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Clichéd Stereotypes with terrible casting...ugh!
11 October 2008
This movies blows chunks. The basis of this opinion is based solely on the material and story. Everything in this movie is a cliché. The jokes aren't funny and every stereotype is overplayed, over and over and over and over and over... There are too many unexplained events and series of frustrating sequences that make little to no sense here. I would throw spoilers in this review but the whole movie is so bad that there's really nothing to spoil. The casting for this couldn't have been worse and even Cera seems uncomfortable. The dialogue between the main characters (Cera and Denning) is blah! The only bright light in this movie is Ari Graynor's performance as Caroline but even her character is a cliché. There are a couple of funny moments but I believe I had already seen them in the trailers. Even the gross raunchy parts were just that...gross and raunchy and not funny. This is not the worst movie ever but it's close. I would give it a 1/10 but Graynor's character (Caroline) will allow me to bump this up to a 2/10. Find something else.
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Predictable, Boring and Unoriginal
28 March 2008
Nothing about this movie is any good. It's a formulaic predictable "romantic comedy" geared to make females force their significant others to watch. In other words, it's a predictable chic flick that is neither comedic or romantic and is extraordinarily forgettable. If you like watching the same thing over and over then this movie will fit just perfect. I was also forced to watch this with my g/f at the time and it's no surprise we are no longer together. I enjoy great movies that are wonderful to watch, while she just wants to see the same thing over and over again just with different actors. Nothing good to say about this movie. The title says it all. 1/10 (one b/c I can't give it a zero.
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How bad can one movie be??
25 September 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Oh my God!!!! This is by far and away the worst movie I've seen since Mo' Money. A friend of mine recommended this "cult classic" to me and b/c I normally like independent movies that go overlooked, I gave it a try. This movie is bad on so many levels that I can't even begin to imagine what was going on. It's uneven, stupid, corny, and inconsistent just for starters. The action is over the top bad, the actors are over the top terrible, the story is just plain idiocy and the directing is extraordinarily lacking here. This is amateur hour at its worst. Anyone with any sense of taste in what is a good movie or bad one would know right off the bat just how horrible this movie is. IMDb doesn't allow for me to write everything I want to say about this movie, but my point here is that this movie should have never even made it to DVD. Don't waste your time or efforts with this trash unless you're curious to see how poor and terrible one movie can be. 2/10 (it gets 2 b/c there was potential for a great movie here and there is some effort in originality that was poorly executed).
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Marginal thumbs down...lots of potential...not enough to recommend
31 January 2007
There were times throughout this movie that I really wanted to slit my wrists. The story is choppy and inconsistent which is only noticed b/c of its lack of humor. The storyline had potential and I really wanted to like it, but in the end (which is long and drawn out btw), I just couldn't appreciate. It definitely had some good moments and Cutberth is extremely beautiful and gives a great performance throughout but that's not enough to recommend a movie. Olyphant's character was too inconsistent and wasted on his talents but he does steal just about every scene he's in. The ending is long, drawn out and really stupid and I believe every scene has some kind of song for the situation. Without giving anything away, I believe this movie could've ended 30mins. earlier at the prom without all the other stuff to worry about. It just simply became too much of a comedy of errors (in both the story and the writing) and just when you thought (or hoped in my case) that it was we go again with another annoying problem. They could have done so much with this (like focused more on Cutberth's character) but focused too much on being a teen flick instead of a good movie. Cutberth's and Olyphant's talents are wasted and I can't even recommend this to teens. There were several opportunities to turn this into a movie with heart and sweetness but instead tries to be funny and fails. A true disappointment. THUMBS DOWN!!!! 5/10
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Wow...this is one waste of time
11 December 2006
The only good thing I can say about this movie is that it's theme song is one of Phil Collin's best. Too bad it was wasted on a movie that had an extraordinarily thin plot with a less than satisfactory anti-climatic ending. After investing your time trying to figure everything out and what's going on, the ending will hugely disappoint you. The chemistry between the actors is blah at best and the script's dialog is as elementary as the plot. It's not worth the time or effort to watch. You're better off listening to the Phil Collins song over and over again. Yet another 80's movie where the theme song is the only good thing about it (see also Caddyshack 2, Over the Top, Chariots of Fire, and many more that I can't think of right now) 2 out of 10 b/c the song makes it only slight better than Mo' Money)
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Zoolander (2001)
Keeps you interested...very funny quotable movie
24 January 2005
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is not going to blow you away at all, but it definitely sets out what it was aimed to do and that's make you laugh. I'm not sure where to begin with the laughs, but there are all kinds of good insider jokes along with the blatantly obvious laughs that it sets out to do. The runway showdown is priceless and Will Ferrell once again quietly steals the show with his over the top character Mugatu. The plot is weak and the story almost has a point but it's only a vehicle to get the jokes. Overall, this movie is a great parody of the modeling world and will make you laugh. You have to look past the stupidity but if you are watching this and expecting some type of Oscar winner you will be sadly disappointed. 8/10
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Easily the Best Movie of 2003
23 January 2005
Warning: Spoilers
Original, splendid work of art (imitating life).

