, here and there, but even those were lackluster, and, well... robotic. I'm a die hard sci-fi fan, so I kind of enjoyed it, but if you don't REALLY like science fiction, I'd avoid it. If they had more money to sharpen up the graphics, and if it were fleshed out a bit more, it could have been a really great movie. If you do watch it, expect a slow paced, not terribly made, low budget movie.
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Milwood (2013)
Could have been a masterpiece
12 September 2016
First of all, let me say that this movie is terrible. Really REALLY bad. The camera work is pedestrian, the acting is scraping the bottom of the barrel. The kid was the only decent actor in the movie. The dialog is truly ridiculous at points, and the details propelling the plot forward don't make any sense. This is further confounded by the way the time line jumps around, making for a movie that lurches along like a wounded animal. The story, at its core, is good, and the movie could have been truly great had it been made by entirely different people. Using haunting as a metaphor for the true horrors that are frequently faced by orphaned children, and ward B as a symbol of the powerlessness of children who are designated wards of the state, could have been crafted into a truly poignant, moving, and ultimately unforgettable work of cinematography, but, unfortunately, this clumsy attempt at that, fails in every way. If Scorsese had made this film, it would have been a masterpiece.
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Not terrible, but I don't recommend it.
1 February 2016
This not a gory film, nor is it really a horror. It is a portrait of a self righteous acolyte that has followed his beliefs into a realm of lunacy. The titular character looks like Fire Marshal Bill when he talks, which was hard for me to get past. I kept waiting for him to scream "let me show you something!". The level of acting in the film is inconsistent. Some of the actors did a good job, but others... not so much. Grandpa is a pretty believable character and therefore sufficiently creepy. The daughter's performance was a bit robotic, but a lot of that could have been the poorly written dialog, which was at times pretty cringe worthy. Especially the conversations between the daughter and the cop. The camera work was not bad. The pacing was a little slow. One of the biggest problems I had was that the granddaughter was too old to be so naive and trusting. She spoke like a three year old, but she looked to be 11 or 12. A younger actress playing the role would have made that more believable. All in all, I'd say skip it, unless you're really bored.
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Unfriended (2014)
Worst movie ever... no really, I mean it.
8 September 2015
I'm actually angry right now. I just finished watching this POS from Redbox, and I had to let people know to stay away from it. I can't understand how this garbage got a green light. The entire movie takes place on a computer screen during a Skype session between several friends. Almost half of the dialogue is in TEXT FORMAT!!! I'm not kidding. You will literally be reading back and forth texts for a large part of the movie with no sound but the sound of typing. Of course, this largely removes the need for the ability to act on the part of the actors, which is good because they don't have much of that ability. There is no cinematography to critique here. There's no score. There's nothing but the main character's computer screen for THE WHOLE MOVIE. All of the footage of the actors is just webcam videos of their faces. Most of the scenes are just everyone yelling over each other at the same time, punctuated by the occasional text message from a ghost. I'm not exaggerating when I say that this movie could have actually been made by a bunch of high school kids simply recording a Skype session. Not scary. Not entertaining at all. Not even laughable, just boring and painful to sit through. The worst part is that I actually paid for this.
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The Rover (2014)
Dude Where's My Car meets a Mad Max rip off.
25 September 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Spoilers, there's an Australian guy, Guy Pearce, no pun intended, trying to get his car back... That's it. knuckleheads steal his car while he's drinking in a bar. They leave him a perfectly good truck in its place, but he really wants his car. So he spends the rest of the movie chasing after it... That's it. No really, that's it. He then befriends an imbecile. The imbecile is played terribly by Robert Pattinson with an unforgivable southern accent. I was glad when he died, yes he dies. The Aussie then kills the knuckleheads and gets his car back. The reason he wanted the car back was because his wife's corpse was in the trunk. He had killed her because she was doing the horizontal mambo with someone else... The End. Now you don't have to waste your time watching this steaming pile of excrement.
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