
13 Reviews
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I enjoyed this film
8 December 2015
I saw this film over the weekend, not really wanting to watch it after hearing its reviews. But honestly, it wasn't very bad at all. The graphics are absolutely stunning! I am a HUGE fan of animation, especially when it comes to quality, and this movie gets a 9/10 from me. The reason I put 9/10 is because the thing that bothered me with the animation, was everything was so realistic, that the characters lost their realism to me. They looked like placed cartoon characters on photographs. But whatever The story is not the best, but not the worst. I personally thought Cars 2 and Brave were worse movies. Although, reading through the reviews, I can tell some peoples points. While watching the movie, I was sitting there surprised on how scary some scenes seemed to be,thinking if I was a child, I would pretty scared! Such as the scene where Thunder Clap eats the "cute fox" then fights over its corpse. Surprisingly graphic!

But other than that, I thought the movie was pretty good! Some parts were so moving I almost cried. The movie seemed to lean more toward the adult side when it came down to it, which is pretty rare for Pixar movies, Pixar has good history of creating films that are fun for the kids, but adults can also enjoy.

I recommend seeing this movie.
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Neighbors (I) (2014)
Pretty funny to me
7 June 2014
There is so much hate for this film, and I personally thought it was funny.

I personally am not a critic to the point where I spend $30 on a movie just to see if it's "elements" play out. As someone who just went to the movies to have a laugh, I got it.

I thought the film was funny. The crude sex jokes happened often, which I can say, it got to be a little much, but they still gave me a laugh.

I am not the biggest fan of Seth Rogen, because the only character he plays, is Seth Rogen. Yet I think the Seth Rogen character fit in this movie.

The story of this film was okay. It annoyed me a bit, for I think it would be ridiculous to have to deal with neighbors like that, without any means of stopping it whatsoever. Although that, it wasn't one of those bland movies that I just see what's going on, but it never really makes me feel or relate to what's going on. This movie did relate a bit. Although this movie's plot isn't an award winner by any means, it is okay.

I wasn't pissing myself laughing at this movie, which I was hoping, but it still made me laugh. I say the plot wasn't the best in the world, but it still was alright.

I wasn't sitting there bored the whole time, nor was I checking my watch to see when it was over.
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Survives on Puns and cuteness
7 June 2014
This film was "okay".. I say this, because I personally expected it to be a terrible film. Mostly for the fact that it seemed like Cloudy With the Chance of Meatballs wasn't a sequelable movie to me. Usually when movie companies create a sequel to a good film, they end up ruining it.

Cloudy With the Chance of Meatballs 2 was alright. The story wasn't amazing at all, but I think it would be enough to please a child. There are a TON of puns in this movie. It can get annoying, although some of the puns are clever. This movie also has a lot of "cute" moments. I think without this factor, the movie wouldn't grab much attention at all. The cute moments are definitely cute, but all the cute characters do is be cute, that's really it.

The movie was good, better than I expected, but not the best at all.
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Judge Judy (1996–2021)
An Okay show
22 November 2013
I've watched Judge Judy on an off since it first appeared on Television. I have to say, the show is pretty good. I think that she deals with people the way she does best, and that's okay.

People complain she is a little too harsh, which I personally think it's for ratings. The people know what they are signing up for, and for them to get their "10 minutes in the spotlight" requires them to get yelled at by Judge Judy.

Some people seem undeserving to get yelled at, which is why I am kind of uncomfortable with watching Judge Judy sometimes. Yet, there also are many occasions where people speak out of turn, are clearly guilty, or just wont shut up, whom "deserve" being yelled at.

I enjoy the show. I watch it from time to time. It can prove uncomfortable to watch, but I think all the yelling that Judge Judy dishes out is mostly for ratings, not much to her personal viewpoints.
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Had Flaws
3 November 2013
I cannot say I am a "die hard fan" of Avatar: The Last Airbender series, for I only saw it when I went to a friends house whom had cable television, while I only had basic television. Yet, even on the times I saw the show, I really liked it. The story of the series was awesome and so were the characters.