This movie is one wonderful representation of life and its originality compares to no other movie made in quite a while. If you don't like this movie, you are either a rich socialite with no sense of reality or a pud like the film's main character Harvey Pekar. (Heck, he'd probably get along better with you than he would me, so HA! Take that.) This guy is real and has no shame in hiding it. The story is real and feels real. He even says it, "If your looking for one of those 'lovey dovey' movies....this ain't it!!!! I thoroughly loved this movie. It has everything. I laughed and nearly cried. And it's brilliance is that this is about a guy I could careless about and probably would never say more than two words to if I worked in the same hospital with him. It's sort of the Anti-Forrest Gump. If Forrest Gump is a representation of what's beautiful about the American Dream, then Splendor shows the ugly side of it. The characters are similar, their paths aren't.

How did this movie fall through the cracks? I didn't see it until it came out on video!!! Just like Pekar's life, it went by unnoticed and just the way Pekar probably predicted it. Once again, the Oscar idiots are still too gutless to put a movie like this up for nomination. Nope, they've missed another one. Instead it will succeed in obscurity just like Pekar's life and comic book.

Its originality is genius. I can't tell you the number of times I've seen a movie and wondered how well the actors portrayed the characters. Well this movie takes it one step further. It shows you during the movie. Pekar narrates it himself and even comments on the actor's portrayal himself. It's hilarious and very worthy of your time. Before this movie, I had never heard of Pekar or his comic book. I bet I never forget him after seeing this movie.

Easily the Best movie of 2003 and like no other I've seen in quite a while. So while the Oscar idiots pass up a great movie like this it gives its so-called "Best Picture" to a movie not even worth half the time spent watching. In a year where hardly anything was really great, this movie stands out above the rest.--a resounding 10/10
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The Village (2004)
By far the worst Shyamalan Movie ever!!!!
21 January 2005
Warning: Spoilers
I'm a huge fan of Shyamalan's movies for several reasons: 1) There is normally a twist that no one can figure out and if they claim to have it figured out they are lying 2) There is always a "creepy" element 3) His wonderful visual and sound effects 4) Normally a great script with good pace and great acting After seeing this movie, it's hard not to see that he failed miserably in the first 2 categories and really only got half of the 3rd category complete (the visual was magnificent but the sound effects are barely noticeable). The 4th category he only had some great acting performances (Brody, Howard and Phoenix) but the rest of the cast was average at best and the script and pace was terrible!!!! I couldn't believe that this was a movie from the same guy who made 6th Sense and Signs.

So where do I begin? First of all, I actually figured this one out halfway through the movie. Maybe it's b/c I've seen his movies and I knew there would be a twist, but really, you should be ashamed if you couldn't figure this one out after William Hurt shows Howard the Hidden Shack. I'm easily fooled by these things and if I could figure this out, well I gotta believe over half the people that saw this can figure it out halfway through.

Next, there was no "creepy" factor in this at all!!!! At no point was I scared or freaked out. The pace of the movie is too slow and the story just takes too long to develop. Which is maybe why I was able to figure this out; I wasn't creeped out or into the movie so I had time to figure out what the big twist was.

