
92 Reviews
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A hapless, helpless, bastardisation adaptation of an Agatha Christie story
1 January 2024
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A hapless, helpless, hopeless, bastardisation adaptation of an Agatha Christie story. The race/colour issue is so strong and deluded that is utterly ruins the viewers' entertainment; it is faux, false, anachronistic and just plain political posturing which we expect from the producing company. Race/Colour issues are so prevalent that the politics pervade to the extent that the story is lost, even within he first 25 minutes. The whole 120 minutes are like a teaching lesson, it is awful. I fear that my fee was used to create this detritus, what a load of old tosh. Avoid this rubbish to save yourself 2 hours.
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Magpie Murders (2022– )
Trojan horse of the BBC to recreate English history.
8 April 2023
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I am unsure if this series of a comedy of errors or mean to be taken seriously or a parody. We have many taboo/unrealistic subjects from the 1950's in which the series is partly set; interracial couples, homosexuality et al as are usual from the BBC, but to pretend or propose this was usual in 1950's is silly. Furthermore we have a vicar of a rural country idyll in southern England in the 1950's who is non white and a mixed race couple in the same village. I could go on and on and on, but the point is; this production is a Trojan horse to repaint and recreate history. Fun story, with the hidden agenda to re-write history in 1950's England.
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Violent Night (2022)
Casting is stretching belief...Acting is Poor
21 January 2023
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It is difficult to know what to think of this film, there is little if no comedy element - if it was there it missed the mark, by a long way. No horror and very little drama. To be fair the acting is not very good (being kind), the story and development of the film is staccato and the casting seems off. The choice of actors to play the main roles seems odd and the feel of genuine family is completely missing, there is no way I could believe the family would ever be a family in real life, it is staged and it shows. A really poor film that fails to fulfil it's possible potential. My main criticism is casting the wrong actors in the wrong rolls. If I were to rate the film on diversity, then the film has a multiple mix that will suit everyone, apart from that it seems acting ability and cast choice is placed below other criteria.
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Spector (2022)
Sad reflection that society has little evolved from the 17th century.
8 January 2023
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A wealthy, popular white man, blamed for a murder. Someone had to pay (him). After the debacle of the OJ Simpson trial, the Government woud get their man. Depsite the first trial the DA went for him again, he was broke and couldn't afford decent lawyers (like me and most of us) for the 2nd trial, so he predictably lost the case. The evidence is not there to convict him; he probably killed Lana, but the eveidence it not there. Public outrage versus Evidence. Like the Salem Dunking Witch trials; if you sink to the bottom of the water you are innocent (but you die of drowning regardless) if you float your're cast as a witch and will burn at the stake.... Just like Phil Spector the proposed witches could not win. Sad reflection that society has little evolved from the 17th century. The 4 episodes reflect on a minority of contributors and very little factual evidence. It is intersesting to hear the views and recollecions of past acquantances of Spector, but none of the input helps the viewer to have a valid opnion on his guilt or innocence. 6/10.
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A twisted view of historic sexism versus racism makes this film a very hard watch
4 November 2022
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A fun film, but the mish-mash of peculiar casting choices and twisted history of sexism versus racism makes this film a very hard watch. First we have sergeant Stalker (a female) in the Metropolitan Police force in the film is mocked, several times for being female in the Police force, somewhat like a Carry-On film from the sixties - which today is ridiculed and outdated on the sexism front. Then we have black actors playing parts that were total fabrication and alteration of history in film and theatre, right or wrong, this is truth. So we have a film mocking women in the Police force juxtaposed with black men and women in prominent film, P. A. position and theatre. Women were ridiculed in the Police force in the 50's and beyond - TRUE, black theatre directors and Country Seat overseers - FALSE. My conclusion is this is a politically biased film to favour black people and in the same 100 minutes belittles women in the name of comedy.
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Clarkson's Farm (2021– )
Highly edited comedy posed as factual farming. Misses the Spot!
2 November 2022
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I have only just got around to watching this series (watched November 2022) so some of the events are chronologically out of time and somewhat anachronistic, my review takes this into account. I wanted to watch every minute and every episode and enjoyed most of it. That said, just like the Top Gear specials and the following Grand Tour on site episodes this series is so pre-planned and edited it turns the viewing experience sour. In the first 2 episodes the series was genuinely interesting and took me, as a viewer, on his journey as a Farmer. BUT, then the predictable pantomime escapades that I find funny - in context seeped into the series, typified by the onscreen features of the Grand Tour Bentley EP 8. This illustrates that the show is an entertainment sham and leaves me at least, cheated. Good fun, but that's it! Very little facts and highly edited events for entertainment purposes only. My opinion is edited comedy posed as factual farming.
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Where are you?? I say Who are you... Ted?
