
15 Reviews
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Cash Out (2024)
Just entertaining
29 April 2024
It is one of those movie you watch after a hard days work or a Sunday afternoon when you don't need to think and just be entertained.

IIt is no Dog Day Afternoon or Inside Man... But it doesn't have too be. Just chill. Travolta plays a cridble role. The technicals are a bit too easy and it could have gotten an half an hour longer to create more body, but for the rest it is just entertaining and that is okay.

Not every movie has to be the artwork like a Rembrand or a Van Gogh. Loads of people just like mediocre nice entryaining stuff that meets a certain atandard althat is good enough.

This movie doesn't take itself to serious nor should we. A movie is problematic when it takes itself too serious and wants to be a 10. This movie knows it will allways be a 6,5 and that is okay. Too bad so many people take life to serious.
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Music music music
15 December 2023
Why is the music in the background so loud???? You want to chill listening and watching a dockumentary and in between the words the music blasts thrue. This makes following this series just indoable. It is disturbing, annoying and makes no sense.

I don't want someone in my living room playing the synthesizer the whooe night in the background. I'd watch an Jean Michel Jarre dockumentary if I wanted that.

The goal is to create more suspense, but if there is a murder mystery in the docu... then why not let the story do the talking... nooo... we need to put an orchestra in the background and make so much noise that it is just impossible to follow the story and having a thought or two while watching. Turning it off after the first break. Well done!!!
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Retribution (I) (2023)
With kids like those... I would step out....
16 September 2023
Warning: Spoilers
So... as a kid you have everything and the only thing you can do is being disrespectful to your parents from start to finnish.

Then... while being bussy working ur wife wants too divorce you. The questions she asks makes me wonder if she will get along in life alone because she is not the brightest light in the universe.

I like movies with Liam Neeson because he is always Liam Neeson getting in trouble in life and there happens to be a camera around. This time the people around him just are just so... ugh... not one reaction is logical. Please... writters... get deeper into peoples minds

But well... with a kid yelling at me while sitting in a bomb... why bother while the kid is enjoying all the richness the father has earned. An that is why I say: don't have kids!!! Like me!!! Whoop whoop.
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Stop comparing
3 September 2023
We should stop watching every movie like it is the next masterpiece to win 14 Oscars. Cuz that was not the intention of the makers.

It is a great movie for a sunday afternoon on wich halfway your girl kisses you and you pause and then half an hour later you continue.

Let movies be for what they intented to be. Like as everyday of our lives deserves an oscar. One day we elevate ourselves and have an Oscar worthy day and other days are just there to pass the easiest of times and deserve no memory space at all... just like some movies...

As if everyday we want to see films like Schindlers List, The Piano, Wolf of Wall Street or Once upon a time... where ever is your fave. I know I don't so enjoy it for what it is and don't be a cinematic snob.
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Subject: Horrible - Documentary: Horrible
3 August 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I've just seen the second episode and what is told in 2 episodes could have been done in 15 minutes. The amount of repetitions is just annoying. The horrified faces of the officers are annoying. But within this dragging tempo... nothing is spcified. "We researched a lot" - "we found a lot" - "we worked internationally" but there are never specifics. What did you do, why, what did you find and where and why was it incriminating.

My idea is now that the case is smaller then portrayed because there is a lot of quesingspace for the viewer.