As I said before there was some good visual elements to this movie but the sound effects here were barely noticeable. I don't ever remember feeling intensely creeped out at any point and I believe his lack of using good sound effects (e.g. his use of the Wind Chimes in Signs) was the reason. And once again, the slow pace of the movie didn't help along with the fact that there are some uncharacteristically stupid moments throughout the movie (e.g. Why does Brody's character put on the costume when he knows Howard is blind?).

As a person who doesn't really like scary movies, I became a fan of Shyamalan's b/c most of his movies creep you out in original and unusual ways unlike most scary movies. Now I realize, his movies aren't worth a crap if you aren't freaked out, and this movie isn't worth a crap. Sorry, go see one of his other films if you want to be scared. It only avoids getting a 1/10 b/c of Phoenix's and Howard's performances and some of the visual effects are great, but not worth going to see. 3/10
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Sneakers (1992)
Not even close to Oscar caliber but lightly entertaining and enjoyable
20 January 2005
This movie is not great, but it is damn good. I enjoyed it and the humor it provided. The acting is outstanding and helps you forget the seemingly endless plot holes there seems to be. This movie is highly entertaining and enjoyable and I'd recommend it to anyone. It does have some shortcomings I won't go into to prevent spoiling the movie. It's not the perfect movie and has some shortcomings but a movie this entertaining would be too good to pass up. There is some great scenes and the story isn't perfect but the actors help pull this one together. I liked it and will give it a passing grade and because I have to go ten lines with this I will say it is worth seeing again--6/10
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A Movie So good even Madonna can't ruin it
12 January 2005
A League of Their Own is one of those rare movies that has everything you look for. It's funny, entertaining, and tells a great story along the way. This movies shines for people like Tom Hanks, Geena Davis and even Rosie O'Donnell shows she had talent before she became the angry lesbian that she is now. This story and movie is so great, even two of the worst actresses ever-Madonna and Lori Petty- can't ruin it. Penny Marshall did such a wonderful job of putting this story together and letting it shine that she probably deserved an Oscar nomination (which is a stretch, but I think that's how good she did). Tom Hanks steals the show as Jimmy Duggan. His performance alone would make this film worth going to see. Geena Davis is also superb as this movie came out before her descent into obscurity (the Best Supporting Actress Oscar Curse). A surprisingly spectacular film and one of the best sports themed movies ever.
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Feels so real it's scary.....A must see movie
11 January 2005
I don't claim to know much about the drug world or drug smuggling. However, if it's anything like Maria Full of Grace, I'll stick to being on the legal side of things as a pharmacist. This is a tale that feels so real I have to wonder if this is somehow based on a true story. It's a harsh, cruel, and realistic view of one of the methods of drug smuggling. The director and most of the actors are first timers, but you would never know it from watching this movie. It's almost flawless in its approach of telling a story without overdramatizing everything much in the way a Hollywood movies sometimes goes about. It's a drug smuggling movie that shows the human aspect of this world and never once is a gun drawn or violence erupts. It feels so real, you can actually relate to what the characters are going through. Easily one of the best movies of the year and no doubt the best movie 99% of the population won't see.
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Kaufman hits another HR
16 October 2004
Should we be surprised. Kaufman has written another spectacular one. If all love stories could be like this one, chic flics would never exist, and what a wonderful world this would be. This is a must see movie for anyone who has ever had regret for being in a relationship and this will soon become the ultimate "break up" movie. The acting could have been better but it really doesn't matter. I think someone else could've done a better job than Carrey and Winslett. They were out of they're element here and it showed. I'm a huge Carrey fan and am really rooting for him, but he didn't do it for me in this movie. But that's just nitpicking b/c the movie stands alone and Carrey does well enough for me to get by. This movie truly relates to feelings of breaking up and sort of works backwards than most movies. Because Kaufman wrote it, it's very original and enjoyable. This is a must see movie for this year and is easily one of the best I've seen this year.
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Trainspotting (1996)
Great movie about drug addicts
6 September 2004
I've only drank alcohol and never even smoked so much as cigarette or cigar, I will never do drugs and never understand addicts. I'm a pharmacist and deal with these "scum" on a daily basis. It comes with the job. This being said, I truly enjoyed Trainspotting. It's a well acted, well directed story about addicts and why they do it. It's almost a documentary following the lives of some heroin addict friends narrarated by the main character played by Ewan McGregor. His performance alone is worth watching but the movie has its merits too. If you don't understand addicts or their world, this is the movie to see. It paints a realistic and very gloomy portrayal of their lives and worlds. It's not pro-drug or anti-drug. It just tells a story about drugs and their addicts (Trust me, the drugs own the addict and not the other way around). If anything, it should convince you not to do drugs unless you think what they go through is somehow glamorous. If you do, you're sick. I don't recommend eating during this movie (like I did) due to some of the graphic content. Otherwise, watch and learn.
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Sporadically funny, sometimes tasteless, but still worth seeing
20 August 2004
I'm somewhat surprised the rating for this isn't higher. The critics bashed it when it came out and it's not one of the funnier movies associated with the Farrelly Bros(remember, they didn't direct it, only produced it, which is probably why it's not as funny). I'd say it's middle of the road for them but when you have to compare it to Kingpin or There's Something About Mary, you see why it's a small disappointment. I really liked it and enjoyed it enough to buy. Orlando Jones' character is what put it over the top for me. I thought he was hilarious. It has really funny moments but there is something missing. Some of the stuff was predictable and in turn not as funny as it should have been, but overall, it's funny enough to get my vote. 7/10
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Well worth the money spent! Go see it for sure!
19 August 2004
This is one very enjoyable movie. I highly recommend it. The only disappointment I have is that the funniest parts (at least to me) were at the beginning. I won't give them away but the opening is killer. I was rolling on the floor from the beginning. The only problem is that it doesn't really get any funnier. The laughs stay consistent and there is hardly any down time, but the funniest parts were at the beginning. It's a truly adventurous movie and I'm sure many stoners have probably had one similar to it on their way to White Castle. The story is actually ok and there are parts that are too stupid to laugh at but for the most part, you won't be disappointed.
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Not worthy of its awards won
27 July 2004
This movie is a long, overrated drawn out picture that could have been summed up in about 30 mins as an ESPN sports Century special. Oh GOD, is this movie long and drawn out. By the end of the movie, I was so happy it was over, that I didn't care what had happened. I was just glad to hear that great theme song, which is the only thing that is great about the movie. It's a good movie at best and I would only recommend this to people who feel the need to see some of Oscars worst picks.

