
3 Reviews
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The Mooring (2012)
Couldn't get through .07 Minutes of this STUDENT FILM
28 August 2013
What a JOKE!! What is it with IMDb being a portal now for student films??!! What is this? MySpace? I tried tried tried to watch this lame waste of digital media past seven minutes and absolutely couldn't do it. LOVE the reviews by family members and friends here also! Notice how they are aligned within 2-3 days apart even! NO plot - NO character backbone, NO motivation for NOTHING! A bunch of giggling little brats and scary illustration of our modern day i-phone app generation boneheaded teenager wannabee artsy UN-educated dweebs! Lets see... we can photoshop a poster to make it look "Real" nowadays, we can borrow 100,000 from the bank and rent "Digital cameras" using SD cards bought at BestBuy, we can ADVERTISE on Craigslist for wannabee actors or post on a college rec-room bulletin board for extras and POW!! 2013! You can make believe you have a movie yo! Ain't nobody made money with this excepting the 2500.00 that Netflix gives the production company for it's Life rights! HAAA! And THEY better watch out as if they keep buying this kinda trash, people are going to get wise and start using VUDU whereas REAL movies are streamed. Not this generic I can pretend to be Hollywood garbage!
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Flight (I) (2012)
Once again, Washington is fantastic!
10 January 2013
Denzel never seems to disappoint ( except maybe in Safe House recently). The movie was straight forward and followed through with the scripts original intent. Excellent casting, art direction and screenplay makes for a successful film both in the theater and the studios pocket. The script gets a little deep toward the end with the AA stuff, but at least has continuity from start to finish despite some character blocks at the end of the movie. Special consideration for the special effects in the plane crash sequences. More than believable and a probable nod for an Oscar nomination.

The Doc approves on this one!
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Dis-Enchanted Queens will love this flop!
9 January 2013
This movie is plain "Horrible". I have never seen such a bunch of flamboyant, Pansy acting grown men flopping around the big screen as I did here. The storyline made NO sense, the characters sang about just "anything" whimsical and the acting was exaggerated. TO AN EXTREME.

Watching this movie reminded me of a director trying TOO hard to bring back a silly, immature time of his youth with no sensibility and an irresponsible approach at cinema of the past.

Lets take a look at the casting!! It's like he got them from a list of his top 10 favorite movies when he was a kid, negligent at the fact whether they fit the role properly or not. S T U P I D .

Is a movie that was filmed in Black & White supposedly an art sensation? Think again. This Car crash of a flick ( and supposed worst investment laugh riot within the industry) rivals Plan 9 from outer space.

It should be categorized as a "Disaster movie" instead of a musical for OBVIOUS REASONS!
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