
31 Reviews
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Asphalt City (2023)
Bringing Out the Dead
1 June 2024
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"Asphalt City (Black Flies)" Follows a rookie NYC paramedic as he struggles to cope with the high pressures of night shift in the city that never sleeps. Essentially "Training Day" meets "Bringing Out the Dead". Featuring a strong performance from Sean Penn, however sadly the film feels as cold and empty as its title suggests. The world of emergency medicine is fascinating and has many stories to tell, unfortunately this film squanders what could have been an interesting story to tell, and instead features a hollow script and story identity crisis. The end result is a cold bloated mess with no satisfying conclusion.

Positives: + Good performance from Sean Penn + Shows some of the cold harsh reality that paramedics have to deal with.

  • Overlong long story that has major identity crises.

  • Paramedics have very interesting stories and challenges and sadly this script doesn't do much with the material.

  • Cold and hollow story telling with no real pay off.

2 out of 5.
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A road less traveled...
26 May 2024
"Furiosa: A Mad Max Saga" Marks the return of legendary director's George Millers magnum opus film series. Although this time a prequel to the 2015 film "Mad Max: Fury Road". Following protagonist Furiosa, we journey on a quest of ultimate revenge. A world building experience with some strong performances but ultimately pales in comparison to previous outings...but that's not a bad thing. Furiosa carves its own identity and place within the Mad Max lore. A decent opening to the summer film season that audiences should enjoy.

Positives: + Show stealing performance by Chris Hemsworth.

+ Builds the lore in the Mad Max Universe.

+ Keeps the simple storytelling mark as precious entries.


  • Overuse of CGI dampers the experience we got in previous outing "Fury Road"

  • Definitely did not warrant its 2.5 hour run time.

  • Fleshes out the mad max lore but doesn't really add anything new or exciting...and simply this film will be compared to "Fury Road" even though it has its own identity...sadly the road is just not as thrilling as it's previous outing.

3 out of 5.
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Monkey Mania: The next generation
13 May 2024
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"Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes" is the latest entry in the modern apes trilogy. The film kicks off generations after the events of the previous films. Which was a great idea to bring in a fresh story and new characters. The film doesn't reinvent the wheel but maintains the series high quality aspects. Featuring industry leading special effects and motion capture performances. Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes should thrill and entertain most audiences. A true blockbuster to kick off the summer movie season.

Positives: + Fantastic CGI and motion capture + great performances from cast + Sets up future films with some teases of future franchise direction


  • No need for this film to be almost 2.5 hrs long.

  • Treads familiar territory, doesn't add much new to the trilogy with this film, however potential for a greater setup.

  • Needs a bit more character development
  • Villain not all that interesting

3.5 out of 5.
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Busting makes me feel good
26 April 2024
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"Frozen Empire" is the second in the latest ghostbuster reboot/continuation and proves that this franchise still has some ghostly legs to float on. Continuing on from "Afterlife" We now find the new (and old) Ghostbusters now living in NYC. Events unfold leading to an ancient evil force becoming unleashed and hellbent on causing a new ice age. Unfortunately some characters have limited screen time, and Bill Murray gives a very phoned in performance that is pointless and unnecessary. Frozen Empire is a decent follow up to "Afterlife" but doesn't hit as deep or as fun as its previous outing. Fans may want a little more by the end but overall should be satisfied with

Positives: + Some decently funny moments & action + Dan Aykroyd and Ernie Hudson are a blast to watch again + Return to the firehouse

  • Uninteresting villain
  • Lack of screen time for some characters including ghosts.

  • Bill Murray is completely forgettable and clearly is phoning in his performance.

  • Lacks that hard hitting nostalgic and emotional factor that "Afterlife" had.

3 out of 5.
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Missing some love
26 April 2024
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Bob Marley, the world's largest reggae icon is center stage for a biopic based on the creation of his monumental album "Exodus". The film unfortunately is only a time shot in Bob's life around the creation of this album and the events surrounding that period of his life, and leaves out some of the more interesting aspects of this larger than life icon. What's left is a fairly enjoyable film with a great lead performance, that sadly suffers from a disjointed script and underdelivering on a legendary stars life story.

