
13 Reviews
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Apt Title as Watching this Left me with Mental Scars.
19 April 2024
... And so it begins, with a Monologue of bad schoolboy writing and silly names delivered by one of the finest actors of the 20th Century ( I hope he got his money up front ) Ah and so to the humble village and the gathering of Heroes. It turns out that the grain this tiny humble village produces is life or death for the Massive Empire... aww hell lets face it. This entire crapshow is awful on all fronts and no Directors cut is going to save this one. The best thing for all concerned is to let this one slowly fade into memory and hope we look back in a few years.( about 20 or so should do it ) all have a good laugh at how you don't make a scifi Epic.
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The Last of Us (2023– )
Hollywood take note.. This is why Your Movies are Dead!
17 January 2023
Hollywood take note.. This is why Your Movies are Dead!

In-depth Characterisation, Atmosphere, Clarity of Detail, Great acting across the board and the list could go on and on. One of the Greatest opening episodes to a TV show ever and still better than just about every Hollywood movie I have seen in the last 10 years. I just hope it carries on in the same Quality but something tells me I should have no worries on that score. I truly believe this will up there with Game of Thrones, Breaking Bad, The Boys etc. I won't say The Walking Dead because that became truly terrible towards the end.

Can't wait for the rest of the series. 5*
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The Endgame (2022)
So Bad its actually funny in a insulting way
3 May 2022
This show has no redeeming features, the acting is dire but the accents made me laugh. The supposedly clever plot is about as dumb as can be and relies on the audience to suspend all disbelief but then I realised it must be a spoof as I kept laughing when I should of been wowed by the intricate web of amazing coincidences. I'm so amazed that the TV execs allowed this garbage to go on. Please cancel it .... Please.
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Bull (2021)
A Modern Video Nasty
6 April 2022
Here is a film that has no redeemable features, Ultra violent in a realistic way that left nothing to the imagination, about as subtle as a sharp stick to eye with no humour to lighten the load and make us feel a bit better, it just shows how we have become immune to the depiction of violence on our screens and believe me me I love a good violent film with explosions and gunplay but this just felt wrong.

P.s. The ending was laughable but not in a good way.
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Dexter: New Blood (2021–2022)
The Coincidence Monster rears its Ugly Head
12 December 2021
Oh dear, I was so looking forward to the Return of Dexter but 5 episodes in and I'm struggling with the lazy writing and annoying characters. I will carry on watching but a couple more of those Oh! Really moments and I'm gone.
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The Gentlemen (2019)
Guy Ritchie Makes Tarantino Look Pedestrian
24 March 2020
Great movie, sharp, intelligent and best of all Entertaining. The script is Ritchie at his best. I just hope we get more like this and less dreary Tarantino Diatribes. Great acting all around with everything on Trend . This is 2020. 10 star film and don't ya just love the Toddlers.
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World on Fire (2019–2023)
Just Plain Awful
29 September 2019
This was pretty bad on all fronts I'm afraid. We found it confusing and totally unrealistic . Everything is poorly executed even down to the weird connections between the characters. I recommend you give this one a miss.
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Game of Thrones: The Long Night (2019)
Season 8, Episode 3
29 April 2019
Stunning end to the Night King story and now on to the the Evil Queen Cersei... Bring her on. People seem to think it should all end with the "Winter is coming" story but that's the beauty of this series, there are so many story arcs that it just keeps going. p.s Prequels never really work because we all know how it ends. They should just fast forward 50 years or so.
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Robin Hood (2018)
100% the Worst Film I have Ever Seen
22 January 2019
How can I review this piece of utter garbage . It honestly has no redeeming parts at all. I just hope that nobody associated with this junk will ever be given a decent part again or there certainly is no justice in this rotten world of ours. It fails on every single front from the hammy acting to the atrocious script. I just hope it lost a lot of money because they deserve nothing.
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Inhumans (2017)
What's a huff.... oh you mean Hoof
1 October 2017
5 minutes in and this already stinks worse than my last pizza.... on the way out!

Immortal lines.... it's OK you're safe now ... RUN oops you've been shot ( well she did say the Freaks and in today's moronic PC world you just can't call anyone that and expect to live ). But its OK because then Gorgon turns up looking very uncomfortable as though he is wearing a pair of Stiletto heels disguised as huffs... or hooves ( that's hoof in the singular... note the double oo ) Black Bolt had the best lines by far. Switch to the High Tec Space control room.... oops I mean Large empty office with a table in the middle. All we need now is for Lockjaw to start licking his big old balls on screen and this piece of crap gets a second season.
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The Mummy (2017)
Where was the Horror ?
4 August 2017
The Mummy should be a Horror film, but what we get is yet another generic modern action movie with no atmosphere, poor script writing, uninteresting characters and worst of all for a movie called "The Mummy" no Horror. I expect it made the studio some money one way or another so do they care .. NO! And that's the problem with the vast majority of Hollywood Movies these days.. They just don't really care. I mean come on guys put a little thought into the whole movie making business and imagine how much more money you could make..... such a waste. And what's going on with Tom Cruise these days, I used to enjoy his movies but all he wants to do is play the same part time and time again. He's in danger of becoming the next Steven Segal albeit with better paychecks. Peace Out People ...x...
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Damien (2016)
Promising Start .
13 March 2016
I have just finished watching the first episode of Damien and enjoyed it overall, unfortunately let down slightly by poor acting from Tiffany Hines and Megalyn Echikunwoke who both had the emotional range of a brick but Bradley James was good ( I mean I never expect top notch acting but surely an actress should be able to conjure a few tears when called for ). The use of footage from the original film was well used and gave us just enough to jog the memory without having to watch it.

But if you have not seen the original film then get watching but don't watch any of the others ( just don't! its not pretty ). So Overall 7 out of 10 for episode one.
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Gasbag of a poor film
27 December 2015
Well that's 2 hours of my life I have lost forever. What a shocker. The script ( and there's plenty of it ) was just plain bad, not a memorable line in it. Just an excuse for QT to break the N word taboo. I expect he thought we would all gasp in shock but really everyone I was with just groaned with the lameness of it. And the blood and gore effects were just as bad as in Django, straight out of a low budget horror film, do your homework QT and try and get it right because realism is a lot more shocking than cartoon blood and gore. And the time line really was poorly thought out but I suppose that's Hollywood Film making... all up front with no thought to the finer details. No point mentioning the actors because other than Kurt Russell the rest were forgettable, even Samuel L Jackson played his standard character with no surprises. All I can say is Meh.....
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