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Ms. Marvel: Generation Why (2022)
Season 1, Episode 1
Childish, Infantile and Poorly Conceived
11 June 2022
May be time to unfriend Disney. Like Obi-Wan, Ms. Marvel is obviously written for tweens and those people who live in caves and on the moon and who have no appreciation for lore, cannon, comics, good writing and discernible taste. This is not for teen, adult or senior, nor any comic fans, which is fine. Ms. Marvel is like the Hannah Montana of the MCU. Sure some kids might like it but most every intelligent human I know found this first episode of "Ms. Marvel" thoroughly irritating. I've given each Disney show chance. We really liked "What If...", "Wandavision" and that's about it. "The Mandalorian" let us down "Obi-Wan" is a stark Reving dumpster-fire and Ms. Marvel doesn't seem to even attempt to try and draw my attention. Seems more like it was designed to repel a comic book fan rather than to attract one in any way. Rather than watch any more of this I'm just going to re-watch "Wandavision" then I may just cancel Disney Because "She-Hulk" looks like it's going to be a very poorly animated live-action "Ms. Shrek". This show isn't completely horrible, it's just like the "Teletubbies", not intended for anybody with any kind of IQ.
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South Park: South Park: The Streaming Wars (2022)
Season 25, Episode 7
Light on Comedy Heavy on Satire
1 June 2022
Oh for the days of the Underpants Gnomes or the Lil Crime Stoppers. There was a time when South Park was hit or miss, but mostly hits. Now South Park is mostly heavy-handed satirical misses. I wish they'd go back to being silly. They've forgotten their roots. I didn't laugh except for the one Cartman moment at the end of this Streaming episode, and that's too little. I didn't laugh at all during the latest season at any of the episodes. I don't know what Trey Parker and Matt Stone are up to these days, but they have clearly lost what made them magic. South Park just isn't funny anymore.
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Reacher: Welcome to Margrave (2022)
Season 1, Episode 1
Intriguing, Lethal and Kind Reacher
9 May 2022
Like a Sherlock Holmes Dolph Lundgren hybrid. Not sure where they found Alan Ritchson, but isn't he intriguing, kind and lethal. He had me at the prison fight in the bathroom with the eye hole. This show is a nice surprise. It's intelligent, compelling and genuine. It's not infused with the usual tropes, the usual stereotypes and so far doesn't seem infused with the usual identity nonsense being injected into every show lately. At the beginning, Reacher seems great, the protagonist is extremely interesting, the bad guys are serious Loco and I'm on board. A diamond in the rough.
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He's Expecting: Episode #1.1 (2022)
Season 1, Episode 1
No Frakin' Good. Woke Fantasy.
29 April 2022
I tried the first episode. Wanted to see what the hubbub was about. I could barely make it through. Here's my complaint. Although an interesting concept, and obviously fantasy, it does not appeal to anyone.

I would think that the folks at Netflix occasionally want to market a show to a target audience. This show has no target audience.

Now if Netflix were to take just one character from the TV show Battlestar Galactica and wrap an entire show around them in that Universe, I'll bet you that it would get an 8.0 on and millions of people would watch it.

Netflix does not want to create good shows, they want to pander to the woke minority.

I've rated over 2500 shows and movies here on and if Netflix paid me $70,000 a year and gave me the Battlestar Galactica Universe I could write them a hit. However Netflix does not seem interested in creating content to be enjoyed, but if they are I'm here.
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Empire Falls (2005)
Charming Town of Love, Lies, Secrets and Violence
25 April 2022
I have to give a huge shout out to Ed Harris for being the Super Glue that holds this story together. His presence alone makes this 4 hrs. Watchable; however you've also got the last performance of Paul Newman, which in and of itself is a beautiful thing. Mix that with a stellar ensemble.

Like an old organ grinder, the story takes a little time to set up as we meet everybody and are slowly fed what we think is going to be a Charming town and story. But there are secrets in Empire Falls. We find the same imbecilic teenagers we see in our own towns. We find all the happiness, jealousy, adultery, love, betrayal that we find in our own lives. It's all here in Empire Falls. The ending seems ripped-from-the-headlines, but does seem like it could fit into this setting. And although I would have liked to have seen a little better acting from the teens, the adults pulled this one off quite nicely. A fantastic early example of a limited series and a wonderful way to say goodbye to Paul Newman.
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The Batman (2022)
White Privileged A*****es
24 April 2022
There's nothing redeeming about this film except for Colin Farrell and John Turturro roles as the bad guys. They're the only interesting characters.