Positives: + Great lead performance from Kingsley Ben-Adir + stand out cinamatography + The music

  • Disjointed story telling leaving the viewer wanting more
  • Only a brief time-shot of part of Bob's life, and feels like paint by numbers storytelling
  • Lacks connection

2.5 out of 5.
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Night Swim (2024)
World's lamest pool party
21 April 2024
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When the best part of "Night Swim" was the trailer...that should tell you a lot. "Night Swim" is a scare free ride that features terrible performances, lack of tension and horror. Perhaps it's worst sin is how boring the film is and how it insults its bored audience. What Jaws did for the not here. No instead we get a snooze fest with no love or passion being breathed into this mundane project. If for some reason you want to watch this still, do yourself a favour and just watch the much better and shorter short film this film is based off of.

Positives: + It ended

  • Terrible characters and performances
  • Bad writing and cinematography
  • Boring & no scares
  • Story lore is insultingly stupid and bad

1 out of 5.
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Immaculate (2024)
Bless the Child
21 April 2024
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Grounded but unoriginal, "Immaculate"boasts unnerving tones with some decent gross out moments. Sadly the film doesn't bring much new to the table, but a strong 3rd act sticks a landing sure to shock and leave audiences divided.

Positives: + Some good body horror elements and gross out moments + unnerving tone + Good performance from Sydney Sweeney + Good cinematography + strong 3rd act that may divide audiences

  • Unoriginal plot
  • Creepy moments but lacks any real scares
  • Pacing issues result in the 3rd act feeling a little too rushed for its shock ending.

2 1/2 out of 5.
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Civil War (2024)
What kind of American?
20 April 2024
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Very well made film, unfortunately it has nothing much to really say about its heavy themed topics such as: Anti-War, journalism and political divide. The story takes a bare bones approach often leaving the viewer wanting more, and sadly ending on a very anti-climatic ending.

Positives: + Well directed and filmed by Alex Garland + Great performances from the entire cast + Sound Design is fantastic

  • afraid to explain more of its story unfolding despite taking an anti-war approach.

  • disappointing character arc's and story background
  • anti-climatic ending

2 1/2 out of 5.
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We'll be right back...
20 April 2024
Keep it brief review:

An elevated horror film, that makes use of its unique story and 70's setting. While not fully re-inventing the wheel, "Late Night with the Devil" is a fun slowly unfolding onion.

Positives: + Great Performances + Fantastic production that nails the 70's atmosphere.

+ lets the audience piece together it's themes and plot in a smart way.

+ warrants repeat viewings

  • Terrible CGI + AI use
  • While extremely creepy at times some viewers might find it lacks in the horror department
  • The films themes, undertones, and general plot might be to buried and subtle for some viewers
  • Could have taken it's ideas a bit further

3 1/2 out of 5.
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Hocus Pocus 2 (2022)
Send this film to the gallows
30 September 2022
"Hocus Pocus" is a timeless Halloween classic....this on the other hand should have stayed dead. The original had that Halloween flair and atmosphere...this on the other hand is a bloated, over produced mess that Disney has been known for these past couple of years. Hocus Pocus was a children's movie that introduced a generation to horror movies. It had some relatively dark content for a childrens movie while being goofy and funny. It towed the line in great fashion.

Hocus Pocus 2 on the other hand is not plays it too safe, trying to give more back story to the Sanderson Sisters to make them sympathetic know the witches who eat childrens souls and have committed numerous murders. This film spits on that idea and instead Disney choose to put some moral coming of age story about sisters and friends sticking together.