I saw the movie, and to me, I really only liked the special effects and the scenery. It got annoying when they called Aang "Ong" or "um" or something... I mean, a name that is said in the series over a hundred times shouldn't be hard to say.

I did not catch the "laziness" of the movie's plot for I personally have not seen the series a whole bunch. But it seemed like they were dwelling on the learning of how to bend water more than they should have..

The characterization didn't go too deep for I had to use my own personal knowledge of the series to pinpoint who did what. I constantly had to explain to my sister (whom has not seen the series whatsoever) who was who and even who Aang was, and what he represented.

The special effects were exceptional in my opinion, as well as the scenery. I loved all the looks of the temples and the jungles and such.

I shall one day watch every episode of "Avatar: The Last Airbender", for I really enjoyed it, and I found the story to be very interesting and imaginative. The Movie itself had awesome scenery and such, but other than that, I don't think it really captured what Avatar:The Last Airbender was about.
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Now You See Me (I) (2013)
Just like in magic, this movie is unexpected
3 June 2013
Great movie. I didn't expect to like this movie just for the fact that I am not a big fan of magic. I expected a lot about this movie, which I can say led me to loving it. Like saying, it's unexpected. Most parts of the movie, as I watched it, I played in my mind trying to figure out how they did this and that. The thing that killed magic for me, is my curiosity on how magic works led me to knowing how it actually works. Now, during the movie, Thaddeus (Morgan Freeman) does give away how the tricks work, because that's what he does. And even before he explained it, I thought I knew how it was done, but I was completely wrong. There are so many schemes here and there that make you believe this and that, but it just twists stuff around, which is what makes me like this movie so much, they did an amazing job tricking you.

I suggest watching this, yes. It's quite well made. You may go in expecting you will figure out the magic, but then again, you could be completely wrong.
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Pawn Stars (2009– )
Very cool and interesting show
29 October 2012
I personally love this show, it is interesting, there is cool facts, and unlike other pawn shows I have seen, these people are not really trying to rip people off. I like how they bring in experts to tell what the piece is and give a price. This shows me that they are not there to rip the person off. It is also interesting to learn the history of the items, for most of the items have historical background. Although they do have great things, I find it funny how much they advertise their sponsors within their show. Like they always have Subway and they explain in great detail what is contained within their sandwiches and why it is so good. Makes me laugh every time.

Very enjoyable show, I highly recommend it.
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Two and a Half Men (2003–2015)
The show was best with Charlie Sheen
10 September 2012
I personally enjoyed this show a lot, especially when Charlie Sheen was on it. Now with Ashton Kutcher as the star, the show has died for me, and I don't watch it anymore.

In the time before Charlie Sheen's little breakup with the show, I enjoyed the show a lot. The jokes were humorous, the acting was great and I could easily point out the characters character. The usual shows I watch that have child actors, the child usually lacks in acting skills, but Angus T. Jones (Jake) was a great actor from the beginning.

I personally don't recommend this show as of the newest Season with Kutcher, just because the humor is dead and now the show seems like a drag, for Charlie was really the main character that made the whole plot fit together. Yet, I do recommend watching the episodes with Sheen, because I find those humorous.
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The Bernie Mac Show (2001–2023)
Great show
10 September 2012
This show is a great show and I have been watching it since my childhood. Although I have seen every episode, I still enjoy watching it. The comedy is great, I like the little personal "sit-downs" Bernie does to explain further his view on what is going on, and the show flows quite well. If I was to have any problem with this show, is sometimes I find the acting of the kids to lack sometimes. Especially from the littlest, but I cannot blame that for she is just a beginner actor, and she seemed to get better throughout. The acting from the kids was great by the way they are supposed to act. The kids (especially Vanessa) acted like a-holes in the right times and showed sympathy at the right times as well. I personally recommend this show to anyone who loves a family comedy.
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9 (I) (2009)
Pretty well made
9 September 2012
Warning: Spoilers
I quite enjoyed this film. Great animation, the plot made quite sense, and the characters were pretty well thought out. I personally loved the imagination put in it, even though it seemed more based off of the fact of human nature more than made up. The scenery was more like a very high-tech version of Nazi Germany with a Chancellor that portrayed himself on top, government flags hung everywhere, and buildings and cars that were typical of the 1940 era. The "enemy" robots were quite thought out too, yet the "soldiers" that really killed off all the humans looked more like the War of the Worlds machines. I personally like how the different "puppets" (or what they are called) portray the different parts of the Scientist's soul, and it was quite easy to depict the parts of human Character they represented. I also like how it points out how the "big boss robot" was made by the scientists soul, and like any human, it can be corrupted by being "brainwashed". The only thing that really bothered me was how quick they took out "the final boss". Seems like they got more lucky than anything when it came to defeating it, because I could personally see a machine that can wipe out the Human race can easily wipe out these puppet things. Then again, if they were wiped out, then there would be no story, and the plot would come to a useless end. I personally could have found it where it took longer, or they went through more struggles to defeat the robot, but, it was what it was. I personally enjoyed it, and I really liked the plot. I would recommend this to anyone, because it was quite well made.
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It kind of was what I expected
28 August 2012
Warning: Spoilers
The only reason I stumbled upon this movie was I was unable to sleep, and I needed to watch something to pass the time. So I saw that Tim Allen was in this film, but I really only saw him good in Home Improvement, so I did not expect much.

