
8 Reviews
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The Martian (2015)
Really enjoyed this film
28 October 2015
Warning: Spoilers
This was a great movie. My girlfriend and I really enjoyed it. I am very interested in space, science, astrophysics, etc., so this film was very cool. The only thing i didn't really love was a few of the disco music parts. I think they kinda ran that joke into the ground. Other than that it was great.

Also, I hate to say it but how much did it cost to save that one astronaut, billions? Maybe in real life he would have just died up there. And speaking of money, they've made like 200 million on this movie and not a penny will go to nasa, space programs or scientific research. That's kind of a bummer.
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23 January 2015
It's funny though, the movie "The Girl Next Door" is about a beautiful and innocent closet porn star that maybe wants to get out of the business. *This is who men dream they are living next to.*

And "The Boy Next Door" is about a handsome young boy that is obsessed with this lady and goes nuts when she cuts him off because he wants her so bad. *This is who women dream they are living next to.*

Hilarious. People are so dumb. Gotta love em. And that, my friends, is about the only funny or interesting thing you'll find in either of these movies. Enjoy...or don't. I wouldn't waste my time or money if I were you.
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Gaza Strip (2002)
Completely ONE-sided propaganda film
7 August 2014
Let me start by saying, this could have been a good documentary if it wasn't so biased toward one side and so blatantly anti-Semitic. There were no Jews in this film. Everyone in the film HATED Jews with a passion. They show lots of Palestinians being shot up and stories about being gassed and so on. Every single frame in this film is meant to sway the viewer toward the Palestinian side. I don't know how anyone could watch this and think it represents any truth at all.

See, the funny thing about the Palestinian state is that they don't want you to have both sides of the story. It's just like any other extremist..."there is only one way, one right, one choice." Unfortunate, for this way of thinking is how people are controlled and pacified. Smart people know there are multiple sides and stories. Smart people want to hear all sides of a debate. Smart people don't steal copper when the owner's gun is pointed at them. This movie is very dumb. I only gave it a 2 because it had some nice footage, otherwise it is a 1 and a total waste of time.
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Godzilla (2014)
what a disappointment
22 May 2014
This movie was not good. I don't know who they paid to give it good reviews but this movie doesn't deserve a 7. This movie doesn't even deserve a 4, really. It's terrible. They show Mothra a few times and the Godzilla monster a few times but mostly it's just slow motion and loud noises. The actors are very forgettable. I saw it a few days ago and I have no idea who's in it beside the guy from Breaking Bad. I remember him overacting a few scenes and then everyone else just sorta sucking. There isn't much fighting. I had hoped it would have a bunch of monster fights but it didn't. This movie sucked. No story, no monster fights, nothing.
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Man of Steel (2013)
why not get a prettier LL?
10 January 2014
Well, I liked this movie much more than I anticipated. Just really disappointed with the casting of Amy Adams as LL. She is a good actress but LL is supposed to be a dashing and sultry brunette not a cute little red head...ruined it. Terrible choice. Whomever casted her should be slapped. I can see Ricky Bobby falling for her but there is no way Superman is infatuated with an little red head. I just don't see it. It's not believable.

I'd give it a 7 but barely. It was enjoyable and I am sure they spent a fortune on the effects. Really sharp visually.

Also, the child actor did a much better job than the grown up superman.
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Adopted (2009)
Full of Laughs
19 July 2013
This movie really made me chuckle. It took me a few minutes to get it but once I understood it really had me rolling around. It was obviously staged and not real. It was scripted. Anyone who gave it a bad review just maybe didn't catch that.

Shore isn't a great actor or anything he just does silly little things the whole time.

Really funny!! The kids in the film looked like they had a fun day too. I love the fact that he is poking at Madonna and Angelina too. I think their publicists did review here and really dissed him for it.

Hey, Madonna and Angelina..."This child does not want to go with you!" "You should be in prison!!"

hahaha. Keep your publicist off of these review sites. Ridley and Coppola...pssht, yeah right...fake name

Super-fun movie. Check it out.
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RV (2006)
This movie is a parody of itself
14 May 2013
Oh, wow. This movie is absolutely horrible for about an hour and ten minutes. Then, out of nowhere for about 20 minutes it is hilarious. Overall though, it is still bad. I hit the fast forward button about 7 times I think. Mostly in the beginning hour and ten, and then once through the ending credits/sing-along. Yes. There was singing...very bad singing. It just seemed like they were making fun of singing instead of actually trying. The movie kinda made fun of itself. There was yodeling too. It was bad. If you are brave enough to rent or watch this thing, just forward through the first hour, watch the only 20 minutes worth watching and turn it off fast before they start singing at the end. You'll thank me later. This movie reminded me of that part of a road trip when you are tired of everyone and your back hurts and you just want to be back home. Kristin Chenoweth has a pair of nice qualities but this movie is not really worth a look. Skip it.
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Surprisingly, one of the funniest movies i've seen this year
9 May 2013
I chuckled for at least half of the film. It is very cleverly written. There is so much to like about this film, I don't know why I am only giving it an 8. I always hate romance flicks but this is not a just isn't. That's like calling Scarface a gangster movie. Cmon, right? It is more of a culture-com(maybe) but with so much other stuff going on. I think I took a point away because it surprised me and another because I have only seen it once and don't know if it will be that great again without the surprise factor. It's unlike any other role I've seen Chris Rock in. I have to say though, it was hilarious. It's like, take your favorite Woody Allen movie, replace the lame lead with cool Chris Rock(who nails his role), update it and give it a new feel, take out the boring drama and gaps, replace the smaller part actors with hotter funnier people and then double it. Awesome! Some movies are funny for a second or have funny parts or lines...this movie had me giggling for like 10 minutes at a time. I don't even want to give anything away...You should see this if you want to laugh, aren't too uptight and can read. Proper ladies and gents probably will despise it because of all of the sex talk and naughty jokes. If you are an adult that doesn't get their undies in a wad too easily it is just a hoot. Enjoy!
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