I believe this is based on a true story about the 1924 British Olympic Team that apparently was an underdog story. The movie is sooooo uninspiring though, that I really don't care to look up anything about the factual story. The plot is slow, confusing and most of all BORING!!! I could see where it was trying to show the struggles of the athletes and their conflicts, but the acting was so poor for a movie of this stature, that it just hurt to watch for 2 verrrrrry long hours. One thing I was inspired to look up was the filmography of the unknown main actors in this movie and to no surprise are the lists unimpressive. I was not shocked to see that any of the top 4 actors listed have done nothing before or since the movie came out in 1981 and Chariots of Fire is the only recognizably impressive thing on all their lists. The beginning of the movie is confusing and sorting out the characters is more of a challenge than the one the athlete's go through in the movie. The plot and story continue to be uninspiring and the great moments which are far and few between are missed b/c of how drawn out things are to get to them.

The only great aspect of this movie is the theme song and it is not played enough to save the movie. But here's something strange: We have a movie set in the 20's with music that has synthesizers from the 80's. Throughout the movie, I'm thinking, "This was set in the 20's right?" So even though the music is great, it really sticks out like a very sore thumb when you hear it in a TWENTIES timepiece.

The scenery throughout the movie is good also but we don't watch a movie b/c it has a great view of a person running on a mountainside.

