
8 Reviews
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MitGift (1976)
Really bad
4 August 2007
This movie contains all the ingredients that make up a perfect film by Claude Chabrol: murder and intrigue unfolding behind the facades of the bourgeoisie. Too bad, it was directed by Michael Verhoeven.

The story lacks irony and tempo. It drags on with only a few compelling scenes. What could have been a German variation on Chabrol's malicious little dramas, turns out to be a hollow nut.

The inept golfer played by Friedrich von Thun stands emblematically for the entire project: Verhoeven sees the target, but fails miserably in delivering the desired result.

Plus: Mario Adorf gives his usual stiff performance. He must be suffering from a severe paralysis of his facial muscles. Qualtinger and Flickenschildt's charisma is not enough to save this disaster movie.
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Cliché-ridden but mesmerizing
19 May 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Like before, in his 2004 documentary about "America's first serial killer" H.H. Holmes, Borowski focuses on a monstrous serial killer: the cannibal Albert Fish.

Though he manages to vividly portray Fish as driven by an excessive religious belief, Bukowski's film is not free from lame dramaturgical tricks: Red paint symbolizing blood, awkward musical arrangements to highlight dramatic climaxes, and so on...

But Fish is a thankful subject. His story is so bizarre and stunning that you get completely sucked into the tale. Credible proof is delivered that he was not insane but simply sexually deranged, and driven by a perverted form of Catholicism - His cannibalism is compared to the holy communion ("eat my flesh, drink my blood and I shall become a part of you") All in all, a compelling documentary with some weak moments.
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Rosamunde (1990)
silly freak show
10 June 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Berlin 1930. A bunch of semi pro gangsters abducts a Jewish boy, heirloom to a banking family. Stammering brother and gorgeous sister (Jürgen Vogel, Anna Dobra) are having an incestuous relationship. The leader of the gang is a ruthless fascist. They are persecuted by transvestite cops. The Jewish banker sleeps with the maid. His wife consents. She wants to be left alone. Gorgeouus sister sleeps with Jewish boy. Gorgeous sister sleeps with ruthless fascist. Stammering brother tries to hang himself. Is saved by ruthless fascist. Stammering brother informs transvestite cops. Shoot out. Bang! Bang! Ruthless fascist dead. Gorgeous sister dead. Driver dead. Jewish boy saved. End of story.

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second-best film ever shot
18 March 2006
The best film I ever came across is Fellini's 8 1/2... It's witty, melancholy and simply true.

The only choice for the disillusioned modern man to escape the dreadful emptiness he calls "life" is between suicide and despite.

Guido Anselmi chooses to treat his contemporaries with mild sarcasm that is rooted in deep resentment instead of fleeing this earth by hanging himself like Fassbinder's "Herr R.", who overcomes his miseries by slaying his wife and kid before dangling from the office's bathroom window frame.

By doing so, Anselmi becomes a modern Everyman who should pose a role model for everyone of us. Instead of giving in to the worries that plague us constantly, we must emancipate ourselves from engaging emotionally with our fellow people - a valuable lesson to be taught by this film! Woody Allen manages to add even more spice to this story by inserting his unique point of view. Where Fellini is witty, Woody is downright funny; where Fellini is melancholy, Woody is equally so; where Fellini is true, Woody strays a bit for the sake of malicious humor --- but nonetheless: Allen accomplished an incredible feat - he copied one of his heroes and emulated him in a certain way.

When the audience poses questions at the cast of the film in the film, Eric Roberts is asked whether a particular scene is supposed to be a homage to "House of Wax" he honestly replies: "No, we just stole the idea".

Woody stole Fellini's idea and elaborated on it in a truly American, New Yorkish, Jewish, Woody Allenish way. The result is cinema at its best: entertaining, thoughtful and uplifting (if you are depressed as any intelligent human being should be).

Watch it, be amazed, drop off and learn: Misanthropy REALLY IS a manual for living stoically: Never mind the buggers who are trying to hassle you, focus on yourself and YOU'LL BE FINE!!! Thanks Federico! Thanks Woody! A perfect 10 --- !!!!
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Bamboozled (2000)
what does he want to say????
10 March 2006
Spike Lee is a brilliant director. He is a virtuoso, weaving cultural references into his efforts that are as compelling as challenging to figure out. But (and that's a BIG BUTT!!!) what message is he trying to get across? Lee constantly contradicts himself, leaves a fuzzy image of what is really going on in his movies. I found it hard to gobble down the contradictory plot of "Do the Right Thing" (even though Da Mayor aroused my deepest sympathy...) but "Bamboozled" leaves you utterly puzzled and bewildered.

