
24 Reviews
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Cobweb (2023)
Funny Creepy horror
21 August 2023
The movie gives off strong Caroline vibes. Its not the same story mind you, its just the general atmosphere it gives off. The first half of the movie has great pacing and good acting overall. Geniuenly creepy mistery that keeps you guessing. The second half will be a matter of contention I feel. I didn't mind it, i thought it was really fun. The actual ending probably could have been better but I see what they were trying to do. This is a good old fashion creepy halloween movie. This movie should've been released in October. Its only like 89 minutes log, and youre probably not getting a sequel. This is good creepy story. Watch it, i think most of you will enjoy it.
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Betaal (2020– )
very fun watch
2 June 2020
Warning: Spoilers
This is the 2nd indian horror series I've watched. The first one being Ghoul, which was fantastic by the way. This is not as scary as the Ghoul, but it does pack the series with enough action, gore and supernatural fun that you won't be bored. The show is about these mercenaries that attack a village to open a tunnel (there is whole story of corruption behind that) and they inadvertently unleash an army of undead soldiers that aren't really zombies, but they're not vampires either...they speak and can use weapons but are also mindless'll have to suspended belife a bit, but its really not that big a deal. They end up barricading themselves in a mansion and that's basically it. There is a lot of backstory to unpack, mysteries to solve and monsters to fight off. It's a pretty fun series. Definitely recomend if you're looking for an action packed horror series.
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this is upsetting
26 June 2017
I'm not much for conspiracy theories. I try my best to stay away from such matters, but this has become ever more clear and alarming as time has passed. this isn't about whether or not you like certain publication or whether or not you feel the media has lost its way. this is about a real, and unrelenting attack on what makes America, America, the first Amendment. whether your on the right or left, this should be extremely worrisome. what this documentary attempts to point out is that there seems to be an attack on freedom of the press by billionaires who don't like facts and truths to be presented, specially facts and truths about them. there is a reason that the first amendment is the FIRST AMENDMENT. there is a reason it's our most important and beloved amendment, why it really does symbolize what make this country great. this review could not exist without it. negative reviews of this documentary could not exist without it. your right to speak and write depends on it. this is a very important documentary that everyone should watch and discuss knowing full well that without the first amendment, this documentary would not exit, and our god given right to discuss said documentary would not exit either.
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Sausage Party (2016)
very clever in a not so subtle way
22 August 2016
this is not for everyone. i'm just putting that out there. this movie is for the most part, a not so subtle social commentary on everything ranging from Sex, Sexual Orientation, Race, Religion, God...and much more. for the most part, I thought this movie was funny and well done. some people might find the vulgarity (which there is a lot of) off putting and that's understandable. what I found interesting about this movie is that it embarks on a quest to give us the very answers we seek in our daily lives. Frank (the main sausage protagonist) embarks on a quest to find the truth about the gods (us) and what lies beyond. when he discovers the horrifying truth, he attempts to inform his brethren of the reality of the world only to be mocked insulted and generally dismissed. it takes his friend Carl (another sausage who figured out the horrible truth), who makes him realize that its not about the message but how its delivered. if you insult peoples beliefs,how then, can you expect to get people to see the truth? the movie also utilizes a variety of racial and sexual stereotypes to prove its point and I found the utilization to be very effective in order to promote the message the movie was trying to promote. all in all I really enjoyed the movie, but I realize, that where the movie fails, was in going against what the movie was all about. discovering the truth and finding a respectful way to spread that truth. a lot of people will find this very disrespectful and very vulgar. in that since it failed, because the message will be lost within the whirlwind of foul language, sexual innuendo and racial stereotypes. then there is the will never see tacos, hotdog's, flatbread's and bagels the same way again. all in all I really enjoyed the movie and i'm glad it was a financial success, because I want to see the sequel.
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Critics are right about a lot in this movie, but...its still good.
