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Away (2020)
OMG if there is ever really a Mars mission I hope they don't choose these astronauts!
29 September 2020
Warning: Spoilers
One of the reasons The Martian was so successful is because it was focused on the incredible science of Mark Watney as he and the NASA team worked out ways to solve some insurmountable problems in order for him to survive. We needed need to see his 7 month journey there because Andy Weir was smart enough to realise this would be BORING.

In Away, we are treated to painfully long episodes of human drama as they slowly make their way to Mars, and while some of the characters are interesting, one has to wonder how such a team of astronauts would ever be fit, or chosen, for such a mission. To begin with, how does an engineer suddenly develop eye problems halfway through the journey? Like really? Wouldn't they have double checked, ran many many tests before he was chosen for the mission? Secondly, did the writers really think that seeing a teenage daughter constantly crying because mum decided to take a trip to Mars would be interesting? In fact, it's grinding, painful, boring, and repetitive. The mission to Mars is the interesting part, not the hundreds of voice messages to the commander's husband and daughter. And while Swank is an excellent actor, the emotional family drama aspect pf the show just milks it a little too hard... like, we get it already, shut up already and focus on the mission.

Finally, wow, who designed these spaceships? Honestly, WTF? Everything continues to break and things need constant repairing! It's so not believable. A ship wouldn't have this many problems n such a massive mission, and it if did then they wouldn't have done their tests properly. This mission is a train wreck from the start, and the problem with that is that it's not believable; things simply break and stop working just for dramatic purposes, and it feels cheap as if the show runners are tricking us into feeling emotions.

Finally, I don't mind a little backstory with a character, it provides more character depth, and this is probably one of the positives of the show, that they have at least attempted to build up these characters, give them some substance (which is often missing in TV). Yet, this comes at the expense of soapy, cheesy pep talks, and weepy scenes (oh so many tears) with family members who keep saying... "I'm scared you won't come back..." (yep we have heard that before).

Instead of focusing on the science of the mission, which would've been so much more interesting, the show has decided to focus on the human drama, and while this may be interesting for some, it detracts from the overall story. Will I stick with it? Yeah, I wanna see if they actually land on the red planet. If they don't, I will feel pissed and cheated.

Background TV at best.
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A beautiful, humorous and magical Star Wars movie!
16 December 2017
I've been a Star Wars fan since I was 7 years old, and I even remember seeing Empire and Jedi on the big screen as a kid. Yeah, I'm old. But, I'm a little shocked at so many haters of this movie, many of you have given a 2! A 2???? Seriously?

I've given The Last Jedi an 8. It's an epic and original Star Wars movie, with gorgeous cinematography and incredible music from the wonderful John Williams again. Rain Johnson has managed to expand the force mythology, inject some good ol' humour back into the saga, and throw in some wonderful surprises, that I believe, we all needed. It seems like many of you do not like change, or are not prepared to enjoy a Star Wars movie that takes risks. This movie takes huge risks; it dares to offer something fresh in a franchise that is over 40 years old. It also pays homage to the original trilogy in a beautiful and tasteful way. So, no, I do NOT understand the haters out there.

Nevertheless, it's not a perfect movie. There are some risks that Johnson takes, that will upset some fans, but some of those decisions have made me ponder the force in a new way. One of the main problems for me was the 'detour' from the main storyline with Finn and Rose. This storyline felt a bit sluggish, 'forced' and feels kind of shoehorned in there, and it also doesn't really serve the greater story-but then again, maybe it DOES. I will need to see it again to decide on this. There were also a handful of 'dumb' little moments, that I won't get into, and certainly at times I was reminded that Star Wars movies were originally made for children, and while we have our darker adult themes at work here (and even spiritual themes), there are also many magical moments for children. Maybe us 'grownups' need to stop taking it all so seriously and learn to be kids again?

For the most part, this is a solid, original and gorgeous Star Wars movie that I believe, makes The Force Awakens seem a little bland and unoriginal. Go and see it, it's the best Star Wars movie since Empire.
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