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With a different script this would have been excellent, fantastic atmospshere
27 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Like most other viewers, I found the third act to be weak and full of plot holes. Without victim blaming, it is never explained why the young girl decides to not step outside for the phone.

I was getting paranormal vibes from the trailer and they should have stayed with that, they set the scene perfectly and I was angry when they switched to a serial killer haunted by his victims scenario.

I was expecting one of the following versions which I think would have been the better choices:

1. She finds the earring she dropped, hence it turns out she was dead all along and she finds her body in the bed instead of the gas station victim.

2. There is a paranormal entity which has been following her which is why she lied about where she came from that night.

3. It turns out she is a vampire and she comes back to life and attacks him.

The atmosphere was amazing and the acting was excellent otherwise.
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Supersex (2024– )
Terrible acting and subject
8 March 2024
Not sure what was so special about a dude with the charisma of cardboard to warrant a series no one wants to watch but I thought maybe there is something interesting about the industry or some more insights.

It's a glory piece with no specific direction or acting, and not even the character is interesting or compelling.

I don't expect depth but I have seen similar documentaries from the female pov and they are very interesting, I would suggest those instead as they paint a complete picture of the industry and its little secrets.

Again not sure who would watch this, who the target audience is because the MC is really not easy on the eye (not the actor, but the man he is playing) and cannot imagine who would be that interested in his life.
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Stiff adaptation but ultimately decent animation
22 January 2024
The animation in Part II is much improved, similarly to how Eternal films behaved.

The final 15 minutes are really beautiful and well done, incredible use of colours and composition, the atmosphere is good, deep insight into characters. It was fantastic to see Galaxia and we got time to spend with her (unlike any of the other villains in Crystal) and understand her background and motivation a bit, which really helped with the world building and storytelling.

In the last 10-15 minutes the pacing also finally slows down, and we get to see the most beautiful animation of Sailor Cosmos (thanks largely in part due to Sidney Deng's contribution to some key frames as well as the transformation for Chibi-Chibi).
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Robotic adaptation of the manga arc
22 January 2024
So everyone was right in that the pacing for the films is truly not helping the story develop as it should and it's incredibly difficult to relate to characters when you can't even sit with them. Some cringe scenes occured in part I with no rationale behind them, such as a character I won't name switching from random dialogue to breaking out in song, also too many scenes occur on the same rooftop.

The star lights barely get any screen time, look I am sorry but that was the big appeal about this arc. They also took away the iconic music when they transform which is a shame. There is a bit of strange back and forth between "are these new fighters our enemies" and "omg the star lights have a concert tonight even though we just found out their real personas" fangirl moments in the same scenes and it's incredibly confusing. We also never get any closure whatsoever and it's the film's biggest flaw. It's fine to follow the manga but I don't get why not add a one-liner with an explanation at least. In the original version (sorry, yes I will mention it) we not only spend a lot of time to get a feel of their individual personalities but we also get closure, even though that respective ending was rushed and left the story largely incomplete. I feel as though you'd need to combine them to get any sort of satisfaction.

Ultimately, the animation in Part II is much improved, similarly to how Eternal films behaved. The final 15 minutes are really beautiful and well done, incredible use of colours and composition, the atmosphere is good, deep insight into characters. It was fantastic to see Galaxia and we got time to spend with her (unlike any of the other villains in Crystal) and understand her background and motivation a bit, which really helped with the world building and storytelling.

The OST was lacking yet again, apart from the intro music. Still largely choir music mixed with piano and some metal. I feel like 70% of the 90s atmosphere was the music composed by Takanori Arisawa, and the remainder 30% the voice acting. The original had a much much darker atmosphere and it was a bit frustrating to see this largely lacking yet again. It is a bit too vanilla when the manga clearly depicts various violent events. These were never translated into the Crystal remake. It can be quite bland in parts without this element.