Is Lee ridiculing Al Sharpton and O.J.'s lawyer Cochran or is he hailing them as heroes of the black race? Does he condone Bill "Bojangles" Robinson's complicity into the white entertainment industry or not??? Is the historical Manray's style of comedy acceptable or not?????? Spike Lee leaves all these questions unanswered. He gives conflicting answers in his film.

On top of this dithering his effort is overly anti-semitic.

See it and you'll be mesmerized by the artistic versatility of Spike of Lee but you'll be utterly disappointed by his lame judgments.

The gospel according to Lee reads like this: The nigger's plight is due to the white man's innate racism and the evil ways of the hook-nosed tribe and the abominable( my more graphic description has fallen prey to the IMDb guidelines...) Italian (Rudy Giuliani is singled out).

My judgment is that Spike Lee is obsessed by an overwhelming urge to self-deprecate the black race, alleging that the majority stance toward black culture has not changed a bit since the 1860's.

Praise you, Spike Lee for compiling a witty film on race relations in the late 1990's. Shame on you, Spike Lee for inciting racial hatred with this bungled attempt to convince your black audience that they are still being exploited by a plotting WASPish mainstream establishment.

I view this film with mixed emotions: I love it for its intellectual qualities, its play on references, its adeptness in imagery. On the other hand I despise it for its cheap demagoguery, its contradictions, its shallowness in some scenes.

7 / 10
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48 Hrs. (1982)
Mix black and white and what you get is ... the dullest gray!
9 November 2005
Warning: Spoilers
If you are into harsh language, unmotivated violence and unconvincing plot lines, you might just be the perfect audience for Walter Hill's unlikely buddy movie "48 hours". Maybe I'm too pedantic or too much driven by logic, but I don't get the point of this film. Cop Nick Nolte desperately needs the convict Eddie Murphy's assistance to detain a sadistic gangster. Harry Callahan never would've needed help by a brazen, brash and hugely overrated ex-regular of "Saturday Night Live". This whole film is a contrived vehicle to promote Murphy's career that lacks the slightest bit of internal logic, coherence and style. And unfortunately it inspired many follow-up movies like "Last Boy Scout" et al. that turned out to be even worse.
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Pasolini explores a stupefyingly naive idea
9 November 2005
Warning: Spoilers
Aeschylus's ancient play Orestes details the fabled founding of Athenian democracy - the old tribal chief Agamamnon returns home after his victory at Troy only to get slain by his adulterous wife and her lover; his children Elektra and Orestes take bloody revenge, but are subsequently forgiven by the gods who select Orestes as the founding father of a new societal order. Don't ask me why, but in the 60ies many Western Marxists believed that the African struggle for independence and the overcoming of colonial rule would somehow compare to the dawn of a new age detailed by Aeschylus. Pasolini feeds on this notion by taking cinematic notes while visiting Tanzania and Uganda, planning an all-African version of "Orestes". Taking into account that throughout Africa its peoples were ruled by cruel despots and Soviet puppets, this idea appears to be ridiculous. So the best part of this film essay is a discussion between Pasolini and a group of African students at Rome University who predominantly agree, that the western concept of Africa is generalist, fuzzy and most of all fundamentally flawed. This documentary seems to drag on for hours perpetuating a non-idea. Luckily, Pasolini never filmed "Orestes".
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Dorothy twirls from Kansas to a lesser place (if that's possible)
31 October 2005
Warning: Spoilers
Don't expect full frontal nudity - but otherwise you'll be completely satisfied! A terrific musical comedy about the benefits of being satisfied with what you've got. Dorothy sets out to meet the much-rumored-about wizard of Oz to get her back to Kansas, singing, dancing and frolicking all along. You simply have to be swept away by the witty songs, the splendid choreography and the charming dialogue. Even if you don't like kids in movies (like I do) you will be charmed by Judy Garland and the incredibly well-cast inventory of this film (munchkins, scarecrow, tinman and all....) Just realize how influential this film has proved to be (Toto, the dog, inspired the name of a rockband; the yellow brick road supplied us with a very good Elton John - tune...) Who would've thought that there is no better place than home? It isn't! If you should not believe it - watch "The Wizard of Oz"!!!!
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