
9 Reviews
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Absolute garbage!
18 January 2014
I used to love horror movies. I've decided they are basically extinct and have been for a long time. Insidious 1 was decent and I made it through the entire movie because I was engaged with the story more so than the cheesy cheap scares(that we've all seen a million times and are actually exhausting to watch). With that being said, I just rented #2 tonight and turned it off half way through. What absolute garbage --- exhausting. I am done with Hollywood junk..DONE DONE DONE! I wish I could get my 1 buck back. The acting was awful. The scares were not scary but super cheesy. The story, boring and they just tell it to you. Urgh. Don't even waste your time!
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Sophie's choices
3 November 2013
Warning: Spoilers
I am forever blindsided by the inhumanity of the Nazi war machine, collective insanity! With that being said, the movie title is a bit misleading --- In my humble opinion, It was not a singular choice Sophie made but many choices.

Some viewers of this movie contend that Sophie's choice was the one she made to save her son over her daughter. The title is deceptive and leads the viewer to conclude it that way with little effort on the viewer to go beyond that.

Sophie is rifled with choices. Stingo vs. Nathan, life versus death (during the war and in its aftermath). Be loyal to her dad's worldview and that of her husband, or support their enemy. Be truthful in her post as Nazi aid and secretary, or save herself from certain extermination. The list goes on and on.

