
144 Reviews
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The Office: The Lover (2009)
Season 6, Episode 7
Cracks me up. The reviewers
11 July 2023
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So your boss, who is an utter and complete selfish idiot, who rarely thinks of anyone but himself sleeps with Pam's mom on the wedding weekend. And yet, reviewers are blaming Pam's outburst. .. Not sure how that works, but that is Michael level logic right there. This show is funny despite Michael. Took me 3 seasons to really get into it because how much of a jerk he was. And a lot of cringy moments from him. From sexual harassment to complementing how hot an 8th grader looked. And these people are blaming Pam? Lol I wouldn't blame her if she ran him over in the parking lot. There are some things you don't do, and that is date people's parents that work for you. The episode was funny. But Pam had every right to be angry. She got tired of Michael being a selfish idiot.

Then in a later episode, tries to put the blame in Pam for wanting to break up with her mom. Michael is a pretty awful person. But I love the show because of everyone else :)
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The Middle: Risky Business (2015)
Season 7, Episode 4
Used to be the lowest rated episode.
23 December 2022
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It's weird because this was the lowest rated episode of the whole series. It was like... Surprise... No kidding, move on. Was just a boring episode, but it's weird how IMDB is manipulating the data. Which if anyone has half a brain would realize that it happens a lot. And this is just another piece of proof. This episode is not rated in the 7s, was barely a 6 before they deleted all the reviews. And it's not just because Brad comes out, because anyone watching the series knows that lol. Just a boring episode that they made the coming out the center piece, and it wasn't a big reveal like the writers thought it would be.
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ER: Freefall (2003)
Season 10, Episode 8
How ridiculous can you get?
11 December 2022
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Also binge watching this on hulu. Didn't see it when it was on. And the show has its ridiculous moments but this one takes the cake. I worked in hospitals, if a resident EVER talked to an attending like Pratt always does(not with the women attending though) he would have been gone long ago. He has disobeyed and back talked every major male doc. And then you have the red head pot smoking quitting idiot that seems to be in over 100 episodes??? And of course the selfish, it's all about me Abby. So far up to this point I haven't seen her do anything for anyone. Actually pick up her brother once, but caused her not to be there for Carter, but ignored him and her mom the rest of the time.

The ridiculousness of the episode....... Just shows that this show is about done... I think I'll have it on in the background, doesn't seem to get better.
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Cold Case: Death Penalty: Final Appeal (2006)
Season 3, Episode 20
Dumb episode. Where is the DNA rape kit?
11 October 2022
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So it's 1994. Dna is fairly new but it has been collected for decades.... And at the end the cop goes down and finds the note, seriously? Couldn't take 2 mins and go down before? Of course Hollywood hates the death penalty, unless it's a baby, so of course this episode has an agenda, the evil DA, the dumb cops, etc etc. A lot of mistakes that don't seem to ever happen all at once.

