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Doctor Who: Boom (2024)
Season 1, Episode 3
Great performances, weak writing.
18 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I'm gonna be honest and say I was disappointed by this episode. It's premise alone was great and it was the return of Moffat... Unfortunately it's not the Moffat I was hoping for, from the first 4 series, but later Moffat. I don't think the premise was taken advantage of much at all. It was kind of just a gimmick and much of the story would've played out the same if the doctor wasn't on a landmine... I thought the point of the episode is that the doctor would have to try and save people and do his thing without being able to move, and only one scene really took advantage of this and that was when the Doctor calculated the weight by Ruby catching the 'Urn'.

Other than that there wasn't much here. Ruby dying was definitely a good and shocking moment and I like Monday's character and she was acted very well, but the child actor was so cringey... As was most of her dialogue.

The whole faith argument was so poorly written. Like it was just given a really quick and unsatisfying turn around at the end...

My biggest problem however was the resolution... That AI guy just instantly saves everyone... Umm okay. It was just too easy that I honestly was a little shocked the episode ended after that...

Idk I'll give it a 7 for the performances but this episode was kind of dull and unfortunately it played out more like an imitation of Moffat than an actual Moffat story.
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Doctor Who: Space Babies (2024)
Season 1, Episode 1
Silly but really really fun.
11 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I honestly loved this episode. No it's not a Blink, or a Midnight, or an Eleventh Hour, it's more like a Partner's in Crime, but I'm here for that.

One of the things that's been missing from Doctor Who is the fun. Jodie's era didn't have a single episode I would say was genuinely fun, and Capaldis era was known for being way darker than before. This episode brought it all back in spades. I can see why people might think this is silly, especially because this is the kind of episode children will enjoy more than adults probably but I really liked it.

The Doctor and Ruby are EXCELLENT here. Probably the best dynamic between a doctor and companion since series 4. Well written, and well acted.

The plot of the episode is again really silly but it works for what it is, and it provides some really funny, and great moments. For example Eric going to the Bogeyman to be brave and then Ruby feeling guilty and chasing after him. Even the reveal of what the Bogeyman was, which would usually be gross to me, was hilarious because of Rubys reaction.

The emotional beats this episode we're well handled. They added a nice depth to both the Doctor and Ruby and they've teased and developed the mystery surrounding Ruby really nicely. I loved how the discussion of Rubys mother was done and how it led to her going to Carla. I also loved the cliffhanger ending with the snow in the TARDIS. Really eery and mysterious and just a cool visual.

My few negatives are the effects on the babies mouths. It never looked good, and I only bypassed it because of how cute it all was. I think it would've just been better if they had voice boxes or something to speak. I also think the way everything started and resolved was super quick, like you have to hear every single line to know exactly what's going on and its surprising Ruby remembers all that information when it's thrown at her in five seconds lol.

But yeah I'd five it a solid 8/10. It was super fun!
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Just cause critics hate this doesn't mean it's good...
23 December 2023
A mess of a movie. It has some good ideas but the screenplay seems to be like a first draft with Snyder just jotting down random ideas but never fleshing them out with rewrites or editing, so nothing connects emotionally. Visually it looks ugly. It's dark and dingy... Some designs are cool but it just looks like brown sludge most of the time. The acting is all pretty wooden. The dialogue is cringey. The slow motion in the action is also corny... The slow motion doesn't happen in exciting moments to amplify their effect, it happens at the most random and anti climactic moments and it just looks stupid. This is not a good movie and an R rated version won't save most of the problems mentioned here.
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Better than Wandavision so far.
19 March 2021
I really enjoyed Wandavision of course and this is completely different but in terms of character development which is what these shows will have as their biggest strength, this episode has as much, or more, character development for these two characters as the whole of Wandavision did for Wanda.
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WandaVision: Breaking the Fourth Wall (2021)
Season 1, Episode 7
I thought this episode was kinda slow but the ending made up for it.
19 February 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I didn't even want the Agatha Harkness theories to be true as I thought Wanda doing it all was pretty tragic and powerful, however this doesn't change that fact. Plus the montage at the end was just so freaking hilarious that I just... Idk. It was just magnificent. My only problem is there is only two episodes left.... And still so much to get through.
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Great episode but wish it was longer.
12 February 2021
Loved the 90s theme throughout. The Halloween vibes. I liked every part of this episode but it ended where I really wanted more. Last week's episode was longer and had more meat to it. The fact this weeks got shorter again kinda feels like I ain't got enough to last me till next week lol. But the ending tho. Still loved it and I doubt these complaints will mean anything when the whole shows out and I binge it through all the time.
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I was very entertained but I understand the 5.5/10.
17 January 2021
I enjoyed the first WW quite a bit. It was dark, inspiring and action packed. So naturally I was excited for this movie and had been waiting a really long time for it. The promotional material looked very different to the first movie but I still expected what I enjoyed in the first movie. Then I saw the reviews. 5.5/10 definitely lowered my expectation but I still wanted to see it because I'd been waiting a long time and I'm at a time in my life where escape may be necessary. Watching this movie I found it had nothing that was great about the first movie. It's tone was light hearted and comical, it had barely any action, and the moments of inspiration fell short. However, I still enjoyed the hell out of this movie.

