
31 Reviews
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Dune (2021)
Well executed but far too SLOW
1 January 2024
It's definitely a good movie, generally well executed and true to the book. But since I like nitpicking, here are some critical remarks:

  • Pacing is WAY too slow. Every scene takes far too long. Everything is duly explained. The 1984 version was certainly too fast but this time they overcompensated for it.

  • Some CGI scenes, especially the desert ones, look too clean and too clear, with no blurriness or grittiness. This gives the impression of it having been filmed in a TV studio.

  • The Harkonnen lack the deeply sadistical touch of the 1984 version. This makes them appear far less deplorable. There are no really disturbing scenes, which may be because the producers wanted to avoid a 18+ rating.

  • The race and gender swaps of some characters are unnecessary but not too irritating because it just a SF/fantasy movie, not a historical drama after all.

  • There are no pugs, anywhere.
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Green Book (2018)
I hate movies with a message, but this is a good one.
26 December 2023
Liked it very much. At first I thought this to be the usual super-pedagogical anti-racist "movie with a message", which I hate because the message is mostly too obvious and in your face, trying to lecture the viewer. However, this one is different. Both protagonists have their fairly distributed faults, strengths and weaknesses. None of them is solely victim or perpetrator. The differences between them are multi-faceted, not only between black/white, but also between rich/poor, homo/hetero, intellectual/down to earth, arrogant/likable, lonely guy/family man. The narrow-mindedness of institutionalized racism is clearly demonstrated.

Both actors do a fine job, the male bonding between this two contradictory characters is quite believable. It works fine as an entertaining road movie, albeit the ending reminded me a bit too strongly of Planes, Trains and Automobiles.
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Death Proof (2007)
Bored to Death
24 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I think I got the basic idea (Tarantino's homage to 70ies trash movies). I found this flick ultra-boring, nontheless. It consists of two chapters: 1. The grueling murder of three young hotties by evil stuntman Kurt Russell, 2. The revenge of three other young hotties administered to evil stuntman Kurt Russell. This is a quite simple storyline for a relatively long movie very heavy with mostly unnecessary dialogue.

All the ingredients were there: A beloved action star of yore, lots of beautiful ladies, muscle cars and of course, Quentin Tarantino. I wonder, what went wrong. My guess: After his incredibly well done and successful prior movies no one from the studio had the guts to tell Quentin his honest advice.
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Planet Dune (2021)
Entertaining Mockbuster of 1984 Dune starring the REAL Chani
24 January 2023
Watched it in the full knowledge that it is a mockbuster of Dune 1984 starring the original Sean Young in a supporting role (just to have her listed in the cast). So she basically does what Carrie Fisher did in the sh****y Disney star wars sequels, but intentionally and with a smile. Production quality is cheap but not super bad. The sand worms act like these in Tremors. A red filter is used for the camera to make the desert look like Lynch's Dune. The three pretty ladies playing the main characters did their job reasonably well and appear quite motivated. I also have to laud, that they earn their money with this kind of movies instead of working in that other Californian motion picture entertainment industry. They have their morals, obviously.
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Deep and moving experience
19 December 2022
Watched this for the first time still being a boy, thinking it was a war movie, waiting for two hours for the decisive battle to happen. When I realized, that it did not happen at all, I surprisingly did not feel disappointed, since I enjoyed a very deep and moving experience. Told me a lot about life and about the true meaning of manhood. It does not matter what you reach in life but rather what composure you keep trying it.

I also liked how the difference between Major Matis and the other officers was accentuated. He comes from humble upbringings and tries to be more of an officer and a true soldier than his comrades. Secretly, he despises the ways of the old guard coming from the nobility as much as they despise him. He foreshadows the 20th century and the rise of fascism as much as the other officers represent the 19th century and " the world of yesterday".
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When men were men
26 November 2022
When men where men they were reasonably dressed, they risked their lives to defend a woman and to take revenge for their killed friends. Women were lovely as wives and resourceful as girlfriends. If there ever was a time like this, it is nicely portrayed by this movie. Casting is great, from Nick Nolte to Dick Tracey (in his usual outfit). Same for costumes and the set. However, gunfights are not done so well. Guns are from the 20ies (e. G. Thompson drum magazine MP) rather than from the 40ies. Final shootout scene quite unrealistic. Guns sounds and frequency of fire does not fit the weapons used. And you cannot take cover behind a car door - or maybe just once.
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City Heat (1984)
Don't take it seriously and enjoy
26 July 2022
This is not a gangster movie.

This does not compete with Goodfellas or the Godfather.

This is not Untouchables.

This is no masterpiece.

This is just a buddy comedy.

This stars Burt and Clint.

This tells a story of a time when men

This does not give a s**t for the sensibilities of the woke.

So sit down and enjoy.
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How many blondes...
14 July 2022
... does it take to not escape a hauling truck with a V8 5.0 liter Ford Mustang? Answer: 2.

And the charm of Duel was, that it featured a single male driver as victim who did not speak to himself. Here we unfortunately have the dialogue...
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Sunshine (2007)
Entertaining movie with some major open questions.
10 December 2021
The movie is entertaining but here are my questions, in order of diminishing seriousness:

If dying humanity builds a spaceship in a last ditch effort, why are there such large crew compartments and such a lot of space. Isn't this a waste of resources?

If the goal is to save 8 bn. Humans, why isn't it an outright suicide mission? There are so many resources wasted on the ability to travel back home for just 7 dispensable persons. A lot of people would be willing to sacrifice their lives for the survival of humanity.

Why is there no clear chain of command for such a vital mission? Sometimes, the AI is in charge, sometimes the nominal captain, sometimes the scientist and sometimes it is even a democratic decision.