So it's 1994. Dna is fairly new but it has been collected for decades.... And at the end the cop goes down and finds the note, seriously? Couldn't take 2 mins and go down before? Of course Hollywood hates the death penalty, unless it's a baby, so of course this episode has an agenda, the evil DA, the dumb cops, etc etc. A lot of mistakes that don't seem to ever happen all at once.
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CSI: Crime Scene Investigation: De Los Muertos (2014)
Season 14, Episode 14
Pretty awful
28 August 2022
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Seriously does nick not know ANYTHING about Mexico? He sure talked a lot of smack for being in the middle of cartel country, where the local police are almost as bad... Just 100 percent unbelievable. They would slit his throat and leave him for dead. And dare more Americans to come down..... At least the concrete couple was a little interesting..I'm not sure why I need 600 characters to write this review. Have left many a review shorter than this. I'm not sure why I need 600 characters to write this review. Have left many a review shorter than this. I'm not sure why I need 600 characters to write this review. Have left many a review shorter than this.
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Seriously. Killed by a thrown playing card.....
23 August 2022
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I thought it was a joke being killed by a thrown playing card... But nope, a perfectly thrown standard playing card cut the neck and killed the guy. Not joking, wish I was. Are they that hard up for weird ways to die? Never mind that air currents are changing every millisecond even in a building, nevermind. It's just bs.
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CSI: Crime Scene Investigation: Forget Me Not (2013)
Season 13, Episode 15
Another frame episode
22 August 2022
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Seems like every series has a frame episode. Oh then the cops who have worked with her for years, Co workers, think the person is guilty, granted she didn't do anything to help her case. Just a stupid episode. These frame up episodes are over done.
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Getting worse and worse...
17 August 2022
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So a 50+ year old man will be able to move multiple people, one pushing 300 lbs and get then all into position in a few mins? And get not one speck of blood on his shirt? Just on his apron???? Ugh such lazy writing..... It's getting worse and worse, I know this show is fantasy, but try to make it somewhat believable...
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Decent show. Glad Catherine is finally gone
14 August 2022
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At least the show should have had her move. We know this show is 90 percent fiction, but having an ex stripper, dad was if not a mobster, one who monsters were afraid of. Whose dad was a suspect in many murders... Etc... Etc. That would disqualify her, well maybe not nowadays. But anyway she is welllllllll past the age a Fbi takes people. No older than 37 unless a veteran. She was not a veteran and at the minimum, (we know for a fact she was 16 at some point in the 70s, so if she was 16 in 79, she would be 49 years old.... At the minimum.) which is wayyyyyyyyy too old to go into the fbi. Should have had her be in the csi for the US DA office or something. But anyways, good riddance to someone who was sooooo judgmental to every single suspect, many who were innocent, when her own private life and daughter was a complete hot mess.
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CSI: Crime Scene Investigation: Cold Blooded (2010)
Season 11, Episode 6
This season, not that great so far...
4 August 2022
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So basically this copied a Psych episode... This season we have had sharks, dinosaurs, vampires, werewolves, some weird dude in a bdsm outfit.... And it's only episode 6......not very promising.
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Coincidences, coincidences
27 July 2022
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After 18 years the magical hammer in the tree, with elements and las Vegas sand, still has fingerprints on it. The rock, which looked mighty porous, had a "perfect match fingerprint" and the woman who has a lawyer for a husband talks herself into a felony murder charge. If a fingerprint doesn't meet the minimum standard points of comparison, it doesn't get in as evidence... Judge or not. Because if a judge does let it in after precedent has been set, it's an auto appeal. Horrible bs episode. Oh I also forgot, they just happen to find a picture of the"dodge" in the year book, which happened to be used , and still had a piece of glass in the car after 18 years with blood on it.. can't make this stuff up.... But they did.
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Idiot csi
5 July 2022
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At first I was like ya, he hit that dude.. but as soon as his windows broke, reverse and get out. And how do you let someone pull you out (you would have to be a body builder though to pull someone out of a high car like that) but shouldn't a CSI be wearing a seat belt? Just bad lazy writing. Which has been an issue as this series progresses.
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Why is a CSI in on an IA interview?
2 July 2022
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Not sure why a CSI is sitting in on the interview. Really has no reason to be there except to count the "live " rounds left in a gun...I do try to suspend my disbelief in reality while watching this show.. but it gets harder and harder. Especially with Catherine.

And can't believe the writers did that to Brass. Freaking unbelievable.
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Eureka: All the Rage (2010)
Season 4, Episode 3
Fairly decent episode except for Wil
4 June 2022
Wil Wheaton pretty much ruins any episode he is in for any show (considering he acts the same exact way for every show every episode) it's not surprising. How he gets these gigs is beyond me, when you watch him, he just can't act. 0.
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A Million Little Things: Listen (2021)
Season 3, Episode 13
3 October 2021
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Why isn't anyone raising up the poor people being shot in Chicago? Instead they build up a man who had 8 jail terms, 1 for holding a gun to a woman's stomach while robbing her. Sounds awesome. Considering the same people who are putting this felon on a pedestal, are tearing down statues of the founding fathers because of something wrong in their past. Tired of watching this on TV. Trying to get a break from this crap, and it keeps getting shoved down people's throats. I predict this season 4 will be the last season. Go woke, go broke.
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The Blacklist: Konets (2021)
Season 8, Episode 22
Is she really gone? Please let it be....
23 August 2021
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I could care less she may not have found out. She wasted so much time fighting against Red, and picking sides against him, she gets what she deserved.... Actually she deserved a south park chef ending actually..... Good riddance!!!!!!
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House M.D.: Two Stories (2011)
Season 7, Episode 13
Funny about the reviews...
20 August 2021
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BTW this isn't a bad episode.... But for the reviewers who seem to be idiots... If you don't like our American TV, don't watch our American TV. When you call it series 7,easy to tell you most likely English. And considering (besides Dr who, which sucks now BTW, can't keep a decent show on for more than 3 years, even having only 6 episodes per "series".

