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Without drama and sensationalisms this film portrays one of the biggest crimes being committed for 70 years now
2 December 2020
Simple, humane, honest; avoiding all kinds of sensationalism and exaggerations the Walled Citizen is portraying the struggle of confined humans all over the world. Whether is is because of bureaucracy, colonisers, fascist governments, inequalities or corporations, freedom of movement remains elusive for most human beings. Beautiful photography and narration. Certainly recommended
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Antichrist (2009)
We can speculate and hypothesize as much as we want. But this is the real meaning of the movie
9 November 2009
The woman who was commissioned by L.V. Trier to do the research for the film writes: "There is a very strong dichotomy between the rational male and the emotional, instinctive female in most of the film. Willem Dafoe's character is amazingly controlled in his approach to their shared tragedy, and how he finally lets go of that distanced and analytic position strikes me as one of the real highlights of the drama. To regard man as rational and in that sense 'complete' and woman as not actually in control of herself and therefore 'lacking' is a very old idea; it's been part of Western culture at least since Aristotle and was expressed very clearly by Otto Weininger as late as the early 20th century in his study of Sex and Character. I think Antichrist actually subverts that idea and in the end reveals how both woman and man are tied up with forces that go far beyond what they can or should rationally control." As for it's artistic value, I think it's aesthetically marvelous; especially the first 5 minutes of the movie are an ode to cinematography.
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Documentary/Film not for the narrow minded, not for the fanatics
11 April 2007
I had no idea what I was getting into when I went to watch this film. I can't tell much without giving away what the movie is all about. I will only say that the "acting" is just perfect, as long as it is not acting. People are mostly activists who actually speak out the truth. The movie is highly symbolic and we have to understand that the director is not trying to be realistic or straightforward. The trial that is taking place in a regular house yard, is surrounded by the everyday lives of the people of Bamako. The result is moving, beautiful and awakening experience. Especially for those who are not very familiar with the situation in Africa and don't know or don't want to know what the West is doing to billions of people around the world in order to maintain our level of useless consumption, it will be an eye opening experience. I absolutely recommend this movie.
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The Fountain (2006)
Simple, average, disappointing....
4 April 2007
The fountain was very disappointing. Simple story, average script, average direction, no surprises. 30 minutes into the movie I had understood everything and even predicted the scene towards the end. Too bad...

I think the director was pretentious and tried to impress us with some special effects and "parallels" that really didn't work with me. There was nothing clever in the story and the symbolisms were so obvious and expected that were serving no purpose at all. The whole new-age feeling he tried to infuse into the movie was also completely out of place. It's a shame because I really admired his previous works. I am expecting something better from him in the future.

The protagonist's acting was very good.
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In short one of the most influencing movies in a long time
8 January 2007
Warning: Spoilers
I will not go into details and will not try to find holes in the scenario (which there aren't any because everything is perfectly clear in the film as long as you pay attention). I will only say what I felt and how I feel now 12 hours after having experienced this movie. I say experienced because it was a unique sentimental and emotional experience. I was elated, depressed, scared and touched to the depths of my soul. The movie exudes with emotions, references to dystopias from other pieces of art, symbols, political and humanistic messages. There is too much to say about this film but it will take days to sink in. I urge everyone to go see it and think well before he extracts any conclusions.

Finally, I would like to say that the scene where Theo and Kee come out with the bay in their hands is the most powerful moment I have ever seen put on film. It brings tears to my eyes and overwhelms me even thinking about it.
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Themroc (1973)
Deeply political and a great commentary on humans and our wester society
21 November 2006
It is obvious that words, wonderful photography, direction and profound lessons are not needed in a film in order for it to pass its messages across to its viewers. Themroc is a movie with no dialogue so that it can be seen by any human around the world and still understand how authority has separated us and divided us in order to use us. Themroc is an ode to symbolism, a prime example of how you can do political commentary and show to people that freedom is easy to attain and that half measures is the mean authority uses to control us. More than that, Themroc examines human sexuality, sexism, exploitation and the limitations modern society has set for us thus limiting our life experience and happiness.