While watchung this movie I was reminded more of Jingle All The Way than of Wonder Woman haha. Thats the tone the movie goes for. It feels like a family movie from the 90s. However, the tone is something I actually enjoyed. It knows how cheesy it is and it just goes with it. It's absolutely ridiculous but it's also earnest which makes it endearing. The characters are all well acted and are all pretty likeable. The plot is kind of nonsensical and the writing is definitely a huge problem but it didn't stop me from enjoying this movie and that's mainly because it was still directed well. The shots, the acting, the sets, the editing, the pacing, the tone, the overall direction. It all works. All of it but the writing. Oh and I should mention the score by Hans Zimmer is a marvel. Elevated so much of this movie.

Now the problems. This movie is very ambitious because it tries to tackle so many characters and it almost works but other than wonder woman it has one thread too many. You have Maxwell Lord, Steve Trevor, and Barbara Minerva. The movie would've worked better if any one of these were cut. And that's where my biggest problem lies. It had the potential to be so much better if it had more focus and didn't try so hard but unfortunately it's kind of mess in its structure. Motivations become murky, you spend so long with one character you forget the others even part of the movie let alone the same storyline. It is a complete mess.... But yeah. I still enjoyed it.
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The Simpsons: Moaning Lisa (1990)
Season 1, Episode 6
The most relatable episode for me.
13 August 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Some people are complaining that Lisa had little reason to feel so depressed, but that was the point in my opinion. It's just overwhelming sadness that can too often cloud our minds. When you realise no basic joys can make you feel better, you turn to art. It's a story so relatable for me and I'm sure many others.
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A Parks and Recreation Special (2020 TV Special)
Nice little reunion
1 May 2020
It was nice to see the parks gang back together again. Some nice call backs to the show. Not something I'd rewatch everytime I rewatch the show but it was nice.
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The Expanse: The Monster and the Rocket (2017)
Season 2, Episode 12
The choice was the reason this episode got me.
21 April 2020
Warning: Spoilers
A few shows have a certain moment where they become something else, or bring a tear to my eye. The moment Naomi had to make a choice this episode was that moment for me. Although I agree with some reviews here that the acting isn't the best I've seen. The way the whole scene played out was excellent. It was hopefully and heartbreaking all at once.

Crisjen's lines are also still fantastic.
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10/10 for nostalgia but it's actually pretty good.
18 February 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I would watch this show religiously in my childhood and had a lot of love for it. The way Tracy would drift off into her imagination to escape her reality was how I watched this show to escape my reality.

I rewatched this as an adult and I think it's just as good as I thought it was when I was younger. The story of Tracy and Cam is an excellent one. The supporting characters are usually very likeable and entertaining to see, with their own emotional moments now and again. For example Jackie and her Grandpa, Crash and his anger problems, Justine and her Dad.

Only problem I had with this series on the rewatch was that it does go a bit downhill as it goes on. The 4th series is good but not as great as the previous 3. A lot of the characters there are likeable and seeing Tracy's post foster life is interesting. Also seeing her return to the DG even while being fostered for her friends was touching.

Series 5 is very on and off though. It feels like a mess. So many characters leave and return and there a lot of non Tracy episodes. Still enjoyed it but even the series finale doesn't feel like a great send off. I think the best way to see it is actually the first 3 series and then the movie which has an excellent ending for the story of Tracy and Cam. Although series 4 also has a pretty good ending. I just kinda disliked the series 5 ending. The music was meh. It just kinda ended like a normal episode. Nothing dramatic.

Overall this is still a show I'll never forget. It will be the reason I'll hopefully foster and adopt a child in future. I will also probably still watch the show again many times when I feel low or just want to rewatch haha.
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Parasite (2019)
It's nature.
14 January 2020
This film shows humanity in all its glory. We can try to claim the rich are evil and the poor deserve better but these are delusions we create to make us feel better. People are terrible. They are selfish. They are greedy. They are unkind. It's part of human nature. No matter how much you have, or how little, humanity still exists, and humanity is the problem.

