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Book > Film, Well... duh!
25 May 2024
I'm still fairly new John Green's books, but I haven't been a stranger to his films. We have to remember when a book gets adapted to film, that there will always be changes and things cut to help fill a movie length runtime. I definitely felt like most of the right things were cut and at least the final product still followed the story and hit all the important plot points. Is it perfect? No, and that's okay, but I still feel like this is very well adapted and still easy to follow. The entire main core cast was phenomenal and their chemistry was perfect! They all felt like their characters and all the heartfelt and tear jerking moments felt lived in. I'm not saying this movie is for everyone, but I still for sure enjoyed it.
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After Midnight (2024– )
Not A Bad Start...
17 January 2024
For being a "late night show" it's different and unique and pretty tongue in cheek. It's not really covering any new ground, but what it does do is take this comedic game show formula and make it work pretty well so far (just after first episode). The guests were hilarious and Taylor uses her comedic charm that we have seen in her Netflix specials and incorporates it well within what she is trying to do.

The only thing is that with this being a late night local broadcast show, the main people watching it are going to be older people and with the show focusing on trends with TikTok, memes and more, it more than likely won't work for them. Maybe it will gain an audience when the episodes air on Paramount + or maybe from TikTok clips and YouTube edits showing off the best and funniest moments.

I'm not sure how long the show will last, but it has the potential to at least last a few years, maybe more.
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Fun with the charm and campiness of the original
20 April 2023
If you're going into this thinking you're going to get a more serious version of the Power Rangers? Well... you are, but it's not much more serious. It still has the campiness that the originals have, but has a flair that makes it feel more like a soap opera. All the returning characters still feel exactly like themselves and their acting... well not much has really changed there.

The cgi has gotten an upgrade for sure. I love the morphing transition and the way they teleport and all that really feels big budget. When it comes to other aspects that I do not feel inclined to spoil, it's an upgrade, but still feels much like the original. There's nothing too wrong with it, it really just helps with feeling the nostalgia that this special was trying to bring.

The story is cheesy, but fun in its own way and I love how they explain the reasons for things, especially why certain rangers weren't really present throughout. This was still a fun nostalgia trip down memory lane at the end of the day, and it's not really a spoiler, but they do indeed pay a loving tribute to Thuy Tran and Jason David Frank. I may have shed a few tears here and there