5 October 2022
Just because you are Paranoid doesn't mean that they are not after you!!..... Think about it, it's an old saying but so very pertinent. As someone who has followed and investigated the DB Cooper hijack case I think that Colbert is fixated on Rackstaw to be devoid of accepting any other opinion.... BUT that doesn't mean he is wrong. I have read and watched many hours and much commentary on the DB Cooper hijacking and would like to add another name that never appeared in this somewhat one sided documentary; Ted Braden, courtesy of Drew Beeson on Youtube, it is a strong case, I reckon take a look.
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Absolute utter garbage
19 September 2022
Absolute utter garbage! I rate Nicolas Cage highly and watch all his films. Red Rock West is one of my favourite films, not to mention Honeymoon in Vegas, but this latest film is disappointingly awful, trying to make an offbeat self-styled comedy is all very well but this attempt misses the mark by a long chalk. Every aspect is just off, such as apparent quota filling actors who are not suitable/able to fulfil their role, no logical or followable plot, no comedy anywhere, I couldn't laugh at any point in the's dire. Cage has starred in some rubbish, but some of his low budget films have been the best. Not sure on the budget of this tripe but it is the worst of his films as I can remember.
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Average at Best. Story is Awful. Why Do Saddo's say only friends and family rate above 2 Stars?
19 July 2022
Average at Best. Story is Awful. Acting a tad better. My real reason for complaint is Why Do reviewer's who dislike the film claim that only friends and family rate above 2 Stars? This phenomenon is Growing here and it is ruining the ratings system.
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very low production values, frankly it is awful
7 July 2022
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For someone (Paul Pogba) who is a man of means this production (maybe he had no input?) has very low production values, frankly it is awful. The cartoon images are dreadful and turn the viewer off. Getting on to the is simply a sycophantic, self aggrandising advert. Utter tripe as a documentary or anything else.
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A particularly poor performance comes from Kelly Macdonald.
7 July 2022
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A 2021/2022 film would not be possible without a homosexual accent - utterly irrelevant to the film, but it was included for reasons of wokeness, I imagine. The acting is wooden and the characters are not believable and leave the viewer devoid of empathy. A particularly poor performance comes from Kelly Macdonald, you can sense where she is supposed to stand and when to talk, she gives a dreadful performance. Other actors are little better, Jason Isaacs is comical. I think this is best for a theatre audience rather than film. Operation Mince Meat, for that I say turn off the tv and make a burger from mincemeat, your time will be better spent rather than watching this tosh.
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Men (2022)
Rory Kinnear is absolutely fantastic in playing so many parts
7 July 2022
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If nothing else this film leaves you confused, maybe aghast and ruminating the story. Rory Kinnear is absolutely fantastic in playing so many parts, he is absolutely brilliant. The end is bizzare to say the least, but overall the film is a good watch, hence my 7/10 rating.
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Utter Lunatic Oddball film. Colour of film is a mistake
7 July 2022
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Utter Lunatic Oddball film. I always like to ensure that I watch every film until the credits have finished rolling, I made an exception with this turd. 32 minutes was enough for me, awful colour, awful acting and ludicrous script. A piece of artistic s**t. Terrible and Dreadful film.
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Ambulance (2022)
What an awful film. Read On, if you need to.
7 July 2022
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What an awful film. 1/10 from me. Where to start? Tacky comedy fails at every turn, trying to save one "cop's" life while blowing up and shooting police every few minutes, surely resulting in multi kills. Why not try to hide your identity for such as heist? Corny, ridiculous acting performances from most, if not all of the cast. They can track the ambulance, so swapping is pointless, I could go on and on. The is a terrible film and fails in every aspect. Utter Rubbish. 1/10.
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Gold (I) (2022)
Quick review; Utter Rubbish and an Utter Waste of Time
25 June 2022
Quick review; Utter Rubbish and a Total Waste of Time. Slow, laborious, tedious and just, frankly unwatchable. The film colour/media used is a disaster, the soundtrack is totally out of whack. An absolute piece of garbage. 1/10 rating is doing it a favour. Avoid at all costs.
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Awful Acting coupled with a completely risible plot makes a dreadful film
24 June 2022
Awful Acting coupled with a completely risible plot makes this a dreadful film. So many plot holes and inconsistencies are totally unacceptable for any film. This is a complete disgrace to anyone and everyone who took part in this embarrassment. I can't really do a plot review as there is not a plot to speak of. A woke inspired, absurd, disgrace of a film that deserves to be consigned to history ASAP. Utter garbage.
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X (II) (2022)
A black sheriff in 1970's Texas....It never happened.
23 June 2022
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A black sheriff in 1970's Texas.... It never happened. Decent film but character placement is ludicrously way off. Re-writing history is prevalent these days, however having a black sheriff in Texas in the 1970's makes the film wokery in motion.