27 March 2016
okay I cant give it a 7.5 like I want, but it definitely isn't a 7. so here we go. the critics were right in a lot of stuff. first off, the first half of this movie is choppy as hell. the editing is weird, you can tell off the bat (no pun intended) that there were scenes cut from the original version. so many scenes felt incomplete, and so much was going on that, yeah it felt like either the movie needed to be another half hour longer or that they needed to simplify the story in order to make the first half make sense. the choppy nature of the editing also made some of the acting feel off, even cringy for some of the supporting actors (not the main actors, they did great). a lot of the motivations of some of the supporting actors were flimsy at best. I get why Batman hates superman, I get why Superman wants to stop batman, I even understand why Lex would want to stop superman, hint: he's a psychotic megalomaniac. its the supporting actors motivations that just felt incomplete. so yeah a lot of information was coming in and it made the first half of the film just feel weird. then comes the second half. holy mother of awesome action. wow. this movie did not pull the punches. from the scene where Superman meets up with the Iron-Bat. it was just brutal. Wonderwomen was awesome too. I mean I cant say to many bad things about Gal Gadots performance. Batman..greatest Batman ever. this guy is ruthless. he's down right merciless and in some scenes...he straight up murders people. some people may have issued with it but to be perfectly fair, they were all really bad guys. this guy was not f@#king around. it was the second half of this movie that saved it for me. it just, it was awesome. no other way to describe it. I completely forgot about the choppy editing in the beginning. some of the stuff that I felt the critics were to harsh with were Eisenbergs portrayal of Luthor. okay, I wouldn't have gone that direction but to be perfectly honest, I didn't see the Jim Carry performance everyone mentioned. yes he was all over the place, but thats because of the truth I understood everything he did. Lex Luthor was not there to provide a comic relief, he wasn't there to provide levity. Lex Luthor is a Psychopath, and a straight up Megalomaniac. his own warped pathology makes him hate superman, who although never specifically mentioned, makes him feel, well, human. all in all, structure wise, id give the movie a 5.8, but the action and performances of the main actors was great, 9.0 great. so I will give it, as mentioned above a solid 7.5. this is a good rating. above average to say the least. go watch it, but don't expect Nolan Oscar material. expect great action and awesome entertainment value.
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Deadpool (2016)
vulgar, crude, violent, semi-pornographic...and awesome!!
14 February 2016
when I heard of the early screenings of Deadpool i automatically jumped on IMDb to find out what some of the early viewers thought about it. one gentlemen said "It contained filthy, obscene and crude language and actions in every scene. It was shockingly dark in humor. I can't believe this was a Marvel character. I am appalled at what the movie industry considers entertaining." another lady exclaimed "The fact that this film has already been given an 8.9 is, quite frankly, disturbing and one of the many reasons god doesn't talk to us anymore!!" yes ladies and gentlemen...god. All I could think was, what kind of scenes exist in this movie that would shock even the lights of whathisname and whogivesashh.. this movie must be extremely offensive, hyper sexual and vulgar. I mean for f@*ks sake, even god stopped talking to us. I must watch it, and I did :D. all I can say is, they're right about the vulgarity and hyper sexual scenes, they're right about the crud jokes and excessive violence. they're right about everything. what they fail to mention is the rest of the story. this story is really kind of sorta sweet in a twisted kind of way. some of the best scenes in this movie were when Wade(deadpool) and Vennesa, Wades girlfriend, where together. it was a really nice love story between the two of them...once you get passed all the sex, which granted, was a lot for a 2 minute montage. the supporting characters Negasonic Teenage Warhead whom i'm going to call NTW from now on, and Colossus, were perfect for this movie. Colossus was like a giant metallic teddy bear trying to change Deadpool's anti-heroic ways, and learn the way of the X-men. NTW was your everyday emo girl with nuclear power. the repertoire between Deadpool and NTW was perfect as was the constant nagging of Colossus trying to stop Deadpool from killing... eeeveryone. TJ Miller plays the bartender and Wades best friend. every scene he's in is hilarious. basically this was a laugh out loud, violent twisted and very romantic story. this is not a nice happy PG-13 action movie like Antman okay this is a fun R rated action comedy that takes it to the next level. I haven't laughed so hard in the theaters in years. seriously go watch it, or don't, honestly its not for everyone. if you want to go to the movies for a nice pleasant chuckle kind of time, its best you go watch something else. you don't want God not talking to you over a movie okay.