6.5/10 I recommend to all fans of the Power Rangers.
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Black Adam (2022)
Bad Movie, Great Experience!!!
30 October 2022
On paper and in execution, this film is sloppy and all over the place. At times, horrid dialogue. Some areas dragged and extremely unfocused on what the movie needed to be. Probably the worst aspect is there is no emotional weight to truly bring us, the audience, into the movie enough to care.... But dangnabbit it was still wildly entertaining. Dwayne Johnson is Black Adam. His on screen presence is threatening and he is a force to reckon with. Fight scenes well done! Even though some acting wasn't great, Pierce Brosnan and Aldis Hodge really brought their A game! Doctor Fate and Hawkman were really well done, and while Cyclone and Atom Smasher weren't focused on a lot, they're dynamics together we're ultimately charming and wholesome that made the film feel a little more welcoming. This movie isn't necessarily for everyone for sure, but if you love DC and you love Dwayne Johnson, then you are for sure gonna have a good time.
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How I Met Your Father (2022–2023)
Starts weak, ends strong!!
30 March 2022
Season 1 is over and it's renewed for a Season 2. These are my thoughts. While not everything worked at the start (the jokes, the writing and some of the personalities) it got better further in. The cast was pretty good once they found their footing. Jesse's sister Ellen is the weakest character in my opinion, but at least she brings some LGBTQ+ representation. The majority of the season struggles a bit finding it's perfect area of what it's meant to be, but when it gets there it lands. The last 4 episodes are the best ones for sure. It's also nice to see some familiar faces pop up there as well. I can't say this show is perfect, but it's still fun and really has some great moments despite some cringey parts here and there. It really isn't as bad as everyone says it is. It's no How I Met Your Mother, but HIMYF, while still existing in the same universe, is it's own thing and has no right to be compared to what came before. Just sit back and have fun. I recommend more for casual viewers of HIMYM.
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Should've been R rated... but it's fine
11 October 2021
To say the least, I was pretty excited for this film. I knew what I was going into, so I was able to manage my expectations a bit and because of that, the film met and just passed those. It's good for what it is. What is it? It's a silly yet fun thrill of a good time. It may get a little too silly at times and that may put some people off, but it didn't bother me. The mid credits scene though is a sight to behold and basically makes you forget the faults of the film. Should you watch it? Yes! I just can't promise that you'll like everything about it. I still don't, but I enjoyed it and surprisingly a little more than the first film.
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James Gunn has done it again!
7 August 2021
As a fan of DC comics and James Gunn, I was pretty pumped and excited for this film! I can definitely say.... It doesn't disappoint. Almost every second of this was just fun and emotional. I actually cared about the characters and I finally like Harley Quinn. There wasn't too much really bad about the movie, but I can admit that it may be too much craziness for some people. There is a lot of gore, so just be aware of that. Don't make the mistake that this movie is for kids because it isn't. It's a very heavy R rating. My main criticism is that not everything was executed perfectly and the movie does slow down a bit in the 2nd act, but the 3rd act definitely makes up for that. King Shark is fantastic! Go watch it already!
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It's solid, but it's just not my Space Jam
17 July 2021
I grew up on the original Space Jam movie and I loved it for the pure enjoyment of Bugs Bunny and the Looney Tunes. Is the original really that good to begin with?? Well, no. The original suffers from many of the same flaws that A New Legacy has, but ANL has just a few more. Michael Jordan in the original movie had some pretty stiff acting and Lebron James is the same way as well, except MJ's characterization felt a little more realistic while Lebron's was more over the top and lacked the soul that this film needed. Lebron and his "son's" story just didn't really mesh super well and made the film feel a bit off balance. Bugs and the gang were just as entertaining as ever though and Don Cheadle as the villain Al G Rithm was pretty amazing. The overall story itself was a lot more complex then it really needed to be which made it feel unnecessarily over the top constantly. I understand the premise of the franchise in general is insane, but at least the film from 96 managed to stay more grounded and balanced with its characters and story. Is A New Legacy really that bad? No, but the flaws are there and fairly noticeable, especially when you finish the film and it feels like you just missed something. It was still a fun enjoyable time and the concept is just fun for kids. A solid 6.5/10 for sure, but I'd watch again so maybe a light 7/10 on a good day.
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iCarly (2021–2023)
A Solid Start
19 June 2021
When the original show aired, I was just barely hanging in the age range of the target audience (14 almost 15). I actually had no interest at first in watching it, until I caught a few minutes of the second episode one afternoon on Nickelodeon. All I can say is that I was hooked at that point.

Now, 9 years after the original, iCarly returns! Not everything about the first 3 episodes are perfect, but the writing is pretty decent and it truly feels like the characters we knew and loved have aged with us over the years. The performances in episode 1 were a bit rusty, but our favorites definitely felt like their old selves again by episode 3. The nostalgia is real for sure.

There are new characters though! I was afraid that the 2 new characters would be stale and uninteresting, but they really aren't too bad. They feel like they belong in the Schneiderverse and I like them both. I like Harper a bit more than Millicent, but I feel like I can grow to like them both equally.