Why does not every male/female crew member have a designated mate for such a long trip? This is a mixed sex mission and testosterone levels among the male members are far too high, obviously.

Why are there seven crew members? Isn't this the international accepted number of misfortune and bad luck?

Why didn't they just send the Event Horizon? Same level of conflict among the crew but way faster speed of travel.

And why does the spaceship look a lot like the alien vampire ship from Lifeforce?
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Showgirls (1995)
I missed Joe Pesci in this one.
1 December 2021
The most un-erotic movie I ever watched. In spite of all the naked flesh. Why is this so?

Besides, it's boring. I missed Joe Pesci shaking up things in Vegas a bit.
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Doom (2005)
Certainly better than expected
5 October 2021
My expectations for this one were quite low: Just a cheap remake of a shooter computer game. Watched it on Netflix because "I had already paid for it". But it was not so bad at all. Cast was interesting with some good picks, the character buildup of the marine team better and more carefully don than in the average action/horror flick and the atmosphere of the game well captured. Looked a lot like Doom 3 from the good old days.
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American Mary (2012)
No story, no thrill, just torture porn
5 October 2021
No real story. At it's core just a hostel-like torture porn movie with some sadomasochistic undertones. Unintelligent and disgusting.
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Good idea murkily executed
5 August 2021
The basic premise is quite original (midwestern grass field devouring people) , but the messy script is as labyrinthic as the tall grass itself. It would have been a more straightforward and better functioning horror movie without the time-lapse storyline which makes it complex and spoils the fun.

I had the urge to take my combine and mow it all down.
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Casino (1995)
2 June 2021
Perfection. Technically flawless, great actors in their prime and Joe Pesci as choleric as ever. What else do you want?
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If you want to quit drinking, watch this movie.
20 May 2021
Set in the lowest of low crusts of West German society in the 1970ies the film is hardly bearable. It is basically the story of a hard core alcoholic killing and dismembering his victims, mostly prostitutes way beyond their prime. You need a schnapps just to get through it and you have to switch off every time a family member enters the room. This being said, the atmosphere is nicely detailed and well set. The title refers to the meeting point of the main characters, a pub of last resort in the Hamburg harbor area.

After witnessing the consequences you want to give up on cigarettes and alcohol for good. So, watch it.
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Miami Vice (2006)
Robust Action Thriller
30 April 2021
It is an enjoyable action flick with great optics, exotic locations and erotic relationships. I liked the villains more than the heroes. A lot of movies suffer from weak villains. This one does not. This is true for the Nazi biker gang as well as the tech-savvy Colombian drug lords.
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It's not about the women
22 April 2021
I am confident that a good or at least a watchable Ghostbusters remake with an all female cast could have been in the realm of the possible. Key factors: Good director, good screen writer, good actresses (not comediennes).
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Sorry fanboys...
21 February 2021
Just a pile of crap. No storyline besides a post apocalyptic car chase. Some feminist messages. That's it. Nothing more.
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Nothing fits here
28 January 2021
For a historical drama, it does not follow the facts, for a comedy it is simply not funny. What is it, then? There obviously was a fair amount of budget for set design, costumes and location and it looks a lot like 50ies Russia. However, the acting, the behavior of the characters and the supposed humor are as British as they can possibly get.

Two additional details: I think in 1953 they did not yet use AK47 guns but still the Balalaikas known from WW2. And Soviet marshals did certainly not wear their No 1 dress uniforms with all the medals at all times. For a normal day at the office they had their everyday uniforms, as is the case in every other army.
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Zardoz (1974)
Full of brilliant philosophical ideas, execution not so brilliant.
31 October 2020
Full of ideas and philosophical questions: Who are the real humans? These who live an everlasting, aseptic life in peace, collectivity, wealth and beauty (the vision of the political left) or these living in brutality, killing, loving, giving birth and dying (the vision of the right)? I would say the latter ones, but you choose. Boorman must certainly have read some Spengler and Nietzsche before doing this movie.

Talking about the execution, I may concur to other reviewers: It could have been done better, possibly by increasing the budget and streamlining the storyline.
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Well made movie, good acting and a tribute.
16 October 2020
First of all a technically well made disaster movie. It also highlights the fate of the men and women directly affected by the event (which was at the time somewhat overshadowed by the public focus on the environmental damage). It is also a tribute to the American working class portrayed by Mark Wahlberg and specially by Kurt Russell as Mr. Jimmy. Small drawback: John Malkovich's acting as the " typical incompetent management guy" is a bit over the top.
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They Live (1988)
Bonanza for all conspiracy theorists. But innovative.
18 September 2020
Basic idea very good, but the movie has its flaws. Negative effect from the perspective of 2020: It is taken serious by the conspiracy theorists, who substitute aliens with whatever group they hate.
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Runaway Train (I) (1985)
A classic
11 September 2020
This is not a cheap action flick but a movie for adults. Jon Voight (you can have different opinions about him) acted superbly. The characters are not black and white. They are grey, as life is. And there is no happy ending, which I appreciate.
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Passengers (I) (2016)
Nice Movie, not so good ending.
2 August 2020
Warning: Spoilers
It is a well done movie based on an interesting premise. However, I did not like the ending. Why did they spend all those years together alone in love? Why didn't they have CHILDREN? This is not a moral issue, but a very practical one. In their situation, having a family would be the most reasonable solution to the problems of loneliness and the question of purpose of life.
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Good one, until a point.
19 June 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I (white, german) liked the movie very much (like most people) - until the death of Leo and Christoph Waltz. The minute leading to it was the most tense scene and quite intriguing. Then followed kind of an anti-climax with an unbelievable Scarface-style shootout and the usual revenge story. I also did not like Quarantino's cameo.

However, all the other qualities still make it a 7 star.
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