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The Revenant (I) (2015)
brilliant, just brilliant
21 December 2015
Alejandro González Iñárritu's masterpiece. a tour de force, if I've ever seen one. from the amazing opening shot, this movie immediately hooks you. the movie is a brutal depiction of man against the wild. a survivalist story that can sometimes be difficult to watch or even stomach, as some of the scenes can be quite gruesome. the performances of Leonardo DiCaprio and Tom Hardy are spectacular. Leonardo, who doesn't speak much threw out the movie, depicts Hugh Glass's pain and suffering with the skill of a true thespian grand master. Tom Hardy is chameleon. he is able to lose himself in a character in such a way that unless you know it's him acting the part, most people would never know it was him. all in all this was a great story. just prepare to lose yourself for about two and half hours. I assure you, it will be well worth the time.
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Quintin Tarantino...please never retire.
20 December 2015
This was an amazing movie. the story of 8 highly questionable individuals stuck in a bar for several days with a high valued criminal and the knowledge that one or more individuals are not who they say. within the bunch you find Daisy Domergue (Jennifer Jason Leigh), a career criminal and murderer. she is crude, vulgar and extremely dangerous. Domergue is being taken to be hung for her crimes by John Ruth (Kurt Russell), The Hangman. his name is given because, as Major Marquis Warren (Samuel L. Jackson) explains, "...when John Ruth the Hangman catches you...You hang". Major Marquis, is another bounty hunter, with a violent past who mysteriously appears before Ruth and Domergue, but comes along as he and Ruth have a past together, making him semi trusted. later we meet Sheriff Chris Mannix (Walton Goggins), a man that, like Marquis, suddenly just appears and rides along. he claims to be a the new Sheriff in town,but as you watch the movie, looks can be deceiving and not everyone is to be trusted. these four arrive at a bar due to a coming ice storm. there they meet Oswaldo Mobray (Tim Roth), the actual hangman. General Sandy Smithers (Bruce Dern) a confederate general. Joe gage (Micheal Madson) the quite introvert, Bob (Demian Bichir), the Mexican. together these 8 individuals will lead you threw a range of deceit and intrigue. this is a western who-done-it to rival any great modern mystery and drama.a must watch for any cinephile. a critics dream in cast and story alike. a must watch.
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now with LESS found footage shaky camera..!!
15 December 2014
i have been waiting for this movie for so long..I've loved the entire series including the one everyone wants to forget (Rec 3) but this movie was definitely cool, it tied up all three movies very nicely, brought back the ever so cute in every way Angela Vidal...and gave us a whole bunch of new easily forgettable and quite disposable set of characters all ready to be sacrificed to the demon/zombie horde including; the ambiguously evil doctor with something to hide, the handsome headstrong take no nonsense hero, the goofy fat guy who's only important because he knows how to play with a camera, a series of random forgettable nice helpful guys, a series of random indistinguishable asshole military personal, that one black dude that one Asian guy and of course how can i forget the now clichéd Rec. style elderly person who doesn't know were she is and of course is not going to make it. there were a couple of nice twists and new villains in the form of infected monkeys..a whole new location and a seemingly larger budget because it no longer relied on FF style filming to get the movie going. but as much as i make fun of the movie...lets face it Resident Evil wishes it was this good...and i for one really enjoy this series...i hope its not the last movie 7/10 for me.
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The Babadook (2014)
baba dook dook dook!!! that was creepy..
1 November 2014
the babadook is the story of a women who loses her husband on the way to have her child...this happened 7 years before and is the main conflict that arises between her and her ingenious 7 year old son. basically the mother indirectly blames her 7 year old son for her husbands death. the child starts out as the poster boy for childhood behavior problems which essentially means hes two screws away from being a full fledged sociopath. the mother on the other is depressed, repressed, sexually frustrated , tired and on the verge of an emotional breakdown. the kid seems to have a "home alone" complex coming up with weaponry that proves the kids ingenuity and understanding of what going on whiten his family. nobody seems to understand either him nor his mom and his mom ( and everyone else it seems) all blame the kid for the mothers emotional instability. one day the mother picks up a book with the words "the babadook" a child's book about a demon that kills children. this demon suddenly takes the role of the new affliction between the mother and son, as the son claims the babadook is real while the mother contends that its part of his overactive imagination. as the story goes on the roles are suddenly switched when the son now seems to be the sane one and the mother seems to be the one losing her mind. this is not a the typical clichéd mother and son relationship. in the end this movie is less about a demon and instead serves as a metaphor for the difficult relationship between a mother and her 7 year old son. your left with a feeling that the Babadook may be a figment of that families imagination, a manifestation created by the family in an attempt to coup with their problems..but it could very well be real...there is evidence to suggest both may be true. this is a must watch for horror fans.