I was very offended by Catwoman's dismissal of my race. My White father worked very hard and did well for himself throughout his hard life. He was able to send me to college where I studied very hard got my degree. Like many people I worked hard at many jobs. When the economy collapsed I was laid off in 2008 until 2013, and when I finally found a job I had it for just 6 years before losing that job during the pandemic. Because of economic collapse and covid-19 I've spent 8 of the last 25 years unemployed. If that's white privilege, then it doesn't amount to much privilege. Being white isn't a golden ticket. Sometimes it means being poor and having to struggle paycheck to paycheck , it means being a part of the lower class often. During those years of unemployment I depended on food pantries, I didn't get any food stamps, I was lucky enough to get by with friends, family and the kindness of strangers.

Allowing Zoe Kravitz Catwoman to talk about "White privilege" so cavalierly in this film is a huge insult to millions of White people who work hard, suffer and die just trying to care for their families and live and be happy without being insulted by privileged and out-of-touch, rich, insulated, pampered, spoiled, WOKE movie stars.
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Good Beginning Quickly Disintegrates
22 April 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I was really enjoying this movie. A mystery woman murders 3 people by injecting them in the back of the neck with poison, which makes them bleed like Monsters. The cops find and get into a fight with this mystery woman in the subway. Now, she has obviously murdered 4 or more people already, she breaks one policeman's leg almost killing him, she beats up another policeman and handcuffs him to a Subway bench before the policeman is able use the poison she's been using against her, then she falls in front of a subway train. Flash Forward in time 9 years and there are protesters who are protesting the police for this monstrously evil woman's death. Never mind that she killed 4 or more or more, which can be proven, never mind that she beat up and broke the leg of one police officer, there is a large crowd of angry people protesting THE MURDERERS death, after this woman has murdered all these people and beating up police officers this crowd is calling for justice like she didn't do anything. It gives real protesting of Injustice a black eye to have these idiots in this movie protesting the death of someone who is obviously a serial murderer. It makes me sick how much woke, social justice crap makes it into movies to ruin them. I couldn't watch, I had to turn it off. Don't bother with this piece of garbage.
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Better Call Saul: Wine and Roses (2022)
Season 6, Episode 1
Lalo Salamanca Lives
19 April 2022
As much as I love the plot of Jimmy and Kim going after Howard with phony cocaine accusations to mess up his law practice, Lalo Salamanca is the real Masterpiece of this two-part introduction. It's wonderful how they give so much screen time to Mark Margolis, Hector Salamanca's expressions are Gold. Lalo going through the alphabet while Hector rang the bell was a priceless scene. I'm so afraid of what they're going to do to Kim and Nacho. Awesome season opener!
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We Were Right To Be Afraid of Marilyn Manson
20 March 2022
I can remember in the late 80s when Marilyn Manson first came out, so many parents, political groups and activists were up in arms over his disturbing approach to entertainment. I'm not going to comment on his music, I don't like it, but that doesn't matter. He's an artist and he's entitled to make the music he wants.

What I'm going to comment on his that he was a monster, a predator and a danger. Trent Reznor, the frontman for Nine Inch Nails, knew Marilyn Manson was a danger and still produced him and helped him on his way to becoming one of the most successful predators in the entertainment industry.

Mason's entourage knew Marilyn as a volatile, dangerous and sociopathic predator; however, like they say in this psychologically disturbing yet magically triumphant documentary, Phoenix Rising, there were plenty of times when people around Manson could have stopped him and no one did anything because there was so much money to be made.

The sad fact is that in the entertainment industry atrocities happen everyday and as long as there's money to be made, usually nobody does anything to stop it. Marilyn Manson hasn't even been arrested and look at everything he got away with. Look at how long it took the authorities to punish R. Kelly.

Manson will probably never get punished. But Evan Rachel Wood has told us her story and we've heard about the other victims of Marilyn Manson and now we look to people like Trent Reznor and ask why did you produce such a monster? Why Trent did you ever have to give us Marilyn Manson? Why did you let him hurt so many people without stopping him? Trent Reznor was one of the closest people to Manson. The blame isn't just with Marilyn, it's with everybody like Trent, The Producers, the managers the money people that set Manson upon this world to rape and pillage.
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De-Aging Nightmare Distracts From Good Sci-Fi
17 March 2022
As if "The Irishman" wasn't bad enough, special effects people are still messing up the de-aging process in films. Catherine Keener looks nothing like her younger self, which is surprising because over 10 years ago David Fincher was able to make Brad Pitt look whatever age he needed to look in The Curious life of Benjamin Button. This could have been a glorious little achievement in sci-fi, except someone dropped the ball in the special effects department and made it a nightmare. The film "Being John Malkovich" is one of my favorites. Everyone who is a fan knows what Catherine Keener used to look like. Whoever did the de-aging of Catherine Keener in this film has never watched her in her previous films and did an awful job of capturing her look her mannerisms and her wit.
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Gorky Park (1983)
Russian Noir Detective Classic
14 March 2022
Renko has a razor-sharp wit, is an independent minded and relentless detective with a thousand-yard stare in Cold War Russia where having independent thoughts get citizens killed, even police officers.

