
6 Reviews
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Kundun (1997)
I liked it... and despaired of it.
28 May 2014
Warning: Spoilers
I'm a Buddhist and absolutely adore the Dalai Lama. His kindness and compassion are simply breath-taking and I felt that from this film, which is undoubtedly beautiful, but a few parts irked me. For example, the constant referral of Buddhism as "a religion" (both verbally and implied), which felt very Western - as if people wouldn't understand that Buddhism is a way of life - a desire for enlightenment and attainment of peace, so it was Westernised into it being "a religion" as an easy explanation. As the 14th said himself, "My religion is very simple. My religion is kindness.". I think people get "spirituality" and "religion" mixed up way too easily - the whole Buddhist portrayal was actually rather shallow, which is deeply sad.

I found the blaring music to be entirely over the top. It blares out, over and over, sounding as if it should be in a high-stakes action movie. It was loud - too loud, I thought, for a pretty gentle film.

I didn't really enjoy the cinema of the film (I felt it was meant to be "art" more than anything) - I did enjoy the portrayal of the 14th, and it made me cry more than once. I read that a few people found it "passionless", which I didn't - he is a Buddhist monk - they are non-violent and seek to master their mind - of course there are going to be subdued reactions from himself and others. Another quote from the 14th, "When we meet real tragedy in life, we can react in two ways - either by losing hope and falling into self-destructive habits, or by using the challenge to find our inner strength." That said, the scenes in which he cries were incredibly powerful.

So... I liked it and disliked it. It was emotionally powerful but not at all a good representation into Buddhism or even fact - there is more than one part that have been nay-said by not only the Lama himself, but also his mother, and by photographic evidence of the events in China.
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Offspring (2010–2017)
I loathe this show.
18 May 2014
Warning: Spoilers
I think this show is unmitigated trash. The characters are shallow, the main character seems to have some serious mental health issues that are ignored and glossed over (it's made to be "funny"), the show is said to have a vary of emotion but it's always the same, every season, every episode. There is no realism at all in the way the characters interact in and around hospital, and honestly, if we're being "real", at least half of the character's stupidity would have killed them by now - it's amazing all have made it into adulthood. The 'hilarity' of the programme doesn't come out of the terrible, cringe- worthy situations that the characters are constantly and consistently getting themselves into, the humorous part of this series is the fact that people STILL watch it.
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Well... that's a first.
15 January 2013
I actually enjoyed this movie, quite a bit. Sure, some things were lacking, but nothing is perfect.

There's parts, like the others said, that are a little fuzzy - it's supposed to be set in a certain era, but there's parts of it that are obviously very modern - which I'll leave for you to find for yourself. There was also quite a bit of mutilated bodies and enough gore that it stood up to its genre - without being too over-the-top.

The thing that made the movie for me was the fact that it had so many twists, and until the "click" came along (the sudden understanding), I was constantly guessing - also - the ending is quite marvellous - I was thrilled. It doesn't leave you with the let-down feeling that 90% of modern Werewolf movies tend to do - this is MUCH better than its rating suggests.

So, yeah. For not being another let down as so many werewolf movies are - 9.
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"By the powers vested in me, I now pronounce you man and knife."
6 January 2013
Warning: Spoilers
I loved it. I absolutely loved this movie, which was both funnier and better plotted than the first. The little digs the characters make at each other are hilarious and make the movie for me - where else do you see all the "old" stars of Hollywood take cracks at each other like that? It breaks the movie up from something serious, sombre and sad, to something that has surprising moments of laugh-out-loud humour and nearly childish delight. Some movies break up the shooting (be warned - the sound of shooting never ends in this movie) with girls and sex, but The Expendables does it with laughs and petty jabs, and it fits perfectly with the older actors.

Sylvester Stallone and Statham seem to play the same characters in every single movie they're in, but in this, they fit perfectly. Hell, all the actors are so clichéd that they're perfect for the roles, and they're also able to do the serious stuff with decency. I am a huge Jet Li fan, and was sad that he was only briefly in it, but I was also actually quite surprised by the appearance of Chuck Norris - I read nothing about the movie before watching it - I didn't want to ruin it.

I cannot wait until 3 comes out - I'll be seeing it at the cinema for sure - who could pass up seeing Jackie Chan on the big screen?

So, because I watched the entire thing and it passed my expectations magnificently (and I was expecting it to be half decent), had a hearty laugh every half an hour, and because it was better written and seemed to be going somewhere (and even promising a sequel!), I gave it 9 stars. It's not something that will go down in history, but it's going on my "Personal Favourites" list, that's for sure.
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Boardwalk Empire (2010–2014)
Absolutely amazing.
20 October 2012
I absolutely adore Boardwalk Empire - I watch very little television, and this... this has me hanging for more at every turn. At first, I was a little leery, but hearing it was from HBO... it deserved the benefit of the doubt, and my, it absolutely blew me away. The acting, costumes, sets, cars and mannerisms... it's like they've gone back in time. The era is captured magnificently, it's honestly and really believable. Steve Buscemi plays an unforgettable character. I really do not have the words. Kelly McDonald, who plays Margaret Schroeder, is soft, gentle and not without backbone, as we come to see - she's a fantastic character and actor, and above all, she does what most women would do - she's realistic, in her own way.

The music, actors and atmosphere contained are wonderful. It is literally the best thing I have seen on television for a long, long time, and they've certainly got a captivated audience in me.
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Dark Shadows (2012)
Thoroughly enjoyable.
20 October 2012
Despite the scathing criticism that the movie received, I went ahead and watched it. I'm a lifelong Depp fan, and there's nothing like Burton's amazing style... what's the worst that could happen?

I actually thoroughly enjoyed the movie. It was a little queer, a little weird, a little spooky... and it was funny. It made me laugh, and it made me laugh again - which is common for Burton-Depp movies - they have a tang and feel to them that just works for me. So, I was expecting great things, and they delivered, magnificently. I haven't seen the Soap Opera, nor do I intend to - the movie said it all for me, and more. It was witty and quirky, and made me think about things I had thought about before, but in a different way, from another direction. I didn't find it over-the-top, or corny, though as another reviewer said, in parts, you could almost feel the mechanics behind the movements of some of the actors.

Overall, I found it well-written and directed for a movie based on a television show. It gave enough to explain what was happening and why, without leaving the watcher with the urge to watch the program for more information and explanation. I think it was well-casted - the children were cute and believable, and the 70's culture-shock that you got from some characters was exactly what I expected it'd be like. I wasn't disappointed, and though I wouldn't call it Depp or Burton's best work - I can say that I'd watch it again with enthusiasm.
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