
11 Reviews
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A most entertaining yet informative documentary
6 September 2019
Simply put, I'm blown away by this film. I'm a progressive, sure, but have grown disillusioned with Obama LONG ago, and I must say that I was reluctant at first to even give it a shot based on the fact that it was produced by the Obamas. After a recommendation from a friend, I decided to bite the bullet. The result is that I'm kind of shattered. I have so many more factual questions, but learned so much, and was exposed to so many aspects of different cultures... (Should it matter, I'm a city-dwelling Canadian, for whom US policy is arguably as important as my own country's policies)... I'm also left with actual philosophical questions. Was any of it good? Was it bad? which parts? Chinese culture in their factories scared the crap out of me, but what does that mean? What does it mean about me, as well? It took me 4 hours to watch this 1h50m documentary because I kept stopping to write down thoughts and ask random questions to close friends. Not that it 'should' matter for a film that aims to inform, but the filming and DEFINITELY the soundtrack made the whole experience joyful in general. There's a lot to be said for an informative documentary that can keep people's attention, and this just became one of my favourites. I can recommend it without fear that people will just move on after 10 minutes. And I never felt that the documentary aspect was sacrificed. Highly, highly recommend it.
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Salvation (2017–2018)
Enjoyable, but dumb
4 August 2019
I really did enjoy this show. To be fair, there's precious little quality SciFi around at any time, so that helped me watch Salvation. I enjoyed the fact that so much happened every episode. It's a disgusting plague that TV shows now stretch an already limited amount of material forever. So much for TV overtaking movies as storytelling platforms, because of 'more time to develop characters'. Usually, the opposite happens. But not here. HOWEVER... For all of the events that unfold in an entertaining manner, there really isn't much to develop about the characters to begin with. They are all your typical idiotic, vain and vindictive type from the average show. All the while being supposed geniuses with world shattering insights that just pop out of them... Much like your standard CSI, etc. fare. Liam in particular is extremely grating. Again, though, I enjoyed the show because it's good and stuff happens a lot. And Tanz definitely saves the show too. I believe it could've been an excellent show given talented writers. Hovers between 5.5 and 8.0. And we are all more generous with shows than with movies. It would be a 6 movie.
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You vs. Wild (2019)
Interesting idea, but not that gripping
12 April 2019
Just saw this in my Netflix suggestions and thought I'd give it a go. It's a very fun concept, of course, and it's great to see something like this getting made. I was entertained and giggled a couple of times. It's definitely amusing trying to figure out not only what's going to happen, but also what the show wants to tell you is the best way to go. Sadly, most decisions could be both good and bad, and the outcome is ultimately a bit random. Of course, every situation is an opportunity to learn a useful tidbit, so that's nice. I guess my main gripe is that there's too much hand holding. Almost every time we have to choose, BG says we're in charge, etc. etc. etc. I get it! Also, every time that choice is made, BG repeats what we just picked. Overall, there's a lot of time getting wasted in all sorts of ways. Plus, let's be honest - BG doesn't need to work that hard to make a living at this point, , and it seems obvious that any moment that doesn't show his face is likely done by a team of other people. In the end, it's just not 'thrilling' - I guess that's the best way to put it. It's entertaining, somewhat educational, and encouraging as part of Netflix's experiments. It's also great that you CAN actually 'fail' the missions. But the guy isn't ever in real peril. I think that, as a kid, I would've absolutely adored it. I would have gone back to try different scenarios. As it is, for me, it's going to be soon forgotten.
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That's not your lawn tiger...
11 April 2019
Truly enjoyable hidden gem on Netflix. An unassuming lead who represents everyone of us in a way that no Hollywood regulars ever could, in a great performance. Elijah Wood in a messed up artsy role. Unique, DARK but often hilarious film. A weirdly entertaining and familiar tale. Entertaining from beginning to end, with no breaks, in my opinion. Excellent film that performs way beyond the statistics!
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Aged okay
7 March 2019
Basically... a short and naive but enjoyable film for fans of the genre. Don't expect anything enlightened or free of sexism, nor anything that takes the full scale of nuclear war into account. It's a quaint little survival film, albeit arguably an influential one. The acting is terrible, like with most films of the era. Just a thought, it always kind of amazes me how many great World War II and Cold War
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The 33 (2015)
Enjoyable and human survival story.