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Lost Girls (2020)
it was tedious, then Gabriel Byrne turns up......
10 June 2022
So slow and pointless for 30 minutes, it was tedious, then Gabriel Byrne turns up......I turn off. If the directors' thought he was good enough for their film, then that says it all.
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The Staircase (2022)
Go Slow, Go Quick, timing is pretty bad, but very watchable series
9 June 2022
I have no issue with 6-10 episode series'. This series was gripping and tense, however they director(s) seemed to make a point over 2 or 3 episodes and then towards then end (ep. 7 onward) make huge detail and information cram into a few minutes. I wonder if one director did the first 5/8 and another director completed the last 3 episodes. Overall Well worth watching, but stucatto.
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A terrible bastartisation of a classic who done it.
13 May 2022
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A terrible bastartisation of a classic who done it. This 3 episode series is an abuse to Agatha Christie. There is a constant undertone of white racism - that just did exist in this form in the 1930's in the UK, why is it there?. Then they decide to kill off Japp, I could go on as this type of bastartisation carries on throughout the 3 episodes. It is a politically biased programme that destroys Agatha Christie's legacy and leads the casual viewer that she was including RACE in her books to an extreme level. Wha a distortion of the story. Shame on those who made the abomination come to pass.
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Scream (I) (2022)
Woke re-do of classic 90's slasher. Waste of Time
24 April 2022
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This film is an unadulterated abuse of the brilliant "Scream" series of films and uses the name in disgrace. If the 1990's and early 2000's weren't good enough then don't try to re-write it and make your own history. A diabolical mish-mash for a potential perceived woke audience. Film making for minorities is niche so go ahead, have fun but don't expect wide spread acclaim. Scream - the original - was made in a time when we didn't need box tickers. Rhetorical question to the director(s) why try to remake a classic film with ludicrous ideals that turn the original story into a woke fairy tale with lesbianism added for fun? What a load of C**P.
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Poor casting and dreadful adaptation.
11 April 2022
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Poor casting and dreadful adaptation of a classic thriller. Using an Agatha Christie title for this CGI heavy, distorted storyline with newly created characters is sacrilege, it is a diabolical liberty that fails in every aspect. French and Saunders plus Russell Brand, sounds like a crap comedy night show! In reality that's what it is, it is neither funny nor entertaining, it is dire. Lesbianism and the addition of race characters to suit the current climate completely dilute, and to be honest ruin the plot. Leave it to good old Mr Brannagh to take centre stage of a pretentious, arrogant and crap performance, he owns it! And YES he is awful. I wish I loved myself as much as he loves himself, it's untrue. I looked forward to watching this film for so long and to find it so poor is really, really disappointing. Not worth the 2 hours wasted watching this car crash where 3rd rate comedy actors meet woke re-writing of a crime classic; It's all Gone Wrong Big Style. Agatha Christie will be rotating in her grave at a high RPM. Utter Rubbish!
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WOW! This what I call a film
16 March 2022
WOW! This what I call a film. 2 1/2 hours and I enjoyed minute, at no point was tires or bored of this film. I can't speak highly enough of this film, it is like 2 or 3 stories in one, perfectly, seamlessly joined together. Fantastic acting. Absolutely a great film and deserves to be a classic now and a future classic! Watch it as soon as you can for fulll scale entertainment.
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The Irishman (2019)
It's a story from a man who wants to SELL his story. Still a good watch
18 February 2022
I remember back in the 80's I needed to use the LP function on my VHS recorder to record De Niro in Frankenstein, this film is a tad longer and to fair just about as real. I enjoyed watching this film, I really did, but did so with a the same belief in reality. Films like thhis are good entertainment, but they can't claim to be factual, this film is farcical more than factual. If you want gritty and mafiso action and drama then you have got it here. This film is fiction, drama and emotional entertainment. Please do not base or build your real life opinions on this fiction. The main character tried peddling his book twice, which flopped....twice, he then added the fact that HE killed Hoffa, then WHOPPA there is a best selling book and this film. My review is watch, enjoy and then check the facts the next day.
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Good info, but as always you need to pick the bits and pieces that you feel relevant
18 February 2022
Good info, but as always you need to pick the bits and pieces that you feel relevant. It's like the JFK assassination and RFK, MLK and more. There is one fact that happened and so sadly we will never know it. If you are interested in listening to people's opinions and some factual evidence in order to make your own opinion of the Hoffa disappearance/murder, then I suggest watch this video, absolutely. Does it clear anything up? Absolutely not, but then nothing will in regard to this case in 2022. My recommendation is if you want to seek opinions and evidence to help you make an opinion, watch thsi video, If you want answers, then this is probably not for you. 6/10 - Recommended, Good.
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