
3 Reviews
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Blood Ties (2007)
Nice try
24 January 2008
Don't get me wrong, folks, this was a nice try, but no banana. The series definitely has some moments; there have been better attempts at "friendly vampires", though (e.g. "Buffy", "Angel", "Forever Knight" etc.)

I read "Blood Price" when it first came out in 1991 - and the TV series doesn't hold a candle to it or its sequels. If you want my advice: get the books by Tanya Huff, an awesome writer in Fantasy and Horror BOTH, and hope that SHE will come up with another sequel, not the writers of this series (which moved further and further away from the original with every installment).

I think the only character they really cast right was Celluci. Got on my nerves in the books AND the series ;-)

P.S.: Whatever happened to Tony Foster?
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Transformers (2007)
Great CGI, bad acting
18 September 2007
The three stars I give this movie are only and solely for CGI and great transformation scenes. This is really the greatest real movie adaptation of the animated series transformations I could imagine... I am almost tempted to up the stars now...

But... and that is a big "but"... whenever humans intrude, the movie becomes embarrassing, unrealistic (ok, transforming cars are not realistic, but I would have expected a more serious reenactment of family life) and, frankly, boring. Whoever played the Witwicky guy is so... bland... he's not even funny and the girl - she might be a good actress if only the camera didn't reduce her to her boo... err, good looks.

And what in h... was that garden-wrecking scene about? Why is that Autobot complaining about "rodents"??? What does an alien life-form know about rodents anyway? Vermin, as a general term, maybe, but "rodents"??? Uh... and "stop lubricating the human"??? WTF??? Fun in a movie is okay, but this was LAME!!! I left the theater before the movie ended, sorry. Maybe I will rent the DVD some day, but not too soon. For the time being, I will watch the old animated series. .. and have real fun.
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Not worth the money...
13 May 2005
Step 1: saw the movie

Step 2: went home

Step 3: bought the old BBC version

My advice: skip steps 1 and 2, proceed directly to step 3...

They really should have asked the fans what made the series so popular in the first place: Special effects? Weird head-changes? Flying Dolphins? I think it was the humour...

... and Marvin looked like Asimo turned homunculus.

People who know the books will probably hate the movie. People who know the radio play will probably hate the movie. People who know the original series will most likely hate the movie. People who know neither of the above will hopefully want to read the books after they leave the theater - which proves that every evil contains a seed of good ;-)
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