
3 Reviews
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Star Trek: Discovery (2017–2024)
Hollywood Lied Again.
31 October 2017
Warning: Spoilers
**Possible Spoilers for Star Trek Discovery, Supergirl, and real life.**

Alright, I need to explain something to Hollywood. For whatever reason, they seem to think that social justice is what the people want. No. People hate social justice. People have been furious at Hollywood for decades, because they want to be able to relate to the characters, and grow by proxy. Star Trek is not supposed to be about social justice. It's supposed to be about exploration, problem solving, and learning to understand cultural differences.

There is a BIG difference between learning to understand different cultures, and being forced to accept a narrative against your will. For example, I'm a lesbian. And I would assume at least 4 of the Discovery crew members are too. At some point in the series (much like Supergirl), they are going to address this and expand upon this in depth, during which the audience is going to be forced into a position where they have to side with the lesbian characters, probably because an annoying token villain like Mudd is opposing them. Having a villain being in the wrong does not make the protagonists into heroes. That is the definition of propaganda and/or misdirection. If they actually focused on examining cultural differences, then it would be a REAL Star Trek series. For example, keeping on the topic, they might stumble upon a society that evolved from felines, where women give birth to litters of children, and thus a large percentage of them became lesbians to prevent overpopulation of the species. And if they became the majority, they could change from being oppressed to being oppressors. In which case, the Federation could have become involved as mediators, and were assigned to find a balance between them. That could be the start of a story. A story focused on cultural differences, personal histories, collective histories, the effects they had on how that culture became divided, and how to bridge the gaps between two groups of people who each feel they were wronged by society. That could be an interesting plot. Feel free to steal it.

Anyway, the point is that when people are forced to accept a narrative, it doesn't matter if that narrative is morally or logically correct. It's still wrong to force people to believe it, which is what Discovery is clearly trying to do. EVERY major topic in society (religion, race, sexuality, war, government, the law, immigration, international relations, etc.) needs to be examined from many different viewpoints. If you can't see an issue from other perspectives, then you are the worst person to make a judgment on that issue.

On a side note, Discovery is also trying to discredit The Orville. Currently The Orville has 93% approval among fans, yet only 19% approval from critics. Since millions of fans obviously can't be bribed, this proves with absolute certainly that the critics have been bought off.
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Plagiarism Isn't a Crime Anymore?
23 March 2013
For those of you thinking about watching this movie, I should inform you that almost every scene and every plot element in this movie is "borrowed" from other movies/TV shows, and brutally mutilated. This state of incompetence is coupled with casting every part with actors who have no acting talent, needless posturing and muscle-flexing in literally EVERY scene, and a cheap cop-drama feel, where nothing and nobody matters as long as the token main characters look cool. I use the term "cool" loosely. A more appropriate term would be "Twilight-challenged Power Rangers".

Don't get me wrong, I quite enjoy True Blood (oh, how we laugh at those zany human supremacists), Underworld Evolution, Daybreakers, and to a lesser extent, Priest and District 9, but I have a major bone to pick when their plots are so blatantly stolen, mushed up into one, and royally screwed over from every angle.
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Red: Werewolf Hunter (2010 TV Movie)
This story has everything wrong.
27 October 2012
While I hadn't expected much going in, I did expect this movie to either maintain a steady theme of mundane, or be laughably poorly directed. What I got was a mix of both.

The story was ripe with plot holes and confusion from the start, with an incredibly clueless main actor, and a main actress who should have been able to act much better than what she delivered. The supposed werewolf hunters may literally be blind, since they don't even notice when a werewolf is transforming a few feet away from them. None of their weapons look anything short of comical, and none of the hunters know how to handle the weapons.

That being said, while watching it I could barely even bring myself to criticize the horrible acting, or moronic dialog, or even the plot, because they all blended together to create one mind-numbing, boring mess.

The only (and I mean ONLY) good quality about this movie was the antagonist, who showed a fair amount of acting talent.

I personally would have deleted everything except around 5 minutes of footage. Overall, this movie has a few rare moments of quality, but spends most of its time lulling the audience to sleep, and isn't worth watching.
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