And within all this the constant disguisting reactions of the investigators. I know it is horroble, I know you were touched... but now that we know... tell me about the case. What impact did it have on the world. What chamged cause of it. What new laws were introduced with what was learned from the investigation? No... nothing. Just frowned faces saying they never imagined how bad people can be. Very naieve... especially for an officer.
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Succession (2018–2023)
Axelrod wannabee
27 May 2022
I loved Bilions untill Axelrod went into hiding and I left it at that. Axelrod is all you want to be in business... Kendall is the toal opposite and I love it. It is sad and humorous at the same time. The acting is amazing playing in between the human and the caricature spaces. What I like the most of the series are the unfinished total metaphorical dialogues. It is so inteligently written. I am at s1e6 and I have seen the rates rising per episode. I hope it will not be a Walking Dead disaster after season # or #. The stucture of the family is similar to the one of Christian Grey but less fortunate to say the least. Go look!!
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Logical delete
20 April 2022
This guy will not carry a movie on his own like previous main jokers in case of a second part. Jokers little brother maybe... In this Gotham admosphere, The Joker should be bigger then all the other characters combined. This joker is a joke.
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Unmasking a Killer (2018– )
Complete but messy... and a lot of "duh's"
14 August 2020
Together with "I'll be gone in the Dark" (HBO) and "The Golden State Killer: It's Not Over" (Discovery ID) I think u can complete your view and info enough to understand the case.

Hopefully there will be something in the years to come about motives, moves and history on the no longer unsub. I'm sure John Douglas will have a part 2 "Killer across the table" including the man that had 5 nicknames.

Seeing this series on one friday afternoon you realise the ammount of repetion there is. The amount of times the same things are said starts to become annoying after ep. 2. The chronology of the facts goes all over the place wich makes it really messy and blurry. A documentary, in my believe, may have some timegaps for suspension, but it has to remain informative. Too say in episode 3 that everyone in Sacramento was scared after the first 15 attacks is like totally irrelevant. I am sure they were, but it doesn't add annything besides getting your 40 minutes program. The first 5 episodes could have been compressed to two hours.

Also the ammount of times the different commentators say something in the proximity of "we have to catch him" or "we wanna know why he does this" or "we hope he will be caught" is annoying. I mean... duh... That also goes for the ammount of obvious remarks a 5 yo could have come up with. "After 50 crimes in this area you can be sure he must have lived in the area or at least felt save there." No.... really? What an insight.

The completeness of the information is great but the presentation is dissapointing.
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Why interview the cops' wife????????
10 August 2020
Warning: Spoilers
The first interview was horrible. 20 times: I did it for my son. Where is the question I am yelling to the tv: WHY DID YOUR SON NEED HELP????

Now watching the second episode... His voice-over tries to sound like Louis Theroux. The amazing Theroux knows how to be the Colombo apparently nerdy and invisible. This interviewer is being all over the place.

I keep watching because I want to know about the stories, but the interviewer is just terrible.

The confession tapes shows that someone making a confession doesn't mean they are guilty. The first guy seems to be tricket by the cop whom doesn't get much empathy from me. They know that so they interview his wife. Why?????????
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365 Days (2020)
Don't take life too seriously...
18 June 2020
If you compare every movie with your arthouse drama top 10... offcourse... It is not that good... Within the genre of the romantic sexy movies like "Sliver" and "50 shades" it sure will earn it's spot. Every movie that has an actress walking out of bed with a sheet around her whole body is also very unrealistic and therefor not worth more then a 6 so critisizing a movie on how acurate the story is, is just foolish. As if Star Wars is realistic. For almost two hours of foreplay while your lover lays against your chest on the couch, this movie is perfect and that was for what it was intended. Like every car has a different purpose, so does every movie. So... giving this movie a 1 star cause you want to show the world how snobily classy you pretend to be is just a way of showing your lack of understanding the context, art forms and entertainment. And I didn't even mention your lack of a sense of humor...
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Going all places
28 May 2020
Warning: Spoilers
This doc got me going from left to right and back. The story is horrific, the accounts descriptive. The chronology is a bit messy so don't fall a sleep cause it jumps from 2001 to 2016 to 1969 and back to 1999. I gave it an 8 because I find these stories interesting and informative. The extra news footage completes it, so within the genre it meets my standards. It is not a Marvel movie to be made and the story content does not define the rates of docs. I agree with the one-sided view though, however it is so obvious and unhidden that we as viewers can see thru that smoke curtain. Perspective in a doc is fine. The one I missed is the final question after most stories of the women like: Woman: "I was hurt by JE during my first encouter. I felt dirty, used, scared." Interviewer: "And then what did you do?" Woman: "I kept going back for 4 years to his house." That is the coffee-spilling moment I just can not handle. And then I miss the depth in the doc. Why did people do what they did? We can all call him an animal, a monster and we can call the girls victims or survivors... Passed the namecalling I want to know why? Teach me, doc-makers, on why? The Jinx was way more an indepth insight in who Robert Durst was if we can find a similar mind to the one of JE. And I'm even sure there is a connection between them as both had a female accomplice, both knew Trump, both rich in New York.
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Very Good... besides the very last minute...
28 December 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I liked the suspense, the built-up, the pace...

