
17 Reviews
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How do movies like this keep getting made.
6 April 2022
Horrible directing, horrible writing, and even more horrible acting. The worst part...the most horrible CGI I have seen in 40 years. The original Jurassic Park from almost 30 years ago has WAAAAYYYY better CGI than this dumpster fire.
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Pharaoh's War (2019)
22 March 2021
Mike Tyson beating people up without biting one of their ears off. Come on we all know the only way "Cannibal" Tyson can win any type of fisticuffs is by eating part of them.

That being said this is a horrible movie IN EVERY aspect. Tyson is a complete dumpster fire of an actor and human being.
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Next (2020)
Uuuuuummmmm what?
18 November 2020
As someone who writes machine learning algorithms for a living I find this completely offensive. How stupid and simple minded do you thing your viewers are.

I guess it is no wonder that it has been cancelled only after 3 episodes. And no it's not because of this COVID garbage like they are trying to claim.
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I Love My Mum (2018)
2 July 2019
This has to be the dumbest movie I have ever seen. The movie plays out like it was written by a drunk monkey. Most of my friends walked out. Couldn't even finish this pile of garbage.

I should have just slammed my fingers in the car door because that would have had so much more fun than this horrible disaster. The plot was completely stupid and full of holes. The acting was embarrassing and the writing is so bad that I have no words to describe it.

Don't waste your time with this abortion of an Indie film.
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Good Omens (2019– )
Non offensive biblical anarchy
31 May 2019
Just finished all the episodes and I have to say that as a Christian and Conservative I really liked the show. I was worried at first because the typical formula for Hollywood is don't offend anyone unless they are Christians or Conservatives...then you can have a field day and offend them all you want. But this show did not adhere to that Hollywood standard. There were even some made up Biblical twists that I found funny, interesting and thought provoking.

Michael Sheen and David Tennant are awesome actors by themselves but together they were perfect. They seemed to complement each other with their acting throughout the movie. They could not have picked two more perfect people IMHO.

The writing is superb. Not much needs to be said about the writing because when you have Neil Gaiman attached as the screenplay writer, not much can go wrong and nothing did.

I think the only question I would have after watching this show would be for Neil Gaiman and that would be "How many nipples do you have Mr. Gaiman?".

I was impressed with pretty much everything about this show. This is definitely something you will be glad you saw. No regrets here!
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This is why network TV is dying
29 May 2019
This is why network TV is dying and streaming services like Amazon and Netflix are vastly on the rise. You have a great show idea such as reversed gender roles (compassionate male, kick *ss hard headed female), and a cast that works and flows incredibly well together. Yet since you aren't making as much money on advertising as you would like because the ratings aren't high enough for you, you decide to pull it. This is why I HATE network TV. Stop relying on Nieslen ratings and listen to the fans online and monitor more voices on social media!!!!!
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The Twilight Zone (2019–2020)
What has happened to Hollywood
27 May 2019
Why do modern day writers and directors have to ruin beloved TV shows from our youth by using it as a platform to shove there left wing hateful, bigoted and hypocritical views down our throats.

When we watch TV it is to take us AWAY from everyday life. We wan't to forget about all the hatefulness and pettiness currently being spewed from the same people using this as their own personal sounding board.

But we all should have expected this from Jordan Peele. He is about as hateful and bigoted and someone can be and he makes sure everyone knows it.
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Carter (2018–2019)
I need more
22 May 2019
Not sure why this doesn't get more publicity but I think this show is sooo much fun. The actors are perfect and do a wonderful job. The writing seems pretty solid as of season one. I hope that they keep these coming. I have always loved Canadian TV shows especially now since American TV is far too political and bigoted towards "the other side". American shows seem like a 5 year old throwing a political temper tantrum anymore so this is such a refreshing break.
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Supergirl (2015–2021)
Yet another anti-conservative show from The CW
18 March 2019
Such is the running theme of most CW shows. They use the channel as a platform to spread anti-conservative, anti-Trump and anti-Christian views. And what is even more disgusting is that its not even subtle. They blatantly shove it in your face. And now what is even worse is that they have stepped into what they feel is progressive by adding a transgender super hero with an actress that really is transgender and made the statement that she "feels great about this part because transgender children need someone to look up to"...Transgender children?!?!?!?! Really!!!!!!!! And on top of that this show has become about hatred towards the male gender. So there narrative is "lets lift up women and transgenders and then demonize males as toxic and horrible people."

The first season was great and so was the first half of the second season, but the minute a conservative became president you can literally see the narrative of the episodes change to hateful and bigoted. This is not what television dramas are supposed to be about and I don't think the The CW will ever see the light. They are just filled with too much hate...
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Another Netflix fail....
15 March 2019
Why don't you just watch the trailer. Now you have seen the whole movie.