All the problems in the world that make us suffer day to day are caused in the end because we are human. Nothing we can do about it.

The movie was good. Lol.
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Doctor Who: Orphan 55 (2020)
Season 12, Episode 3
Worst Doctor Who Episode.
12 January 2020
Warning: Spoilers
The most forced, rushed, terribly written, directed, and edited episode of this show I've seen. My god this was bad.

The plot relied on stupid decisions by the characters. It seems the story was forced around a monster design and a laughably forced message on global warming.

I thought last week's episode had some promising moments but this has suddenly gone to the worst the shows ever been. It's just sad
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Doctor Who: Spyfall: Part Two (2020)
Season 12, Episode 2
5 January 2020
Warning: Spoilers
This is the first time I think Jodie has felt like the Doctor. I think it's the first time I've actually been excited and intrigued by Doctor Who in ages. It isn't perfect but it does some things right.

This proves that the companions are really bringing this show down. Chibnall cannot handle that many characters without them all becoming one dimensional. The companions are one dimensional and boring. The Doctor was left alone for what seems the first time. Her scenes with various historical figures, and especially the master were the first time Jodie has ever felt like the Doctor. She definitely had some moments that made me roll my eyes, but the plot is making her an actual character instead of a tool for stories. I hope it continues in this vain.

I don't like getting into the whole political aspect but it seems the show's go to thing for men in the past is to make a sexist comment. I mean why does it have to happen everytime? It gets boring.

The Master is great. I kinda hope this master stays around for multiple doctors... And showrunners....

The companion side plot is so boring. They have no personality. They're all comedic relief or just boring (Yaz).

The plot is weak here. Chibnall isn't good at writing sci Fi doctor who stories. The plot threads never really tie together satisfyingly. Like the Kasavan? Who cares. It was really poor.

The Gallifrey stuff. This stuff was good. It's the first genuinely emotional scene Jodie has given and the Master was fantastic here too. I'm very intrigued but I am also apprehensive. Chibnall has to land this storyline. It has to be impactful and not a cop out, but it also can't undo the history of the show. I honestly don't think Chibnall is capable. Here's hoping.
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Doctor Who: Spyfall: Part One (2020)
Season 12, Episode 1
A twist doesn't make things better...
1 January 2020
Warning: Spoilers
This episode definitely improved on some aspects of the last season. The fact it's part 1 of a 2 part story gives the plot more room to breathe, and the ending makes it feel the doctor is more of a character than a plot devise (mostly). Although some people here are jumping up and down because they saw something they recognised. There are so many issues here. Three companions don't work. Nobody gets enough time and none of the companions feel like they need to be there, or even feel like people. They have no connection with each other, yet their dialogue suggests they're best friends. Why does the Doctor even like them? There is absolutely no relationship between any of the characters. The Doctor still barely has a personality. One liners and whacky quirkiness isn't the doctor. This is all so bad. Doctor Who feels so lifeless here. Definitely the worst era of DW we've ever had, which is a shame because people will blame the fact it's a female doctor when it's actually due to the horrendous writing. This feels like freaking CW show.

The dialogue is so bad. The companions, when all of them are together, are clearly just given random things to say so the audience knows they're still there. It's so bad. So so so bad.
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The Witcher (2019– )
Break neck pace takes away the emotional weight but the fun is still had.
22 December 2019
The show goes through its plot and character work at such a quick speed that the weight of a lot of moments don't feel as heavy as they should or could. It's also structured very strangely for seemingly no reason and the strange editing choices don't help in any way. Although I will say it's still worth a watch for the fantastic fantasy elements on display. From the monsters to the magic and the epic battles. It delivers. Does it come close to game of thrones? In terms of fantasy entertainment? I can't say. They're both extremely different. In terms of effects and action scenes. It definitely comes close. In terms of characters, emotions, and intrigue. Nowhere near.
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The Morning Show: The Interview (2019)
Season 1, Episode 10
What happened?!
21 December 2019
The show was going well but everything fell apart in this episode. Everything was a failure. The dialogue, the acting, the direction, the editing. It was so over the top it was laughable. It's like a child made this epsiode. Totally ruined it for me. No subtlety at all. The slow build up and intrigue and moral complexity from the last few episodes blew up here in the worst way possible.
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Frozen II (2019)
I'm conflicted.
22 November 2019
Frozen 2 is so much better than the first in a lot of ways but one thing it kept feels like more of a detriment to this movie than the first. The pacing. Both films have such a break neck pace and in the first film I felt it left me kind of cold on the characters, but with such a simple plot it still worked.