Then there is the other idiot who feels they have to bash house every single episode almost, it's like they are secretly fantasizing about him, but yet knows how to write good TV shows... Ya it's an awful show, it was only on for 8 years and had an extremely high rating. And they only have 1 helpful vote, most likely cause they did it themself......

Now granted the romance between house and cuddy seemed mechanical. Would never have believed then a couple, and house seeming happy, doesn't seem like house.
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The Rockford Files: Pastoria Prime Pick (1975)
Season 2, Episode 11
Not sure about the high ratings....
4 July 2021
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Now I didn't watch this in the 70s, I'm watching it for the first time now.... I love these older shows, but it's hard for me to binge the rockford files.... Once a week back when it was on the air, was most likely great..... But back to back to back? It's all the same..... Bad guys kid nap rockford..... He gets hit over the head and knocked out, he almost get killed after being threatened to be killed every episode... And somehow at the end...... It all falls into perfect place. Frame job episodes in any show are typically the worst.....
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L.A. Law: Mutinies on the Banzai (1991)
Season 5, Episode 17
This is the episode that started losing it for me....
19 May 2021
Just a terrible episode....not well done at all. Kinda seemed a little too over the top.
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Rocky IV (1985)
Is it one of the best movies? No but best music video ever!
16 February 2021
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I of course loved the movie. Was 13, pinnacle of the cold War.... Underdog vs soviet machine.... And then the sound track.... One of the best 80 sound tracks you will find anywhere... All on this one sound track!
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Man vs. Wild (2006–2020)
So fake and dangerous
31 January 2021
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For one, it's fake as hell, two do NOT do what he does in the wild, if you ever get into a bad situation please don't do half the crap he does or you will insure your death. Yes let's run down a slippery slope and not take it so, so you can break an ankle and pretty much insure your own demise...... It's garbage, not real, because st the end of the day he spends the night in a hotel room. It got so bad they were made to put a disclaimer at the start of every show.
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Psych: One, Maybe Two, Ways Out (2010)
Season 5, Episode 9
Goofy but fun
27 January 2021
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To the reviewer that said she didn't know the female actress..... She was in bourne identity, kinda what makes the whole episode funny, especially as they reference the bourne movies so much. And as to the second reviewer about no embassy, do you know that there isn't a psychic consultant helping out the Santa Barbara police also? Sheesh.... Making a place that doesn't exist makes sure you don't get sued or offend countries..... But it's a crazy fun episode and especially memorable due to the fact Juliet really sees how much Shawn likes her....
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Psych: Death Is in the Air (2010)
Season 4, Episode 13
Excellent episode, Juliet is an idiot
25 January 2021
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Pretty funny episode, especially when they are in the hazmat suits! But Juliet rooting around in the cooler is amazingly idiotic. I guess the writers unfortunately got a little lazy and decided it would be better to make Juliet a total idiot, than coming up with tiny bit better story line as to how she got infected.
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Murdoch Mysteries: The Philately Fatality (2019)
Season 13, Episode 6
Today's social issues don't relate to 100 years ago
24 January 2021
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What happened to a show that is about solving crime and scientific advances? The writers keep shoe horning in these stories that just wouldn't have taken place 100 years ago. And the writers have pretty much destroyed Brackenreid's family with a ridiculous woke storyline. You cannot take today's social issues and make them work back then! Was it right back then? No, it was not. But I'm not watching this show to see social issues, I'm watching it because of the scientific side and crime solving.
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Psych: Shawn Takes a Shot in the Dark (2009)
Season 4, Episode 9
Story was good, execution..... Eh
24 January 2021
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Storyline was pretty good, and while in most episodes you take the comedy of the episodes more so than the seriousness. But this episode, Shawn talks a lot more than anyone would. Why would any robbers put up with that at all? They wouldn't, shoot even though I think it's hilarious how he keeps talking all the time, those criminals wouldn't have. And at the end of the car chase, when Lassiter spun the car around to face the other direction, would have been pretty funny if Shawn went flying off into some bushes or something... But instead he hung on (which would have been impossible) But it was an enjoyable episode still :)
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