This thing was slow boring and predictable. There was not one character to truly like. The cast was great, but even they couldn't save this less then mediocre script. This is typical with Netflix though, their scripts are just not up to par. They never has been and it looks like they never will be. Its sad because this move probably had so much funding (for the cast alone) but the story line was just too weak but tried so hard that it became exaggerated at many points.
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Message Man (2018)
How can you tell if a movie is bad? When you see fake accounts and fake reviews
13 March 2019
If you click on the usernames of the reviewers that gave this an 8 or above you will notice that (as of writing this) they were created 3 months ago. What does that tell us -----

Fake reviews!!! Fake accounts!!

When this happens you know one thing....This movie will suck. And you would be correct. This movie was sooooo boring. The production was horrible the acting was even worse. So the takeaway from this is that if you have to create fake reviews because so many people are rating it low then you have failed as a writer, director and producer.

Stay away from this pile of garbage!
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There are few funny parts but.....
11 March 2019
As per the usual Hollywood garbage the writer/director Etan Cohen (who was born in Israel) used the movie to shove his hatred and bigotry toward conservatives, President Trump, and generally the US as a whole down our throats.

As others have said we don't go to movies to hear people bash our country and our President, we go to be entertained. And that is why this movie has failed in the box office and has so many bad reviews. This is why this movie will NOT get a sequel.

Your "liberal political jokes" are not funny and therefore the movie just wasn't that funny. Not to mention these were all old jokes. These scenes have been done before. It was very unoriginal and frankly just quite sad.

Etan Cohen needs to stick to what he does best. I'm not sure what that is but it IS NOT making movies.
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Lets be P.C. and give high marks for complete failure
5 February 2019
This is the world we live in. Even when you suck at something judges STILL need to award you a high score. If they don't then they are hateful people who should be smeared on social media and treated like garbage.

People are so afraid to speak their true mind, and this show is undeniable proof of it. Even when you don't deserve it the the liberal moronic producers behind this show will still tell they are good because "we don't want to hurt their feelings right?" People getting 99 out of 100 for a garbage performance is not subtle. This channel has become the epitome of the liberal agenda. Lets call a spade a spade. The people you decided to award a high score to for a dumpster fire of a performance just shows your stupidity and the eventual failure of yet another wasted CBS show. Good job wasting the most premiere time slot of the year on this garbage. This shows your complete incompetence as a T.V. station.
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Magnum P.I. (2018–2024)
Magnum P.U. this stinks!!!
14 January 2019
What am I watching? This is not Magnum P.I. Like other reviewers have stated this is Magnum P.C. This is your typical Hollywood wanna be progressive garbage and this garbage is on fire in the form of a "dumpster fire". If I was involved in this remake I would be completely embarrassed.

This is undeniable proof that Hollywood and their perverted beliefs can completely ruin anything especially reboots to shows that a five year old can accomplish yet they seem to fail miserably.

Sorry but I will be sooooooo glad to see this T.V. show end and fade into Hollywood's liberal abyss.
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The Masked Singer (2019–2024)
Hands down the dumbest thing ever conceived
5 January 2019
This was the dumbest thing I have ever witnessed! Not only was the show sooooooo long and drawn out to fill the 42 min run-time but the over-acting in the show...OMG!!!! Its like the producer said "OK everyone. We know this show really sucks but you're actors, you need to MAKE them like the show."

I don't remember the last time I have witnessed something so fake and unintelligent.

0 STARS!!!
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The Conners (2018–2025)
"The Gonners" is more like it. What a Total and complete dumpster fire!
7 November 2018
What an absolute dumpster fire of a show. A pure abortion of everything that this show used to be. EVERY SINGLE character from Rosanne, aside from Rosanne, was an ancillary character. Only there for support...And this garbage is the proof. You remove the one person that EVERYONE wanted to see. How can ABC be so stupid. They support "The View" and the far left bigotry and hatred that comes out of the disgusting women (if they should even be called that) on that show yet fire someone else for comments no different than Whoopi Goldberg's comments. Way to show your true colors ABC. #boycottABC and thanks for not watching...
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Suits (2011–2019)
What has happened to this show?
23 August 2018
Warning: Spoilers
This is my first review and decided to make it for this show. This was one of my favorite shows for a very long time. But I must say after season 6 this whole show started falling apart. These writers have very very limited vocabulary since every other word on the show now is "goddman". It is getting very annoying. And now that Mike Ross (Patrick J. Adams) has left the show, there is absolutely no reason for me to watch this. Which is sad because I have always been a fan of Dulé Hill (because of Psych) and when I saw he was the "Ross" replacement I was sooo happy. But then, same thing, every other word out of Hill's mouth is GD. GD this and GD that. Let's pick a different word writers...
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