Aside from the 3 witches the acting is typical Disney tv quality. The film has no heart, no scares, and flat humour. Even after that...overly Disney ending, the credits roll and they tease the witches...could be back. Why? After that ending it's clear they should all hug and dance and ride off into the sunset. I wish Disney had some balls like they did in the early 90's....they are trying to reach a new generation with this drivel. I think kids today would even just prefer the original and to leave it alone. My the original, introduce younger children to this Halloween classic and forget this mess, 4/10.
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No Time To Die
11 October 2021's official this is Craig's last and worst bond adventure. The film picks up right after "Spectre" and the opening 25 mins or so are quite promising...however the film slowly loses itself over the remaining 2 hours. Bloated and stupid is the only way to describe the plot of this film. The villain enters the picture halfway through the movie and the motivation for his actions seem....pointless and his reasoning for his actions are basically non-existent. The film also goes from serious to almost comically goofy throwing back to some older bond films. The biggest crime however is that this really doesn't feel like James Bond.... The writers did him dirty in this film. Really at the end of the day this film is well made and entertaining as even the worst bond films are, but I would still give this a 5/10 and put it on the list of worst bond films.
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The Guilty (2021)
Overly dramatic
7 October 2021
There is nothing new to see here, this film sadly is just a waste of ideas better executed in other films. The characters are unrealistic in that they behave in childish and annoying ways. There are many lame attempts with various twists and turns in the story however they are predictable and cliche. This is just another "Netflix" movie that plays out like a made for tv special....uninspired and dull.
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I'd rather go to a real haunt
2 October 2020
One word can sum up this film....boring. Slow and predictable make this film a slog to get through. The only redeeming parts of the film, are the "behind the scenes" moments...and I use that term loosely. There is nothing scary or worthwhile here. It's competently made for a CAM found footage film, however if your looking for something similar but way more exciting check out the film "Haunt". 3 out of 10.
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Microwaved Goods
30 December 2015
The time has finally come, a new star wars film has arrived. A sequel to the original trilogy and hopefully an apology for the 3 prequels. Also now in the hands of Disney who have had the rights to star wars at the parks for years. Seemed like a good move and honestly I think it was a wise choice. I shuddered when I heard JJ Abrams was the chosen director. I find him over- rated and personally dummbed down star trek and ruined it completely for a new generation. However I was still excited and would give him the benefit of the doubt. So how does the new movie fair?.......well it basically has the exact same plot as A New Hope with old and new characters thrown into the mix.

All in all the movie was not terrible but it felt like they wanted to play it too safe and rely on nostalgia to convince movie goers that star wars is back. Watching it I couldn't help but fall back in love because of this nostalgia however that being said upon analization of the film afterwards proved to remove the beer goggles.

As stated before this is a re-has of a new hope. There is another death star, a new disappointing villain, however he may grow into a badass but for now is weak and pathetic. The pacing was also terrible and everything happened to fast and relies on previous knowledge. For fans coming into this film without seeing previous movies may ask themselves, this is what the hype was all about?

That being said it was hard to hate on this film, because they did try but were not wanting to take a gamble and branch out into a complete new storyline with risks. I'm curious to see what direction this goes however I'm scared as the next director hired is the gentleman who bastardised jurrasic world. In my personal oppion I'd give this a 7 however rating this as a film not as a fan it would get a soft 6.
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Prisoners (2013)
One of the best crime thrillers in a long time.
21 September 2013
Prisoners is a film best left not knowing much about it. It's a long, slow-paced crime thriller. It requires the viewers to invest themselves emotionally, and will often keep the viewer on the edge of their seats throughout it's many twists and turns. Prisoners is tedious at times because of it's slow unravelling nature, however this is used to draw the viewer in and join in this thriller. More films like this need to be made and it's a shame that Hollywood won't touch this subject matter more often. Prisoners is quite a dark and disturbing story. However I felt that it didn't quite push itself as far as it could have. That being said it still is a very dark thriller, and one of the best in recent memory.

Hugh Jackman is outstanding in this film, and hopefully he gets an Oscar nod. However unfortunately I feel that this film will be ignored by the time it comes to award season. All the actors in this film are great and it's a well acted machine. Prisoners is also very well directed. I cannot recommend this film enough and easily will say this is one of the best films of the year. It's not without it's problems but this is one thriller not to miss!!

