
2 Reviews
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Painful Waste of Time and CGI
9 December 2012
Please do not consider wasting two whole hours of your life on this turd, possibly hoping (as I did) that it will fall into that 'so bad it's good' territory. This movie was so awful it skipped that category altogether and went straight into the land of 'forgettable and generic'. I'll try and go through methodically rather than just wax annoyed about this Syfy dud: PLOT/STORY- The film is a doomsday sci-fi story set in a small Northern town and based on the premise that the Mayans predicted the end times and then warned us using coded messages in the song "The 12 Days of Christmas." Yes, really, the one with the French hens. The writers waste no time in flinging far-fetched and mostly unexplained disasters at the characters, from hilariously fatal icicles to hurricanes to the dreaded Jello Sky only previously seen in Ghostbusters II. The characters are incredibly cartoonish (soulless corporate goons, rebellious teen girls, religious fruitcakes, the gang's all here!) and the writing is so weak in parts it is embarrassing to watch actual grown-ups act out clunky dialogue and a confusing narrative a fourth grader may as well have written. Which brings me to my next point.

ACTING- The film hangs its hat primarily on Jacey, a young girl with special powers, and her father, as they go through tired heroics trying to decipher a book of Mayan cartoons, save the world, and repair their strained relationship, natch. The actors here do little more than act as cardboard stand-ins for characters so flat and incomplete even THEY don't seem to believe them. I wasn't convinced that any of the people were in even the slightest bit of peril (and trust me, peril comes at every character from all sides) other than perhaps the dog, which had the good sense to leave early on before things got so bad that I had second-hand embarrassment for anyone who appeared on screen. Without spoiling anything, suffice to say that the best bits of acting (and I use that term loosely) are generally the people who display expressions of actual horror- as opposed to boredom- before they are dispatched of violently by the doom du jour.

MUSIC AND SOUND FX- Nothing special to see here; the film carries your typical Asylum-quality generic music tracks to try and amp up whatever terror or concern we're intended to feel, although I must say that occasionally you get a satisfying crunch or rip whenever a hapless townsperson is brutally killed because the Mayans got their panties in a bunch and we didn't pay enough attention to a Christmas song.

...In closing, yeah, it was just that bad. Also, here's a parting thought: we're meant to buy that Jacey and her family are descended from Mayan prophets, and their pale-Caucasian-small-Northern-town-ishness is hand waved by the resident Smart Theory Guy by simply saying that thousands of years of intermarrying with Europeans has made them not remotely Hispanic. Seeing as how there are still Maya peoples (an ethnic group) alive today in Mexico and Central America, isn't this kind of racist or at best, wildly ignorant? I kind of hope so because it gives me one more thing I can complain about with this movie. After giving my two hours I feel I've earned as much. Don't make the same mistake I did, folks.
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The Uninvited (2008)
Pretty Dumb, Don't Waste Your Time
31 July 2012
Warning: Spoilers
I had high hopes to see a decent independent film with Ms. Moreau as an interesting female lead who is recovering from her unique phobia of big spaces. First part was fine, showing her issue through the lens of a documentary, and how she has overcome her fear and is living in a nice cabin house in the mountains with her new husband.

If they had focused the movie on her phobia (which she played effectively) and the scary old woman that triggered it (and somehow killed her childhood friend? This does not get explained) I would have probably enjoyed the film. But no, they had to throw a bunch of stuff at you that didn't make sense. Some demons/spirits are tangible, others disappear? The house was the scene of 'dead bodies' but we don't know how/why they died? There's going to be a baby sacrifice? And her husband's in on it? And maybe at the end she is possessed? Don't look for explanations because they give none.

Technically speaking, Marguerite Moreau is a pretty good actress although for most of the movie she just runs around scared and crying and hiding. The male lead was, so-so. The young female was kind of bad although in her defense the writers mostly made her act like a teen brat who waves a gun around and demands her baby back. The special effects were laughably bad and not sure why they even included them. Music was so-so. The lighting was irritating because many scenes were so dark that rather than scare me they just confused me.

To sum up, the writers did a nice job introducing the set-up but then proceeded to destroy everything by never tying up loose ends and leaving you remembering only the bad effects and confusing plot. Don't watch this film. It's pretty bad.
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