4 Reviews
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Light & Magic (2022)
A simply piece of documentary work.
5 August 2022
Hands down the single best documentary I have ever watched.

I really do feel this 6 part series has had a profound change t the way I think and want to approach my own work. After watching the "nothings impossible" attitude of the genius's that brought us Star Wars, Raiders, ET. Etc etc, something has seriously clicked in my own head - why can't I think like that.

The series is truly a triumph of documentary filming. This really does give you an insight into one of the most amazing and influential companies on the planet.

I thought I knew a fair bit about ILM, but boy I was wrong, the evolution of the company is nothing but amazing, the other well known names that we have all come to know, Pixar and Photoshop for example just wouldn't exist without ILM and George pushing the team to their limits.

A truly fantastic documentary that I would recommend to anyone who even has a cursory interest into how the movies are made.
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San Andreas Mega Quake (2019 Video)
So awful you just can't not watch it.
16 January 2021
I've seen my fair share of B movies but this is so so bad. Awful script, bad acting and CGI that looks like it's been done on a ZX Spectrum.

How did he not see the huge plume of black smoke when looking g for the crashes helicopter before she told him what direction to look in!

Helicopters with no rotor blades, just some cheesy flashing on screen to give the impression but no wind to blow hair or grass!

Water that doesn't ripple during a quake

Objects don't fall off shelves in offices during huge aftershocks.

Can't wait for Mega Quake 2 - The Aftershock,
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A sad, sad day for the Star Wars universe.
15 December 2017
Warning: Spoilers
As a life long fan of STAR WARS, this movie was just devastating.

Nothing made sense, it was like a couple of the worst Star Wars Rebels cartoons hacked together and made into a live action film. The entire thing is an unfathomable mess, no storyline, very bad directing, forced humour, unnecessary scenes and some pretty bad acting at time.

Not to go into too much depth, but to lamely kill off a villain that they have been building up for two years half way through the film? Leia laid to rest in an explosion....wait..no lets bring her back?, Fluffy Porgs?....Chewie should have ate that roast one! Kylo Ren..dark, light, dark , light...make your mind up!, The Casino scene could have been removed completely without any impact....it just goes on and on and on.

Rian Johnson and Disney have completely killed this franchise, I don't think even JJ will be able to turn this round in the third instalment, What he did well in the TFA Johnson has torn down in this excuse of a film. I really hope he has that new 3 film saga taken away from him in the most humiliating and public manor.

When you come out of a movie theatre thinking that even the prequels where better really does say something.

Micky Mouse just killed Star Wars.
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It can only get better....can't it?
19 December 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Watched the IMAX 3D HFR version.

I have been eagerly awaiting the release of this movie for the last few years ever since it started production, and my early thoughts are not brilliant.

Technically there has been a lot of discussion about the 48fps and I'm afraid to say it wasn't a comfortable viewing experience. Whereas in the LOTR trilogy you really got that sense of a grand cinematic epic, it just wasn't there in this version. I really wanted it to be something new and exciting, but it looked gimmicky and false a lot of the time, only the latter scenes with the Pale Orc and Bilibo's encounter with Gollum drew me into the movie. At times the image, crystal clear as its was, did feel like a HD home camcorder had been used and certain scenes did seem sped up. What is interesting is watching the trailer at home on a home cinema setup, it looked much more like LOTR in quality and feel then the IMAX version. This is the first ever movie using this technology so I will give it the benefit of the doubt, but eagerly await the Blu-Ray in a years time.

The story itself suffers from the feeling of being padded out at every opportunity, I have no idea why we had to see cameo's of Frodo and Galadriel, I believe even Legolas will make an appearance in a future episode. The Hobbit is a very different story, which can be read in an afternoon, it does not need to be a 9 hour epic like it's predecessors.

The dwarfs comedy seemed over hammed, feeling very corny at times, the troll scene was nowhere near as good as the books, and why omit Gandalf's voice throwing?

I'm not even going anywhere near the mess that a certain Brown wizard brought to the film.

As a lifelong fan of Tolkien's work, and Mr Jackson's LOTR trilogy I left very disappointed.

Here's hoping the second installment is an "Empire Strikes Back" and redeems PJ's credibility
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