Rating: 9 out of 10
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World War Z (2013)
28 days errr.... i mean world war z
21 September 2013
Big budget, big star, lots of zombies, lots World War Z is loosely based off the book with the same name. However from what i'm told they are nothing very alike. World War Z was plagued with production problems much like it's zombies. I tried to like this film but in the end I could just not enjoy myself enough to get over this mediocre slump. World War Z suffers from pacing problems and a nonsense plot....even for a zombie film. Sure a pg-13 big budget movie might be great for the younger crowds but this movie was already made so much better a few years back it was called '28 days later' it even had a good sequel called '28 weeks later'.

The other major problem that plagues this film is that it is complete cgi overload. it looks fake and flimsy. It's distracting and a big turn off. World War Z has a few moments of fun (zombies on a plane) and even a few jump scares, but they are to far and few between. Brad Pitt tries to save this film from falling into being average grade, but even he cannot save this film. I won't even rant about the ending and how it makes me cringe with how stupid it is. Many average audiences will love this film , however seasoned zombie veterans and horror fans alike will best avoid this film.

Rating: 5 out of 10
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Going back into the further
12 September 2013
Insidious was one of my favourite horror films in the past couple years. It was scary, thrilling and it stuck with me long after. Most horror films can no longer due this to an audience anymore. However horror master James Wan was up for the challenge and made two horror films this year 'The Conjuring' and 'Insidious chapter 2'. Many folks will compare these two films and debate which one is scarier. The Conjuring in my opinion was a well made horror film however it lacked the scares. The story was well done and the film did a great job of building tension however it was short on scares. Insidious chapter 2 has the opposite problem, it has the scares and tension however the story just gets ridiculous and weird as it moves fourth.

Chapter 2 is a film that does not need to be made however James Wan felt he needed to continue the story and show us more of this horrible world. The film picks up exactly where Insidious left off. This will not be a friendly film for viewers that have not seen the first one. Chapter 2 flashes back and fourth from the first film and really much like the title this is chapter 2 in the story. Insidious chapter 2 starts off well enough and has many decent scares in the film, however the longer the film goes on the weirder and stranger it gets. James Wan is great with the camera work and scares once again however story telling this time around not so much.

Many people complained about the 3 rd act in the original insidious because of the 'further' and so it should be known that this film centres around the 'further' for the majority of the film. Chapter 2 does a great job of making some connections to the previous film and offers some nice new surprises. However it's a shame the film falters under it's own weight.

While not a great film by any means, it's not awful like some people would have you believe. Basically in my opinion if you liked the first film you will find something to enjoy here possibly. If you didn't like the first chapter then stay the hell away from this one. James Wan said he will not be returning to horror after this film, which is a shame as he is so great at it, so lets hope he is only taking a short break. Insidious does deserve better but honestly as far as sequels go you could do a lot worse. I had fun and even jumped quite a few times, so chapter 2 did it's purpose, however most viewers i feel will poke more fun at it then it deserves.

Rating: 6 out of 10
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Disconnect (I) (2012)
A superb film that needs to be watched.
12 September 2013
2013 release

Disconnect is simply a story about humans and connections. What brings us together? What pushes us away from one another? Disconnect is a series of stories that mostly connect in some way or another all revolving around the internet. Clearly the filmmakers here are trying to show us how our words and actions online can result in life changing consequences and reminds us that we are all human on the other end on the connection. The casting was great for this film and overall the film itself is very well made. The film flows great and takes it's time to connect you to it's characters. The only flaw in this film however is the ending. It feels rushed and makes it seem like some of the stories just needed or had to be connected together. This unfortunately makes the film appear hall-markish and tacky somewhat. Don't get me wrong this is still a great film that needs to be watched, however I wish the filmmakers would have taken a little more time with the ending. This is an important film and should be watched by all much like last years film 'Trust'. Overall a marvellous watch, a film that shows us what it means to be human.