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well Micheal Bay had a hand in it that's for sure
16 August 2014
so let me first come out and say this is not as bad as i thought it would be, i could see this going worst...a couple of positives, most of the turtles looked bad ass, the shredder looked like something from my nightmares and splinter was pretty cool as well, also Megan Fox was, well, OK...i didn't cringe with her performance, i thought it was OK. now the bad, 1)Aprils father burns down the lab with his daughter inside (horrible dad) little April saves the turtles and splinter and for no reason whatsoever lets them go into the sewer. 2)the Japanese theme was acceptable with the old ninja turtles because splinter at least came from japan, except that with this one the only Japanese anything the turtles and splinter know is from the book on ninjitsu he inexplicable finds in the sewer. 3)despite the fact that splinter learned ninjitsu from a book he still has the skill to go against a years learned ninja master like Megatron...i'm sorry silver Samari...wait no...shredder yes that's his name shredder. 4)Megatrons arms are Swiss army knives 5)money is the motive? there couldn't be a little more imagination with that?...there is a couple of other things that are more pet peeves of mine but some might find acceptable besides that my only real complaint was Donatello, i hate the way they portrayed him, i loved Donatello as a kid and they kind of really pushed the whole nerd thing with him. so whats the score...go watch it with your kids, they'll love it, its not to long so you wont get bored, and there are some really fun and funny parts as well but don't expect anything more then that.
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i am ...we are groot!
16 August 2014
i believe that everyone is entitled to their opinion when it comes to movies. after all movies are art and art is by its very nature subjective. but...if you didn't like this movie, your dead inside. this is by far my favorite Marvel movie to date, besides maybe Avengers. i'm not saying its better, i just happen to like it more then the other Marvel movies. it was funny, entertaining the visuals were stunning and the characters were extremely likable. if you have a chance to see it in 3D, do so. i am not a fan of 3D movies but this movies was made to be seen in 3D. the story revolves around 4 very different characters; starlord, a pirate/thief of sorts with a good heart but that ultimately has had only himself to look out for. Gamora, the green skinned assassin and daughter to the mad titan Thanos, whom she betrays; Drax the destroyer, a brute psychopath who wants revenge for the death of his wife and daughter in the hands of Ronan the Accuser; Rocket Raccoon, a psychopathic talking raccoon with sever anger issues and my favorite Groot, a giant tree who is Rockets bodyguard and companion who's entire vocabulary consists of "" in that order. together these 4 highly questionable and slightly disturbed individuals have to find a way to work together despite there differences in order to save the universe from a powerful,and i mean powerful , being known as Ronan the Accuser; a maniacal zealot who serves as judge, jury and specially executioner of whole planets and civilizations. throughout the story you are treated to the mythology and history of this new universe giving you glimpses of the mundane everyday "extraterrestrial" to the near god like celestial beings that exist or existed within the universe. in the end what gave this movie its charm was its humor, which i really enjoyed, i couldn't stop laughing throughout the entire movie...i literally smiled the whole way threw. this is good for the whole family despite the occasional curse word and sexual innuendo but besides that the movie was a very fun and delightful watch. highly recommend it
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i now believe in apes on horses
13 July 2014
i just came from watching this movie and all i can say is...amazing. this movie made me believe that Apes can talk, ride horses and experience human emotions. Andy Serkis deserves an Oscar for his performance which was just seamless...seriously it is amazing how they pulled this off...the Ape village, the relationship between the apes and there families all perfectly believable. the story is not what i would have expected in relation to how the war would actually begins...i thought they would go in a more clichéd road but they surprised me in a very good the end the movie has less to do with us humans as it actually has to do with Cesar's relationship with the other apes, and his belief on how different and noble the Apes are as compared to humans...unfortunately for him, it turns out we are not so different after all. this is a must watch...action.. top notch, notch, notch, and Apes on horses!!...what else can we ask for?