The film avoids the usual Russian stereotypes, and succeeds on all levels as a kind of fantastical sort of Russian Noir detective story. The film also has one of the finest scores the late James Horner ever composed.

Underneath Renko's stone facade, the perpetual frown and the stoic gaze there's an empathy, a sympathy for lost souls. In a system designed to suppress the truth he fights for it.
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Lady Gaga Cannot Do What Supporting Cast Does
9 February 2022
People seem really impressed that Lady Gaga improvised the line, which begins every Catholic Prayer and substituted "House of Gucci" for "Holy Ghost". Would it be just as entertaining if Gaga used the opening to the Hebrew Amidah prayer? "My Lord, open my lips, and my mouth shall declare the House of Gucci". Or would there be outrage at her anti-semitism? That alone was cause for me to vomit in my own mouth a little bit. Gaga's offensive improvisation is probably the most interesting and sick part of this movie. But set that aside because I watched this film and oh boy, Lady Gaga looked extremely out of place up against a stellar cast. She was like a D Girl pulled from the extra department and pretended to be on the same level as Adam Driver, Jared Leto, Jeremy Irons, Salma Hayek, Al Pacino and even Jack Huston, who all nailed it. But I found Gaga completely out of place and more distracting than she was entertaining. I would have thought somebody more subdued like Natalie Portman or Keira Knightley could have pulled this role off better. But we get Gaga pushed down our throat and I gagged. Maybe there's some Divine Justice in the movie being almost completely snubbed by the Oscars. I give it 3 stars because everybody else was great, but Gaga wrecked what could have been a great film with her presence and improvisation.
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Archive 81 (2022)
F-bomb Spooky F-bomb Ghosts
2 February 2022
I can't decide whether or not Archive 81 wants to beat Goodfellas for the amount of f-bombs dropped or be a spooky supernatural TV series. The story is fantastic, I was hooked and it's something we haven't seen before. Unfortunately the writers depend upon some overused tropes, i.e. Catholic Church bad, exorcisms aren't real, but what's worse is how the writing includes so much dropping of multiple f-bombs, which ultimately detract from enjoyment of the dialogue of this show. They've got a great idea. They've got a great cast. But the writers just can't write dialogue without including F-bomb after F-bomb after F-bomb. Annoying but still good.
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BoJack Horseman: Fish Out of Water (2016)
Season 3, Episode 4
Out-of-left-field Under the Sea
29 January 2022
I never watch BoJack Horseman before. I began bingeing it in January 2022. It's very funny, but it kind of follows the same humor format. I can imagine how this episode came out of nowhere and slapped people upside the head. It was 1 a.m. On Jan 29th when I started Fish Out of Water. I was looking at my phone and soon realized there was no dialogue coming from the TV. I put down my phone and I stared. I couldn't stop staring because without dialogue this episode did more to impress me, make me laugh, and set my life at ease than countless other TV shows packed with dialogue. It reminded me of Twin Peaks The Return Episode 8 "Gotta Light?" which tells a phenomenal, colossal story with almost no dialogue at all and is, quite possibly, the greatest scripted episode of TV ever created, without words. And this, this beautiful, uniquely impressive and moving episode of BoJack Horseman is similar. It forced me to put down my phone and watch to my utter delight and joy. Now I have to re-watch the entire season a BoJack Horseman because I think I've been missing stuff because I was looking at my phone.
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The House (III) (2022)
It's a Hard World for Little Things
20 January 2022
Be sober, be vigilant, because your adversary the devil walketh about as a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour. And while the devil is a great attraction for many adults, it never ceases to amaze me the resilience of children and their ability to stay sane while these same tempted adults run completely out of their minds. The concept of greed can very well be absent from children who are never taught it. I think this episode is a cautionary tale about appreciating what you have and being cautious of Greeks bearing gifts, so to say. We should be more directed by the truths that children hold as self-evident. Something about the truth gets lost when we become adults. Something about simplicity, humility, honesty, etc. Gets lost in many of us adults. The secret lies in innocence. Children more often love to play with the boxes that toys come in rather than the toys, simple childish delight and happiness. Whereas adults are quick to throw the boxes away and still be discontented with what's inside. I'm reminded of the Bible verse, "Unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven".
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Destructive Reboot Sequel Whatever IT is. It's Awful!
26 December 2021
They wrecked Star Wars, they wrecked Star Trek, they wrecked Tron & Dune, they wrecked Indiana Jones, and now they wrecked The Matrix.

I went to see The Matrix in 1999 when it came out in the theater. It was one of the best experiences in a theater in my life. Right up there next to Blade Runner and Spinal Tap.