Rating: 8 out of 10
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A Fantastic Apocalypse
10 September 2013
Warning: Spoilers
A little late with this review. I saw this the weekend it came out but did not have time for a review until now. The world's end marks the third film in Nick and Simon's trilogy. This time around the boys are battling an army of killer robots. Simon and Nick have switched roles for this film in which Simon plays the bumbling idiot. Simon recruits his old high school friends to conquer an epic night of drinking that they failed to do years prior, however now everyone is grown up except for Simon's character who still lives in the past. However they soon realize the town has been taken over by a sinister robot army.

Basically if you enjoyed either Shaun of the dead or Hot Fuzz you will love this film. Hot Fuzz is my favourite comedy of all time so far, however i would rank this movie right up there with Shaun of the dead. The humour in this film is very subtle compared to their previous two films. They try some new things with this film and the result is a crazy mass effect inspired ending. This is a great film to end the summer, and while it may not be everyone's cup of tea, it will surely be a cult classic in time.

Rating: 8/10
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Elysium (I) (2013)
Elysium a trip you might want to re-think
8 August 2013
Elysium was easily my most hyped up movie for the summer. Neil Blomkamp came into the scene a few years ago with the amazing film district 9, so Elysium has been long anticipated. So the question is does it live up to all the hype and can it reach the level that district 9 did? Unfortunately the answer is no. Unlike District 9 the story here is a very simple one, with no real sense of political/controversial undertones, and that is a shame because Elysium's plot is perfect for this. Instead we get a very generic story with no real surprises and unfortunately Blomkamp decided to play it safe here. Now Elysium is not an awful movie by any means, in fact it's good but it the problem here is that it's weighted down by it's simplicity. The camera-work and soundtrack also hurt Elysium in a sense that the sound and music are almost non existent, and the camera work looks like it was filmed to be in 3d but then they opted out making it seem almost like a video game. Matt Damon brings in a decent performance but it is Sharlto Copley here who steals the show with his role as the villain. It's going to be a big year for sci-fi films but i would highly recommend watching the unrated sci-fi film oblivion over this. Elysium ends up playing it safe and becoming generic with no real surprises. There is a grand setting here but they never take advantage of that fact. Hopefully Blomkamp can get back on track with his next film, but i do expect great things to come from him in the near future. While not awful, Elysium proves to be somewhat of a disappointment. Rating : 6 out of 10
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Mud (2012)
Outstanding, a must see.
1 August 2013
2013 release

I heard a lot of hype regarding 'Mud' and about the directors past effort 'Take Shelter' which I have still yet to see. So does the hype for 'Mud' live up to expectations. The short answer is yes! 'Mud' is easily one of the finest films released so far this year. The story is simple, the characters are well developed and thought out. All the actors in this film really shine. The one thing I really enjoyed about 'Mud' is how it seems like this could easily happen in my everyday life. The plot is quite simple yet focuses on being a coming of age, thriller, fugitive film. It could be best described as Stand by Me meets A History of Violence. The film is really well made and shot, my hat goes off to the director. Mud only has one fault in my opinion and that is the ending. It seemed rushed, and went all Hollywood. It also loses it's believability it holds up so well during the rest of the film. This is unfortunate because the film has a fairly long run time anyways. Some may be turned off by 'Mud' because of it's slower pacing. It always kills me to say that with today's audience. However I think that 'Mud' will be able to charm and tell audiences a great story. This is defiantly one to see, also a huge thumbs up for Matthew's performance of Mud. Some of if not his best work to date.