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Godzilla (2014)
gojira! the king of monsters is back
19 May 2014
Warning: Spoilers
just finished watching the movie and i have to say, i honestly expected much more but...this was still a pretty awesome movie. so first off the good. 1. Godzilla looks awesome the MOTO's were really cool looking although they have nothing to do with the original MOTO's these were original monsters. 2. the CGI was just amazing in every sense of the word. 3. the origin story was well thought out and leaves open the possibility of other future monsters. essentially the moto's are gargantuan prehistoric monsters that feed off primordial earths radioactivity and as the radioactivity died out they went underground and to the deep of the oceans to feed off the radioactivity in the subsurface. 4. the story for the most part was pretty serious focusing on the human side amidst the chaos. 5. the fight scenes were really cool and well, they basically flatten everything in sight. now the bad... 1. although serious the story was rather bland with very uninteresting characters. also the use of children to bring drama to the story was a little too obvious.i mean seriously you get to see the innocent faces of children in danger like 6 times throughout the movie. 2. cheese factor...the ending was extremely cheesy but i think it was meant as an homage to the original movies. the children again, just over the top. we get it they're in danger. Kevin Watanabe although an amazing actor in his own right was just bland and one dimensional. he basically played the nervous worried scientist that somehow knows what Godzilla wants and knows how to stop the monster invasion by simply letting them fight it out...seriously his most memorable line is "let them fight". which sounds cool until you actually watch him say it. 4. fight scenes although spectacular could have been much better if we actually saw them fight. we know they fight because we see it through windows and television sets and the eyes of the people who are far enough away so as to not get hurt. we only really see the last 15 minutes of the last fight. 5. the sound editing was weird. moments when it feels like you need dramatic music or sounds are mute for some reason. i'm assuming the director felt that the silence was more dramatic then adding an actual dramatic musical tone. 6. Bryan Cranston's role, the best one by the way, was cut way to short to the point of false advertising. they basically advertised a much bigger role for Cranston's character and he was really only in the movie like 15 minutes. the best acted 15 minutes of the movie.

so with all this it sound like the movie was bad...but it really wasn't. all in all it was still a really good movie. it just felt like they wanted to go into a more serious direction while bringing on the cheese in order to give an homage to the original films. essentially this felt like an introductory movie and thanks to the origin story, they leave the door open for more monsters (maybe some of the original monsters), which i'm fine with because i can see this becoming a very successful franchise. i say watch it for yourself, most people will love this movie. and i have renewed my Godzilla fandom. i'm happy i saw this movie, it was entertaining and fun to watch and i cant wait for the sequel. ooh yes one more thing Godzillas atomic breath was so freaking cool.
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O my what a treat :D
15 April 2014
Every so often there is a movie that is soooo jaw dropping that you need to sit there in awe at the shear brilliance that is this film. this movie evoked a variety of emotion from me that ranged from sadness to laughter to sobbing, to laughing again, to sobbing, to sobbing while balled up in the corner of my living room...SOMETIMES ALL AT ONCE!!! this movie had everything...Hercules playing warrior Jesus, evil Leonides portrayed by his "human" dad. gladiator scenes with a couple of Mad Max rejects, the greatest CGI lion my father had ever scene in the 80s, the evil brother with the dark circles under his eyes from every movie that has an evil bother with dark circles under his eyes, the slow motion battle scenes from the 300, the other slow motion battle scenes from the 300 and of course a herculean story that makes you think...where is the Hercules story? o yes it even had the Sword of Olympus from the God of War games...all in all this movie killed my inner child... 2/5 just because i hated my inner child.