The magic truly does still exist within the cast and I'm for sure pretty excited to see where these characters go from here. My rating is a light 7/10, for now.
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Rugrats (2021– )
It's Not Too Bad
30 May 2021
I'm seeing a lot of people hating on the new style and the adults in the show don't have the original voice actors. Honestly, those do stick out like a sore thumb, but it doesn't bother me too much, at least after watching the 5 episodes. I really got used to all that by the end of episode 3 and didn't really bother me too much afterwards. This version definitely plays more to the younger kids of today which can be kind of cringe, but it's still the same formula as the original. Some of the episodes aren't great, but I wouldn't say they're bad, but that's just a couple out of the upcoming 21 episodes that are still to come. I can't wait to see what the future episodes have in store.
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Mortal Kombat (2021)
It should've been great... sadly it's not
26 April 2021
Although I'm old enough to remember the arcade game and original games, I'm really only a more recent fan of the franchise. Mortal Kombat as a whole has always been famous for its intense bloody combat and fights, but that's sadly one of the main and only things that holds this film together. If that's what you're looking for in the movie, then this film is for you. Sadly for sure though, this movie isn't for everyone. The writing for the characters and story is simple and the same time lackluster. Some of the fan favorite characters don't really have that much character which really doesn't make them interesting enough to care about. The character that the movie focuses around the most is a newly developed character never seen in any games or movies of the past and he is just as uninteresting as a good chunk of the others. The one character that holds up for certain is Kano (portrayed by Josh Lawson). He did a great job being humorous and bringing fun enjoyment to every scene he was in. There are a few other characters I liked seeing and were pretty good. Overall, this is just an above average start to this new movie franchise and I hope that the sequel can do better assuming their budget is better as well. I still recommend this film though if you want some good bloody fun. It's just an overall entertaining film in the end. It's just not anywhere close to being the film it should've been.
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New Series! New formula! (slight spoilers)
29 March 2021
Warning: Spoilers
When going into this series initially, you may think you are stepping into the Galar region to explore the land the Sword & Shield have given us. Well... that's not quite the case. You are actually spending time in multiple regions. You start out actually being introduced to a new character, Goh. You find that him and Ash have found their way to each other and end up teaming up to be friends and they end up helping out the Vermilion City professor out with research by traveling around Kanto and to other regions. You really get a taste of everything. I feel this is helpful for newcomers to the series and this series definitely does lean in on that. People that grew up on Pokémon, the original series may have a harder time adjusting to this since it's not quite exactly what the show has been doing. Sun & Moon was the first to try to change things up, but it still felt familiar. Journeys almost actually feels like this may be a send off for Ash. I don't know for sure, the series isn't over yet, but that would only make sense. Don't worry, you do see the 2 of them visit Galar and all it's glory and there are some great overarching stories as well to look forward to. Newcomers, this is perfect for you. If you have been following the anime for a while now though, just be wary and give it time.
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These 1 star reviews are ridiculous!
8 March 2021
Is this movie perfect? No! Is it the next Disney classic? No! It's just a fun family film with a decent enough story and good message. For as much of a mess it should've been with a story like this, things were handled just fine.

Visually, very impressive. Great, even amazing fight choreography and compelling characters. The story at points is pretty predictable, but still very fun and exciting for the family.

You will probably enjoy the film as long as you're not a pretentious a-hole and you enjoy the newer Disney films.
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More like a 6.5, but I round up
17 February 2021
This film doesn't shy away from knowing what it is and isn't afraid to get cheesy. I am by no means the target audience, but for a kids film, it's still surprisingly intelligent and enjoyable. It's no masterpiece and there is plenty of cringe placed throughout, but it's still a fun adventure film for kids. The movie is formulaic with so much stuff that I have seen done better in other films, but it's just a fun entry point for kids. It's basically Indiana Jones for kids
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Godzilla (2014)
New Godzilla Fan Here!
26 January 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I've never been much of a fan of the franchise. I grew up in the late 90s when the 1998 movie was released and I do remember seeing it, but I can barely recall it and I also did get some Godzilla action figures as well. That was my knowledge.

I just recently showed interest in these big monster fight movies and so this movie I watched first. All I can say is that I had a blast! The human characters were fine and made me just want to see the family get back together (they do), and the monster fights were epic! Every time our favorite big guy was on screen was just fantastic. Are there weak moments in the film? Yes, but they are extremely minimal and definitely ends up leaving plenty of great moments with quite an amazing monster movie. Good film to get started with in this franchise. Highly recommend!
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Quite a Musical Treat!
13 January 2021
As a fan of great and quality music and a sucker for a good emotional story, this show satisfies! The show is quite an emotional rollercoaster for sure! It is extremely funny and very deep and manages to really be relatable. Great cast and amazing performances from almost the entire cast are spread throughout! It can get a bit cheesy at moments and the concept may get overdone and beaten to the ground at a certain point, but as of right now it's nothing more than refreshing. I hope they can pull off 3 solid seasons and I look forward to watching the show every week.
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Get ready for some cheese to go with that fine wine
25 December 2020
I honestly did not really know what to expect with this movie, but I was warned that this movie will come with some campiness and plenty of cheese to call back to 80s era of superheroes on screen. For that, I commend this movie for succeeding. Did it always work, well it depends on your own taste. For me, I was fine because the great definitely outweighs the not so great. The action was phenomenal, the score was exceptional and Gal Godot is just a national treasure at this point that I can't see anyone else play such a character that is Wonder Woman. I really liked how they incorporated Chris Pine's character back into the movie and the general plot is great up til the 3rd act. That's when it just gets way overdone and gets extremely crazy and overboard. I could've done with a bit less of the craziness and the message and how it was handled was definitely just a tad bit too cheesy for my taste.