The VA for Cosmos sounded bored, no idea what happened there. Still, I enjoyed the 2nd episode and thought it was the best the remake could do with the budget and attention. Nice closure and ending. It felt authentic.

It's sad we never got to spend some time with any of the girls and Usagi's friends in the remake, there could have been more scenes showing the girls bond and build on their friendship. You can't rush these things and just show character 1 cry over the death of character 2 with no background whatsoever and expect viewers to care.

The best thing the studio could do for Sailor Moon is remake the 90s version and get rid of the filler episodes.
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Depp V Heard (2023)
Black Mirror but make it real life
11 September 2023
First of all, this documentary focuses on the social media aspect of it only.

I wanted to watch it because I recall being force-fed a lot of click baiting Youtube videos and articles during the trial, and the fact that I never watched anything JD related before, only to bombarded on home page when I logged on was a massive red flag.

I thought "how come I'm being recommended videos of him going into a hospital as a pirate when I never even liked the films?"

In the end, due to this, I decided to watch the trial, it was impossible for me to find JD likeable on stand and was trying to check if I was even watching the same trial as everyone else.

Saying some ambiguous things in an article whilst not naming someone in specific and having this torn to pieces for the aim of proving "defamation" reminded me of Soviet Russia when anything said against the party could get you thrown into jail. A democracy should allow freedom of speech. This is what the trial was about, I don't now what really happened between them except that they were very toxic together.

JD seemed to have problems remembering things which cast doubt over his reliability as a witness. AH seemed stressed out on the stand, but her behaviour was in line with her previous interviews, she is always animated and can come across as overly-passionate when she speaks, which is something I happen to exhibit and it can't be helped. However it was not clear why she was so disliked or labelled a liar. There was a lot of bias reporting at the time with lots of red flags.

In the end, the documentary could have focused more on the psychology of mob-mentality so I can't rate it highly. It should have explained better why people are inclined to pile so much hatred based on short clips and tik tok videos.
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One of the best post-apocalyptic stories
26 June 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Although this is an anime, the story could grip any sci-fi and dark post-apocalyptic fan ! The animation and topics touched are mature enough to attract a wide audience, despite the young main characters, Maru and Kiruko !

The music is fantastic and the atmosphere is a heavy one of reminiscent of Last of Us. I can't recommend this enough.

We're presented straight way with two different timelines, the one post-event and the one pre-event, in the facility where the children with special abilities live. For anyone confused about this, the facility is in the past and Maru and Kiruko are shown in the present day.

Although nothing is outright explained, as the story develops and especially by the final episode you start to have an idea as to what is going in with the side characters.

There are very few cliches which is refreshing and the dynamic between the main two is great, you get a pair that has great chemistry together and care about one another.
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The Idol (2023)
Oh boy !
5 June 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Oh, boy, where do I even begin with "The Idol"? Brace yourselves, folks, because this TV series takes the cake when it comes to promoting unrealistic storylines.

If you're in the mood for cringe-worthy moments and an overdose of pick-me behavior, look no further than the fabulous disaster that is Jocelyn, our beloved fictional pop star.

Let's start with Jocelyn herself, shall we? Ah, Jocelyn, the epitome of a pick me, always desperately seeking the approval of others. How refreshing it is to witness a character who lacks any sense of self-worth and personal agency! Who wouldn't want to watch a show centered around a woman constantly belittling herself just to please a club owner, of all industry people, is this the only male lead they could insert into this storyline ? How truly inspiring-said no one ever.

As the plot unfolds, Jocelyn falls head over heels for a club owner. But here's the kicker: instead of showcasing a healthy, equal relationship, we're treated to a parade of degrading acts. Because nothing says "true love" like compromising your dignity and potential safety for someone's attention, right?

The dialogue has some especially cringey lines like "you're dangerous" and "how can anybody not fallen in love with you?", super unnatural and weird.