I found the acting to be superb but found the overall movie to be just competent, nothing amazing.
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Come and See (1985)
Better have your doc write you a prescription for depression and anxiety --- this movie provokes deep emotions!
2 November 2013
I've always been deeply intrigued by the atrocities committed against humanity during war, specifically WWII. I thought I had seen every WWII war movie there is to see. I accidentally stumbled across this gem when I was searching for the best Halloween movies and #100 was Come and See. After reading all the reviews here on IMDb I absolutely had to watch it for myself. I was not prepared for anything this spectacular, it's truly, like many others have already stated, "A MASTERPIECE!" I watched it last evening, alone and was crying by the second scene and never really stopped crying. It's exhausting, painful, and an emotional drain but quite possibly the best movie I have ever seen and I've seen thousands. I would not recommend this be viewed with young children. If you are in high school and you are learning about WWII history you might want to check this one out but be prepared to become mildly depressed. I haven't been able to really think of anything else since watching it last night. I almost feel like I need some sappy, happy-go lucky book or movie to make me feel better. They don't make movies like this one very often, in fact, I can't think of anything in recent history that even comes close.
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Very Boring and utter garbage
27 October 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Absolute garbage and incredibly boring. I couldn't wait for it to end but sat through the entire piece of garage. I don't care what others think about this film or that they want to see this film (go ahead I'm not your nanny), but I do want to express how overly-hyped this so- called "artsy" and metaphorical POS this film is. I wasn't shocked, I was bored to tears. There isn't a story line, no character development, no emotional attachment, no visual stimulation (unless you get your kicks out of crap eating and forced sodomy) & no it doesn't take a Harvard degree to try & come up with some imaginable intellectual point as some people have tried to shove down our throats and pretend they are "special" because they have found room in their perverted souls to justify this film. I don't find anything exciting or entertaining or educational about this p.o.s. film. If I want to know about Nazi's, WWII, Fascism, Communism, Pedophilia, Homosexuality, Murder, Power, Depravity --- well I wouldn't go here for it that's for darned sure. I heard the film maker got killed after this movie came out - at least something good came of it's release.
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SOMM (2012)
What would pair well with my ......
10 July 2013
I don't write a lot of reviews but I sure watch a lot of movies and documentaries. What interested me at first was the name, "Somm" - I had to go look up what a "sommelier" did because I don't frequent many places where they might be working. Anyway, without spoiling anything I was laughing, crying, in shock (in one part of the film), and educated. It's one of those films that make you believe you too can achieve anything you want in life if you really believe in yourself and put your best foot forward. I'd like to see a follow-up film on their lives now and how they've changed. If you are at home, grab a bottle of your favorite vino and pull up a seat --- it's on Demand now or catch this one where it's playing in your city. 10 out of 10!
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Dirty Wars (2013)
Why aren't more people watching this film?
8 July 2013
Warning: Spoilers
I watched this film at home yesterday. It opened my eyes and broke my heart. I didn't realize the United States of America has hired War Lords in Somalia, on our pay roll. I didn't realize the raids and mass killings in other countries where we are not currently at war with. I didn't realize we killed an innocent young teen just because he might grow up to be a threat (wtf). This film opened my eyes and I haven't been able to get it off my brain since watching it. I don't understand how the USA is getting away with committing crimes against humanity. This kill list they have keeps growing and at anytime your name could be put on it. It keeps growing and growing and there is no end in sight. Watch the film, have a your friends and family watch this film. Everybody needs to watch!
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To the Wonder (2012)
Bring your "hearing aids" and caffeine
16 June 2013
I kept passing by this movie "On Demand" and finally gave it my $6.99 (sigh). I should have listened to my gut. I am not a film critic. I am a film lover and I enjoy all genres of films. I do not like to write reviews but I could not pass by without saying something about this dreadful movie. I liked Tree of Life. That movie is not this movie and comes nowhere near it. Tree of Life made me "think" and I watched it twice in one weekend. To the Wonder had me turning it off at 1:25 but wanting to turn it off after 20 minutes. Ben doesn't say more than a few lines and get your hearing aids out because you can barely hear him. Same goes for the other characters in this movie, they whispher. As if the viewer isn't already trying to piece some kind of story together the director goes further and makes what little lines there are in this worthless piece of celluloid uninteresting and completely void of detail! Oh and don't think I'm not into art, imagery, impression etc, Oh I am, but this didn't cut it, they should have left it all on the cutting floor. If you are going to make this special type of film you best do it quite well or don't bother. I didn't care about anybody in this film. Two beautiful women twirling in fields, in curtains, in their hair....nauseating!!! You see Ben's head or half his body and him touching the ladies on their back or pulling his hand away. You see empty stairwells, empty rooms (good lord buy some furniture already). You see a little girl running through a supermarket and her line, "it's so clean"....REALLY, wow? This movie was horrendous. I honestly can't believe somebody made money off this junk. You can't make out what they say and when they do say something it's boring. This movie is truly awful and damn near put me into a coma. I can handle bad movies (Mommy Dearest was bad, so bad I loved it) and I don't ever turn a movie off that I paid 6.99 to view at home. That should tell you something. PASS THIS ONE!
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My Way (2011)
I will go "your way"
5 January 2013
Why is there such a drastic difference on review ratings between this website and other sites like Rotten? I decided to rent this film because I kept seeing it show up in my netflix choices. I am so glad I decided to give it a try. I'm not sure why some film critics are blasting this film but I'm sure glad I didn't let their poor reviews decide for me. I absolutely loved everything about this film. I'm a huge fan of Pan's Labyrinth, Heavenly Creatures, Heathers, A Clockwork Orange, The Others, etc and this fits right into the kind of films I end up loving - usually have some fantasy element to them. Listen, this is something really unique and special (IMO) and you shouldn't listen to what those snobbish movie reviewers say in regards to this film. Just watch it and judge for yourself. It had me crying more than a few times which is rare. The acting is absolutely on point as well as very real looking war scenes (very graphic, non stop action).

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I need therapy!
25 October 2012
This is not a movie, it's filth! I had to turn it off. These are not movie makers, they are freaks! Plot? No plot! Acting skills? No acting skills! Shocking? No, just disgusting with zero creativity! I don't know why they wasted cash to make this. Probably for the sick perverts hiding in their mothers basement getting off to subhuman trash! They need ten lines (here is 6) 7 8 9 10 Here is another line And another I have nothing else to say about this movie Still nothing to add Can I submit yet? Can I shower now ---- quivers! Nope gotta keep saying how crappy this movie is yet I don't want to keep saying how crappy this movie is. It is the worse movie I ever watched ever and man I've seen some bad movies but this takes the cake.
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