I absolutely recommend watching it if you manage to fin this film. 10/10
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Oldboy (2003)
A very well made Greek style Korean tragedy.
12 November 2006
This is not a film for puritans, conservatives and anyone who can't see art for what it really is. This is a film obviously inspired by ancient Greek tragedies such as Oresteia or Oedipus tyrannous. The tragic elements and the catharsis are set exactly as in a Greek tragedy. Even the self inflicted punishment is here. This is a real masterpiece in all levels. The acting is just unbelievable, the direction is amongst the best I have seen in the past couple of years. The cinematography is wonderful.

I will not comment on the scenario because as I already said it is based on pieces of literature that have been loved and admired for thousands of years. This movie manages like few others, to induce both sympathy, fear, rage and tears in you. The protagonist is far from a villain. He is merely a victim of a villain and he just wants his life back. It is on my top 300 list.

Whoever didn't get the plot and found it confusing, I guess they watched it without subtitles...
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C.R.A.Z.Y. (2005)
Advertisement can do miracles
8 November 2006
I think this is a prime example of what a success one can have with great advertising. I think this movie is waaaay over hyped. Don't get me wrong. It's not a bad movie. It's just a nice movie without any originality in its scenario (doesn't mean that it's bad), no great cinematography or direction and just above average acting.

I really cannot understand how this movie became such a huge success. I did enjoy watching the movie but wouldn't even watch it twice. I think people should try and be more objective.

The Quebec movie industry has given us quite a few beautiful movies the last couple of years but CRAZY is not amongst them. It takes on many subjects and doesn't manage to look at anything deeper than a few words. The script is pretty average as well and doesn't contain any lines that would be remembered.
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Evdokia (1971)
One of the most undervalued movies
24 September 2006
Many people who seem not to like originality and non-happy endings, are trashing this movie whilst others (amongst them myself) consider it one of the most important movie of the Greek cinematography. The movie is very very low budget but this doesn't take away from the wonderful social critic, the very original direction and the amazing performances of most actors. When coupled with the beautiful music of Manos Loizos, it makes a movie really worth watching. The story as well as the character development is very well presented.

It is also worth mentioning that the two main protagonists are amateurs. George, was a construction worker that was found by the director working in a construction yard, while Evdokia (Maria Vassiliou) was found by the director's wife while browsing through a family photo album. The girl was born in England by Greek parents and at that time didn't speak Greek. Thus the need to dub the movie.

Another interesting fact was that the main theme of the movie was supposed to have lyrics. But when Lefteris Papadopoulos (the lyrics writer) listened to the music he said that such music doesn't need lyrics because it speaks by itself.

I really do recommend this movie.
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Dogville (2003)
A masterpiece
4 April 2004
The word masterpiece is overused especially during the past 10 years. I personally rarely use it and this one definitely deserves it. I have read critics characterizing this movie as uncomprehensible, too long, anti-american, non realistic, hard to believe, nihilistic etc. Well, it seems that these people have never heard of the words allegoric, ironic, parable, theatrical, symbolic etc. Everything, from the symbolisms contained in every centimeter of the setting and the words of the characters, to the acting and camera motion are really splendid. The analysis of the "human" nature (or should I say the modern society's imposed nature?) is very deep and clear. Good people are despised for being better than others; people are prone to mob-like behaviour; ethics are irrelevant when you possess power over someone; power will always be abused if given the opportunity to excersise it; stoicism is a virtue unknown to modern humans; vengeance is way easier than forgiveness; human weakness is certainly an explanation but never an excuse for any pain the inflict upon others and so many other things. For those who find anti-american elements in the movie is clearly because they recognise that the behaviours stated above are met more in this country were individualism and masses-like behaviour as well as revenge is a way of life. That is what I saw in the movie and a lot more. I never thought that I would say this but things change: Dogville is the best movie I have ever seen. Enjoy..

P.S. The Dictum ac Factum inscribed in the entrance of the mine means "no sooner said than done" but I still haven't made any connection with the scenario presented.
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