Just one thing annoyed me a lot. The last minute when the main person looks into the camera telling me to think about my guilt. What? You have been doing this for 18 months and still is occupied with it and you try to ask me my guilt... I just saw a docu of what... 4 hours? and never heared of the story before... and you try to make me feel guilty. That was an anti-climax.

In a grown-up world everyone is, in the end, responsible for their own actions. Millions of people have issues and deal with them in different ways so the guilt does not lay with the audience.
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The Walking Dead: Lines We Cross (2019)
Season 10, Episode 1
What is still the point...
7 October 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I can't handle it anymore. I want it to finish. And why are there always people walking from left to right in duo's talking in the back. The behavior is unlogical and unreal and makes no sense and the kids are way to smart and wise and all the talking deep stuff blah blah blah blah blah blah. I still think Negan should have killed the whole group in his first episode. And why all the drama when a satelite crashes. What did u think... they would live forever... Get it... live forever. Please... stop it and be over with it. And then Carol comes in with a boat 10 seconds after they looked over the ocean with the hand above the eyes. Dar-roll: blah blah blah blah blah.
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The Walking Dead: A New Beginning (2018)
Season 9, Episode 1
Make them smarter...
13 February 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I love shows in wich people think: "Let's start with the heaviest item first over a glass floor and after that we do not lift the light items over the sides of the staires." Please... Make them think and plan better. Stupidity to create a storyline is not a credible storyline.

Then... We are with 9 and we run from walkers... Then one goes back to save a horse... he get's bitten and three attend him and 5 kill all the walkers. Where is the logic in that? Who killed Kenny? Well, stupidity did.

Please... Writers... Your audience is smart. Don't treat us like empty heads.

And if that was the Smithsonian... I would have taken some really expensive stamps. :))
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The Walking Dead (2010–2022)
Please writers and producers... Break up with me.
4 January 2018
I am not a soldier but seeing some of the tactical mistakes people make these days in the battle of all battles is just annoying. The moments people can kill someone they don't and when they can't they waste 1000 bullets shooting up a car with someone behind it. And the most annoying thing: right when someone is about to die... there is always that "deux ex machina" to save them. Annoying in any movie btw.

The question is... why? You have a land and a problem with a ton of opportunity's and yet the one problem is smeared out like jelly over a sandwich over and over and over and over again.

The good thing about life is that things end, cause when something never ends, there will come a day it will become annoying. The Wire ended... Dexter ended... Mindhunter and The Deuce just began... but will someday end. In TWD they don't want to end cause they wanna cash out and in. As soon Negan is dead there are two endings.. either live in peace with the disease or get a cure and all stabilizes. Because.. what else is there after Negan? A bigger Negan?

Just end the battle, make Rick and his buddies win and either quit or make it into a new soap opera like "the walking dead turns" or "The dead and the beautiful". But please... just stop. Write the end so we can all look back at something good. Be a Jordan... not a Pacino.

Imagine season 7 or 8 was the first season... There would never have been a second or third one. TWD is turning into a relationship for me. It started exiting with loads of passion, but now I am looking to get rid of her but I can't cause she is coming back looking al pittyfull, and I am just the kind of guy to be anything but a gentleman. So please... Writers and producers.. break up with me. Just tell me it is over at the end of season 8 and that you never want to see me again. I will miss you but i will understand it can't go on like this.

Love always
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