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Afflicted (2013)
found footage gold...bound to be a cult classic
10 April 2014
man i want to write a full review but i cant spoil this...if you haven't seen this movie, watch this immediately...very unique movie, very unique twist on an age old classic, very good way to essentially tricking the viewer into thinking this is about something its not. don't read any of the spoiler reviews, not so much because the reviews are bad but honestly it will take away from the movie experience...just when you think the movies done, it keeps on going. kudos to the filmmakers, very well done...definitely deserves to be watched...i've been waiting for something like this for a while. bound to be a cult classic for many fans of the genre...including myself.
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hail hydra!!!
6 April 2014
if you like spy movies with political intrigue and massive conspiracy theories about secret organization corrupting our society from within while trying to destroy the world. then you'll love this movie. if you like actions films with high flying explosions, awesome hand to hand combat and gun fights galore. then you'll definitely like this movie. this movies is basically a spy conspiracy thriller wrapped in an action packed superhero burrito. this isn't a supernatural sci fi action film like Thor the dark world or Ironman...but its definitely something to watch. now ill be honest i didn't like Ironman 3, not so much because the movie was bad, but because the story essential killed ironman and ridiculed his arch nemesis the Mandarin. i would have liked the story for any other movie, but not that one. then came Thor: the dark world....awesome!!!love that movie and now with this second installment of Captain America...i don't even know what to expect out of the next Avengers movie. Joss Whedon has his work cut out for him. my only complaint is that i kept hearing it was supposed to be better than the Avengers and better then the Dark Knight, but honestly those two movies are part of the pantheon of not only the best comic book movies ever made , but some of the best movies ever made...period. in the case of this movie,even if its up there with the best comic book movie ever made, it's still not in that league, but i appreciate the ambition. honestly i thought Thor the dark world was better, but that is just my humble opinion. the villain of the story, the Winter Soldier, was essentially the antiCap...his same speed and strength but much colder in his execution. the fight scenes were great, and capt himself got a noticeable upgrade in fighting style for this movie...he embodied the captain America from the comic books. i hope we get to see more of the Winter Soldier and his story in the future because he is a very cool character. o yes and one more thing, Quicksilver, Scarlet Witch and Dr. Strange...we are definitely getting them. enjoy the film
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RoboCop (2014)
a decent reboot that attempts to find relevance in modern times
1 April 2014
Warning: Spoilers
so first off, the comparison to the's not technically as good as the original, and to me the originals story was much better. but that doesn't make this a bad movie. this is not the original movie by no stretch of the imagination, this is a completely different film with completely different motivations and inspirations. while the original was about America's culture of privatization and the corruption of the medias role in society as well as its reliance on sensationalism and opinion rather then fact based news , this one was more about what makes us human and how our reliance on machines i.e. Drones and our inevitable reliance on robotics in the military, dehumanizes our society. there were still some of the old themes about privatization (in this case the privatization of the human body or person) and the media (in this case Samuel L Jackson portraying a Bill O'Reilly style pundit) but the main focus was about Alex Murphys humanity and his relationship with his wife and child. i should also note the blood and gore of the original movies wasn't there, the original villain wasn't there and as i already mentioned the inspiration was very different. but different (in my humble opinion) in a good way. so in conclusion take it as it is, a good sci fi action movie which attempts to find relevance in todays world. if it succeeds or not is up to you, film is subjective after all, but at least give the movie a chance, you might be surprised.