When I found out this movie came out the same year as Raiders of the Lost Ark, my jaw hit the floor. There is no way this was the best picture of 1981 and it is proof that some years, the Oscar idiots don't even come close. I have a theory that you can sometimes pick the most "Jewish" picture and it will win the award. I would bet that this holds true for 1981. B/c one of the characters has a Jewish background, it ended up winning. I know it's a stupid theory, but it works sometimes and holds water when a movie like this is picked over a much more entertaining and pleasurable movie like Raiders of the Lost Ark. This movie is good, not great. It's overrated and never deserved an Oscar for best picture. The only Oscar it deserved was best original score and it won that. Justice was not served in the others that it won and I can only imagine what great movies were overlooked that year. In the end, I just didn't care about this story b/c of it's plot and uninspired acting and did not deserve all the Oscar accolades that it got. 3/10 stars--probably one of the worst picks for Best Picture until Million Dollar Baby came out.
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Memento (2000)
What? How is this movie in the Top 20???
14 July 2004
This movie is waaaaaayyyy too confusing to even be considered one of the best of all time. Guy Pearce is super in it and the acting is wonderful. I like the idea and the concept of telling the story is pretty original. But wow!!! What a bummer ending. It works up all this suspense and intrigue and you find out, the story we saw was for nothing???? I don't mind not knowing everything, but not knowing anything???? Not acceptable. I didn't like it and call me stupid, but after being intrigued and following along the whole time, the ending is just too stupid. At one point, I was just ready to get the movie over with. Not something a movie should want me to do. There is some entertainment value, but at some point, it becomes too complicated to even really care. That's how I felt. This movie is pretty overrated for where it is in the standings. It's half-way decent, and DEFINITELY NOT ONE OF THE 20 BEST FILMS EVER MADE!!!! Go see the Usual Suspects instead.
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Great Movie, if you can keep up, bring thinking cap!!!!!
13 July 2004
I loved this movie because I was able to keep up with it. The plot makes its twists and turns. I believe most people can keep up with it because of it simplicity. Some critics didn't like it because of how complicated it got to them. These are the idiots that couldn't keep up. The story sticks to the theme and any science fiction fan should be able to keep up with it. I also like the ending mainly because it doesn't stick to the normal Hollywood ending. I don't want to give it away, but it won't disappoint. BE WARNED THOUGH!!!! You must keep up and there's no way you can start in the middle and figure it out. Pay attention from the beginning and I promise you won't be disappointed.
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Mo' Money (1992)
God Awful, I can't get my money or time back
13 June 2004
This is by far one of the worst movies I've ever paid money to see. I can never get the 2 hours lost watching this movie. The plot is terrible, the ending is stupid and anti-climatic, AND IT'S NOT EVEN FUNNY!!!!!! Was this supposed to be a comedy or a suspense/action movie? Whatever it was SUPPOSED to be, it never was. It just plain sucked. I wouldn't even recommend you watch this for free. That's 2 hours lost. Just plain terrible. I don't know what else to say other than this was one of the worst movie experiences I ever had. YES, IT IS THAT BAD! There was not one part in this movie where I laughed, and I'm pretty easy to please. There was no real suspense and the ending is fairly predictable. The only thing unpredictable was how terribly this movie ends. And it's pretty bad. Just trust me on this one. You don't need to see the movie to see how bad it is.
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Too weird to recommend
13 June 2004
I do like the weird movies but sometimes they can go to far. This one went to far. There was never a point where I got interested. I just sort of watched until it was over with. This is a low grade Magnolia. In Magnolia, I was interested in the characters and where things would end up. There were better performances and a better understanding of what was going on. Here, I didn't know what was going on and didn't care. There never really was a story or plot and there was nothing to get interested about. The only good consistent thing about this movie is River Phoenix's performance. If this movie had been better, he might have been nominated for an Oscar. River Phoenix is truly one of the greatest actors to die before his time. His story is tragic b/c of how great a talent he was, and how we were robbed of what other things he could have done before his untimely death. If you're a fan of Phoenix, you might like this, but it just doesn't come together for me. I like Van Sant, I like Phoenix, I just don't like this movie. It happens! Oh well.
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