Don't get me wrong, this isn't a bad movie. It's enjoyable and literally anyone can watch it and have fun. It's pretty innocent in the end and really doesn't deserve as much hate as I am currently seeing. If you want a more hardcore Wonder Woman, than watch the first movie because you will be getting a lot more cheese with this movie. I hope you all have as much fun as I did still
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The Flight Attendant (2020–2022)
Funny, intense and thrilling!
27 November 2020
I went into this show knowing absolutely nothing about what I was getting into. I didn't see any trailers or read the plot or nothing! I was shocked and surprised by everything that happened within the first 3 episodes. The plot is pleasantly intriguing and always has me on the edge of my seat. Kuoco may be known as Penny, but I literally have to remind myself that it's the same actress. She is fantastic as the role of Cassie and she has a great supporting cast as well. Although Michelle Gomez's character has been in very few scenes, her character is still a huge part of the show and she is as intimidatingly intense as ever! She was born to play those roles. Honestly there is almost nothing bad I can really say about the show. It is really good at covering such topics and problems such as alcoholism, mental illness and trauma. I just want to read the book at this point. This show won't be for everyone, but if you like a good mystery that twists your brain around, then you'll probably at least enjoy the show. Highly recommend.
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An end of an era, a start of a new one
24 May 2020
If you think that the DCAU is done after this, then you don't truly understand. We all loved the original DCAU films all the way up to Flashpoint. After that, they've been hit or miss and the writers know that. They kind of wrote themselves into a corner, up until this film. This is really quite a way to go out with a bang.

Although it's not flawless and is a bit predictable, it's still pretty damn good. Great action, all the big heroes and a nice reset for what's to come. I just hope that the new era will be better. The New 52 animation run is now over. Next up, Rebirth... maybe?
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Stargirl (2020–2022)
A Great Start!
19 May 2020
I can tell ya, I do not know much about Stargirl comics and stuff, but it doesn't matter because the pilot episode really introduces you to everything perfectly. It feels like you were truly immersed into a comic book and at the same time feels like a 2000s superhero show. Almost gives me early Smallville vibes.

Everything about this show is just everything you need in an origin. I ended the pilot not asking questions about the show (unlike Batwoman), but actually asking and wanting more! I can't wait til next week to get more. I have a good feeling about this show and I'm pretty certain this will be a new favorite for many.
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Scoob! (2020)
A fine, fun family film for all ages!
16 May 2020
I've been a pretty big fan of Scooby Doo since the 90s. I have found memories of watching Where Are You reruns on CN as well as What's New. Scooby, Shaggy and the gang have always been amazing at entertaining me.

When it came to Scoob, I wasn't sure at first how this movie was gonna be. It looked good from the trailers, but I was a little concerned because the live action films haven't aged very well.

I can definitely say that this was a solid film though and definitely kept me entertained. Plenty of throwbacks for nostalgia and it's really cool that Warner Bros seems to be setting up a Hanna Barbara universe. All voice acting was actually really good. It took some getting used to with Shaggy, but Will Forte did manage do sell me on his performance. I honestly nearly forgot that Fred was voiced by Zach Efron and the rest of them were so convincing that I didn't even think about who that voice was. It felt like the gang to me.

The plot was a bit convoluted at times, and not everything was executed well, but it was by no means bad. It's just good family friendly fun that anyone can enjoy. My only problem is it can maybe come off as forgettable. Either way though, its definitely worth a watch or 2.
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Go On (2012–2013)
Great Show, Love Matthew Perry
23 September 2012
Warning: Spoilers
When I first heard about this show, I didn't think I would care for it that much. It looked interesting though. My friend actually convinced me to start watching it.