The graphic scenes were not an issue to me but their context was. They can work if they are used right but from start to finish it was all about how much nudity they can fit into one episode, as if Lily will unlikely ever work with the director every again so may as well shoot everything they could.

And don't even get me started on the relatability factor. What human instinct, you ask? Well, dear viewer, "The Idol" seems to have forgotten that part entirely. I mean, who doesn't relate to a celebrity pop star who regularly humiliates herself ? We've all been there, right? It's not like human emotions and experiences matter in a show supposedly about real people with genuine struggles. Nope, let's just discard any notion of realism and replace it with a twisted fantasy that makes you question the writer's grasp on reality.

"The Idol" is an utter disappointment for those seeking quality entertainment with well-rounded characters and a meaningful narrative.

It's a remarkable masterpiece if you're into mind-numbingly regressive storylines and a complete disregard for relatability and human instinct.
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A bit tone deaf
7 May 2023
I feel like this tries to paints the monarch in a positive light, at the expense of Princess Diana and Prince Harry.

Also not sure the timing is right in a time of great distress for Brits. The story seems embellished at parts. I would have gladly watched something more objective, especially considering Diana's tragic demise. It also focuses a lot on his ex gfs pre-Diana which isn't very compelling or interesting.

I think nothing really makes you want to like the character that much, they are shown as a poor parent, a poor husband and hyper focused on his job, all while cheating.

I just hope it won't become a trend for more of these documentaries to come out.
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Do Revenge (2022)
Really fun watch
10 February 2023
Camilla is fantastic in this film, I loved all the plot twists and the fun atmosphere.

A lot of things were relevant to our times such as leaked videos, gossip and toxicity in school. It is successfully reminiscent of high school movie classics like Easy A. I love how it blended so many cliche 90s teen movies together, it worked well.

However, I did find that it really needed an edit for time though, 2Hrs is sooooo long to be engaged in the camp.

I'm trying to wrap my head around complaints about 'wokeness' (what a weaponized word). I'm an unbothered millennial, as long as the actors are decent and the story is fun I don't care what their background or orientation is, who has time for this nitpicking anyway ?
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Velma (2023– )
What is the point of this without Scooby Doo
18 January 2023
Where's my Scooby Doo? Shaggy isn't Shaggy without his best bud Scoob.

I went in to this knowing nothing apart from the OG show ,had not even watched the trailer. I Was not expecting a "comedy" I was expecting something more gritty and character building.

It's nice to see the characters as different backgrounds but they are not faithful to the source material.

As an adult show it was not that necessary. Shaggy doesn't act like Shaggy at all, Velma is rude, show is not very funny or engaging. Fred is a narcissist. Velma was also nicer and I loved her character. I'd be quite happy to rewatch the OG from the 80s now.

I'm hoping something good can come of the feedback and maybe the show can fix some of irs current issues.
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13 December 2022
'Tone-deaf' is what we are looking for here in this economy. This is a world wide issue and not just isolated to the UK or US. Documentary is about their rich, privileged problems that are in total isolation of the real world. They had the chance and the right to speak to their side of the story in Oprah, anything else is unnecessary.

Are their problems relatively real in their world, yes. I'm Sorry. Are they harder than others, no-not even close. Literary millions, billions live in hardships unimaginable to them, yet they set off to profit by pushing their scripted/super pr'd/over directed 'hard life' - 'family was difficult'. No way? Really?! I'm sorry you don't have access to the billions or Hollywood's millions anymore but don't tell me your life is hard because of paparazzi and unfair media and then go make a Netflix special.

Everyone in the family seems too uptight and boring for my taste, no I don't care for any of the remainder either.

It could have at least focused on who exactly it was that made racist remarks because that's what people wanted to know. Their love story in expensive restaurants you can only access via a membership is nauseating. Nothing about these two is relatable, I'm sorry she was crying in her expensive cashmere jumper, I wonder if she ever wants to wear anything under 300 dollars. I disagree with how she is the only one to get all the negative attention however, not sure what's so great about her husband.
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A good documentary worth watching
11 November 2022
I really empathized with her when she said she has rarely stopped working since she was young and also when she was in hospital getting treatment for lupus.