My expectations were correct, the movie was pretty bad. I could not watch it all the way because I just got too bored The storyline seemed to be dull and boring, and it was not well made The only reason I watched it for more than 5 minutes was because I chuckled a few times at the part where they substitute the word "Jail" for "France". By the time Tommy started trying to prove he was good enough to be some painter to his Parole officer it really got boring, and it seemed more like he was whining about his life more than doing anything productive. By the time he found his old Girlfriend and then she started cheating on her husband or boyfriend, I turned it off, because it really went downhill and was too cliché for me.

It was a bad movie, I will not recommend it to anyone, but honestly I really did expect it to be bad. I wasted about an hour of my life watching that movie though.
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Downfall (2004)
Good film to see the other side of things.
15 June 2012
Warning: Spoilers
I personally liked it. As an extreme fan of researching and knowing about WWII, it was interesting to see the other side. As for I am an American, I have done much research and I have seen sides of the Allies, but not too much from the Axis. Only some "unsubtitled" clips.

It was interesting, even though I found this film to attract sympathy to such an evil person, I still found it to be interesting. Yet to know, that everything that happened to Hitler's "empire" was Hitlers fault, although through the film he blamed much of the failures on his Generals. Now I am not sure if this film was historically accurate, but to me, I saw the other side. People who loved him and saw him as a nice guy, were people who believed in him, and thought that we was god. Of course they will see him that way. Yet, even if this film was made to attract people to feel bad for the Nazis, they failed to convince me if their goal was that, for my views still stand with the Allies.

I was looking through the people who hated it, and some people said it was because they made Hitler as the good guy. Well, to put, this is the perspective of the Nazis, and Hitler had single handedly brainwashed and convinced all of Germany as well as every Nazi supporter that his views were right and are the only views that are right for the world. For this, is what made Hiter so fascinating to me. For he was able to make a vast amount of people believe in his "evil".

I am not sure if this was "historically accurate", for I never lived during WWII, and I only know the American side from grandparents who served or lived in that time. Yet as I see, that this film was based on the word of someone who worked closely with Hitler. So it may be facts. But I found it to be a good film, and I suggest watching to see what the other side was going through as the Nazi empire fell. The acting is quite amazing as well.
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MythBusters (2003–2018)
Kind of cool, but lacks a bit
12 June 2012
Warning: Spoilers
I have seen this show many times over the years and I used to like it, till I found repeated times that their myths they test, are not what they claim it (mostly when they say it is false), for I have personally experienced these myths before and proved them true.

Example is when they test a myth that you can be knocked out of your shoes, well they "proved" this myth wrong, because they never could get the dummy to fall out of its shoes when run over. Well I know someone could be knocked out of their shoes for I saw someone get hit by a train right in front of me and his shoes lay, still in the position they were in when he was wearing them, right where he was standing. So the myth is right, but since it didn't get THEIR results, it's automatically false.

The show is interesting, but I have seen quite a few episodes that were not to their results so they proved it false, even though I know it is true..
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