
4 Reviews
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Annihilation (I) (2018)
B movie
8 May 2018
Reminds me a lot of the sci-fi stories I used to write in elementary school. The idea might be there but the execution is so bad in almost every possible way at times I honestly felt sorry for anyone involved. It's like a B movie, but with silly fun replaced with pretentiousness. Does that sound like something you'd be into? You might like this then.
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Words fail me
5 May 2018
"Finally no Hollywood crap", says one of the reviews.

This, to me, is the epitome of a whole lot of things I'd consider exactly Hollywood crap. There's hardly any part of this that strives towards any kind of artistic expression. It's all about the things that count, and the things that count in Hollywood are that it has to be pretentious, acted in a certain way, visually pleasing and must avoid anything that would come over as too strong. It has to be bland, dumb and well packaged and this is certainly all three of those things, which shows in critic ratings.

There's not really a story here... just a series of events stranded together, but none of them carry any meaning. Not even one you could give yourself as a commentary on the real life situation, like in a documentary without a clear agenda. This movie is like wallpaper or elevator music, but taking forever to achieve the same effect. At one third I was afraid they had no idea where to take it, at two thirds I was 100 % sure of it.

The ending feels like the joke ran too long and they decided to go grab a snack to eat so they just shot whatever to sum it up.

The Witch is great at all the wrong things, at things that can elevate the experience, but cannot make it. And this is as elevated as something so shallow can possibly be. It knows that if it does not try, it can't be faulted for failing.
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21 February 2018
But not "dumb" in a purposefully insulting way. "Dumb" as in it feels like it was made by a child. Everything is incredibly obvious, on the nose, cheesy and you can see it coming from a mile away. This movie doesn't do subtle, or thoughtful, or anything really. It honestly feels like something a 6th grader would make. At first I was bored, then I was angry and by the time the end credits rolled I was laughing out loud at how silly it is. Halfway through I gave up on the promise of any story and just sort of stick out to see who gets the bullet as it really seemed that's the only way this movie could've ended.

You want to add 7 points to that because of the real issues and human tragedies it deals with? Feel free to do so. But theme aside, this is a surprisingly poor movie.
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Hush (I) (2016)
I suppose it depends on what you like
3 August 2017
As a movie, Hush is not at all bad. As far as how it looks and sounds, the acting, etc., I've seen nothing terribly wrong with it. It hides its flaws well, and aims for a certain elegance with somewhat minimalist approach that worked so well in It Follows and many others.

Where it fails is in presenting something new, anything really. It has some predictable scenes, a start, a middle and an end and that's it. If you've seen a few movies like that, there is absolutely no reason to watch this. Once or twice you get the feeling they'll play a bit more with the main character being deaf or her ability to imagine different scenarios, but they never go anywhere with that.

The killer is not scary in any way so any fun one might have depends on the clever ways they try to outsmart each other and any unexpected twists the movie throws your way, of which there are none.
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