This movie has the same pacing but with added songs, character's, and amazing set pieces to take up the run time. This really leaves a similar impression as the first movie. What happens in the movie is satisfying and my god does it look (and sound) magnificent, but it dissapoints me a lot because I think an extra half an hour building the characters and world would make it feel so much more satisfying.

I still think it's a nice movie. Id give it a 6.5/10 whereas I'd give the first a 6.
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It's #Deep with no depth.
28 August 2019
A very self-righteous film with a tonne of messages. Some of the messages land, some don't. This movie doesn't know what it wants to be. It seems to wanna be satire but it's afraid to go full on. It's hard to even review. It was shot well. Some of the acting was good, some was bad. Narration was corny as hell. Plot was meandering. Unrealistic characters. The tension was well done in the action/horror scenes. It's meh. You can skip it.
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It's cheesy. It's flawed. It saved my life and hopefully it'll save many others.
14 June 2019
I wasn't having a very good day (life) but this film supported a feeling I've had for a while. There are so many kids in the world without families and it's important for more parents to be interested in making the world a better place for them. I hope this film will give others the feeling it gave me. You can't give up because it's seflish. Struggle for the greater good.
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Kalank (2019)
It's nowhere near as bad as some are saying!
20 April 2019
This film should and could have been a lot better with some more rewrites but a lot of the film works. The dialogue is extremely over the top to the point where every sentence uttered by a character is a metaphor at times. Although I feel some lines do come together at the end successfuly. The songs are fantastic. It looks and sounds brilliant. 10/10 in that regard. It's just the story doesn't really hook you until near the end. I feel the acting was quite good overall but the standouts were definitely Varun Dhawan and Madhuri. It ends on a good note which makes the whole experience worth it for me. I wish more effort was put into the story though.
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Staring at the wall was more entertaining.
10 March 2019
I swear I don't think I've ever been so bored in my life. I was literally staring at a wall instead of the TV. My thoughts were more interesting. A successful movie is one that takes me away from my thoughts, the best movies are those that take me away and then stay in my head long afterwards. My boring and depressing thoughts were better than this movie. I'm honestly annoyed. I want to sleep now. Bye.
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Doctor Who: Kerblam! (2018)
Season 11, Episode 7
For a concept thats mostly generic, this being so good is down to the writing!
19 November 2018
Best episode this series and I'd say in so long for Doctor Who. Everyone can say they miss Moffat but he had so many issues too. This is the first time writing DW for Pete Mctighe and he nailed it! The dialogue was so natural, the pacing was on point, the characters were all excellent, the plot was really well handled with the twist feeling like a twist. He also handled the companions better than in previous episodes. I hope to see this writer much more!
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Doctor Who: Rosa (2018)
Season 11, Episode 3
This episode really works but damn that pop song killed the vibe!
21 October 2018
Warning: Spoilers
The pacing was great, the character moments were great, the plot was interesting with having to change little things again and again to keep history the same. It was really great and the best moment was the final scene which unfortunately for me was ruined a little by the pop song. Yes its a nitpick lol. But come on. Narratively it works well but I wish they would have gotten rid of that song, especially considering the score was quite excellent throughout. But that's my only gripe. They also handled the political side better than I thought, especially with saying that change has occured and the world is better off.
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Doctor Who: The Ghost Monument (2018)
Season 11, Episode 2
Thank God Moffats faux intellectualism is gone.
18 October 2018
I feel like the ratings are ridiculous for this season. I'm guessing a lot are from people just annoyed by a female doctor but how can people be missing Moffat. This episode is better than 80% of the episodes Moffat wrote as show runner. Although the doctor who fans idea of quality according to ratings is The Impossible Astronaut, Day of the Moon, and Let's Kill Hitler which I think are terribly written messes.

This episode is pure fun, the soundtrack is mesmerising, the characters are well written. As I said in the first episode. I know more about each of the 3 companions than I did about Amy, Clara, Bill, Rory and River in their ENTIRE run in the show. And we've only had 2 episodes about 3 different characters. Even the least developed character Yaz is better written than the companions in Moffats who. I'm so glad witty dialogue dispensers have been replaced by actual human beings. The two side characters were excellent. I actually cared and won't forget them.

The plot isn't that complex but at least it's fun and knows what it is. Moffat had the tendency to fake intellectualism by jumlbing a simple plot with over the top zainy scenes. So even this basic and safe plot is better for me here.

Thank God Moffat is gone.
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