I'm not a fan of hers but I thought I'd watch this anyway, I thought it was great although a bit too short and some subjects were touched upon very little (eg her lupus, her beauty brand Rare, her former relationships and the effect that had on her such as being held to a standard or perfection where people think you must be happy).

I do think that other young people watching this can fell a bit less alone and feel empowered to share their struggles with mental health so for that alone I give this an 8/10.
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Covidland (2021– )
sometimes bad things happen and we try and make sense of them
31 October 2022
It's good to ask questions and research in addition to anything any form of media is telling you, however , instead of simply doubting, it seems easier to declare that it was a fake, with zero evidence and only feelings that the pieces don't fit the way you would expect them to.

This is the basis for this documentary. Feelings of anger and distrust.

Let's not forget everyone has an agenda at the end of the day and this does not exclude the producer of this documentary.

Something "feeling fishy" is not proof of a conspiracy. Documented evidence of a conspiracy is the only such evidence. This is not something Covidland provides.

Board room conspiracies can be true, but grand conspiracies have never been so far. As the conspiracy grows large enough, it will eventually just collapse under its own weight, and thus, never becomes a grand conspiracy.
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It did not fully reach its potential
22 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I don't agree with the idea that Ben was getting revenge for Tiff, it was clearly a lot of pent up anger he himself had. Not really happy with his generic portrayal either, it's not really hinted he had any violent tendencies before, it was just so confusing. Like there was no build up for it.

I did empathize with Ani/Tiff by the end of the film however. Everyone around her seems to constantly gaslight her: the documentary producer, Dean, her db fiancee and his snobby family, her mother, Ben, my God, did this poor girl ever have a good person in her life apart from Nell? As a result of so many people breaking her trust she is now an overachiever and desperate to show the world she has overcome her circumstances at all times. It must be genuinely exhausting to live with that kind of pressure whilst dealing with CPTSD.

I did enjoy the scene between Ani and Dean, Mila really did a fantastic job, probably the best scene in the film.

The overall message is a good one but the school shooting was really NOT needed.
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One major issue with the characters
4 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Ok so when Sidonia obtained a placenta that took the form of Hoshijiro, Tanikaze would visit that placenta every day he had the chance to.

Then Tsumugi -hybrid appears and he seems to conveniently forget all about Hoshijiro, now in this film he falls in love with this hybrid creature, like sorry but it's too much for me to see a human and an alien hybrid with tentacles fall in love. (the kiss was creepy). The most interesting thing in the series was Hoshijiro anyway and they also could have done more with the Gauna that had her memories.

Poor Hoshijiro has the worst fate I've seen an anime character have (apart from Asuka maybe), she's just an incubator and a DNA pool for clones. It really really annoys me, the manga artist could have fixed this or at least the film could have had an alternate story line to fix that.
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Blonde (2022)
The most boring film of the year
2 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
The film reminded me of most of Lars von Trier's work esp Dancer in the dark in terms of atmosphere and darkness.

Ana has a terrible accent she can't hide in her role and can emulate some of MM's vulnerability but none of her charm.

The other issue with this is that it's boring and very long. It just jumps from a tragic event to tragic event. Should've shown at least something other than an endless stream of tragic events and crying. You'd think the poor lady did nothing else in her life but cry.

I don't mind tragic movies, but it has to be truly extraordinary to make me sit through almost 3 hours of depression. Very few films can sustain that level of misery for so long without at least something uplifting.

There was no fall, nothing to keep you on the edge of your seat, just an endless slog of misery where you're waiting for the next bad thing to happen to her.

You can honestly learn way more and get a better sense of Marilyn through a wikipedia article so skip this film and save yourself the money.
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Speak No Evil (2022)
I cannot give it more because ...
23 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
... because this is another type of film where the protagonists could have EASILY escaped their fate by simply following their gut instincts.