4 March 2019
I don't believe in reviewing over 10 pages, so here's my quick take on it... I really enjoyed this film in general, I remember the story well because I'm an avid news reader, BUT.. . Probably the biggest issue, (at least for me, and I'll leave the long-form reviewers write about the rest), was the casting. I found it incredibly cringe-worthy whenever Juliette Binoche was on screen, as if some tan makeup was going to make her Chilean, the Chilean Minister of Mining being a male model in his 20's, but most egregious of all was the godawful choice of Bog Gunton as president of Chile. Really?? We've all seen him in a dozen films and series playing the role of the power-hungry, overly ambitious and morally bankrupt politician, which he's always portrayed adequately but never amazing, but it was an incredible shame to cast him at all, never mind in the role of CHILEAN president!! It would take most viewers right out of the film, and especially make most cinephiles just cringe. I don't know what word would describe it better than that. All that being said, it's a very enjoyable movie honouring the right kind of human cooperation and national effort. Too bad it was so much of a political stunt, without which opportunity the government of Chile would've let those miners die without batting an eye.
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Fun to Imagine (1983– )
Perhaps the most intellectually captivating experience of one's life
2 March 2019
Feynman's great passion, which is arguably even an understatement, is utterly captivating and inspiring. This video was part of what gave me the strength to overcome my living conditions and turn things around and end up studying astrophysics. I just watched the whole thing again, and I was just as inspired as the first time around. His joy is so immense from thinking about and discussing things, he laughs about it out of pure joy... Well, watching it, I didn't just laugh, I cried. Out of sheer joy regarding our universe, aided by the knowledge that this man was around and so charismatic. By all means, watch! Please! :)
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Incredibly funny!
23 February 2019
Watching this was one of the best experiences of my life. I know it sounds crazy, and it is - we were all hungover as hell, it was late afternoon on a very dark northern winter day... But Betty Boop in general, and especially this video, are so incredibly original and hilarious, it's impossible not to lose yourself in it!! Best viewed when tired and with a good friend. Thank me later :)
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Such wonderful art
6 November 2018
The poetic beauty of the dialogue, which makes up most of this film, makes it absolutely unique. Both leads are incredibly thoughtful, lovable, attractive, and their chemistry is intense. It's unlike any other new wave film I've seen and is many leagues ahead. This is pure art without being pretentious or boring. Most highly recommended and utterly surprising for me.
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Pleasantly surprised
2 November 2018
I was very pleasantly surprised about this show. I haven't tried Riverdale because the mere thought of Archie repulses me but I think I will at least give it a shot now. I love how dark this show is. And with episodes clocking in at around a real hour each, there's a lot of development every single episode. It's a relatively short season at 10 episodes but one must keep in mind that each episode flows directly from the last, and in run time it's more like 14 episodes on traditional TV. And amazingly, I found some scenes genuinely creepy, or just delightfully horrible. Some downsides include Sabrina's rather flat and uninteresting friends - but I can totally get over that - and most importantly, Harvey both as a character and how he's portrayed. He has very few redeeming features and is constantly obsessed about not being a coward - it's almost like Marty in BTTF being unable to resist a challenge whenever someone calls him chicken. Except in that case it was supposed to be funny. This Harvey has very little intellect, charm or personality. Maybe he's like that in the comics but seriously... Ross Lynch and Kiernan Shipka have no chemistry whatsoever, and nor do the characters themselves. There's literally no reason for them to be together, never mind 'love' each other so very much. There's never any moment where they truly connect as human beings. If you thought it might just be hormones, think again - that part is also evidently absent from the relationship, lol. It's just cringe worthy whenever they're in a scene together. At least that pervert witch guy seems clever.

Of course, the biggest mistake would be to compare this to the 90's sitcom (I personally hate sitcoms, and found the Sabrina one to be particularly uninteresting). I know nothing about the comics, but those two shows are nothing alike and I don't think they ever pretended to be. Long story short, it's an easy 8 for me. I can't give a 9 because I've rated too many superior shows as 9, but that's about it.
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Gibi ASMR (2015– )
So good
23 August 2018
Probably the best ASMR creator I've seen. Super regular and dedicated. Splendid writing and acting (for real actually, lol). This show rocks!
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