I'm so glad I only had to stream Resurrections on HBOMax and not waste my money. This sequal makes 2016's all-girl Ghostbusters look like a masterpiece by comparison. Matrix Resurrections tries to erase, undo and retell the fantastic story the first film and its lesser two sequels accomplished. Instead of having an arc Matrix Resurrections has a sexual identity agenda. Absolute dumpster fire garbage.

Please God don't let them wreck Serenity.
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Five Times Distilled. The Spirit of Christmas Cheer!
25 December 2021
When I was a child in the 70s, they would show this on WGN-TV channel 9 in Chicago, usually the Sunday before Christmas every year on a show called Family Classics. Reginald Owen and Gene Lockhart turn in my favorite performances as Ebenezer and Bob. Every year since on TV, then on VHS tapes, then DVD, now streaming, I have watched this film on Christmas Eve. I just finished streaming it for this year. It is now December 24, 2021 at 11:50 p.m. Close enough to wish the world a Merry Christmas! And God bless us, every one! I would also recommend An American Christmas Carol with Henry Winkler.
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Santa Inc. (2021)
Offensive Obvious Christian Hate
5 December 2021
It's Not okay to make a show that rips the very fabric of a most sacred Christian event with oral, anal and every conceivable vial sexually explicit attempts at humor while mocking Christianity. Just like it's not okay for a show that tears into the fabric of Hanukkah Kwanzaa in the same manner with sexual innuendo, racism or antisemitism. Hollywood has a clear quadruple standard of allowing conservative Christianity to be a fair game for the most disgusting and detestable haters to create so-called humorous tv shows under the guise of entertainment when all it is is pure Christianity hating which it would never allow to be done to Islam, Judaism, Buddhism Hinduism. Tearing apart Christianity in every medium seems to be okay, which it shouldn't be. And will never let my view be posted because they hate Christians too.
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WHO cares about fans? NOT Dr. Who Show Runners.
4 November 2021
I can remember back in the 1970s when this show was made on a shoestring budget. It didn't matter it was a great escape, cheap effects and all, not the identity politics in your face men-suck diatribe that this garbage is. Men don't suck as much as Doctor Who would make you believe and it's hard to believe that this show would take such a u-turn and run over all its fans. But that's what it did, Doctor Who Killed its own fan base.
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Dune (2021)
PC DUNE set on Planet Diversity
23 October 2021
Unnecessary remake with glaring, GLARING, PCness and diversity. The Acting, with the exception of Rebecca Ferguson, Josh Brolin, Stellan Skarsgard and few others seems WOODEN or poorly scripted. The music is a poor cousin to Toto and Brian Eno. Find a copy of David Lynch's extended version of Dune and skip this one. Besides we were mislead. It's only the first half of Dune here.
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Very Good But Feels Formulaic
7 June 2021
I love Patrick Wilson and Vera Farmiga but this screenplay was written in the same style as ten other exorcism movies. I was thoroughly entertained with seeing what I've already seen played by different actors. Why didn't James Wan Direct? This film is good with just a touch of disappointment.
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Batwoman: Do Not Resuscitate (2021)
Season 2, Episode 6
Virtue signaling isn't scripted drama.
4 March 2021
There's no character to any of these characters. The Virtue Signaling"Don't Walk Past My Girlfriend" Hospital scene had the entire room I was in laughing out loud it was so cringe-worthy awful. There's nothing redeeming about anybody. Batwoman is an angry, virtue signaling, suit theif dating a deadly drug dealer who is destroying the lives of countless people, boys bad but drug-dealing girls good. Okay I got it. This would have been canceled in 2000 and is as entertaining as a trip to the proctologist.
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Notorious (2009)
This is well written and well-acted.
3 March 2021
The more you learn about these guys the more you'd like this film. We advise you to watch genuine biographies of Notorious B.I.G., Diddy & Tupac and then watch this. Melodramatic but dope as swizzle!
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Batwoman: What Happened to Kate Kane? (2021)
Season 2, Episode 1
If You Watched Batwoman You May Be Entitled To a Large Cash Settlement
20 January 2021
BATWOMAN is so awful I feel like there ought to be a lawsuit seeking damages for the pain and suffering that Ruby Rose brought us. But the pain and suffering that Javicia Leslie brings is like Ruby to the 100th power. Her acting calls for United Nations Sanctions for the permanent cranial damage it creates. I guess we'll be seeing AquaWoman and Lexi Luther soon. I decry our species.
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Ozark: All In (2020)
Season 3, Episode 10
Well written, subdued and violent
28 March 2020
It's brilliantly written, directed in brilliant detail and well acted without a lot of fluff. It may be similar to other dramas but there's no denying drugs are bad and life is agonizingly entertaining on Ozark.
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