Rating: 9/10
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Want to fight?
27 July 2013
Only God Forgives has been the movie i have been most looking forward to see so far this year. I was shocked to hear such criticism and debate about this film. It seemed like many were split on this movie either being great or a disaster. Of coarse this film will also be compared to the amazing film 'Drive'. So how does Only God Forgive compare to Refn's 'Drive'? Only God Forgives falls right in the middle. It's not an awful film but it's not all that great either. The problems lie in that there is little to no story and the film is too long and too slow. The film is beautiful to look at and very engaging and there are tons of great metaphors and read between the line moments about the god and the devil. However this film is just crushed underneath it's own weight. It's too slow and not engaging enough. Refn makes films not movies and he is clearly a talented director and he made my favourite film of last year 'drive'. Here though he seems to falter. Lots of ideas work but lots of ideas are also a mess. Many critics who panned this movie also talked about how extreme the violence is. I can easily say the violence here is really not that bad. Graphic yes, but no where near the level of violence in 'drive'. It's an easy film to hate, but really it's just disappointing cause there was so much potential here to be better. It's worth checking out, but only if you like Refn's past work. Hopefully his next project can take a few more steps forward next time around. Rating: 6 out of 10
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The Conjuring (2013)
A modern throwback to classic horror.
19 July 2013
It's been a relatively weak year so far for horror films. The Conjuring has been on my radar now though for awhile, and one of my most anticipated movies of the summer. Not to mention all the hype and positive reviews it has been getting. Director James Wan is back behind the directors chair after the successful horror film Insidious. Clearly this man loves horror films and has such a gift for setting up scares and tension. Something this genre really lacks. James Wan in my opinion is one of the best things to happen to modern horror. So does The Conjuring hold up to all the hype? The short answer is yes and no. This film to me seemed to be a mix up of insidious mixed with a dash of dead silence and the exorcist. The Conjuring takes it's time and slowly builds up tension. The scenes are set up great, and a lot of tension is felt. The problem however that while the tension is often high, the scares tend to be predictable mostly, and less effective then in the film Insidious. The two films are comparable in terms of scares however I thought Insidious was more effective on scares. With that being said however, The Conjuring seems to be a lot more focused and consistent throughout the entire film. It is a good film, however there are no new tricks here. We have seen this movie before, however director James Wan has a few tricks up his sleeve, and can create great build up. The Conjuring falters a little bit at the end, and tends to get a little cheesy and perhaps a tad overboard. Where as in Insidious it felt more in place (however some will disagree). Bottom line is this is one of the better horror films to come out in the past little bit. It offers nothing new but is a great throwback to older horror films. It's best too not watch the trailer and go into this film without knowing much. Casual horror fans will love this, but horror veterans may not fully buy into the hype. Not overly scary, but none the less a solid horror flick. Hopefully James Wan can continue his hot streak with Insidious chapter 2 in the fall. Rating: 7 out of 10.
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Stoker (2013)
We are family.
14 July 2013
Chan-Wook Park debuts here with his first English film. He is highly regarded for his wonderful film 'Oldboy'. Stoker is a dark thriller that can be described as pure Hitchcock. It's slow moving, yet keeps the viewer enthralled. The cinematography here is flawless, the music suitable and moving. It's a rare treat to watch a film that has such beauty, yet is so dark, but crafted with such fine detail. Chan-Wook Park is a master of his craft. The acting here is pretty top-notch, however the one big problem I had with this film was that the characters seemed mostly wooden and the film lacked from having a little more emotion. With that being said this has been one of the better films of the year so far. Not as good as 'Oldboy' but a nicely conceived thriller. Rating: 8 out of 10
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Pawn'd In
13 July 2013
Pawn Show Chronicles is from the director of such films as The Cooler and Running Scared. Clearly this director has been underrated and does not get the credit he deserves. So how is his new film? Well it's a very disjointed hit and miss affair. Essential this film is 3 different stories that connect loosely at a local pawn shop. The film starts out great in the first segment with a dark comedy crime story. The second story then turns into a horror story that was pretty shocking actually. It features one of the most brutal torture scenes I have seen in a good while. The 3rd story involves a really weird overlong segment about a Elvis impersonator that really isn't enjoyable at all. The problem with Pawn Shop Chronicles is that it is to disjointed and weird for it's own good. It doesn't know what it wants to be, and unfortunately what this film shows us is nothing new. The movie has a huge cast and they all bring their A games to the table and clearly had fun making this film. There was so much potential to do something with this story but really all you get is a whole lot of pulp fiction mixed in with a pinch of Running Scared. This film even makes a few Pulp Fiction references. While not a awful, it's not great either. Potential was there but unfortunately it could not be taken advantage of.
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