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didn't deserve the hate...decent just got old but u should still watch
25 March 2014
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I loved the first Paranormal and wasn't a big fan of the second but thought the third one was OK then fourth one and see how this got boring and lost its luster. as far as Paranormal 5, the marked ones, it was an attempt by the director, a pretty decent attempt at that, to give us something different for once within the Paranormal universe. unfortunately it was too little too late. this time around the movie has a Hispanic twist to it, which i enjoyed because myself being Hispanic, i found that the director captured the culture pretty accurately. another twist was the powers which at first seemed out of place but which the movie somewhat explains as a male trait unlike the females from the previous movies. at first the movie was pretty funny it starts out with lighthearted comedy and as the movie progressed it got more and more intense...the ending was pretty decent and gave us a surprise when it explained what happened to Micha from the first movie...which gave it a nice twist. i'm not sure why the father even existed in the movie, mostly because he had absolutely no reason to exist except to explain that the 18 year old kid...was in fact an 18 year old kid with a father...but that's it, seriously he had like 15 min of airtime throughout the entire movie. the sister was also not necessary considering she appeared like twice in the entire movie. it would have achieved the same effect without the need of a sister or a dad. finally there was the found footage style of the movie which is great for making a movie appear intense and gritty while simultaneously making the movies cheesy and unrealistic, because seriously, who walks around with a camera all day...or runs with a camera...or tries to get away from demons and witches with a on and so forth. finally...the movie was not that bad, I've seen horror movies that were much worse. this movie would have probably not had all the hate if it had come two movies ago...instead it came at a point that everyone just got bored of the same old thing. honestly, watch the movie. don't expect so much, just enjoy the ride for what it is,a decent horror, nothing less, nothing more
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Pretty decent (COMIC BOOK!) movie
23 March 2014
Warning: Spoilers
this is one of those movies that was designed to be entertaining. this is not an Oscar winner, you won't see the critics rating this as amazing, but younger viewers and lovers of action or these "epic" stories will definitely enjoy themselves. i usually try not to be to harsh with movies like these mostly to be fair to the type or style of the movie. it's important to be fair in my view because these movies were designed to be fun action filled movies not Oscar winners. in the case of this movie...first off its not based on historical facts...its actually based off the Frank Miller comic book the 300 and its yet to be released sequel Xerxes, which itself is "inspire" by the real battle of Thermopylae (Hot gates) in which 300 Spartans and 1500 Thespians and Thebans died defending said hot gates. in the case of this movie, the comic book story (Xerxes) is inspired by the battle of Artemisium and Salamis...again "inspired by"...and the movie itself is based off said comic book. so lets get to the review. as far as what i think...i liked this movie a lot, it lacked the feeling of anticipation and thrill i felt with the first time i watched the 300, but this was mostly because, i already saw the 300; so i already had a pretty good idea of what to expect. the story revolves around Themistocles (Sullivan Stapleton) who is an Athenian General who commands the Athenian naval fleets and attempts with no avail to get the help of the Spartans and create a unified Greek front against the Persian army. there are also several side stories such as the rise of Xerxes from a prince son of king Darius to the god king Xerxes. another important side story is that of Artemisia(Eva Green), a Greek girl whom after having lived a horrible childhood took arms against the Greeks in the name of Xerxes and the Persian empire as his General. many have said that there is a romantic subplot between Artemisia and Themistocles in to the movie...i say there was sex, rough sex, and yes there was an attraction but a romance is taken it to far. the story itself is actually pretty well told with several layer and subplots, the motivations of the characters were pretty solid. Themistocles feels responsible for the rise of Xerxes being that he killed Darius, his father which caused the rise of Xerxes god king. Artemesia is full of rage and willing to do anything to destroy Greece which she blames for her rough upbringings. Xerxes wants to prove that Greece can be defeated despite his fathers warning which he sees (do to manipulation) as a challenge given to him by his dying father. and Queen Gorgo, still morning Leonidas's death has to decide whether or not to go to battle and risk losing everything or doing nothing. as far as Action is concerned...bloody, relentless, and over the top...just how i like far as special effects...amazing, it is a 300 movie after all. so why does everyone seem to hate or at least dislike this movie? a couple of reasons...many feel that the special effects were cartoony...which i can understand since the movies ambiance is based off the comic book ambiance. another point is that most people, i think, were expecting something different; but what gave the 300 that special place in everyones heart was that the film at that point was unique...and now its no longer unique so it loses that freshness that the original movie had. the original 300 also had a deepness that this movie lacked...the love that Leonides had with his wife was heartbreaking specially in the end of the movie and of course there was the death of the 300...who can forget that. in the end, this movie was pretty decent and a good stand alone movie in its own right. was it better than the 300, i would argue it lacked the depth that the 300 had but because it was different, not because it was a bad movie. in the end you should watch it yourself and make up your own mind. but understand...this is not the 300..and take it as it cool comic book action movie.
