
7 Reviews
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Ghoster (2022)
I Think It's Funny
30 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Starting with the Dragon saying, "I shouldn't Have Said that", In the beginning of the movie; I knew I would like it. I thought the humor was subtle and sarcastic in a good way. I agree Elizabeth looks like a young Emma Roberts and I liked her. She also reminds me of the young Jena Rink from 13 Going on 30.

I liked all the characters except the Dragon of course. And loved the father, daughter relationship. I don't find it overly juvenile and no, Ghoster was no Casper but he was cute in his own way. And Casper is just one of many cartoon ghosts that Ghoster would hang out with. They are the same species so of course they are similar.

I needed something lighthearted and this was it. It's not a Hollywood blockbuster by any means but neither are many movies. I don't know; I just enjoyed it. If I had Kids I would watch it with them. And I might even watch it again while doing work on my computer.
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Ouija Witch (2023)
"Same Girl, What's the Problem?"
12 December 2023
Haha I love this movie. So I think they are acting great; in a spoofy kind of way. It's so entertaining. I can't believe how much I am enjoying it. A glass of wine and a gummy or something is all you need... It is definitely worth it. It is even a little bit scary. Slightly.

I have been failing royally with Netflixx so I was happy to find this on Peacock. I was going to watch Winnie the Pooh: Blood and Honey but it got a little too dark. So I switched to this. I may follow it up with Black Christmas or something like that.

So I think this is about The brutal assault of a young woman which sends her to a mysterious shopkeeper. Who summons the spirit of an evil witch to visit revenge on the attackers. That is definitely the Vibe I am getting.

It is not bad!
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The Loft (2014)
We're Men, We're All A Little Like That
23 July 2023
Warning: Spoilers
A bunch of men get a loft so they can cheat on their wives. Ugh. I like a good mystery so I watched it. It wasn't nearly as bad as the critics claimed. The over the top personalities of the guys was entertaining. Just the idea that they bought a loft to cheat made it hard to watch. The line mentioned, in the title of my review, is why most women will never be 100% trusting. Even if your man doesn't cheat maybe he wants to? And sure women cheat too. But not as rampantly but some guys will just say, "Man Bad, Woman Good" because they hate being called out. Anyway back to the movie. The acting was mostly fine and it was suspenseful. Not sure why they would stage a fake death to protect each other when it would only make more trouble for all of them. Don't want to give away the ending but I had an idea based on who it would most likely not be. Whether I was right you will find out if you watch the entire film.
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The Baby (2022)
I Think it Was Funny
29 May 2022
Warning: Spoilers
It was, and wasn't, about the Baby. And no, it was not scary at all. Except for maybe the Breast Feeding dream and the poor Dog Dying (which I hate).

But my gripe is why does almost every character hate Natasha? She is the most normal one in the film. All the people annoyed at her are the ones who are annoying. I thought the baby was hilarious with his little looks that he kept giving. Worth a watch in my opinion.

Read the other reviews for more details about the actual show.
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Senior Year (2022)
Best Ending and It's Not Meant for Kids
16 May 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This was a great, fun, inspiring, comedy. Stick it out to the end because it's worth it. Yes it's silly and has moments of "cringe" of course, what comedy doesn't? If life was really like this movie it would be way more fun. It is not meant for kids though based on much of the dialogue. Some teens may like it but the point is more for adults who graduated already. They will be the ones who should get it (unless they are Tiffanys).

Of Course Rebel Wilson haters won't like it and shouldn't even be watching just to down vote it. (Weird). I mean know who you are people. They're the ones who will miss the point of the entire film and not understand it. And you will see why when you actually watch and pay attention.

I watched it twice.

The only thing I was surprised they didn't address was Tiffany setting up the twins. Causing Stephanie's fall which led to her 20 year Coma. Maybe that will happen if there is a Part 2.
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This Movie Really Cheered Me Up
15 May 2022
...from the horrendously depressing Comments. What on Earth is going on with humans? This is one of my, now, favorite Adam Sandler Movies. It's 2022 and I felt like watching something good after dozens of Netflix bore fests. And I just enjoyed it.

I too was never a huge Adam Sandler or Jennifer Aniston fan. But I never bashed them or anything crazy like that. I just didn't watch their stuff. But this made me like both of them.. And I think they do have chemistry. They were friends for over 20 years when this was made. I plan on watching more of their movies now. Finally some comedies to look forward to on my streaming services.

I also liked that Nicole Kidman did something silly for a change. I loved her in Stepford Wives as well. I don't even have anything else to say except it was fun. Read any other positive review for more details.
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I liked The Movie. Major Spoiler Ahead.
14 May 2022
Warning: Spoilers
My sisters both love this film and I have been putting it off for many years due to not feeling like crying. I finally decided 16 years later to see it on Netflix. But I clearly have watched way too many movies. As soon as the Bus came by it was more than obvious to me who that man was. I was so disappointed because I knew it was going to be a sad movie just as I had originally thought. However, I get when the film was made people may not have realized this because it was still 2006. To appease myself, because I really wanted to see it at that point, I googled the ending :O Which is usually not what you do of course.

After googling I was very relieved about the happy ending and proceeded to watch. I know a lot of negative reviews hated it. I am rarely a fan of horrible endings because: Life. I have enough of that already, especially in 2022. But I know many people prefer a realistic end no matter how depressing it is. So I left this for those who are more in the mood for the a happy event that our world rarely provides anymore. At least for some of us who have lost a young loved one.

So as far as actually reviewing this film - Just read all the others. They will make it all clear as to what decision you may want to make as far as watching it. I wanted to just share a point of view without rehashing what has already been said multiple times.
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