The main reason why I really wanted to watch it was because I liked watching Matthew Perry in Friends and I thought that he might to a good job in this show. Well I was right. Matthew Perry plays a dedicated sports reporter on the radio, but he has recently lost his wife in a car accident. He doesn't like to admit it, but he is having a hard time getting through this. He is forced to go to group therapy so he can slowly get over it. He meets a bunch of interesting people, and the show is based off of interesting thing s that happen to him and his new friends in group therapy.

I find that this show is great for everyone. The humor in it isn't vulgar and there is just enough drama that can drag you into it. This show is great for the whole family, and i highly recommend that you should watch this show. You won't be disappointed.
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Psych (2006–2014)
A great show that you can never get tired of!!
25 July 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Psych is by far one of my favorite TV shows of all time. I love how Shawn and Gus are always goofing around and manage to always get the job done, even when they're not asked to.

Shawn Spencer in this show is a bit of a goof who has the ability to spot and notice things that most people may not. In the first episode he is questioned by his extraordinary ability because he keeps solving crimes so easily. The police think that he is behind all these crimes and he is almost sent to jail. He gets out of it by saying that he is a Psychic and now him and his partner, Burton Guster (Gus), are hired by them to help solve crimes.

Its just one of those shows that you can never get tired of and characters that you will always love. I highly recommend.
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Better than the first series, by a landslide
25 July 2012
Warning: Spoilers
First off, when the first Spider-man movie came out back in 2002, I wasn't all that excited. I was a huge spider-man fan, and I loved the comics and the 1994 TV series, but the first movie didn't seem all that great to me. Toby McGuire didn't seem to make that great of a Peter Parker. I never could get used to him being Spider-man. Also, that series of movies didn't go along with the original comics very well. I wasn't very pleased.

As soon as I saw this new Spider-man movie coming out I thought, "Well lets see if they can get this new series started off right." The previews and trailers definitely got me a lot more interested than the trailers of the first series. I saw that Andrew Garfield was playing Peter Parker and I got more excited because he seemed to fit the part a lot better than McGuire ever did.

Well, I didn't see the movie in 3D in theaters. I decided to see it at the drive in with my family instead. I still saw the movie though. The action scenes were intense and very exciting. There were also plenty of scenes where a little bit of humor was necessary. One thing about this movie compared to the others is that it seemed to flow very well. It had a well organized plot, the director knew what he wanted, and he made it happen. There were a couple scenes that seemed a little bit rushed like the one fighting scene against the Lizard on the bridge and when Peter revealed that he was Spider-man to Gwen Stacy. Though they were rushed, they needed to get done and they were done well for being rushed.

I also like Emma Stone's role as Gwen Stacy a lot. Gwen was Peter Parker's first girlfriend in the comics and this movie did great fitting her in. Her father the police Captain (Denis Leary) did a great job, its just that in the original comics he doesn't die until a later battle. Sorry for that one spoiler but it is true.

This movie was very exciting, a lot better than expected, and I came out of there thinking, "I wouldn't mind seeing that movie again." My dad was even pleased. He doesn't like a whole lot of movies also. Every single movie he does like is a great movie and just about every movie he doesn't like did terrible in theaters. I rate this movie with 10 stars and I highly recommend that if you are doubting this movie to stop and just see it. You won't be disappointed.
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Bad drawings, this new series is not needed.
20 July 2012
Warning: Spoilers
This Scooby-Doo series is terrible. The drawings aren't right! Shaggy and the gang all look Japanese. That is not how they're supposed to look. At least in What's New, Scooby-Doo, the drawings were pretty close. I don't see what's so great about this series. All the reviews on here for this show are written by like 8-12 year old children. They wouldn't know what was good if it kicked them in the head. I suggest that if you are looking for a decent Scooby-Doo show, that you should stream the originals or watch What's New, Scooby-Doo. They are so much better than this modern crap. This type of stuff just makes me sick. It's almost as bad as anime. Just don't do it. It's not the same at all.
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