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this could have been so cool...ooh well
21 March 2014
Warning: Spoilers
I try not to judge movies like this too harshly because of the style of the movie but knowing what the director did with the first Underworld movie and the third installment of the series (rise of the Lycans) i expected more. honestly this movie was just was boring the story was boring the demons were boring unoriginal and generic, the gargoyles were cool but they might as well have said they were angels no point to the whole gargoyle thing, Adam had no depth at all, i know he didn't have a soul but really he should have something to at least make him interesting. it makes me mad because the story of Frankenstein's monster is such a rich story with multiple very cool ways you can take it and yet they never seem to get it right...the best frank monster i've seen was the Robert De Niro version, you could see his pain and loneliness, he was an interesting and smart character. "adam" was not interesting besides looking like he got in a car accident, no direction with the scars, he didn't look like he was put together he just looked like he got mangled. the truth is it was your basic good vs. evil cut and past movie with obvious Van Helsing (the movie) inspiration. i loved underworld, the first one, and i respect the director buttt this one was just bad.
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47 Ronin (2013)
it was OK...good for a watch with friends with some popcorn
18 March 2014
Warning: Spoilers the movie was OK, i try not to be to overly critical about movies like this, not exactly Oscar winners so it's not fair to judge them by those standards..honestly, I thought it was going to be the 47 Ronin version of the 300, but it wasn't...which didn't make it bad, just different. as far as the creatures and supernatural quality of the was OK, nothing to feel in awe about but good. Keanu reeves plays "the one" again, with his own set of powers which weren't really necessary in the film, seriously he used his powers like twice in the entire film. as a matter of fact the whole supernatural feel of the movie wasn't necessary at all considering that the story actually happened and there are many legends surrounding the story of the 47 ronin, specially if your making the movie in homage to the actual true story. the other unnecessary part was the whole white man to the rescue motif that keeps popping up in movies like this...the last samurai comes to mind, they could've just used an actual Japanese guy to play the role of "kay"...but then i guess we wouldn't have the pleasure of Keanu Reeves. the only thing that really bothers me about the movie was Kay himself...his past is barely touched on and his powers and abilities were barely used, i kinda wished they would have touched on that some more and expanded on the kinda makes the main character barely necessary. all in all a mediocre albeit fun/watchable film..good for a popcorn watch with friends.
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Haunt (2013)
mehhh so many wasted opportunities
17 March 2014
Warning: Spoilers
so i watched this movie expecting something good because of the reviews in my usual movie site and what i found was a slow paced, slightly confusing set of plot points that kinda came out of nowhere and really didn't get anywhere. for one thing the characters...a family of 5 in which at least two of the characters didn't really add anything to the movie. one of the characters, the younger sister, seemed to have an important role but in the end had nothing useful to add except for a creepy warning to her brother and girlfriend. the parents were extremely open minded considering they allowed the son to bring in a strange girl they've never meet to sleep with him on a nightly bases. the parents themselves were only there to explain that the son ...was in fact an 18 year old who had parents...and that's it, they could have made the son a young professional who meets a cute girl, eliminating the parents and sisters and would have achieved the same result. so as characters go, they wasted there importance to the point of uselessness. another plot point that made no sense was a magic radio box that could speak to ghost. that just kinda came out of nowhere and stayed with no apparent back story or at least an explanation of why it was there in the first place. the movie itself was slow paced with some good jump scares but really didn't get me excited at all...the ending was slightly anticlimactic and honestly boring. i'm a horror fan and to me this was one of those generic atmospheric horrors that just never built up to something bad because they could have gone in so many great directions with this but instead wasted a lot of great opportunities to make this special.
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Wer (2013)
how is this movie not more well known?
16 March 2014
considering i am a horror fan i tend to be very critical of horror mostly because it's fun to find that gem amongst the rubble. but this movie was just shear brilliance. an awesome retelling of the werewolf story...if this had been seen by more people, it would have redefined and revived the werewolf genre. this movie would have done what the walking dead series did to zombies but on a movie scale. the violence and rage portrayed reminded me of the infected in 28 days later... but with hair all over. the story itself starts out with a thriller feel with a found footage style look. half the story is basically a mystery thriller until you hit the halfway point of the movie and thats when the fit hits the shan, and you are treated to fast paced non stop violent rage filled action for nearly the rest of the movie. i can say nothing bad about this movie, if your into horror ...treat yourself with this movie.
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