They could have easily told someone their location first of all, they waited until they were in the woods with no signal.

Second of all how did they run out of gas? They knew they'd leave eventually so they should have kept a full tank for that scenario.

Third of all, they returned for a bunny ? Really ? I'd have told the daughter to deal with it.

There is some good acting and cringe moments which set up the scene really nicely but you get the idea of what is going on very early on in the film. But seriously, how could they not just leave earlier ? Out of politeness? Because that is reserved for the workplace not for day to day interactions with people you barely know.
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Fantastic anime !!
10 June 2022
Not only are the characters very likable but it's hyper focused on the supernatural and mystery.

The story keeps surprising you. I'm on episode 9 and it's not repetitive at all. There's also good character development so far.

It's one of the best anime series in recent years !
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Trying to romanticize ...
28 December 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Lili's tragic end. I found the end so disturbing I couldn't sleep well and had heightened anxiety for days. I felt really sad for the character and the end was too distressing. The acting was ok but I did find some gaps in the story such as the omission of the disintegration of their relationship as per the novel.
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Renegade (II) (2019)
He is right about one thing
21 December 2021
So for one thing, he is actually right about the world being controlled by a handful of people, I'll have to give him credit for that. However he does not seem to identify them correctly. I prefer Adam Curtis for these types of documentaries and they are extremely well made all of them.

I am also disappointed to see that people calling refusing a vaccine freedom yet will happily sign their entire lives away for a 9 to 5 job with limited time off.
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Silent Night (I) (2021)
Have enjoyed Belinda's scene
19 December 2021
Belinda had the best scene in this whole film. The hen was a better actor than the rest of the cast. The atmosphere reminded me of Melancholia but with a funny twist.
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You: What Is Love? (2021)
Season 3, Episode 10
Worst episode of the series
26 October 2021
Warning: Spoilers
No idea why they had to get rid of Love altogether. Left a sour taste that he ended up despising her so much even though she was simply the female version of him. Also, it is such a cliche to paralyze someone but not tie them up, her character should have been smarter than that.

He basically killed his son's mother and that goes against his so called love for his child. Love needed to be institutionalized and placed on a long term treatment, just like him she had a difficult childhood. Not going to watch the next season. At least Victoria killed it in her role, she was the only reason I kept watching.

The side characters in this season were very fun though, I'll give it that.
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Too much focus on Shinji
14 September 2021
Having watched all the films I simply wanted more screen time for Rei and Asuka. Instead I get Shinji again, monopolizing most scenes.

The animation is spectacular and one of the best I have ever seen. The music was also very good, no criticism there. I would have preferred it if the Eva films focused on each character separately.

The ending was OK. I will just go back and re-watch the series.
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Risen (2021)
Similar to plot from Sailor Moon Makai Tree Arc
7 September 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Story about a demon tree from outer space that has now landed on Earth and needs energyyyyy to survive. Great.

These saplings didn't grow anywhere else except Earth. The ending and other details are different but this still the same plot.
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Mare of Easttown: Sacrament (2021)
Season 1, Episode 7
Lori ....
29 June 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Honestly Lori ruined it for me. I wish they hadn't created a final twist. Lori thinks it's ok to cover for her 13 yo son who literally had a violent outburst at school prior to stealing the gun and then blame Mare for it when she was only doing her job in law enforcement !!! Get real. Even children need to learn actions have consequences. I feel really sorry for Erin's character everyone around her wronged her.

Apart from Mare (played excellently by Kate) and Zabel everyone in this town was irritating, cruel or downright vicious. Dylan and Brianna especially. I can't believe they get to just move on with no problem.

I loved the drama element of the show and acting was excellent but 90% of the characters were insufferable and I'm annoyed they killed Zabel and never mentioned him again 8/10 for the whole show but 1/10 for this finale ...
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